Nyt rl Dallyiig
Sevemty-Second Year
"Can You Really Get Me Out Of This Swamp And
Turn Me Back Into A Person?"
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
'AY, APRIL 24, 1962
Real Estate Brokers Violate
Local Freedom of Equality
[IHE PEOPLE of Ann Arbor are violating one
of the basic tenets of American democracy
-freedom of equality-by a rigid discrimina-
iry policy against Negroes and foreigners who
y to buy houses in the city.
In spite of governmental and private pres-
ire and the cenftury-old beliefs of democracy,
nn Arbor is still denying certain people the
,portunity to buy decent homes in good
HE PERPETUATORS of this policy are the
real estate brokers. They have formed a
owerful front and made it extremely difficult,
not impossible, for certain buyers to find
citable housing-either refusing to sell to
iem or else raising prices considerably higher
OM .
[HE ULTIMATE WEAPON has arrived!
It is not some fantastic device, but is
.erely some refinements to presently developed
ydrogen bombs which would give them total
thal effectiveness-Doomsday Machines.
As quoted by Time Magazine from the Bul-
tin of Atomic Scientists, these devices, fission
>mb detonaters with fusion materials, can
e made from a $1 million detonator and
ssionable deuterium (heavy hydrogen) which
>sts $5000 a megaton of explosive force. Thus,
100 megaton bomb costs $1.5 million and a
00 megaton device $6 million. The range is
'IME DESCRIBES a number of techniques
for cheap, mass annihilation by Doomsday
achines. Ultimately, 50,000 megatons of a
>balt sheilded doomsday device could destroy
fe human race, since the resultant lethal'
obalt 60 radiation, penetrating all bomb
ielters, would last 5 years.
These inventions are shocking misuses of
nited States science. A cheap, but fatal,
ionster has been created whose ultimate
sult is total annihilation.
PHE UNITED STATES has the best collection
of scientific brains-in the world. Their use
creating Doomsday Machines is a tremendous
aste of talent which could be used to allie-
ate world hunger and poverty.
Why not put half the human energy, re-
urces and knowledge into peace research?
t least the world could live to see the results.
than their actual value. Discrimination is a
lucrative business for them and they are not
willing to take financial loss for unprofitable
moral principles.
The local Council of Churches is sponsoring
a campaign to get citizens to sign a pledge
saying they are willing to sell to any prospective
buyer, regardless of race, religion or nationality.
The list of these signers to date is on file; at
the council's office for the public to see.
THE MERE SIGNING of a pledge though does
not go to the heart of the matter. The
people who were ,discriminating in the first
place, and the ones who do discriminate are
not going to change their minds suddenly when
confronted with a mere piece of paper.
A person who has never been confronted with
a Negro or a foreign buyer will find it easy
to proclaim his beliefs for public record. But
if he is eventually faced with this kind of
buyer, nothing but the strength of his con-
victions, hold him to his promise.
HE PLEDGE presents another kind of prob-
lem to the conscientious signer. If 'he is
selling his house, he wants to have the right
to sell to a customer whom he likes and trusts,
partly because he wants to be guaranteed pay-
rnent and partly because he just wants to
know his property is in good hands. But, if
after signing the pledge, he is approached by a
Negro or foreigner whom he doesn't like or
trust, and refuses to sell, will he be accused of
not living up to the pledge?
It is good to have people sign a pledge, for
in so doing they often commit themselves more
deeply than they would in a private commit-
ment. But this is only a small beginning. Real
estate brokers must be put under public pres-
sure to change their policies. They must learn
that even though their profits from over-
charged Negroes and foreigners will be tem-
porarily reduced, in the long run they will
raise profits with the new supply of buyers
who will no longer fear discrimination in
Ann Arbor.
MORE IMPORTANT, they must learn that
it is morally wrong to discriminate. It is
injust and un-American to deny to educated,
worthwhile citizens the right to enjoy the good
housing that they deserve because of their
skill, their training and their individual worth.
The people of Ann Arbor seem to have for-
gotten the democratic principles they learned
in high school civics.
North Frustrates Negroes
Dylan :delights Public,
Prefers Motorcycle
AS COLORFUL as his red-checkered shirt, as lively as his skipping
fingers, as dynamic as his wild harmonica and as ethnic and varied
as his audience, Bob Dylan proved his reputation as one of the most
promising new stars in Folk singing, Sunday night.
Short in stature but tall in talent, Bob Dylan had the audience
in hand the moment he stepped on stage. Unlike many of the
"rising young artists" Bob Dylan stars clear of the tried and trite folk
songs that are now altogether too familiar.
THE TWO FINEST songs of the performance were both his: "Walk
in my Shoes" a serious ballad on the present American emphasis on
death and bomb shelters and "Talking John 'Birch Society Paranoid.
Blues" a comic-parady of high degree. The poetry of his language
and the naturalness of his style add another facet to his talents.
While his guitar playing was intricate and strong it was the
combination of his frantic harmonica and his trance-like, searching
voice that most enthralled the audience. Catching a note, Dylan
would wrestle with it and squeeze every meaning and emotion from
it only to go after another and another.
Asked how he likes singing as a career, Bob Dylan answered that
it was fine but that he'd rather be riding his motorcycle around the
country. With his talent, and the hearty approval he receives where
ever he performs he's not likely to ride that cycle for a long, long time.
Bob Dylan is bound for other roads right now.
-Hugh Holland
Perfor mers Possess
Elusive Human Factior;
THE FOLK FESTIVAL'S "Hoot" Saturday night was something else.
The. music was seldom pretty, in -the conventional sense of the
word. The performers were not professionals. Yet it was one of the
most magnificent evenings of folk music ever seen anywhere.
* * ,* *
IT IS TOO EASY to be flip with words like "soul" and "guts." They
are used so often and so indiscriminately that when one is hit by the
full impact of the genuine article the words seem follow.
There were two characteristics that set this program apart. There
was a sense of immediacy and emotional involveient with the music
on the part of the performers 'that a professional can never achieve
and non-professionals only rarely attain. In addition, the performers
possessed an intimacy and mastery, not only of the ethnic musical
techniques, but of the elusive human element that underlies the
In many ways and at many times the music provided the listener
with an experience that cannot be forgatten.
-Howard Abrams
Fuller Gives Glimpse
OfPa*in, Happiness
JESSE FULLER played his folk songs and told his tales to a good
house Friday night in the Michigan Union ballroom. It was an im-
portant event.
Fuller is a small, strong man, 66, with a rich, sudden laugh; his
voice has a rough warmth, sometimes explosive and sometimes broken
off; his rhythms are clear, unhurried, never over-dramatized, curiously
pure in the manner of Blind Lemon Jefferson.
A one-man band, he sits down to play nearly trapped by his
gear: an amplified 12-string guitar which he calls "the biggest this
side of Rome"; a headpiece fitted with a microphone, a harmonica
invented, home-made "fotdella," a Rube Goldberg contraption, played
and what sounds like a comb-and-paper; and before him his home-
by stockinged foot, and subs as bass, snare and who knows what else.
The whole seems held together by hangers and 10-cent glue and
countless wries from here to there, as if any moment it might erupt
with a cardboard rocket. Fuller might be absurd.
* * * *
INSTEAD, he's a tonic and original man. He starts off with
"Lonesome Road," and it's clear at once that he knows what he's
talking about. He sings "Bill Bailey'' or "Tiger Rag," a direct, open-air
ragtime without flounce, or a funky blues that hovers between involve-
ment and irony, and without forcing a thing he has delivered himself.
For the most important event with Fuller is not this or that song,
but the steady exposure of an important personality. No songs demand
a more personal vision than the kind he sings. Belonging to all men,
they belong to no man until he can prove possession by realizing his
own experience in them, giving that experience again and again with a
full gesture of his personality.
SOLEMN TALK, sure. But up there alone behind his crazy rig,
or doing that crazy tap dance at the end, lit by the inconclusive,
sullen light of three of the ballroom's chandeliers, Fuller was indeed
"the lone cat." Ohe had a humbling glimpse of a fine pain, a lucid
happiness. These "authentics" are sometimes paraded before us
like exotic beasts.
I say too bad for the college kid that wants in any way to
patronize this old man, to prove that he is "really an artist," to dangle
him like some human prize brought tame to the frat house, the activist
in-group, the dorm, our shaded lawns. Better to shut up. He has
been drunker than we, has seen more jails and hard work. And
however warm, however human, he is among us in a necessary
-Carl Ogelsby
(Editor's Note: Robert spivac k
is substituting for Walter Lipp-
mann, who is in Europe.)
cause of Negro frustration in
the fight for equal rights is that
so many Northern communities do
not practice what their politicians
Each year both houses of Con-
gress are treated to the spectacle
of Northern lawmakers speaking
scornfully of the Old South, then,
turning around to advocate half-
way measures in a half-hearted
fashion that advances the cause
of equal rights hardly at all.
In that category one might put
the current "debate" over literacy
tests which has provoked sokmany
headlines and which is spoken of
as a "breakthrough" in the fight
to improve the Negro's status. The
fact is that it is a small step,
although in the right direction.
** * i
THERE IS much more signifi-
cant legislation pending, particu-
larly a measure by Sen. Joseph
Clark of Pennsylvania which would
require every segregated school
district to prepare "with all delib-
erate speed" a desegregation plan
and put it into effect now. Con-
gress however, demonstates a
tendency to move with all deliber-
ate slowness.
It is still possible for the execu-
tive branch to do more than it
has been doing. A suggestion has
been made that by using the
anti-trust laws the Attorney Gen?
eral could bring one important
aspect of the civil rights argument
to a legal climax. In light of the
current dispute with the steel
companies over their possible sta-
tus as "trusts" this idea seems
especially timely.
* * *
THE IDEA for using the anti-
trust laws comes from Irving M.
Engel, a New York attorney and
honorary president of the Ameri-
can Jewish Committee. Engel is
a specialist in real estate law.
U of D Credo Contradictory
IN ITS CREDO, the University of Detroit pre-
sents high but twisted ideals.
As a result, The Credo, which is given on
the fourth page of the new bulletin the U. of
D. sends to persons considering attending its
summer session is ambigious.
It states that U of D believes in the pbrsonal
dignity of man and in the sanctity of the home.
It states that U of D is opposed to "all forms
of dictatorship holding the philosophy that
the 'total man' belongs to the State." It also
states that U of D believes "liberty is a sacred
thing, but the law, which regulates liberty,
is a sacred obligation."
THESE ARE FINE ideals. But they are un-,
dermined by what follows:
"It (the U. of D.) believes in inculcating all
the essential liberties of American Democracy
and takes open and frank issue with all brands
of spurious 'democracy'." This is puzzling. The
meaning of "all brands of spurious 'demo-
cracy"' is not explained, and the reader won-
ders exactly what the U of D is taking issue
with here.
The reader gets a vague idea about this
by reading that "The aim of totalitarian philos-
,Hour s?
THINGS ARE TOUGH all over these days.
Even the sun-soaked University of Miami
campus is beginning to feel the pinch of ad-
ministrative crackdown. This year the uni-
versity administration issued a new and longer
list of don'ts for students.
The hours for upper class women, originally
midnight; during the week, have now been
changed to 10 p.m. Those gay party weekends
have been clouded over with a change from
o'clocks to 1 o'clocks on Friday and Saturday.
Freshmen women must be in at the usual
9 p.m. hour during the week.
DORM LIFE continues to be a challenge to
Miami women. Freshman women must have
their lights off by midnight, and they may
have only eight late permissions for studying
during the semester. This rule is enforced
by continual bed and light checks so that no
one can escape.
So don't complain about the University's
regulations until you've first seen the Univer-
ophy is to capture the mind of youth. Ameri-
can youth is exposed to 'isms' of every sort
whose pernicious poisons have the potency to
destroy our hard-won liberties." This also is
puzzling. Is U of D referring specifically to
Communism and Facism, when it cites "all
forms of dictatorship holding the philosophy
that the 'total man' belongs to the State?"
Hopefully, U of D is not also referring to
socialism and capitalism, which of course are
not necessarily totalitarian philosopies.
ALL THIS LEADS to the clincher: "The Uni-
versity of Detroit refuses to allow 'academic
freedom' to be used as a pretext for teaching
doctrines which destroy all freedom.' And
this is the statement that repudiates the fine
ideals stated above and that makes a travesty
of the Credo.
For is not academic freedom one of the
types of liberty, which, according to the Credo,
"is a sacred thing?" Few students or professors
would contest the point that academic freedom
is sacred, since without it, ideas, doctrines and
opinions do not have an open marketplace and
a public forum in which they can be partially
And is not academic freedom an essential
liberty of American Democracy? It would seem
that academic freedom is an essential part of
the right of free discussion, which, in turn,
is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the
And the Constitution is the basic law of the
land, law being, according to the Credo, "a
sacred obligation." It follows from this line of
reasoning that academic freedom is not only
essential, but also obligatory.
PERHAPS THE CREDO means, by the phrase,
"a pretext for teaching doctrines which
destroy all freedom," teachers forcibly in-
doctrinating students in the precepts of Com-
munism. (But even if they were to do so,
would not U of D students be able to go to
a library-there is a good one at U of D-
and read the works of Thomas Jefferson, John
Stuart Mill and Abraham Lincoln, thereby
getting the other side?)
But this interpretation of the Credo can-
not be the correct one because of the unlikeli-
hood that teachers would force any political
belief on U of D students, were they able to do
so. It seems more likely that the Credo means
the presentation of ideas "which destroy all
freedom." And if this is the case, then U of D
Engel, like many others, thinks
it is disgraceful that in the capital
of the United States, it is still
possible for powerful real estate
interests to deny the sale of pri-
vate homes "to Negroes, or any
person or persons of Negro blood
or extraction, or to any person of
the Semitic race, blood, or origin,
Jews, Hebrews, Persians and Syr-
ians ..." I
The quotation is free from a
restrictive covenant still widely
used in Washington, D. C., in a
fashionable neighborhood populat-
ed by leading senators, other poli-
ticians and public figures.
Whilehthe Supreme Court has
held that restrictive covenants
cannot be enforcedibecause they
deny equal protection of the laws
to Negroes and others, under the
14th Amendment, the fact is that
they are still used.
ENGEL OUTLINED in some de-
tail how the real estate firms and
the lenders of mortgage money,
often building and loan associa-
tions or banks, work hand-in-
hand. The lenders have ties with
title companies and maintain a
list of "approved" firms from
which they will accept title in-
surance. The title companies helps
the developer by making sure that
the restrictive covenants appear
in the new deeds.
It is a neat arrangement. In
i3 residential areas in and around
Washington, Engel finds there is
a "concerted refusal to deal" with
members of minority groups. In
his judgment this constitutes "con-
sciously parallel action" and uni-,
form conduct which has, in ordin-
ary business and anti-trust suits,
been considered substantial evi-
dence of acombination in re-
straint of trade.
Whether Engel's legal conjec-
tures are correct will not be settl-
ed until the matters go to court.
It would be interesting to hear
what the Justice Department
thinks, particularly since it is now
and for sometime to come likely
to be knee-deep in anti-trust ac-
(c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
Free Press. Viewed
As Cornerstone of U'
To the Editor:
I NOTED with shock and dismay
that the Board in Control of
Student Publications has not acted
in accordance with the recommen-
dations of the Senior Editors with
regard to the selection of new
staff. The tradition of allowing
students to run their newspaper
without outside interference is one
of the cornerstones of the founda-
tions of free intellectual life with-
in a university which aspires to
and claims greatness.
Whether members of the Faculty
agree with most-or any-of the
student editorials is irrelevant.
The undergraduate years are op-
portunities for venture, originality
and the learning of how to take on
responsibility. The educational
values inherent in having a stu-
dent newspaper can be realized
only if the students are given
as complete control as possible.
It is up to those interfering to
justify their action, and show
good cause. I cannot conceive of
any justification for interference
except cases of crude and out-
rageous irresponsibility on the
part of the students. The public
has not been given such justifica-
tion in this case.
My sympathies are with the
Senior Editors. I hope that I shall
not have to witness occurrences of
similar interference in the future.
-Prof. J. M. E. Moravcsik
Philosophy Department
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