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April 26, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-26

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See Page 4

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Scattered showers and
cooler tonight

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Council Debates
Motion on Daily
Considers Stockmeyer Amendment
To Delete Statement on Position
At 1:45 a.m. Council tabled the Daily motion by a vote of 8-5.
As The Daily went to press last night Student Government
Council was considering a substitute motion for the motion concern-
ing The Daily indicated on the agenda.
The new motion introduced by Robert Ross, '63, made sub-
stantial additions to the original motion by Katherine Ford, '64,
asked that Council "not inject itself into the current controversy
over appointments to the senior editor positions."
The Council is debating an amendment which would delete refer-
ences to criteria to Daily appointments originally contained in the
Ross motion. Ross' motion states that "Council affirms the belief'

Sees Dorm as Student Aid

The residence hall can and
should be a "scene of guided
growth and development for
the individuals concerned;
growth in the sense of achiev-
ing intellectual and social ma-
turity" Prof. John W. Kidd of
Northwestern State College of
Natchitoches, La. says in his
book "Residence Hall Guid-
This growth can only be ob-
tained in an atmosphere of in-
formality Prof. Kidd continues.
"It should be apparent that
such a process of socialization
... cannot be foisted upon stu-
dents through sponsored, overt-
ly official programs. To do so
would be futile in that the very
formality of the steps would
destroy the informality so vital
to its operation."
To Prof. Kidd, the ideal situ-
ation is a residence hall where
staff men, acting as residence
hall assistants, are able to func-
tion as acceptable leaders to
the peer groups over which
they have authority.
Identify Leaders
"So it becomes necessary to
identify the real leaders - this
can be done by skillfully de-

signed and administered socio-
metric research - and to work
through them toward the at-
tainment of residence hall
goals on the part of the resi-
Prof. Kidd believes that the
ideal staff should be chosen
through the use of- question-
aires of the residents. These
confidential questionaires will
inquire into the traits which
students feel are necessary for
a person in the position and
asks for specific names of
those whom the students feel
would make residence assist-
He claims that 95 per cent
accuracy can be gained by us-
ing such forms and consequent-
ly the men and staff form an
efficient working body with
which everyone is satisfied.
Informal Leadership
When staff assistants are
chosen on the basis of leader-
ship in informal groups, a more
effective relationship comes in-
to existence between them and
the residents. The questionaires
point out people who have been
accepted as leaders in the in-
formal situation and changing
from this to a staff position is

relatively simple, the book
points out.
"The leader wants his opin-
ion to be respected and. indeed,
it is a serious mistake for the
administration to ignore his
opinions. The student leader
should be given responsibility
to the limit of his ability to
assume it - and tnis ability
seems most often to be consid-
erably in excess of guidance
w o r k e r s' expectations. He
should not be over-supervised,"
Prof. Kidd notes.
Only when the leader is ac-
ceptable to the people he is
"leading" and feels that he has
authority will he be effective.
"He needs to feel that he is
trusted, that he is thought to
be capable, that he is maximal-
ly responsible - 'he will think
so only if he is.' "
Artificial Atmosphere
Because the natural leader
will function more effectively,
Prof. Kidd strongly recom-
mends that graduate students
not be appointed merely be-
cause they are graduates.
"Such a system of graduate
'counselors' with no interven-
ing recognition of natural
group leadership provides an
artificial and often highly

authoritarian atmosphere."
In fact, all aspects of the
residence hall should be geared
to a democratic or cooperative
base. "If an institution expects
to be highly authoritarian in
relation to its students, if the
residence hall staff is so dis-
posed irrespective of institu-
tional policy, if the residence
hall program contains predom-
inant elements of police-type
supervision, then normal peer
relationships and leader-group
relationships are disrupted,
circumvented, frustrated and
cannot be systematically util-
ized by the institution for the
achievement of a realistically
oriented base for rationality."
Prof. Kidd sees a need for
the overhaul of many present
situations based on his find-
ings. It is essential that "the
staff person who works in the
residence hall guidance role
should function as a leader of
students leaders" and only the
type of questionaire which he
advocates will be able to give
to the administration such in-
formation. Also, "too many
grossly unsuitable staff guid-
ance persons are retained in
misguided institutional benevo-
lence," and should be changed.

New Levy Passed
By Close Margin
GOP Names Francis To Replace
Beadle in Majority Leader Position
The Senate yesterday passed a state income tax, 18-15.
The levy, three per cent on personal incomes, five per
cent on net corporate incomes, and seven per cent on the net
income of banks and other financial institutions, passed the
Senate with no votes to spare after an all night session of
debate and parliamentary maneuvering. In the process, Re-
publicans deposed moderate Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair) from his position as majority caucus leader and re-
placed him with anti-income tax leader Lynn O. Francis (R-
Today, the Senate will begin wading through 13 more
bills that together form an overall tax package tied to the
income tax. Immediately ate

Sets Change
In Senate
LANSING (P)-Michigan's Con-
stitutional Convention gave 81-
45 approval yesterday toa 38-
member Senate, whose members
would serve four-year terms.
The Senate now has 34 members
elected for two years. At the same
time, the Convention voted to
leave the House of Representatives
at 110 members, but under a plan
that would more nearly than now
apportion seats on a population
Yesterday's action came on sec-
ond reading of a Republican-
drafted apportionment proposal,'
which must survive a final vote
later on. It will be subject to
amendment then, as it was yester-
day, and will require a majority
vote of 73 for adoption, as it did
In other second-reading action,
the Convention decided to make
pay increases for the state's 31,000
civil service employes subject to
veto by the Legislature. This came
on a narrow 64-62 vote.

4that The Daily is founded on the
principle that students, given pro-
per training and guidance,'can be
trusted to manage a great news-
paper with maturity, responsibility
and good sense."
It emphasizes that the "editors
ought to have as much control
over the policies of their news-
paper as is possible."
The rationale behind this is "to
provide an open forum from which
Sstudents can express their opin-
To do this The Daily "ought to
maintain its open editorial page
'under a policy of freedom of ex-
pression grounded on fact."
In other action Council presi-
dent Steven Stockmeyer, '63, told
the Council last night that many
letters mailed on March 8 in-
forming sororities and fraternities
that their statements on mem-
bership were inadequate had been
lost in campus mail.
He said that the letters which
were found Tuesday in the base-
ment of the Administration Bldg.
were remailed yesterday by regis-
tered mail.
Since the January 17, 1962 mo-
tion on membership gave the
groups 60 days from the time of
notification to comply with the
adequacy ruling the sororities and
fraternities will have until Junel
23, to file statements.

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Students Rally Against HA

About 350 students assembled on
the Diag yesterday in a protest
rally against the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities.
Speaking at the rally sponsored
by Voice Political Party and Young
Democratic Club were Prof. Eu-
gene Feingold of the political sci-
ence department and Prof. Arnold
Kaufman of the philosophy de-
Prof. Feingold spoke on the Con-
don case of 1947 as an "illustration
of the basic characteristic of the
committee, namely, its inaccuracy
in what it does."

Edward Condon, who was at the
time head of the Bureau of Stand-
ards, was accused by the Commit-
tee of being "the weakest link in
our atomic security." He repeated-
ly asked for a hearing and was
never granted one.
The Committee cited as evidence
a letter from J. Edgar Hoover us-
ing only the favorable information.
They read a quote which said that
Condon had contact with officials
of the Polish government but they
didn't read the sentence which
stated that his contacts were not
for the purpose of espionage, Prof.
Feingold said, citing this as an ex-
ample of inaccuracy.
Prof. Kaufman noted two valid


BoyShatters 130-Year Tradition

questions in considering the justi-'
fication of HUAC: 1) can the Com-
mittee's actions and operations in
the past be justified? and 2) can
the Committee be justified if es-
tablished on a new basis?
To these questions, Prof. Kauf-
man said "no."
He used the testimony of the
Cogley hearing, which was con-
cerned with Cogley's report on
black listing of entertainers, as an
example of the Committee's past
unjustifiable behavior.
Purpose 'Incompatible'
"The purposes of most of the
members of the Committee are
different and incompatible with
the alleged function of the Com-
mittee," Prof. Kaufman noted.
In the Cogley hearing intimida-
tion and insinuation were the pur-
poses of the attorney for the pros-
ecution, he added.
The members of thencommittee
define as subversive anyone who
questions the basic assumptions of
society, especially those concern-
ing civil liberties and economic as-
"Nothing is more important in a
university than to be subversive in
this sense of the word, meaning to
systematically examine assump-
tions people take for granted. This
does not mean to overthrow the
government," Prof. Kaufman said.
No Threat
In answer to the question of a
future altered HUAC, Prof. Kauf-
man said that it was not useful
unless there is evidence of signifi-
cant internal threat.
Robert Ross '63, chairman of the
rally, concluded the meeting with
an appeal for action and dedica-
tion in abolishing the committee.
This action can be in the form
of letters to congressmen, he noted.
"If you believe in change, the
Committee is your enemy," RossI

Board Sets
Prof. Olin L. Browder. Jr., of
the Law School, chairman of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications yesterday issued the fol-
lowing statement, regarding the
reopening of petitioning for The
Daily's senior positions:
"In view of the refusal of all but
one of the newly-appointed senior
editors to accept their positions,
it became necessary for the Board
to initiate machinery for appoint-
ing new editors.
"The only fair way to do this
is to reinstitute the petitioning
process. The Board is calling for
petitions for these offices (except
City Editor) by May 15.
"The qualifications announced
are Junior standing and academic
eligibility. The journalistic quali-
fications of the petitioners will be
of paramount importance and
should be stated fully in the peti-
"Those who petitioned for Sen-
ior editorial positions previously
will be welcome to petition again."
Prof. Browder disclosed that the
Board will meet after the deadline
date to consider the petitions and
to meet with petitioners.
Sukarno Sets
Policy Talks
JAKARTA M-)-President Ahmed
Sukarno leaves today for Medan.
He will make an important
speech believed to have a bearing
on current United States diplo-
matic attempts to seek a peaceful
solution to Indonesia's dispute
with the Netherlands.

stake is a bill reducing the
sales tax by one cent and an-
other providing the exemp-
tions for the income tax.
Little Speculation
Leaders of the coalition of ten
moderate Republicans and eight
Democrats who combined to pass
the tax refused to speculate on the
final fate of the total package.
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) noted that it "looks good"
but that "when you try to pass a
large package, you can be at-
tacked from all sides.'
Total Package
Republicans are using a mo-
tion to reconsider the income tax
bill as a means to keep the bill
in the Senate until the fate of the
total, package is known, Thayer
said. It was also noted that Sen.
Haskell L. Nichols, who voted for
the tax, wanted the reconsidera-
tion in order to discuss tax ex-
emptions for industry.
Beadle, who led the floor fight
for the tax, noted that "my posi-
tion on the income tax was not
in sympathy with that of the ma-
jority (of Republicans)." He not-
ed that he had offered his resig-
nation a month ago and that yes-
terday's action was to be expected.
No Statement
Governor John B. Swainson's
office has not yet disclosed its
position on yesterday's Senate ac-
tion; though Swainson has said
that if the only revenue measure
passed by the legislature is an in-
come tax, he would veto it. al-
though he personally backs it as
part of his total fiscal program.
Beadle predicted that Swainson
would most likely accept the total
package now in the Senate but
that speculation was difficult be-
cause the ultimate result "depends
on what happens between now and
the time the package reaches the
governor's desk."
Voting for the bill were :
Beadle, Nichols, Thayer, John
W. Fitzgerald (R-Grand Ledge);
Frederic Hilbert (R-Wayland);
William G. Milliken (R-Traverse
City); Farrell E. Roberts (R-Pon-
tiac); John H. Stahlin (R-Beld-
Charles S. Blondy. (D-Detroit);
Basil W. Brown (D-Detroit; Pat-
ric J. Doyle, (D-Dearborn); Ray-
mond D. Dzendzel (D-Detroit);
Garland Lane (D-Flint); Charles
0. McManiman, (D-Houghton);
Stanley Novak (D-Detroit); Phil-
lip Rahoi (D-Iron Mountain);
Stanley F. Rozycki (D-Detroit)
and George C. Steeh (D-Mt. Cle-

Acting City Editor
Special To The Daily
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Although the
first public meeting of the Regents
will not be held until May, there is
no need to try to be the first per-
son to sign up. That "honor" has
been pre-empted. One member of
the public has already attended.
This is his story.)
LANSING-Seemingly oblivious
of the fact that he shattered 130
years of tradition in January, the
youngster in the red blazer and
the black bow tie goes about his
duties from 9 to 5 at the Capitol
in the center of Lansing.
However, on Jan. 17, this same
young House of Representatives
page was the first layman ever
to attend a meeting of the Re-
gents-the first citizen to be able
to take an interest in that phase
of his government. (Regents
meetings have not been open to
the public.)
Young Willard "Bill" Huss of
Niles had a definite reason for
attending. "I'm working as a page
to save money for my tuition at
the University," he earnestly in-
formed Regent Irene E. Murphy
of Birmingham. "Legislators talk
about the Regents, but I wanted
to see them for myself."
"How did you find us?" Mrs.
Murphy inquired.
"Pretty formal," Bill replied.
Routine Session
To tell the truth, he almost
slept as University Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss dron-

.. . deposed leader

in government. At barely nine
years of age, he was campaigning
his neighborhood for whatever Re-
publicans would give him some-
thing to pass out.
Legislative Appointee
Obviously impressed by "his am-
bition and his vast understanding
of matters political," Speaker of
the House Don R. Pears (R-
Buchanan) appointed Bill as a
pageboy for the current legislative
session, and the youngster has
risen to the occasion.
Arriving at the Capital at 9 a.m.,
he sets about filing the bills and
proposals that have been intro-
duced in each of the representa-
tives desks. The House this session
saw 762 bills introduced before
the Feb. 21 deadline, and so often
the filing turns into a formidable
Then to there's the representa-
tives' mail to be distributed and
the Journal of proceedings from
the day before to be distributed-

all before the House convenes,
usually at 2 p.m.
Call Board
As the Speaker rhythmetically
bangs his gavel, the six pages sta-
tion themselves next to the ros-
trum, where they can keep an eye
on the call board in the back of
the room, which lights up when
one of the 110 representatives
thinks up some errand.
Throughout the day, the boys
are on call to aid the steno-
graphers with bulk mailings from
various legislators, and they also
help guide the many school groups
that visit the Capitol every day.
If the session is concluded be-
fore 4:30 p.m., there's usually an-
other stack of bills to be filed
before dinner.
Special Tutor
Evenings are often taken. up
by schoolwork, under the watchful
eye of a special tutor, around the
large conference table in the House
Judiciary Committee room. Bill

is still responsible for a full se-
mester's work back at Niles Junior
High School, and he must be
prepared to pass his final exams
when he goes home in May.
After studies it's home to his
residence with Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Stauffer, Lansing school teach-
ers, to rest up for another busy
Busy as the job may seem, how-
ever, it isn't all work and no play.
The House pages are by tradition
the life of the Capitol, thinking up
one stunt after another.
Elevator Operator
Representatives think nothing of
finding Bill operating the elevator
when they leave at night, or being
barracaded by the chain of paper
clips that young William Hay-
ward, son of the GOP representa-
tive from Royal Oak, has streched
across the aisle.
But the representatives are un-
concerned at their antics. "They
work very hard when there's work
to be done," Speaker Pears says.
And Rep. Gail Handy (R-Eau
Claire) adds, "This is the best
experience in the world for them."
Bill tells everyone who'll listen
about the University and his plats
to attend. "I want to take political
science and law," he told Handy.
"That way I'll be better equipped
to run for office." He picked the
University because "it's the only
one with a good political science
department and a good law school."
Political Ladder
He's charted his political career
from the bottom. Explaining his

Set To Draft
As Candidate-
Acting City Editor
Irate outstate Republicans, in
.reaction against the threatening
state income tax now being de-
bated in the Legislature, yester-
day announced they will draft a
"conservative, anti-tax candidate"
to oppose constitutional conven-
tion delegate George Romney (R-
Bloomfield Hills) for the guber-
natorial nod.
George A. Evers of Niles, chair-
man of the Berrien County Re-
publican Committee, the ninth
largest such GOP bloc in the state,
said yesterday that his group will
actively draft St. Joseph business-
man Montgomery Shepard to op-
pose the Detroit auto-maker.
Signature Drives
Berrien County Clerk Frank X.
Duerr, Jr., will spearhead the drive
to collect the 40,000-50,000 signa-
tures that will be needed to file
Shepard's name for the August
primary, and although Shepard
said he was not a candidate for
any office, Duerr said that he will
go ahead with his plans.
Evers pointed out that Shepard
has been active in Republican pol-
itics for many years, and, al-
though he has never sought public
office before, his "popularity in
outstate counties is broad."
Evers' county committee kicked
off the draft movement yesterday
with a unanimous endorsement of
Shepard's candidacy, and Evers
said he foresaw no trouble in col-
lecting the necessary signatures or
Against Tax
Evers said that Shepard is "pos-
itively against the' state income
tax. He is quoted as saying that
'on top of a four per cent sales
tax and a five per cent corporate
profits tax, an income tax will
not attract more industry to our
state nor keep present citizens
here. Additional tax burdens are
not the answer for the ineffective-
ness of the present state adminis-
. Evers said that Shepard would

Campus Anticipates Mlichigras

The campus' biggest weekend,
Michigras. is all set to begin,
General Co-chairman Edward
Stein, '63, says.
"We're really expecting big
crowds if the weather holds up,"
he says.$
While Michigras representatives
have been selling squirt guns, twist
belts and other spring fever items
on the Diag this week, the plant
department has taken over Yost
Field House in order to build the

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