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May 02, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-02

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5k i!3au


High 70
Continued mild today,
fair, cooler tonight

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Operas To Head
Musical Season
Four complete operas - "La Traviata," "Carmen," "Mar-
riage of Figaro," and "Rigoletto" - will add new scope to the
1962-'63 University Musical Society season, Gail W. Rector, ex-
ecutive director, announced yesterday.
Included in the thirty events to be presented by the Musical
Society will be the 84th Choral Union Series and the 171th Extra
Concert Series, the "Mes-
siah" concerts, the Chamber
;,..,.;Music Festival, special con-
certs, the 70th annual May
Festival and ballet.
The Choral Union Series,
comprised of 10 events, will
begin Sept. 27 with Robert
Merrill, baritone, giving his
first recital in Ann Arbor.
Merrill, of the Metropoli-
. tan Opera Company, has had
Salong career with the Met.
4 f: In 1945, he won the Metro-
politan Auditions of the Air,
and has since opened the
Met Opera Season three
times: in "Don Carlo,"
Faust," and "Barber of Se-
ville." He appeared in con-
ductor Arturo . Toscanini's
final opera performance and
recording as Renato in "Un
Ballo in Maschera."
ROBERst MeilLDetroit Symphony
Following Merrill on Oct.
7 will be the Detroit Sym-
phony under the baton of
Paul Paray. Paray, conduc-
tor of the Detroit Symphony
since 1952, is also a compos-
er and has written works for
piano, violin, string quartets
and voice.
The first of the operas,
Verdi's "La Traviata," will
be presented by the Boris
Goldovsky Grand O p e r a
Theatre Oct. 10. Goldovsky,
announcer for the Saturday
afternoon Metropolitan Op-
u era radio programs, has been
head of opera at Tangle-
wood, Mass for 25 years.
Charles Munch will lead
the French National Orches-
tra Oct. 24. Munch appeared
in this years' Choral Union
Series conducting the Bos-
ton Symphonyd, Orchestra.
Since 1951 he has conducted
BIRGIT NILSSON summer festival concerts at
dramatic soprano Tanglewood and is the direc-
tor of the Berkshire Music
Center there. He has record-
ed with the Orchestre de la
Societe des Concerts du Con-
servatoire a Paris, the Lon-
don and New York Philhar-
monics, Concertgebouw in
Amsterdam and the Boston
The Uday Shankr Hindu
Dance Company will present
its program of "Exotic
dance" Nov. 6, Rector noted.
On Nov. 12 the Soviet Un-
ion's Leningrad Philharmon-
ic will perform.
Mozart's "Marriage of Fig-
aro" will be presented Nov
17 by the New York City
Center Opera Company un-
der the direction of Julius
Rudel. This company has
previously toured Michigan
and features such stars as
Phyllis Curtin, who debuted
with it, Rector commented.
Orchestra To Perform
CHARLES MUNCH The Pittsburgh Symphony
nductinOrchestra, conducted by
c.. ducting See TO FEATURE, Page 2
Scientist HIts Russians
'MayLaunch Space Unit

WASHINGTON ()-Russia's top space scientist hinted yesterday
that the Soviets might try this year to launch two or more astronauts
at once in an earth-orbiting space ship.
But academician A. A..Blagonravov indicated that Russia would
not try a manned mission to the moon before next year at the
earliest. In a report to a meeting of space scientists from 18 coun-
tries, he indicated that the Russians would attempt new manned
flights before 1962 is ended. How-
ever he spoke of such flights in SPRI G CLEANII
the same context with plans for
"a series of launchings of ar-
tificial earth satellites" during the E
remainder of 1962-thereby sug-O
gesting that the manned flights rrr-
would be limited to Earth orbits.
This -raised speculation that By LOU]
since Soviet Cosmonaut Gherman A
Titov already has made an orbital Angell Hall is undergoing a
flight of some 25 hours, the next Workmen are now. in the pr
step in Russia's manned flight which borders the building's groun
program might be either: a one- will be replaced with new sidewalks
man flight capsule lasting several The hedge removal, according
days, or a flight by two or more plant department, was undertaken
men in a single capsule for at campus.
least a few orbits around the Many of the bushes bordering
earth. Many note buses borering
Blagonravov made his report at could not be replaced by new ones
the opening general session of the of the grounds, he said.

Dodds Makes Plea
For Quality Leader
Colleges Need Able Presidents,
Strong Staff for Lesser Tasks
A plea for the college president to reassert his educational lead-
ership is made in the newly published book "The Academic President
-Educator or Caretaker?" by Harold W. Dodds, president emeritus
of Princeton University.
He says that the man who takes this job must be one "whose
fame will be made by how well he performs in office." He warned
-against the recent trend of uni-

Morris Nuisance

Tax Bill

Gives Capital



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AAUP Views D

Battle Erupts
In Portugal1
LISBON (A') - Workers called
out by the Communist under-a
ground battled with police and
troops in Portugal's two largestr
cities yesterday in the most vio-
lent anti-government demonstra-
tions in years.-
The Salazar government
claimed that the fighting in Lis-
bon and Oporto to the north wasf
part of a general Communist plan
for uprisings throughout the coun-
In downtown Lisbon, workers
fought with police and troops for
more than three hours. Hundreds
of police swinging clubs and shoot-
ing rifles in the air scattered an
estimated 2,500 demonstrators at-
tempting to hold an anti-govern-1
ment rally in Blackhorse Square.
At least 17 demonstrators and
two policemen were reported hos-
pitalized. Dozens of demonstrat-
ors were taken to jails in Lisbon.
Scattered acts of violence con-
tinued through the night.
At Oporto, the nation's second
largest city175 miles northeastE
of this capital, police with clubs
charged crowds in the center of
the city. Eight persons were re-
ported hospitalized and 50 arrest-1
"The city looks like an armed
camp," said an eyewitness.
Gary Clinches
Runoff Spot
In Primary
Gov. Raymond Gary clinched a
spot in Oklahoma's primary runoff
election test last night in his bid
to become the first man to serve
two terms as governor.
Four other Democrats were
locked in a battle to oppose him
May 22 for the nomination.
But in Alabama, a state senator
and a former judge were running
ahead of James E. Folsom, another
ex-governor trying for a comeback.
State Sen. Ryand Degraffenreid,
running his first statewide race,
pulled ahead of former State
Judge George Wallace, a militant
segregationist who preached defi-
ance of federal courts.
Henry Bellmon, a wheat farmer
from Red Rock, overwhelmed
token opposition to win the Re-
publican gubernatorital nomina-
tion in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Sen. Mike Monroney
virtually clinched the Democratic
nomination for a third senate term
without a runoff.
Sen. Lister Hill appeared headed
for renomination, for a seventh
term in Alabama. He was running
far ahead of two opponents.
The Alabama primary featured
a novel plan for reducing the
state's delegation in the House
from nine to eight because of the
1960 census. The legislature, un-
able to agree on a redistricting
plan, decided to nominate nine
men-one in each of the old dis-
tricts-and have them run in a
statewide, low - man - out runoff
May 29.

versities to appoint "eminent pub-
lic figures" to the post who do not
have qualifications for the kind of
leadership it requires.
After a three-year study of col-
lege campuses throughout the
country, financed by the Carnegie
Foundation, Dodds found that
"even the most educationally
minded president faces a constant
struggle against becoming en-
meshed in a network of support-
ing activities - business manage-
ment, public relations, fund rais-
Strong Subordinates
"Escape from entrapment lies in
finding strong subordinates to
whom to delegate the widest dis-
cretion." He suggests that the
president be supplied with a more
adequate staff to carry on the
many secondary administrative
According to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, the Univer-
sity is well on its way toward im-
plementing this kind of program
and some of the other large uni-
versities are following its direction.
The admiinstrative jobs have.
been delegated extensively to the
president's co-workers, he said.
There is a vice-president in
charge of business and finance,
and a vice-president for academic
affairs who handles the problems
and needs of the faculty. The ex-
ecutive vice-president works close-
ly with the president and is able
to fill in for him when he is out
of town, President Hatcher ex-
More Requests
President tcher said that he
receives many more requests to
make apppearances than he is able
to fulfill. There are certain things
which take priority and require
his personal attention, but the
other matters are often aptly
handled by his colleagues.
"The many additional responsi-
bilities faced by the president to-
day that his predecessors did not
have to bother with come from
four major areas," President
Hatcher said.
Demands for an increase in en-
rollment and facilities are con-
stantly being made, the opening
up of new areas of knowledge has
created a need for reorganization
of the faculty and expansion of
the curricula, the federal govern-
ment is asking the University for
more research, and accommoda-
tions must be made for the large
enrollment of foreign students, he
Name Pollock
To Egypt Post
Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department will
serve as a consultant to the Egyp-'
tian government at its specific re-
quest after the constitutional con-
vention, to which he is a delegate,
Prof. Polhock said he expects to
leave the United States around
May 15 and spend about a month
n Egypt on a confidential project.
le will be accompanied by Luth-
pr Gulick, director of the Institute
r t Public Administration, who gave
the William Cook Lectures here
in March, 1961.
Gulick was also specifically re-
quested by tue Egyptian govern-

Charged with denying faculty
members "due academic free-
dom," South Dakota State Col-
lege and the Alabama State
College were added to the cen-
sure list of the American As-
sociation of University Profes-
sors at the AAUP national con-
vention held in Chicago last
Allen University was removed
from the censure list by the
members of the general session
vho supported formal AAUP
opposition to Federal aid to
,hurch-related colleges and uni-
The association studied com-
mittee reports on faculty sal-
ary schedules and the relation-
ships between administration
and faculty in various schools.
Freedom of Prime Concern
"The AAUP is first concerned
with the academic freedom of
professors-their right to ex-
press what they feel- and with
their right to tenure, or job
security," Prof. George Peek of
the political science department
Prof. Peek, president of the
local chapter of the AAUP, was
one of three University pro-
fessors attending the conven-
tion. Prof. Ralph A. Loomis of
the engineering college, local
AAUP president-elect, and Prof.
Frank Kennedy of the law

school, vice-presiden
were delegates.
Commenting upon
censure action, Prof
plained that Alat
South Dakota Sta
"had fired professors
warrentedly, thus v
accepted AAUP stan
Publish Cens
"The censure list
ed in the 'AAUP B
it is hoped that1
statement will hold
tors in check and1
tacks on faculty
There is also a long
since such a censure
many young educato
plying for position
institutions," Prof.F
Articles concernin
sured colleges appe
September, 1961, an
1961, issues of the"
Explaining partia
ation at Alabama
lege, the Bulletin ci
missal of Prof. Law
dick by the Alabam
Education for hisa
ticipation in the st
movement, initiate
gomery .(where th
located) in 1955.
Patterson Int
Alabama's Govei
Patterson '"thereu
that the State Boo

ue Freedoms'
t elect, also cation issue an order to crack
down on faculty members who *
the AAUP encouraged student protests ...
f. Peek ex- the president of the college was
bama and reported to have agreed to work
te Colleges ... to purge the college of 'dis-t
s rather un- loyal' faculty members," the ar-'
iolating the ticle states.
idards. Learning that his position
sure was in jeopardy, Prof. Reddick
is publish- notified the president of the
ulletin' and college that he was considering;
this public seeking employment elsewhere,
administra- since he felt "vulnerable" in his
prevent at- job at the college.
members. " . . . I also need assurances
-run effect, that I can continue to dis-
discourages charge a few of the ordinary'
Drs from ap- rights and duties of citizen-.
Zs at these ship," he stated in a letter
Peek said. detailing his position.
ng the cen- Reddick Dismissed
ared in the However, before Prof. Reddick
d December, could resign, and before his
"AAUP Bul- letter was acknowledged, the
president of the college, on or-
Illy the situ- ders from the State Board of
State Col- Education, dismissed him.
ted the dis- The other case was not in-r
wrence Red- volved with any civil issue, but
na Board of rather concerned the dismissal
alleged par- of Prof. W. W. Worzella from
udent sit-in the South Dakota State Col-
d in Mont- lege because of personality
e college is clashes between him and var-
ious administrators at the col-
ervenes Jhn lege.
ernorsJohn The dismissial was triggered
pon moved by a report to the college's
ard of Edu- See AAUP, Page 2


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SGC To Receive Report on Sigma Nu

Student Government Council's
Committee on Membership will
make recommendations concern-
ing the status of Sigma Nu fra-
ternity at tonight's meeting, Coun-
cil President Steven Stockmeyer,
'63, said.
The report is expected to be the
culmination of the committee's in-
vestigation of the fraternity's
membership regulations, recently
altered by a clause waiver granted.
by the national. The committee's
original statement referred back
to the group by Council for re-
consideration after Sigma Nu re-
ceived the waiver. Thomas Brown,
'63E, treasurer, will also introduce
the new budget for 1962-63, which
makes no major changes in Coun-
cil financing, he indicated.
Daily Motion
At the meeting an attempt will
be made to take the Ross on the
Daily motion off the table. A ma-
jority vote is necessary.
If the attempt is successful How-
ard Abrams, '63, will introduce a
series of amendments to the Ross
Claim Stahr
May Take Post
LOUISVILLE (.) - Trustees of
Indiana University have picked
Secretary of the Army Elvis J.
Stahr, Jr. to be president of the
school, the Courier-Journal said
last night.
The newspaper, in a story in to-
day's editions, said Stahr, 46, was
selected at a trustees' meeting last

proposal. He will ask that the first
paragraph of the Ross motion be
changed to emphasize that The
Daily is the only newspaper ser-
ing the campus and, therefore, has
an obligation to preserve editorial
"The transgression of editorial
freedom, by either the Senior Edi-
tors or the Board in Control of
Student Publications would be a
grave disservice to the University
community," the substitute para-
graph reads.
Abrams' amendment concludes
with a statement asking that ap-
pointments be made on the basis
of technical ability, rather than
the list of criteria presented in the

Ross motion. It calls for continued
public statement from the Board if
it rejects the senior editor's recom-
mendations, and for continued
Daily-Board negotiations.
Homecoming Change
The Council will also consider a
motion on the restructuring of
Homecoming, which was post-
poned last week. Non - Council
member appointments to standing
committees will be made.
At 9:20 p.m. the Council will
temporarily adjourn to view "Op-
eration Correction," a Council-
sponsored movie from the Ameri-
can Civil Liberties Union, which
will be shown in the Michigan
Union Ballroom at 9:30 p.m.

Asks Bonding
For College
Proposal Suggests
New Revenue Usage
To Reduce Deficit
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kala-
mazoo) proposed to the Senate
yesterday an $83 million nuisance
tax package that would include
a $150 million capital outlay bond-
ing plan for higher education.
Morris had proposed his plan
originally at the beginning of the
legislative session and hearings
with officials of Michigan univer-
sities were held. The proposal
would allow $25 million a year for
new construction. The balance of
the tax package revenues would
be used to pay the state's debt.
Univer ity Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss said al-
though University officials have
not yet studied the details of yes-
terday's proposal that early in the
year the original plan was a
"workable proposal."
Give Start
"It would give us a start on the
capital outlay we need"
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-
Holland) urged "consideration" of
the Morris proposal. Geerlings,
chairman of the taxation com-
mittee discharged by the coalition
of Republican moderates and
Democrats in the unsuccessful at-
tempt to pass an income tax, said
he would move today that all taxa-
tion measures be returned tothe-
tax committee for study.
Geerlings said that the Senate
would probably finish considera-
tion of tax proposal sometime in
the next two weeks. He added that
at least some of any additional
revenue proposed to the Senate
would go to pay the state's debt.
'Scrutinize Tax'
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor), one of the leaders of the
pro-income tax coalition, said, "I
intend to scrutinize any nuisance
tax very carefully.
"They are tiad in theory, but it
is a matter of expediency in order
to give the people of this state the
appropriations needed."
Thayer speculated that the leg-
islature would impose taxes on
telephone and telegraph services,
boost the cigarette and beer taxes,
increase the corporation franchise
fee and inIpose taxes on services
and possibly advertising.
Follows Defeat
Yesterday's move followed Mon-
day night's defeat of a proposed
flat rate income tax. Most of the
moderate Republicans were re-
signed to a nuisance tax package
although some, like Thayer, felt
it would be only a "stopgap meas-
Thayer noted that many of the
proposed nuisance taxes, especially
the proposed telephone and tele-
graph levy, were "increasing the
burden on business."
Meany Cites
In GOP Acts
The principle reason why the
Republican party stands as a de-
feated minority party in Michigan
is that Republicans have compro-
mised their principles and have
failed to fight for the ideals their
party stands for, Edward Meany,
Jr. told a meeting of the Young
Republicans Club last night.
Meany, who is presently seeking
the Republican nomination to the

rUnited States Senate, maintained
that for the past 25 years Repub-
licans have made the mistake of
stating their beliefs in negative
terms, thus giving the impression
that they are "against everything
and for nothing."
In most cases, he said, there has
been no attempt to counteract this
impression and the wide play
which the opposition has given to
The Republican party does in
fact favor progress, he said, "But
we seek and insist on orderly
, e ,nd ntius hna o

Ford Notes Social Change
After French Revolution
The French Revolution struck a series of blows to the whole con-
cept of a society divided in orders, Prof. Franklin Ford said yester-
day in a lecture on "Europe Before and After the French Revolution
-Some Latter-Day Reflections."
Prof. Ford reviewed economic and political aspects of the eras
of the Old Regime, the Revolution and the Restoration.
In pre-1789 society social categories were defined in strictly legal
terms and the only ones recognized as acceptable were orders ores-
' tates, the major ones being clergy,
nobility, bourgeoise and peasant.
'[ ,-,- These orders were having much



yen Raze Campus Hedges

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of nine articles tracing
the history of Michigan's state-,
supported colleges.)
A mature attitude, seriousness
of educational purpose, and na-
tive ability sufficient to profit
from selected instruction comprise
the qualifications necessary for
admission to Ferris Institute at
Big Rapids.
Hailing itself as the "opportu-
nity school," Ferris has long been
recognized as providing education-
al opportunity for serious-minded
students regardless of their pre-
vious educational background and
No entrance examination exists,
nor are students denied admission
because of prior scholastic per-
formance at other educational in-
stitutions. What the student can
do interests Ferris. Once a stu-
dent is enrolled, however, satisfac-
tory performance becomes imper-

touble retaining themselves, Ford
explained. There were internally
varied, lacked real political con-
tent andaexcluded many people
from their ranks.
Supplementary Categories
Ford suggested some supplemen-
tary categories to clarify the cate-
gory of orders: the categories are
economic groups, status groups
and party groups.
In the Revolutionary period,
there was class struggle beginning
in 1789, as well as political con-
The aftermath of the Revolu-
tion, the Restoration, at - first
glance suggests great continuity
with pre-1789 France, Ford noted.
Economic Recognition
However, orders and estates
were never again organizing prin-
ciples and new classes were recog-
nized along economic, status and
Artists Plan
To Tour State
rMAAc ninfnn f P Mfllety

ds on
s and:
to Al
to in
the h

er extensive spring cleaning.
of removing that shrubbery
State Street. The razed hedges
fred B. Ueker, manager of the
improve the appearance of the
all died during the winter and
ough they impaired the beauty

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