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May 01, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-01

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Few showers expected
in the afternoon

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom








DG National Sets
Beloit Probation
Nash Charges Pledging of Negro
Results in Alumni Pressure, Action
Delta Gamma sorority at Beloit College in Wisconsin has been
placed on probation by its national 'council for reasons they choose
not to disclose, Beloit president Miller Upton, said yesterday.
Mrs. Russell Nash, past president of a chapter at the University
of Minnesota, charged that the action is the result of the Beloit's
chapter pledging a Negro girl. The council's action came three
" weeks after Patricia Hamilton, a
Negro, was pledged last month.
senator M ay Although the national does not
have a discrimination clause in its
charter "the alumni groups won't
E n1 D ba eaccept her," Mrs. Nash said.
Issues Statement
Mary Schmidt, '63, president of
the University Delta Gamma chap-
1 n Literacy ter issued a statement last night
that read: "National council main-
tains that the action was taken
WASHINGTON (R) - Sen. Mike for reasons entirely divorsed from
Mansfield (D-Mont.) ' the Senate implications made in recent news
majority leader, said yesterday he releases (from Mrs. Nash).
may move Friday to clamp a time We prefer not to speculate on
limit on the Senate's marathon the action because we do not have
debate -on a literacy voter test bill, adequate information at this time.
Mansfield told reporters he had "The matter can be more effec-
in mind a time schedule which tively handled within the frame-
would bring the debate limitation work of our national organization,
move, known as cloture, to a vote where our constitution provides us
on May 8. He said he would make with a strong voice in national
up his mind definitely, in a day decisions. This decision should
or two. have no adverse effects on our
The debate on the bill, which chapter, which is, I believe, in
would make a 6th grade education compliance with the Regent's By-
the maximum literacy test for law."
voting in federal electionssis in In a story reported in Sunday's
its second week. Des Moines (Iowa) Register, Mrs.
Proponents say state literacy Robert W. Preston, national presi-
testsrowaesdmiyisteedto bar dent of Delta Gamma, said, "Delta
tests now are administered o Gamma is a private organization.
Negroes from voting In some When we have disciplinary actions
theis an u con Otutionaln there is no reasons why we have
the bill ie anaunconstitutional"in
vasion of states' rights to set vot- No Discrimination t."
er qualifications.NoDsrmntn
th Seatins kescloPresident Upton, in a Daily in-
If the Senate invokes cloture terview, said that as far as he
to halt the debate, it would be the knows none of the sororities or
first time such a move ever had fraternities have discrimintaory
succeeded on .a civil rights issue clauses. Beloit's Dean of Women
The votes of two-thirds of the Deborah Townsend said that a
Senators voting are required to national representative had been
approve such a motion. Once im- to see her and said that the pro-
posed, cloture allows each Sena- bation was due to the chapter's
tor one hour of speech-making on fiuetacircranath-
theissebfor it is bouht to a faiuet acquire certain author-
the issue before rqug izations and submit chapter re-
vote. ' ports to the national.
Mansfield's statement came in According to the Register story,
debate that brought the Kennedy other Delta Gamma chapters were
administration under criticism notified of the action but were
from two directions. asked not to comment on the situ-
Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R- ation.
N.Y.) one of the bill's ardent sup- Mrs. Nash has resigned in pro-
porters, accused President John F. test over the action because she
Kennedy of doing less than he feels that the alumni pressure
could to defend minorities from regarding the possibility of a Ne-
racial discrimination. gro active in alumni groups after
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) graduation has proved to be great
denouncing the bill, said the Ken- and has influenced the national.
nedy administration and Congress Miss Townsend said that she saw
ought to drop the measure and no such alumni pressure in Beloit
turn their energies toward econ- and if it did exist must have come
omy from all over the nation. She,
Upton and Beloit's Dean of Men
John P. Gwin are now awaiting
Area Citizens the national's answer to a telegram
they sent asking for the reason
A for the probation.
Thomas Benenson, Beloit Stu-
dent Senate president, said that
Hosg Plan, oaction would be taken by his
ousinn organization at this time.
The Des Moines Register re-
A south-east Ann Arbor citizens' ported that the final decision on
group last night formally protest- the case will come from the na-
ed plans by Alumni Living, Inc. for tional by June 30.
., ,.7Fi~t~hnciv niatt o Pb

Burn Cross
To Protest
"Crosses were burned on the
lawns of O. Merideth Wilson, Uni-
versity of Minnesota president,
and a faculty member early yes-
terday morning, apparently in
protest of the scheduled speech
of Benjamin Davis at the Univer-
sity," Curt Kent, Minnesota Daily
reporter said last night.
Davis, who is a Communist, has
been invited to the campus by the
Student Socialist Club, and is ex-
pected to speak tomorrow as
planned despite the demonstra-
Earlier this week, Wilson had
supported the appearance of Da-
vis as a speaker, saying "(the en-
dorsement) is an expression of
the principles of free speech which
is a very precious principle in a
truly free society."
Wrong Lot
Police said they believed that
the demonstrators placed the sec-
ond cross on the wrong lot, next
door to the home of Prof. Mulford
Q. Sibley, of the political science
department and faculty advisor to
the Socialist Club.
"This is a curious way to pro-
test. I think it will boomerang,
and Davis will get more of an
audience than he otherwise would
have had," Prof. Sibley said.
Kent explained that in the two
weeks since the announcements of
Davis' appearance on the campus,
several groups have protested
'Stop Davis'
"St. Thomas College in St. Paul
has a 'Stop Davis Committee'
which has contacted University
Regents and administration to
pressure against allowing Davis to
speak on the University of Minne-
sota campus," he said.
Last Saturday the second Min-
nesota district group of the Vet-
erans of Foreign Wars condemned
the appearance of a Communist on
the Minnesota campus. "Their ac-
tion does not necessarily represent
the state VFW stand. No other
VFW group has issued a state-
ment," Kent explained.
All of the grous which have
been working against Davis' ap-
pearance deny any connection
with the cross burning, Kent
Power To Arrest
"The St. Paul police are treat-
ing the whole incident as a prank"
Kent continued. "But the univer-
sity police are more concerned
and do have the power to make
arrests off the immediate campus
Race Conflicts
Rise in Africa
cial United Nations subcommittee
reported yesterday that race con-
flict dangers are so great in South-
ern Rhodesia that a special ses-
sion of the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly may be necessary
to deal with them.
The report was made by the six-
nation group that early in. April
conferred in London with British
ministers, pleading that Britain
step in and annul the Southern
Rhodesia constitution adopted
last Dec. 6.

Bohn Recalls Ouster from'U'

The editor of The New Lead-
er magazine, in a book publish-
ed this month, writes about how
he was ousted from his teach-
ing position at the University
in 1910 for being a socialist.
The author, 85-year-old Wil-
liam E. Bohn, also describes
what being an English instruc-
tor at the University was like
during the years 1901-1910. The
book, "I Remember America,"
is published by the Macmillan
Company of New York.
A socialist in spirit, Bohn
was introduced to the organized
Socialist movement when in
1901 he went to Detroit to
speak to that city's section of
the Socialist Labor party.
No Contact
But, he notes, "I had no con-
tact with what might be called
official Socialism. I attended no
conventions, held no offices,
and, excepting for speaking at
meetings now and then with
Eugene Debs, I did not meet
any of the party bigwigs."
However, he wrote a great
deal for publication, and his
writings earned him a minor
fame as a socialist thinker.
"In those days . . . the word
Socialism was a fighting word,
a word to conjure with . . .
The Socialist party was small
. . But the idea of Socialism
was abroad in the land. People
were hot either for it or against
Carefree Life
While campaigning for so-
cialism, Bohn lived, like the

>ther instructors, "a carefree
life in an idyllic college town."
Their activities were richly
varied. "On one evening we
might be attending areception
in white tie and tails, and on
the next we might be singing
rowdy songs with a gang of
undergraduates high on a hill
above the Huron."
There was on campus a small
and devoted band of socialists
"who satisfied some inner urge
by holding sober discussion
meetings." But, says Bohn, the
University authorities failed to
interfere because "they had
never heard of us" at first.
Bohn discovered that being
known as a socialist enabled
him to pass the class lines of
"town versus gown." He banded
with "an eager group" of towns-
men to form an Ann Arbor local
of the Socialist party. They
held meetings on the street or
in rooms. "It was, all in all, a
gay and gaudy outfit."
'Behave Yourself'
Bohn writes that, to be suc-
cessful in academic life, "all you
have to do is to behave your-
self with moderate discretion
and display a minimum of in-
telligence and energy ... Many
a chap has lost his place for
some moral or intellectual ir-
regularity." And Bohn's was so-
Bohn stresses that "it was
not, properly speaking, the Uni-
versity that made trouble for
me. A university consists of the
faculty and the students," and
most of them were on his side.

It was the Board of Regents
that objected.
The Regents of that day were
either young politicians on the
way up, old politicians on the
way down, or "prosperous busi-
nessmen from whom the gover-
nor expected substantial favors
in return for the formal dignity
he had bestowed," according to

Interests Elsewhere


They were "a group of men
whose interest was elsewhere
and who made but fleeting
visits to the campus to set the
policies and make the deci-
sions," Bohn writes. They were
"fellows in a hurry to whom
learning meant nothing and
quick success meant every-
By speaking and writing about
poverty, unemployment and in-
equality of opportunity, Bohn
ran afoul of "this set" of men.
The Regents, coupled with
alumni pressure, forced Presi-
dent Harry Hutchins to dis-
miss Bohn.-.
Bohn took his dismissal as
"an illuminating experience,"
while to his friends among the
students and faculty it was "a
plain case of injustice." Bohn
moved to New York, taking a
new teaching position.
Reflecting, Bohn comments
that "teachers fired from uni-
versity post for their opinions
should give thanks to the presi-
dents, deans and boards who,
thinking to punish them, rescu-
ed them from lives of comfort-
able obscurity."


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Four Moderates
Bolt, join GOP
Legislators Reverse Previous Action
By 19-13 Tally after Heated Debate
Acting City Editor
Special To The Daily
LANSING - The State Senate last night reversed itself
and killed the state income tax.
In a 19-13 vote, which saw Senators Frank G: Beadle (R-
St. Clair), Frederic Hilbert (R-Wayland), Haskel L. Nichols
(R-Jackson) and Farrell Roberts (R-Pontiac) join the Repub-
lican Regulars against the Democratic-Moderate Republican


:::.... . . . . . . . . .


Odiorne Cites Businesses' Concerns

The three major concerns of
business firms should be profit,
survival and growth, Prof. George
S. Odiorne, of the business ad-
ministration school and director
of the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, said recently.
Prof. Odiorne, speaking at the
Fifth- Annual Midwest Manage-
ment Association meeting held this
past weekend, noted that society
has no obligation to support busi-
nesses which are displaced by the
forces of competition.
"It does not disturb me to see
businesses fail as long as they are
not crushed by the -actions of
monopolists," he noted.
Prof. Odiorne maintained that
in recent months the government
has acted to promote "mediorcrity
rather than excellence" in busi-
ness management. The govern-
ment, if it intervenes at all, should
determine reasons for inefficiency
rather than attempt to punish ef-
ficient operation.
"Federal government investiga-
tors should not be asking why
General Motors has 55 per cent of
the auto market. Instead they
should be asking why'other com-
panies are so managed that they
remain small," he explained.
The real key to healthy growth
in our economy is the development
of leadership qualities in indivi-
dual managers. These qualities, to
be effective, should be applied in
a free society. Government pres-
sure today seems to be almost
wholly confined to the reduction

of the successful to the mediocrity,
rather than using the great powers
of the state to force the less able
to improve themselves, Odiorne
"This campaign against excel-
lence out of Washington is hardly
the way to help us survive," he
"Businessmen who cry out for
more free enterprise while put-
ting their noses in the trough of
government handouts really de-
serve very little sympathy," Prof.
Odiorne continued.
Eighty college-level teachers of
management attended the two-
day session in which Prof. Odi-
orne delivered the keynote address.
Harold F. Smiddy, president of
the Academy of Management,
noted that politics are rapidly be-
coming a key factor in business

"The business manager must
er operate as an individual pro-
prietorship. It is interdependent
with other parts of our society, and
businessmen must recognize that
economic factors alone should not
determine the course of action
which a business must follow," he
The Association elected Prof.
Rollin Simonds of Michigan State
University president for the com-
ing year. Named as vice-president'
was Prof. Robert Henderson of
Bowling Green State University.
Frank Simonetti of Akron Uni-
versity was elected secretary-
The Association's meeting was
hosted by the University business
administration school. Prof. Frank-
G. Moore and Prof. John Hutch-
inson were in charge of arrange-

coalition, the upper chamber<;
tabled the levy.
Moderate leader Sen. Stanley G.
Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) was re-
signed to its defeat. "It's about as
dead as it can get in this session,"
he said.
Swainson Irate
Gov. John B. Swainson, on the
other hand, was irate. "Tonight's
action . . . is a devastating and
possibly catastrophic blow to the
people and to the business enter-
prises of Michigan," he said.
"The Old Guard GOP leader-
ship is intent not on helping either
the business community, for whose
fate it so loudly grieves at elec-
tiontime, or the average citizen of
this state, but is in fact, merely
the spokesman and hand-maiden
of predatory wealth."
The action virtually eliminates
the possibility of passing the 13-
point tax package proposed by the
governor and modified by legis-
lative income tax advocates.
Last Wednesday
The Senate last Wednesday
passed the tax by an 18-15 vote',
but it was held in the Senate as
unfinished business on a motion
by Nichols to reconsider. He was
primarily concerned for tax relief
for business and industry and he
claimed the 13-point program did
not offer adequate relief as . it
"People don't really want more
taxes," he said. "Or at least, if
they have to have them, they want
those that other people pay."
"In fact, they don't really care
about the business climate," he
continued. "All they want is no
more taxes."
Left Chamber
Sen. John H. Stahlin (R-Beld-
tng), candidate for lieutenant gov-
ernor, left the chamber before the
vote was taken, but he expressed
his sentiments in advance.
"I sincerely believe this state
needs tax reform," he said. "That
is why I voted for the income tax.
And perhaps if I wanted to suc-
cessfully pursue my political am-
bitions, I would back up now and
reverse myself.
"But I've got to have something
to show for four years in this
Senate, because I'll probably nev-
er be back."
Unable To.Act
Roberts said that "the Legisla-
ture seems to be unable to do any-
thing for relief for business. Taxes
in that area are 50 per cent high-
er in Michigan than in the neigh-
boring states."
Taxation Committee Chairman
Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland)
refuted this, however. "It isn't the
business climate I'm concerned
with so much as it is job oppor-
tunity," he said. "And this tax
package offers nothing in that
"The only way to attract busi-
ness to the state is to allow it to
exist and make money. And if the
only relief they get is when they
don't make any money, it isn't
hard to figure out that they won't
move to Michigan."
'Callous Disregard'
Sen. Charles S. Blondy (D-De-
troit) accused the GOP of "cal-
lous disregard for the needs and
the wants of the people. The. time
has come to do something; we
need action."
But Sen. Charles H. Feenstra
(R-Grand Rapids) disagreed about
the action. "Have you 'got the
courage to unshackle us from the
bonds of Solidarity House that
permeate every agency in this
state? Do you have the courage


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of nine articles
tracing the history of Michigan's
state-supported colleges.)
In the spring of 1849, the first
state normal school in Michigan
was created by an act of the
The school, now known as East-
ern Michigan University at, Ypsi-
lanti, still considers teacher edu-
cation as one of its basic functions.
In the intervening century, how-
ever, programs of instruction in
the liberal arts and sciences and
a wide range of specialized and
professional programs have been
added. The staff and faculty at
Eastern believe that -the- college
has not changed its function but
has only expanded and broadened
Foster Skills
In all undergraduate instruction,
the college strives to provide its
students with a sound general edu-
cation as a necessary pre-requisite
for all instructional programs, and
to foster the necessary skills and
knowledge to enable its students
to work in the professional areas
for which the school's programs
qualify them.
Sixteen different curricula re-
main available to prospective
teachers. Other programs include
liberal arts and sciences with ei-
ther BA or BS degrees, bachelor
of music education, a degree course
in occupational therapy, teacher
preparation in home economics,
undergraduate and graduate level
programs dealing with the prob-
lems of the exception 1 child, and
pre-professional and professional
training in many different areas.
Eastern's graduate program
leads to the degree of Master of
Arts in Education.
Expected Enrollment
The operating budget request of
$4.3 million for the coming year is
based on an expected enrollment
of 5,800 students. Enrollment at
Eastern rose from 2,760 in 1954 to
5 300 in 1961. If enrollment nearly
doubled in those six years, it could
very easily double again by 1970
or earlier.
No money for new construction'
has been allotted to Eastern since
1957. Among seven items listed for
new construction next year is a
physical education building. The
condition of the present physical
education building typifies the
seriousness of the building situa-
tioni at Eastern.
'IThe State Board' of Education
recently prohibitecd any clamess to
meet in the univerty gymnasium
until emergency repairs could be
made. The state fire irarshalls of-
fle has prohibited use of the
building for public assembly. Even
with emergency repairs, specta-
trrs are not allowed in the build-
mg. and several of the classrooms
have been closed.
Brain Surgery
Aids Gymnast
Special To The Daily
Hyman. the Michigan gymnast

a multiple-housing project to be
built in the district.
The resolution, which includes
names of over 50 area residents
and will be presented to'both the
city., council and the planning
commission a~s well as University
officials, asked "that no zoning
regulations be allowed now or in
the future" that would allow for
construction of multiple-housing
in the area.
A rezoning ordinance which
could affect the status of the dis-
trict is pending council action.
Residents say that ;the *Oxford
Road project would be "perman-
ently damaging the character of
one of the oldest and most char-
acteristic neighborhoods of Ann
Petitions have been filed with
the planning commission for ap-
proval of the project by, Alumni
Living - which has no official

Chief Compositor Completes L

'U' Suffers No Damage's
In Pinckney Area Tornado
No damage was done to University facilities as small tornados,
part of a state-wide severe storm system, struck Pinckney and two
isolated Washtenaw County buildings.
University observatory and experimental forestry facilities locat-
ed in the area, 15 miles from Ann Arbor, remained unscathed as a
wind demolished a Pinckney lumberyard, and damaged three local
buildings as it skipped through
the town.
Dennis Clark, 6, suffered skull
lacerations when the wind blew
ast Issu e im a plate glass window at a local
aL I U~I3hardware store.
Pushed Tree
The storm pushed a tree into
the parsonage of St. Mary's
Church near the lumberyard.
Neither of its two occupants were
The storm also deroofed a re-
cently-vacated metal fabrications
In Washtenaw County, truck
driver Darrell Brewer, 23, was in-
jured when the roof of a shed,
near which he was unloading
goods, blew off and pinned him,
Sgt. Clair La Ferier, of the Wash-
A' tenaw County Sheriff's Depart-
ment, said.n
wMke Roo

Any man who can work with ornery, crusading student editors
until the small hours of the morning six nights a week and still
maintain his sanity-and his smile-deserves applause.
Earl Kuker received some last night.
The blond, crew-cut ex-sailor who has been chief compositor of
The Daily for the past eight years retired yesterday, leaving the
exciting world of the linotypes for the drabber, more lucrative field
of life insurance.
During his tenure at the Student Publications Building, Earl
"made up" approximately 10,000 pages, putting the type and headlines
into the page forms, cutting column rules to a precise length and em-
ploying thousands of tricks which helped The Daily win several awards
In addition to his priceless directions on how to improve the
physical appearance of the paper, Earl has been a source of com-
fort to distraught night editors and has given advice on curricular
and extracurricular uroblems.


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