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April 25, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-25

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President Orders Control
Of ArgentineProvinces

'Constitu tion
Vote' In Fall
By Mark Blucher
Four law professors expressed
opinions on the legality of pre--
senting the proposed constitution
to the voters this fall while dele-
gates discussed the effect of the
Supreme Court decision in re-
turning Scholle versus Hare (re-
apportionment case) to the state's
high court.
Dean Alan Smith, Prof. Paul
Kauper and Prof. William Pierce,
of the Law :School supported the
interpretation which would pro-
hibit : November vote.
Prof. John Galvin of Wayne
State Law. School said 'that word-
ing in the present constitution is
so unclear and a vote could be
taken in November.
Abide by Opinion
Secretary of State James Hare
has said he would abide by the
attorney general's opinion that the
vote must await the spring elec-
tion because of the wording in the
amendmente under which the con-
vention was called.
Stanton Faville, Chief Assistant
to the Attorney General com-
mented that the Convention could
go to the state Supreme Court and
order Hare to issue election bal-
lots. "A precedent was set for
this in 1908 when a similar action
was taken." .
The return of the Scholle versus
Hare case caused no great com-
motion among delegates to the
No Change
Majority Republicans said it
didn't change their plans at 'all.
Democrats.said that the decision
should make a difference but that
it probably would not.
The convention yesterday adopt-
ed a plan for a seven-member
State; Supreme Court, elected on
a statewide basis, after delegates
voted down ai proposal to elect
Justices from districts.
The reduction in manpower was
recommended because of the con-
vention's action yesterday in
creating a new court of appeals,
which delegates said would ease
the work load.

MILITARY LEADER-The insistence of Gen. Raul Alexiandro-
Poggi (left), army commander and chief, and Adm. Augustin
R. Penas, chief of naval operations have lead to Argentine
President Karl Maria Guido's annuling of state and local elections
yesterday. Congressional elections in which Peronists won a
significant minority are still valid.
Reds- Orbit New Sputnik
To Study Atmosphere
By The Associated Press

Labor Union
May Strike
Guido Relents Under
Military Pressures
BUENOS AIRES (4)-President
Jose Maria Guido ordered federal
control over Argentina's provinces
yesterday, wiping out election
gains by followers of exiled dic-
tator Juan Peron.
The giant general confederation
of labor lashed back last night
witli a call to its 3 million mem-
bers to stand by for a nationwide
strike, but set no dates.
Guido bowed to military pres-
sures and issued his anti-Peronist
decree after resisting demands of
Army and Navy- bosses for more
than three weeks. His hand was
forced when generals in three
provinces took over control from
civilian governors.
'Military-Type Dictatorship'
The labor confederation, largest
workers' organization in the coun-
try and a bastion of Peronist
strength, declared "the democratic
and constitutional form of govern-
ment has been replaced by a mil-
itary-type dictatorship."
The union had already threaten-
ed a general strike for May 1, the
date Peronist candidates were
scheduled to take office, if Peronist
leader Andres Framini was not
allowed to assume the governship
of Buenos Aires province.
Erase Victories
By annulling the March 18 elec-
tions, Guido erased the victories
by Peronists who elected five gov-
ernors of their own and supported
four more successful candidates for
the provincial posts.
The president's decree did not
mention, however, the national
congressional elections March 18
in which Peronists won 47 seats!
in the chamber of deputies.
The announcement of the presi-
dent's action was made only min-
utes after the news that three
generals in Entre Rios, Santa Fe
and Corientes provinces had asked,
the elected governors in those
provinces to step aside to permit.
military control.
Cost of Living
Reaches Peak

NEW YORK {AP)-An American
publisher said last night that So-,
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
has reversed his policy on a sum-
mit meeting with President John
F. Kennedy and now agrees that
the two should meet again only if3
there is prior agreement on crucial
issues or if war threatens.
Khrushchev disclosed his stand
last Friday in a two-hour 50-min-
ute interview at the Kremlin with
Publisher Gardner Cowles. Cowles
released the Soviet government's
translation of the interview text
last night.
CIn a discussion that ranged fromi
Communism's ultimate objectives
to current disarmament talks in
Geneva, the 68-year-old Russian
leader expressed hope that major
warfare could be avoided.
Support Wars
But he voiced support for what
he called defensive and national-
liberation wars. And he made it
clear he had little expectation of
any quick world disarmament
Khrushchev told. Cowles that
he had gained a "favorable im-
pression" from the American
President when he met him i
their first personal encounter in
Vienna last June.
In a TV address to the Ameri-
cnpublic two days after that
meeting, Kennedy had said:
"I will tell you now that it was
a very sober two days."
Khrushchev gave his appraisal
of the meeting when Cowles asked
if he thought it would be useful
"If a summit meeting were held
in the near future or if you, for ex-
ample, invited President Kennedy
to the Soviet Union to discuss
matters with him?"
Noting that- he always believed
such contacts are useful, Khrush-
chev replied:
"Favorable Impression"
"The conversations I had with
your President in Vienna left a
favorable impression on me. True,
we differed with him in our ap-
praisal of the situation and did
not reach agreement on questions
which require their solution. But
at any rate, as a result of that
meeting we now, apparently, un-
derstand one another better, and
have a clearer picture of the ques-
tions it is necessary to settle."
Khrushchev said that if a sec-
ond meeting with Kennedy ended
up the same way it would give no
one any satisfaction and would
prove a sore disappointment.
"It seems to me, therefore," he
went on, "that we shoud first
reach some agreement on the
questions on which our common
decision is required now to avoid a
conflict and war., And meeting at
the summit would perhaps be a
pinnacle of such agreement."
"This," a d d e d Khrushchev,
would be the best way."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Official State
Department sources expressed op-
timism about Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko's statement
yesterday that hopes for a Soviet-
American agreement on the Ger-
man question hinge on three tough
They said it would be possible,
but that quite a few obstacles re-
main to be settled.
Gromyko told the Supreme So-
viet, the Russian parliament, that
these hopes were based first of
all on American understanding of
the importance of giving neither
East nor West Germany nuclear
He added that there is Soviet-
American "understanding in prin-
ciple" of the need for a non-
aggression pact between the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization
countries and the Warsaw Treaty
Thirdly, he. said recent United
States declarations make clear
there is no objection to tying con-
tinued free access to West Berlin
to respect for the sovereignty of
East Germany.
United States officials disputed
any inference from Gromyko's
statement that agreement has
been reached on a non-aggression
treaty between the North Atlantic
Alliance and Warsaw Pact na-

Express Optimism on Berlin

tions, or on barring nuclear weap-.
ons from East and West Germany.
Note Basis
On this basis the state depart-
ment authorities stated that:
" While the question of non-
aggression between the NATO and
Warsaw pact has been discussed
in the United States-Soviet talks
on Berlin, what the United States
has in mind is something like a
parallel issuance of statements by
the two groups. This would not in-

world News Roundup

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Officials of the
Detroit News and Detroit Free
Press will meet at 10 a.m. today
with representatives of the Inter-
national Typographical Union 10-
cal in an attempt to resolve a dis-
pute which has left this city with-
out a daily newspaper since April
* * *
WASHINGTON - A prospective
great battle over literacy tests for
voters was delayed yesterday when
leaders were unable to round up
a quorum.
* * *
ORAN - Troop reinforcements

began to mast on the outskirts (
rebellious Oran yesterday to brea
the resistance of the defiant Eurc
pean settlers. Official sources in
dicated, however, that it may I
some time before Oran commandi
Gen. Ralph Katz throws his me
into action against the city
European quarter held by tl
terrorist secret army organization
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary i
Commerce Luther H. Hodges sai
esterday the administration woul
no" feel compelled to try to it
fluence wage-price decisions i
industry except where basic com
modities were concerned.

volve signing a "pact" or any oti
act which might imply recogr
tion of East Germany, permane
approval of present Europe
boundary lines or permanent diF
sMon of Germany.
! Withholding atomic weapo
from non-nuclear powers is
oft-stated United States ,olic
Any agreement with the Reds
this score would not be a d
crimination against America's al
West, Germany.

Do you want
to be an

MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
orbited 'its 'third instrument-
packed Sputnik in five weeks, fully
reported the communications fail-
ure of the American moon rocket,
and agreed to a joint United
States-Soviet 'weather watch in-
volving satellites.
The Cosmos III, orbiting the
Earth every 93 minutes, carries in-
struments to investigate radio
transmissions, the Earth's radia-
tion belts, the planet's magnetic
fields and cloud formation.
Tass, the Russian news agency,
also carried detailed reports of
the communications breakdown
aboard the Ranger 4, launched
(In Washington, United States
officials said that the rocket,
knocked off- its planned orbit by
the failure of a timer to activate
its electronic brain, would either
hit the dark side of the moon
Thursday morning or miss and
burn up upon its return to the
earth's atmosphere.)
The joint weather watch, an-
nounced Monday in Washington,

would involve joint earthbound
weather observations and correla-
tion and the launching of weather
satellites and ,the international
dissemination of data gained from
The agreement is an outgrowth
of a United Nations resolution
calling for a peaceful outer space
cooperation and an exchange of
messages between President John
F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev toward this end.
In response to the United Na-
tions resolution, two meteorolo-
gists-Dr. Harry Weler, Director
of Research in the United States
Weather Bureau, and Dr. Viktor
A. Bugaev, Assistant Director of
the Hydrometeorological Serviceof
the Soviet Union-met at the
headquarters of the World Mete-
orological Organization in Geneva
last month to draft a cooperative
plan for such use of weather
Dr. Wexler, disclosed 'today at
a news conference that, with the
help of other scientists, a plan
had been drafted.
It calls for expanding and im-
proving global observation of the
weather by both conventional
means and by the new methods
made possible by the development
of weather satellites.
'Train' Plan
Draws Critics
posal by the Citizen Council of
Greater New Orleans to send a
"freedom train" north carrying
1,000 Negroes on a 'free one-way
ride away from segregation drew
protest and defensive comment.
Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La.)
called it merely a "freedom riders"
in reverse while northern political
leaders, and representatives of the
National Association for the Col-
ored People and the Congress of
Racial Equality descried the
scheme as a "cruel hoax" and a
violation of "every fundamental
concept that we believe in as a


Deadline For Signing Up
For Interviews *. .

Friday, A pril


5 P.M.

MEN: Michigan Union Student Offices
WOMEN: Michigan League Undergraduate

With beau
-manners tha
secretary, th
Boss, yet hav
on Spring soc



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spring season prices for women's
and girls' clothing helped push the
nation's living costs up to a new
peak in March.
The labor department reported
yesterday its Consumers Price In-
dex rose two-tenths of one per
cent to reach the record level of
105.0 per cent of the 1957-59

I if


against the House Un-American



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