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April 24, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-24

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High Court Allows State Ruling
In Legislative Distribution Case

Tests To Seek New Warhead

States scientists and military
chiefs, poised for a new series of
nuclear tests, hope to find ways
to pack even greater destructive
power into smaller warheads.
Informed sources said yester-
day a major aim of these aerial
tests, the first such shocks in the
Pacific in nearly four years, will
be to increase the efficiency of
United States missile warheads
and nuclear bombs.
Experiments looking toward
more efficient warheads will come
in what are called "weapon ef-
fects" tests in which nuclear de-
vices-as distinguished from fin-
ished weapons-are exploded un-

View Results
Of Verdict
"The return of the Scholle ver-
sus Hare case to the Michigan Su-
preme Court is a very healthy
thing," Prof. George Peak of the
political science department said
"It is in line with the Baker
versus Carr decision (the Tennes-
see Case) and it may go even
further. It will force the constitu-
tional convention to think serious-
ly about what it will propose to
the voters and it will make the
delegates look more carefully at
proposals using population-based
representation," he continued.
"The only reason that the Mich-
igan Supreme Court has not taken
action before this was due to the
question of justifiability. This
question is now settled and the
Court must take cognizance of
this fact and do something about
it," Prof. John White of the poli-
tical science department said.
Second Reading
"Since con-con is approaching
second reading on reapportion-
ment the issue is more significant,
for an effort will probably be made
to amend the text of the Senate
apportionment proposal," Prof.
White continued.
"While the Baker versus Carr
case influenced some of the dele-
gates this decision is likely to cause
more consideration on the reap-
portionment issue."
"The fact that the new Senate
apportionment system is not
scheduled to go into effect until
1970 raises the question of wheth-
er the Michigan Supreme Court
will wait ten years to make a de-
cision or whether the convention
will decide to put the plan into ef-
fect at once," Prof. White said.
Cannot Know Attitude
"One cannot know the attitude
of the state high court but it is
interesting to note that they will
be passing on the present consti-
tutional language while con-con
is changing that same language."
"This is only one of many cases
which will extend and implement
the decision of the United States
Supreme Court in the historic
Baker versus Carr decision," Prof.
White commented.
U.S., Soviets Agree
To Talk on Berlin
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Dean Ruk and Soviet
Ambassador Anatoly S. Dobrynin
agreed yesterday to conduct fu-
ture talks on the Berlin crisis here
in Washington, United States
sources said yesterday.
This was described as the main
result of a 50-minute conference
this afternoon.
Guatemala Notes
Cuban Arms Ship
government said last night a Cu-
ban ship carrying guns, saboteurs
and explosives was moving toward
this Central American area.

Sets Bases
f f
Of Authority
In Michigan .M<
-Decision Gives Notice
Not To Avoid Issues
preme Court told state courts yes-
Gterday that they have the author-
ity to rule on claims tha distribu-
tion of state legislative seats vio-
lates the federal constitution.
<r' Directing Michigan's supreme
court to rule in such'a case, the
high tribunal thus added a foot-
note to its March 26 landmark de-
cision that federal courts may rule
on the same issue.
But yesterday's unsigned, 7-1
majority decision, which gave no
reasons, seemed to put the state
courts on notice not to duck the
constitutional questions involved.
-AP Wirephoto It was explained in a concurring
in Buenos Aires. These military opinion, by Justices Tom C. Clark
urrection against the army high and Potter Stewart, in these
Reflects Belief
"Today's order simply reflects
our belief that the Michigan Su-
preme Court should be the first to
consider the merits of the federal
[o ield _ _ constitutional claim, free from any
doubts as to its justifiability."
The state tribunal, in 1960, dis-
missed a suit by August Scholle,
his own appointees. It also would acting as an individual and as
eliminate all the provincial legis- president of the Michigan State
latures. AFL-CIO..
Sign Decree S c h o 11 e charged that 1952

der various conditions.
Warhead Efficiency
The Russians are believed


PREPARE FOR CIVIL WAR-Argentine troops set up gun barriers
preparations were taken in response to Gen. Enrique Rauch's insu
Report Guido Set T

have made strides toward greater
warhead efficiency in their most
recent series last fall. But au-
FTC Opposes
Setting Price
WASHINGTON (R') - The Fed-
eral Trade Commission strongly
opposed yesterday legislation to
legalize a system of resale price
Chairman Paul Rand Dixon of
the Commission said that the bill
probably would hurt the small
businessman rather than help him
as its sponsors contend.
The bill, usually referred to as
a proposed National Fair Trade
Law, would permit a manufactur-
er to deny his products to retailer
who sells below established resale
The antitrust division of the
Justice Department offered testi-
mony in opposition to the mea-
sure last week.
Dixon said he wanted to empha-
size that under the proposal "the
owners of the brand, name or
trademark will fix and maintain
the prices at which their products
are to be resold.

thorities feel the Soviets still trail
the United States in this vital as-#
pect of nuclear weaponry.
Nuclear efficiency sometimes is
referred to as "a bigger bang for
a buck." The cost factor is an
important one, since nuclear weap-
ons are very expensive.'
But much more than economy
is at stake.
Striking Effectiveness
As nuclear warheads become
more efficient-that is, produce
greater blasts from smaller
amounts of material-they in-I
crease the striking effectiveness of
the rockets that propel them.
This is especially'important to
the United States, which is build-
ing its future long-range striking
power around the Polaris sub-
marine-launched missile and the
land-based Minuteman intercon-
tinental ballistic missile.
The Polaris warhead, as now
designed, can release the blast
equivalent of about 400 thousand
tons of TNT. The Minuteman is
rated at about 5-600 thousand
tons of TNT.
Widen Range
While United States military
men say this is enough to knock
out most targets, they want both
widen their blast range and to
warheads made more potent to
deepen their ground penetration
to get at Russian missile launch-
ing pads which may be dug in
More efficient warheads also
would beef up the striking power
of Atlas and Titan missiles, which
now are in place around the
United States

These liquid-fuel missiles, this
country's first combat-ready
ICBM's, mount warheads with
blast force on the order of two
million to three million tons of
The U.S. now plans to array 800
of the quick-to-fire solid fuel
Minutemen starting late this year.
The more cumbersome Atlas and
Titan -rockets are being limited to
a total of 231.
Compliment Land Forces
Complementing the land-based
ICBM's, most of them in protect-
ed underground bases, will be 41
Polaris submarines each carrying
16 missiles. So far, eight of these
subs have been commissioned.
Military authorities expect all
of these missiles, and their current
warheads, to be tested in the Pa-
cific series which is expected to
last two to three months.
To. Debate Bill
On Civil Rights
WASHINGTON (P) - Opposing
sides gathered their forces Inst
night for the impending start of a
Senate debate that could develop
into another historic and pro-
longed civil rights battle.
Democratic leaders said they
will move to call up today the
Kennedy-backed voter literacy
test bill and push it through to a
Southern Senators took up posi-
tions against the measure, with
every indication they were pre-
pared to wage another all-out fili-
buster if necessary to defeat it.

BUENOS AIRES (A)-President
Jose Maria Guido, facing renewed
threats of a military takeover,
withdrew from Congress last night
his request for two more years in
Acting Interior Minister Ernesto
Lanusse declared this meant that
before the week is out Guido would
call for new presidential elections.
Proposes Bill
On Stockpiling
subcommittee proposed yesterday
that the government dispose of
billions of dollars worth of surplus
material by channelling it to de-
fense contractors for conversion
into military supplies.
Sen.-Stuart Symington (D-Mo.),'
chairman of an Armed Services
Subcommittee which is investigat-
ing the nation's stockpile of stra-
tegic materials, outlined the plan
in a statement at the start of pub-
lic hearings:
"We are recommending to the
President that in order to reduce
these tremendous inventories, pay-
ment for various materials pur-
chasedhby the Defense Department
for the current multi-billion .de-
fense program be made at least
in part by the government furnish-
ing those materials to the supplier
in question which would be neces-
sary for that supplier to have in
order to fill the order in question."
Subcommittee counsel R. C. Co-
burn said a version of the plan
now is being used in production of
items for the foreign aid program.
Symington said he would intro-
duce legislation which would be
required before the plan could be
put into effect. 1

The law stipulates the voting must
take place within 90 days of the
Complement Land Forces
(EARLIER) - (AP) - Presi-
dent Jose Maria Guido was report-
ed by informed sources yesterday
to be ready to bow to navy pres-
sure and sign decrees nullifying
the March elections won by Peron-


Informants said Guido would'
sign a decree declaring null and
void all elections held since Dec.
17, 1961. This would throw out all
ballots cast for gubernatorial and
legislative posts in Argentina's

amendments to the Michigan con-
stitution revamping senate dis-
tricts violated the federal consti-
tution's guarantees of equal pro-
tection. He said the law wiped out
a requirement of periodic reap-

ists. provinces and also for half the portionment, and, with but two
There was no confirmation from membership of the Federal Cham- c h a n g e s, "perpetually froze
government house. Such action ber of Deputies. the unconstitutional malappor-
would make clear the president Clement's demands constituted tionment that existed at its enact-
was stil working under mandates the answer from the country's ment."
from the country's armed forces naval forces to the all-army rebel- Justice John M. Harlan, dissent-
leadership. lion Saturday which brought ing in sharp words with the deci-
Guido conferred past midnight tanks, anti-aircraft guns and bat- sion, took issue with the majority's
at his suburban residence in Olivos tie-garbed troops into the heart of instruction to the Michigan tri-
with leaders .of the armed forces, Buenos Aires. bunal to act in the light of last
including Rear Adm. Gaston Cle- The Army rebellion was led by month's ruling in the Tennessee
ment, Secretary of the Navy. Cavalry Gen. Enrique Rauch. reapportionment case.
Says Nothing Rauch acted in support of Presi- Scholle hailed the s u p r e m e
Clement declined to say any- dent Guido, declaring it was time court's ruling and said he hopes
thing to reporters. He issued a for the military to stop issuing ul- for action by the Michigan Su-
statement Sunday demanding that timatums to the president. preme Court within 30 days.
Guido nullify the elections and
sign other decrees outlawing Com-
munists as well as followers of ex-
dictator Juan D. Peron. World News Roundup
The informants said Guido wasj W rdN w Ro du
preparing to go along with another
of Clement's demands - that the
entire country be placed under By The Associated Press
federal control. SUNNYVALE, Calif. - A large, segmented solid propellant boost-
This would permit the president er rocket was test-fired over the weekend for approximately 130 sec-
to replace all elected officials with onds. It was the longest burning time yet for a solid booster of this
size, United Technology Corp., reported yesterday.
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rouse uroup
To Send Act
To Conference
bers of the House rules committee
have agreed to allow President
John F. Kennedy's college aid bill
to go to a House-Senate confer-
ence committee.
The bill has lain dormant for
over two months since the two
houses passed widely differing ver-
sions of the bill.1
The $2.7 billion Senate version
would provide a five-year program
for federal scholarships and loans
to public and private colleges and
public junior colleges.
The House bill, totalling only
$1.5 billion, calls for no scholar-
ships, and a five-year program to
aid construction in public, pri-
vate, and church-connected col-
leges. Sixty per cent of this aid
would take the form of matching
grants and 40 per cent of low in-
terest loans.
The main trouble in reaching a
compromise is expected to arise
over the costly scholarship pro-
gram, which many conservatives
feel Senate liberals will try to
push through on an all-or-nothing
basis attached to the more popu-
lar construction program.
Although some Congressmen
are pessimistic, supporters of the
bill feel a suitable compromise can
be reached, perhaps one which
would attach a student aid to the
present federal student loan sys-

* * *
NEW YORK - An unemployed
Negro sent here from Louisiana by
a segregationist group said yester-
day he had decided to accept a job
as a $100-a-week handyman and
freight loader.
MOSCOW - The newly chosen
Supreme Soviet, or Russian parlia-
ment, opened yesterday.
** *
Department announced yesterday
it will start today its first passport
revocation hearings under its new
regulations barring passports to
PALM BEACH-President John
F. Kennedy yesterday picked Vice
Adm. Edwin J. Roland for promo-
tion to Commandant of the United
States Coast Guard.
* * *
SAIGON - Viet Cong rebels
opened fire on a motorboat on the
Saigon River Sunday.
* * *
BERLIN-Numerous Soviet jets
took to the air around the ap-
proaches to Berlin yesterday and
Western airline pilots were warned
by the radar control center in the
city to be careful.
* * *
HAVANA - Two Swiss diplo-
mats flew to the Isle of Pines yes-
terday with Castro government
permission to visit 17 prisoners
they described as North Ameri-

May SuspendI
Impacted Area
Federal Aid
tary of Health, Education and
Welfare Abraham Ribicoff has an-,
nounced that federal aid to "im-
pacted areas" may be cut off in
areas which continue to practice
segregation in schools.
For the past eleven years the
federal government has sponsored
a program to give financial assist-.
ance to school districts "impacted",
by large numbers of children,
whose parents work and often live
on military installations, so that
they usually pay no local school
Besides cutting off such aid to
those of these schools which still
practice segregation, Ribicoff is
contemplating a federal test suit
to challenge segregation in school
districts now receiving aid under
the impacted areas program.
The new policy, a departure
from that practiced previously un-
der both the Eisenhower and Ken-
nedy administrations, will prob-
ably have only limited immediate
effects, but its long-run effects
could be great. In 1961 for exam-
ple, the 17 southern and border
states received a total of over $12
and % million under this program.

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PALM BEACH - Roger W. Jones is leaving as Deputy Under-
secretary of State but may take another government post, the Palm
Beach White House said yester-9


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