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February 14, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-14

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nciliation Fails; NCAA

Urges New Groups


RICAGO (l)-Forces of the
A and the National Federation
tate High School Athletic As-*
ations agreed to "move for-
I promptly in organizing new
rations in track and field and
nastics" yesterday.
basketball federation propos-
by the National Basketball
imittee already has a constitu-
he move in formalizing federa-
s in the three sports could be
rpreted as continuing pres-
by the NCAA in its wrangle
i the AAU as continuing pres-
by the NCAA in its wrangle
i the AAU over control of
teur athletics and internation-
two-day "peace parley" be-
n leaders of the NCAA and
J ended Monday in an impasse.
ras the fifth session between
two groups that failed to pro-
an understanding.
rganization of new federations
rack and field and gymnastics
be completed, and objectives
rmined, at a meeting in Chi-
March 4-5, Walter Byers,
LA executive director, said.,
eanwhile, Lou Wilkie of Bar-
ville, Okla., said he again will
as convener at a meeting yet
be set for basketball groups.

They met in Chicago last October
and in Washington in December
without results.
The AAU now has this coun-
try's two delegates to FIBA (Fed-
eration Internationale Basketball
Association) and the NCAA wants
Wilkie is a member of the AAU
and a FIBA delegate. He was
appointed by the international
body to try to get an understand-
ing between the NCAA and AAU
over the basketball issue.'
"If we can't work something
out at the new meeting, then I'll
turn it over to R. William Jones
in Germany," Wilkie said. "He
can come here, look at the various
proposals and details, and decide
himself who will represent the
U. S. internationally."
Jones is general secretary of
Byers, at a news conference,
said that "We think federations
are so sound, the AAU will want
to join-and we hope they will
attend our March organization
meetings and examine all the de-
Byers stressed that the NCAA
will not have a majority vote in
the federations, the components

of which would be colleges, high
schools, at-large members (YMCA,
etc.) an open category (AAU) and
armed forces.
"The armed forces are neutral
about the whole thing," said
Byers. "They have not come into
the federations, but their reasons
are entirely different than the
AAU. We want the two to join us,
but we certainly can form federa-
tions without them.
"I can't say if the track and
field federation will go ahead and
hold a meet in opposition to the
AAU in June. I don't know what
its plans will be, but I would
think it would include competi-
tion and we would support it. We
would think the AAU would sup-
port it, too, for the good of Ameri-
can sports."
Byers-said he wasn't convinced
the AAU will not eventually join
such federations.
"I've heard that Mr. Fisher
(Louis J. Fisher, new AAU presi-
dent) has said the AAU definitely
will not join," ,Byers added. "And
I've heard him say details are too
vague at this time for a decision."
Byers said the federations would
have a division for competition
by women and post-graduates "if
the AAU does not come in to ful-
fill these needs."
"The Track and Field Federa-
tion really has some great plans,"
Byers continued. "They include in-
ternational interchange of coaches
for clinics; establishment of dis-
semination centers for keeping
abreast of international rules and
new coaching techniques, etc.
"The AAU was invited to use its
organization framework in operat-
ing this program but declined."
Financing such a plan, Byers
said, would be aided by dues or
fees from every constituent mem-
ber of the federations as well as'
other means, such as receipts from
federation events if they are suc-
"As for international recogni-
tion,' that could be applied for
after the federations are formed
and are well organized," ssaid

U-D's NIT Hopes Dampened
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-TMarquette kept Dc- CHAMNOIX, France - Charles Rocky Colavito are two others
trait's big scoring guns quiet for Bozon of France drove through a to sign contracts. Ferrell expe
more than six minutes of the sec- howling blizzard in masterly style to meet here with all three play
and half last night and pulled off yesterday to win the special slal- in the next two weeks before
a 73-66 upset despite a 33-point om race of the world ski games. Tiger camp opens Feb. 28.
performance by the Titans' Dave Skiing in his home town, Bozon Kaline's reported purpose
DeBusschere. was wildly cheered by hundreds of arriving in Lakeland early was
The defeat dampened Detroit's supporters who braved the worst find a place to live during spr
hopes for a third straight bid to weather at a major international training camp.
the National Invitation Tourna- ski race in many years. His com- The Tiger early camp, me
ment next month in New York. patriot, Guy Perillat, was second while, rounded out its first w
The Titans, falling behind by and Austria's Gerhard Nenning yesterday. Several rookies and
six points at the outset of the was third. liever Hank Aguirre from the;
second half, let Marquette salt Storm Worsens troit roster are training at
away the victory by moving ahead The snow storm got worse from early camp aimed mostly
61-47 with nine minutes left dur- minute to minute as the 29 racers checking the progress of ml
ing their long scoreless spell. ran the two successive heats. leaguers.
WhittlehMargine Bud Werner of Steamboat
Twice later Detroit whittled the Springs, Colo., and Charles Ferries
Marquette advantage to five of Houghton, Mich., were in third
points, but a Warrior stall pre- and fourth places after the first
served the lead, heat. But they were victims of bad
Bob Hornak, who helped Mar- luck and driving snow in their
quette to a 35-34 halftime lead second run. They faltered, missed
with brilliant scoring, led his team gates and were disqualified
with 22 points. Ron Glaser addedgaeran teamicoaBfieat
16 and the two were more than a Americanteam coach Bob Beat-
match for DeBusschere. . tie protested against Ferries, dis-
The victory w s Marquette's qualification for missing the 53rd
10th in 18 games while Detroit cou onthe secon run.tejury
lost for the seventh time in 20 cudntme meitl e
glost fcause a power failure cut off all
games. lights in the Chamonix Valley.
NEW YORK-Jim Beatty, who * * *
became the first man to run the LAKELAND-Al Kaline, one of
mile indoors in less than four five unsigned Detroit Tiger reg-
minutes, confirmed his entry in ulars, arrived yesterday at the
the Baxter Mile of the New York club's training camp site.
A.C. games at Madison Square But no new contract huddles
Garden Friday night. were arranged immediately be-
There had been reports that the tween the hard-hitting right field-
star of the Los Angeles Track Club er and Vice-President Rick Fer-
would not compete. Ray Lumpp, rell.
the director of the NYAC meet, Kaline talked several times insB y o hDi t r ar
said Beatty informed him yester- Detroit with Ferrell and reported-
day he will arrive by plane tomor- ly is asking $45,000 for the 1962
row night. season. He received an estimated
Beatty, 27, was clocked in 3:58.9 $40,000 last season when he was
last Saturday night in the Los An- runnerup to teammate Norm Cash
geles Times meet on the 11-laps- for the American League batting
to-the-mile track of the Los An- crown.
geles Sports Arena. ,Cash and home run slugger

.o yalSet Scorinrg Mark
etics Thrash_-Packers

By The Associated Press
VCINNATI-Cincinnati went
record-breaking double-time
ig binge in the first half last
and hustled up a 152-132
nal Basketball Association
y over Philadelphia.
e decision came despite a
nan barrage of 65 points by
Chamberlain-most ever by
layer at Cincinnati Garden.
nnati's Jack Twyman held
d, mark of 59.
Field General
liant field-generaiship by
rRobertson helped Cincinnati
to a 42-31 edge at the first
er mark and 83-62 at half-

contributed 23 points

ig Ten .Race
ightens for,
econd Place-
Ithough it is far from a mathe-
ical certainty, there are not a
le lot of people who will argue
t Ohio State will not win the.
10 basketball championship
he only team within striking
ance of the Buckeyes is Wis-
,sin, but, on the basis of past
formance, the Badgers are not
n much chance to overtake the
ue leaders. In actuality, the,
ference race has settled down
battles for second and fifth
Runner-up Spot
lying for the runner-up posi-
are Wisconsin, Illinois and
due. Although solidly in fourth
ce with a 6-4 record, the Boil-
fakers might' very possibly put
a fast finish. After meeting Il-
)s this weekend at Champaign,
y close out the season against
nesota, Indiana, MSU, and
higan, all second division ball
)s. On the other hand, both
consin and Illinois must face
h other and Ohio State.
Bunch in Cellar
'he remainder of the conference
retty well bunched in the, cel-
The Wolverines, right in 'the
k of things, have seven con-
nce games yet to play, and
Id conceivably improve their
ition considerably in the com-
weeks. This Saturday they
'e the opportunity to repeat as
lers against Wisconsin here in
a Arbor. Following that contest,
y encounter most of the teams
D accompany them in the lower
.sion, including Indiana, Iowa,
thwestern, and Minnesota, and
nd out the year against Pur-
ifth place beckons if the Wol-
Ines can withstand a demand-
stretch run. They have a slight
antage over the league in that
r of their remaining contests
to be played at Yost Field
Big Ten Standings

to the first half drive and wound
up with 42 points-best for the
The teams struggled through
eight tie scores at start of the
game before the Royals pulled
For Cincinnati, trying to con-
solidate their second place berth
in the Western Division, the 152'
points was the most ever as a
team. It was one point more than
the old mark, which also was
against the Warriors but on the
ton Celtics, with Tom Heinsohn
and Bill Russell showing the way,
jumped off to an early lead and
went on to crush the Chicago
Packers 138-117, in a National
Basketball Association game last
Heinsohn and Russell scored 14
of the Celtics' first 16 points, Tom
Ending with 30 in the game at
Rhode Island Auditorium and big,
Bill chipping in with 24, divided 12
in each half.
t Bellamy Held
Rookie Walt Bellamy of Chica-
go, held to seven points: by Rus-
sell in the opening half, wound
up with 36 points to lead all scor-
College Cage;
Marshaill77, Ohio U. 72
Furman 67, South Carolina 59
Bowling Green 82, Kent State 70
Duke 19, Maryland 53
Marquette 73, Detroit 66
Rhode Island 71, Providence 61
seton Hall 83,Long Island 56
Rice 63, Arkansas 55
Lake Forest 71, No. Central (IlI.) 69
Connecticut 72, Massachusetts 56
Alliance (Pa.) 87, Slippery Rock 73
Southern Methodist 68, Texas Tech 63

This Week in Sports
Swimming-Michigan State (here) 8:00 p.m.
Basketball-Wisconsin (here) 4:00 p.m.
Hockey-Denver (here) 8:00 p.m.
Gymnastics-Indiana (here) 1:30 p.m.
Wrestling-Michigan State (there)
Swimming-Wisconsin (here) 3:00 p.m.
Track-Purdue and Penn State (here) 8:00 p.m.
Basketball-Indiana '(there)
Hockey-Denver (here) 8:00 p.m.


LEVI 13's

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te 9
m 7
sLW 2
tern 2
La 2
State 2


Pet. Pts. OP
1.000 816 587
875 698 659
.750' 691 633
.600 839 824
.375 625 656
.375 564 601
.286 469 545
.222 622 714
.222 541 785
.222 658 702





FEBRUARY 21, 7:30 P.M.


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