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February 14, 1962 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-14

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He has recently appeared in the
newspapers once again as a result
of a "Freedom Ride" from New
Orleans to Detroit in which he
and several other Episcopalian
priests took part. Fifteen of the
others were arrested en route, and
the Rev. Mr. Boyd plans to re-
turn for their trial this month.
Some of the Rev. Mr. Boyd's
philosophies tend to create unrest
among his fellow clergymen. He
states, for example, that the
Broadway play "Rhinoceros" and
others of its ilk are far better
sermons than any that could be
given from the pulpit because the
latter no 'longer "touches man at
the, very depth of his being."
Similarly, he goes on to assert
that "La Dolce Vita" is the most
religious picture of the last ten
years, outshadowing such biblical
films as "King of Kings."
Irrelevant Image
To the Rev. Mr. Boyd, the
"Christian image" today is be-
coming "increasingly irrelevant in
our society." He himself rejects
the image of the "nice Christian"
who stands apart from all others
lest he become soiled. A preferable
image is one of the Christian
doing his part with his fellow
man and realizing that "only God
does th cleansing."
At WSU, the Rev. Mr. Boyd of-
ten entertains a group of students
after classes. Such a group gen-
eially consists for the most part,
not of fellow Episcopalians, but of
agnostics and atheists, whom the
Rev. Mr. Boyd contends are often
more honest and more "human"
than a good many of their so-
called "Christian" friends.
The meetings at the Rev. Mr.
Boyd's apartment consist of
thought-provoking discussions of
the works of contemporary artists
in every field of art. To the Rev.
Mr. Boyd, such "sharing of -life
honestly together" is preferable
to the self-righteousness and hy-
pocrisy which, he says, many in
the ministry display.
Architect To ViewI
Weight Estimation
John J. Nachtshem, chief naval
architect of the Navy's Bureau
of Ships, will speak on "Weight
Estimating and its Importance in
the Evolution of a Ship" at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 448-D West
Engineering Bldg.
Beta Alpha Psi, Joint meeting with
Ann Arbor chapter of National Asso-
ciation of Accountants, Feb. 15, 6:30
p.m., Elks Club, 338 South Main, Reser-
vations: 5th Floor Secretary by 4:30
p.m., Feb. 14.
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Feb. 15, 3:00
p.m.-5:00 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg., Bara-
tin-All interested in French conversa-
tion are welcomed-coffee and cookies
-don't miss this first meeting of the
Chess Club, Meeting, Feb. 14, 7:30
p.m., Union 3C, Information about tour-
nament. Everyone invited.
Michigan C h r i s t i a n Fellowship,
Charles .Troutman (General Chairman
IV.C.F.) speaker, Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell Hall.
ULLR Ski Club, Meeting, Feb14, 7:30
p.m., 3rd Floor Union.

He adds that such priests often
make the mistake of trying to
"reform" or "save" an individual
upon finding out that he is an
atheist or an agnostic. This shat-
ters all hope of a normal relation-
ship between the priest and the
individual, since such a relation-
ship cannot work if it must be
carried out only on the priest's
Religion should not be repres-
sive but yet this is unfortunately
the type of image the Church is
building for itself today. The Rev.
Mr. Boyd contends that much
could be accomplished if the pfii-
losophies of Karl Marx and Sig-
mund Freud were taught in Sun-
day School classes as a more
beneficial preparation for future
religious experiences than that
currently being taught.
To the Rev. Mr. Boyd, rest is
a fleeting thing. In addition to his
duties as chaplain, he has writ-
ten several books, the most recent
of whiclyis "If I Go Down to Hell."
He has also written many articles
for various magazines, but he pre-
fers to try to reach those people
who ordinarily would not be
caught dead reading the church
news columns.
Dance Interpolations
Despite his recent uses of mod-
ern dance interpolations and so-
cial satires in a Detroit cabaret
theatre (in which he himself dons
a costume and takes part), how-
ever, he abhors the claim, that he
is "an ad-man selling Christ."
The Rev. Mr. Boyd will be in
Ann Arbor on Thursday where he
will talk on the topic "After Post-
Christianity, What?" The atmos-
phere will be strictly informal on
this occasion, which will begin at
12:10 p.m. in the 2nd floor Ter-
race Room of the Michigan Union.
The general public is welcome to
ask the Rev. Mr. Boyd questions
and discuss various matters with
him following his talk.

New State
Prof. Aidan Southall of Mak-
erere University College, Uganda,
presented his thesis on segmen-
tary states yesterday in a lecture
on the process of state formation
in East Africa.
Prof. Southhall began with a
short discussion of the classical
definition of the nature of the
state. Since the intermediate forms
of primitive , states show a wide
range of variation, new classifi-
cations are needed.
He distinguished between a uni-
tary state, possessing a central-
ized government, a large adminis-
trative staff, and a monopoly of
legitimate force, and a segmentary
state whose authority is structured
in a pyramid with the greatest
amount of power decentralized
among chieflets.
Using the Alur tribes of East
Africa, Prof. Southall traced the
development of segmentary states.
The Alur society is divided into
the reigning chiefs and their
families and the commoners, who
are perhaps "foreigners" from
other ethnic groups. Because of
polygamy, royal families developed
into a majority, giving the chief
opportunities to extend his in-
Tribes outside the immediate
authority of the chief could ask
for a young son to live with them
and transfer the chief's authority
to their villages. A chief, desiring
to rid himself of an unruly son,
could c'ommand him to move to a
village where he would establish
his own center of power.
The sons of chiefs, if capable,
would begin their own dynasty,
maintaining only ritual subordina-
tion to their fathers. Decentraliza-
tion would become deeply rooted
over periods of time.
About 1,500 courtesy tickets
for non-registered automobiles
were issued during 'the period
between semesters. Mark Noff-
singer of the Office of the Dean
of Men estimated.
The courtesy tickets served
merely as a warning to stu-
dents. It was hoped that such a
procedure would remind stu-
dents of the University auto
regulations and cut down the
number of future violations,
Noffsinger said.
Having begun yesterday, the
regulations will again be en-
forced throughout the semester.

Harvey Describes Ghana
As Non-Communist State

"Ghana is not a Communist
country, although it must be ad-
mitted that the governing Con-
vention Peoples Party has a def-
inite Marxist flavor, there is no
Communist Party in Ghana," Prof.
William B. Harvey of the Law
School, said.
For four years, Prof. Harvey has
been studying Ghana "with in-
creasing intensity," using it as
a basis for his research on the
relation between legal institutions
and social change in an emergent
He has made three trips to
Africa. The most recent, financed
by the Rockefeller Foundation,
was a three week visit from which
he returned on January 25. He is
now continuing his work through
money from the $3 million Ford
Foundation grant given to the
Profitable Trips
"A number of short trips seems
more profitable to this research
than one long one," Prof. Harvey
said. He plans at least one, and
probably more trips to Africa be-
fore his book, based on this re-
search is completed-hopefully by
June, 1963.
Prof. Harvey chose Ghana as
a background for his research be-
cause it was recently granted its
independence from England. In
March, 1957, Ghana became a
Commonwealth state, with the
Queen as the head of state and
Kwami Nkrumah, formerly leader
of Business, as Prime Minister.
The institutional machinery of
parliment in Ghana was patterned
after that of England.
But in July, 1960, Ghana be-
came a republic with Nkrumah as.
head of state. "The present gov-
ernment of Ghana is an unusual
hybrid of the English, French and
American systems," Prof. Harvey
Unity of Africa
Although Ghana recently was
granted her independence, the
country's goal is not its own sov-
ereignty, but the unity of Africa.
This is stated in the Constitution
as follows: "In confident expecta-
tion of an early surrender of sov-
ereignty to a union of African
states and territories, the people
now confer on Parliament the
power to provide foi' the surrender
of the whole or any part of the
sovereignty of Ghana."
Some critics charge Nkrumah
with exercising a dictatorial power
in Ghana. One critic said it is
"obvious fact that Ghana is drift-
ing toward oppressive, Red-lining
Others, however, maintain that

"the conflict (between East and
West) is of no interest or benefit
to Africa."
Presently, there is no course at
the University which deals with
legal institutions of newly in-
dependent countries, but "it is con-
ceivable in time that a course on
'Law of Emergent Societies' would
be offered. However there are al-
ready so many courses offered, I
don't know if there would be a
place for it," Prof. Harvey said.

To Lecture
OnRed, U.S.
Bradford Lyttle, national sec-
retary of the Committee for Non-
Violent Action, will speak on "So-
viet and American Attitudes To-
ward Disarmament" at 8:00 p.m.
today in Aud. B.
Lyttle received his bachelors de-
gree in philosophy from Earlham
College, Richmond, Ind., and his
masters degree in English from the
University of Chicago. Besides
operating a business as a medical
research engineer, Lyttle has
traveled for a year and a half in
Europe and Asia and worked with
the American Friends Service
Committee in Chicago.
The talk, sponsored by the Of-
fice of Religious Affairs, Voice,
the Young Friends and the Wo-
mens International League for
Peace and Freedom, will be fol-
lowed by a coffee hour in the Ter-
race Room on the second floor of
the Michigan Union. The reception
is open to the public.
While in Ann Arbor, Lyttle will
also speak on "Effective Peace
Action" at 10:00 a.m. at the
Friends Center, 1416 Hill Street.
This meeting is sponsored by the
Women for Peace and is open to
the public.

... returns from Africa

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FEBRUARY 22, 1962
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