9, 1962
. .
et Tests on
on-Con Action
U.S. Effects
[ Viet Nam
WASHINGTON ()-Underscor-
ng its determination to win,' the
Jnited States established yester-
lay a major new military com-
nand to direct ever-widening
kmerican efforts to block a Com-
nunist conquest of South Viet
The Defense Department order-
d Gen. Paul D. Harkins, now
eputy Army commander in the
acific, to Saigon to take immedi-
te charge.
On decision of President John F.
Cennedy and the Joint Chiefs of
taff, the lieutenant general was
romoted to four-star rank, lend-
ng added importance to the post.
The stated reason for the move
as to set up United States oper-
Tonal control for American heli-
outer, reconnaissance and other
issions in support of the South
ietnamese army against Commu-
St guerrillas.
It was described as an out-
owth of the greatly expanded
nited States effort which began
ast fall, rather than heralding
ny big new help.
The South Vietnamese army is
eing built to 200,000 men with
inited States money, equipment.
nd advice. The Communist Viet
ong forces are estimated to num-
er about 20,000 and are support-
d by Red North Viet Nam.
A Pentagon spokesman said the
ove implies no commitment to
end Unitedi States fighting forces
) South Viet Nam.
But the new command would
rovide a framework for direction
any American fighting units-
a decision were made to throw
hem in.
Several United States-manned
elicopters have either been down-
I or damaged while ferrying
outh Vietnamese troops into ac-
on. United States officials have
isisted the Americans are only
apporting the Vietnamese, not
ghting. themselves.
'aos Royalist
lejects Talks
)n Ceasefire
World News RoundupI
By The Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES-President Ar-
turo Frondizi yielded under pres-
sure of military leaders last night
-and . broke diplomatic relations
with Fidel Castro's Communist
Cuba. The action, reversing Ar-
gentina's soft stand on Cuba at
the recent Punta del Este con-
ference, increased to 14 the num-
ber of hemisphere republics that
have cut ties with the increasing-
ly isolated Castro. Argentina's
neighbor Uruguay may become the
15th to break with Havana.
Bank formally signed up yester-
day to loan $47 million to Ghana
to help finance the Volta River
power project. The action rounds
out the financing for installa-
tions planned to come to a total
of $324 million, including the cost
of a huge aluminum plant, to be
built by an American group.
WASHINGTON-A new weath-
er satellite, tiros' IV, shot into
orbit around the earth yesterday
and immediately started taking
excellent quality pictures of the
clouds 500 miles below it. Within
a few days, cloud photographs
from the new -satellite may play
a significant role in plans for
the recovery of Astronaut John
H. Glenn Jr., from the first Proj-
ect Mercury manned orbital'
S * * *.
TOKYO - Communists tried
early today to inflame industrial
workers against Atty. Gen. Robert
F. Kennedy, who has shrugged off
minor leftist hostilities and called
the Japanese the friendliest peo-
ple he knows. Members of 10 Com-
munist cells distributed thousands
of anti-American handbills at the
Tokyo factory where Kennedy is
scheduled to visit and counted on
a strong display of known leftist
sentiments at Kawasaki.
Armed Services Committee yes-,
terday authorized a complete in-
vestigation into the nation's mul-
tibillion dollar stockpile of stra-
tegic and, critical materials.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Invoking exec-
utive privilege, President John F.
Kennedy forbad Pentagon or State-
Department witnesses yesterday to
tell a Senate subcommittee who
censored specific speeches by mili-
tary men. The senators quickly
gave up their demand for the
* * *
which water has been added. The
court threw out Freeman's edict
as "an enforded distortion of the
truth" and said he would force
meat packers into violating a
statute which forbids misbrand-
ing. The litigation could have
been avoided easily, the court
said, if the secretary had merely
required that the hams have a
label "showing the nature and ex-
tent of the added water."
* * *
weather station, powered by atom-
ic energy, has been placed in
operation in the Antarctic, the
Atomic Energy Commission an-
nounced yesterday. The station is
the first to be operated by nuclear
power on the great white conti-
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock mar-
ket rolled up its eighth straight
daily advance despite further
profit taking Thursday. Trading
was active. Standard and Poor's
500 Index closed up .16, with 425
industrials up. .17, 25 rails off .08,
and 50 utilities up .13.
Reds Support
Indonesia Bid
Against Dutch
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet gov-
ernment broadcast a statement
over Moscow Radio last night de-
claring its support .for Indonesia's
claim to West New Guinea and
warning the Dutch that any strug-
gle there might start a fire.
The statement said the Soviet
governmnent, as a power interest-
ed in preserving peace, "cannot
but pay attention to the situation,
dangerous for the cause of peace,
which is developing as a result of
actions of Holland against Indo-
nesia. Stubbornly refusing to solve
the problem of West Irian, the
government of Holland has start-
ed on the road of military provo-
cation. In these days one spark
can cause a fire."
It said Dutch forces had been
sent to the island and that there
had been a small naval scuffle in
Back of Holland to push her
along this path, the statement
said, were such military blocs
as NATO and SEATO, "pursuing
a policy of preserving colonialism."
Governor Raps
LANSNIG ( - Gov. John B.
Swainson yesterday criticized law-
makers for not sending more leg-
islation to his desk.
The blast at the Legislature was1
Swainson's second of the session.
He rebuked the lawmakers once
last week for moving too slow.
The governor said that Michi-
gan has already lost $1.6 million
in federal aid because of the Leg-
islature's inaction.
He said the state stands to lose
another $8 million by the end of
June unless the Legislature speeds
He estimated the loss of fed-
eral aid to the state at the rate
of $55,000 a day.
House Majority Floor Leader Al-
lison Green (R-Kingston) called
the governor's charge of inaction
He said 500 bills already have
been introduced in both houses.
GOP Blocks
Minority Suppressed
In Two Floor Votes
LANSING (P)-The State Leg-
islature would be prevented from
adopting a graduated state in-
come tax under a provision ten-
tatively adopted yesterday by the
constitutional convention.
The action was taken after two
days of sometimes bitter debate
over the proposed ban, which was
recommended by the Republican
majority on the finance and taxa-
tion committee.
An effort by minority Democrats
on the committee to delete the ban
lost on two separate votes of 58-
66 and 60-69. The issue will come
up again for two more votes after
it has been reviewed by the com-
mittee on style and drafting.
Not Prevented
The proposal does not prevent
the Legislature from adopting a
flat rate income tax, such as has
been recommended by both Gov.
John B. Swainson. and George
Romney, the probable Republican
candidate for governor. Before the
vote was taken, much of the floor
debate centered around basic
Some Republicans argued that
the limitation would prevent con-
fiscatory taxation and block the
use of a revenue measure as a de-
vice for social reform.
The Democratic minority coun-
tered that a graduated rate struc-
ture provided a "very equitable
device for raising the maximum
amount of revenues, without un-
duly burdening any individual
taxpayer, on the basis of ability
to pay."
Describes Plan
One Democrat described the
proposal as nothing more than a
scheme whereby the "rich get
richer and the poor get poorer."
"You are trying to nail our
philosophy into this constitution.
But what you are doing is driv-
ing another nail into the lid of the
coffin of this constitution," an-
other, Robert G. Hodges (D-De-
troit), said.
Some 20 Republicans voted with
the bulk of the Democrats, mainly
on the ground that the proposal
did not belong in the constitution
and placed too much of a restric-
tion on the Legislature.
Prof. James K. Pollock (R-Ann
Arbor) of the political science de-
partment said the issue marked
the turning point of the conven-
"Either we slide down the hill
of reaction or we go forward and
make the income tax question a
matter for the Legislature," he de-
clared, adding that it was the
"height of futility" for the con-
vention to attempt to cope with
the state's fiscal problems.
Decision t
DETROIT (IP)-George Rom-
ney yesterday began a 24-hour
fast in praying on a decision
whether to seek the Republican
nomination for governor of
This was disclosed by inti-
mate friends who said Romney
made a practice of fasting be-
fore making any important de-
cision on family, church or
business problems.
The auto executive is presi-
dent of the Detroit Stake of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
ter Day Saints.
NAM THA, Laos (W-Laos' Roy-
ilist premier again turned down
n invitation for cease fire talks
t rebel headquarters yesterday
and pro-Communist forces broke a
8-hour fighting lull with a round
>f mortar fire that landed closej
o the Nam Tha governor's house.
The shot set off a lively duel
between mortars of the rebel Path-
et Lao and Communist forces
nd Royal Army howitzers, mor-
ars and recoilless rifles.'
In two weeks of fighting mortar
hells have done virtually no dam-
ge in the town before, but have
lug craters in the air strip.
During yesterday's action about
0 enemy soldiers made a probing
ttack against defense lines two
niles to the east of this little val-
ey town, which is the apex of a
ital defense triangle for all
orthwest Laos.
(In Bangkok, Defense Minister
len. Thanom Kittikachorn of
taunchly anti-Communist Thai-
and, told newsmen "the Laos gov-
rnment cannot hold out much
onger." He apparently referred to
he defense of Nam Tha.
(Gen. Thanom and Prime Min-
ster Marshal Sarit Thanarat said
hey were considering sending
roops to their northern border
ecause they feared the fall of
orthwest Laos into Communist
lands was imminent.)
Officers said the Pathet ;Lao,
vhich is believed backed up by
t least two battalions from Com-
iunist North Viet Nam, may have
aken a breather to regroup forces
r replenish supplies.
Armed Services Committee yes-
terday ordered an inquiry into the
callup of military reserves in the
Berlin crisis and current adminis-
tration proposals to reduce the
number of citizen soldiers. Chair-
man Carl Vinson (D-Ga) said the
investigation would start after
Pentagon officials complete their
current series of reports on the
nation's military posture.
. * * *
SOUTH BEND-Settlement of
a labor dispute involving 6,200 em-
ployes of the Studebaker-Packard
Corp. was announced yesterday
after an 11-hour session with fed-
eral mediators. Negotiators said
they had agreed on all issues in
dispute and hoped the union mem-
bers would be back at work Mon-
day after passing on the settle-
ment terms. The workers walked
out Jan. 2. .
exile has been prescribed for the
fallen Lumumbist leader Antoine
Gizenga, Congolese sources said
yesterday. The central govern-
ment has transferred him to the
island of Bula Bemba in the Con-
go River Estuary, one informant
* * *
States Court of Appeals ruled yes-
terday that Secretary of Agricul-
ture Orville L. Freeman went too.
far in ordering an "imitation ham"
label put on smoked hams to
see: IQC-Assembly Show
on: Saturday, MARCH 3, 1962
.: a..._All SeantsReserved
Once Again - The Famous TCE