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April 21, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-21

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Seventy-Second Year
Where Opinions AreFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone No 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

, APRIL 21, 1962


Regents Open the Door;
How Many Will Enter?

ITH SOME huffing and puffing about how.
to carry out the proposal, the Regents
sterday opened their formal meetings to the
(The motion to open the meetings was un-
posed, but several Regents did not participate
the voice vote. Maker of the motion was
gent Donald M. D. Thurber of Detroit, long
proponent of open meetings. The matter
d been broached last month by freshman
gent Alan Sorenson of Midland.
Since the Regents will 'continue to meet on
e third Friday of the month in their room
the Administration Bldg, "public" means
e 50 or so people that can be squeezed into
isitors section.
OWEVER, despite the understandable
limits imposed by available facilities, the
gents established the principle. This was
eminently sound action.
There are two mayor reasons.
The Board of Regents is a political body. Its
mbers run for eight-year terms on partisan
kets. They are often identified with party
nciples, such as the Democrats' opposition,
not to all tuition, at least to high fees.
rI'e Regents think they should be political.
obliges them to go around the state, both
the campaign and out, speaking about higher
ication and the University. Their political
tus can also give them some leverage in
air party. The governor, for instance, cannot
lly them, for political as well as constitu-
nal reasons, although the Board is, and
ght to be, open to some political "pressure."
IVEN THE DESIRABILITY of all this, the
logic of open meetings is compelling. Open
etings are . a safeguard to the democratic,
d political process. They are an invitation to
re public participation in debate about the
iversity--one of the initial advantages of
itical status.
the Regents ought to act as Congress or the
te Legislature does with most of the pro-
dings open to the public.
t's even possible some day, though perhaps
likely, t.hat, really important meetings of
Board could be broadcast. There are cer-

tainly lots of persons interested in things
tuition boosts.


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more likely to have an effect within the
University itself. To most people here, profes-
sors and students alike, the Regents and even
the top administrators are remote deities,
apparently far removed from the welter of
University life.
Opening the meetings to the University com-
munity can have the effect of interesting its
members in the vital processes of running the
University. There is patently not enough in-
terest today.
ONE POSSIBLE PROBLEM of the open meet-
ings might be efforts of pressure groups
to pack the meetings and exert some sort
of demonstrative pressure on the Regents.
However, adequate administration can elim-
inate this problem.
Another problem is the fact that the meet-
ings, like those of most legislative bodies, are
often intermidably dull. This is something that
will have to be overcome if the idea of open
meetings is to be really successful; but the
public's presence might well quicken the pace
of the meetings. If it doesn't no one will come.
Finally, the meetings could lose much of their
meaning because of the fact that so much
Regental action takes place behind the closed
doors of the Thursday night and Friday morn-
ings. These sessions are not open to the press
now, and they will not be open to the public
in the future.
F THE AUDIENCE has the idea that it is
only a show, they won't come. A meaningful
public meeting necessitates meaningful debate
about the issues, with clear statements of in-
dividual opinions. All Regental action need
not be public, of course, but perhaps the Uni-
versity community would like to watch the
processes of its government a bit more closely.
These problems can be surmounted, if the
Regents want them to be.
They should.
City Editor


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Ex Officios Needed for Now

Distinctive 'Mark'-
Adult, Effective
'THE MARK" is the story of a young man who succumbs to his "inner
conflicts" and abducts a 9-year-old girl. This act, which is handled
through flash-backs and not immediately disclosed, is merely the stage-
setter as the now paroled prisoner attempts to re-enter society.
The film's message is a simple one. One can never repay a debt to
society when society prefers to keep the filthy ledger open. This point-
and an optimistic, "Brighter Day" ending does little to temper it-
entails sayiig some pretty disgusting things about human nature and
they are said well.
STUART WHITMAN, as the young "criminal," performs with
distinction in a difficult role. Maria Schell is quite adequate portraying
the woman who helps to lead him out of the wilderness.
The most interesting characterization, however, is that of Rod
Steiger who plays old Dr. McNally, prison psychiatrist. McNally first
subjects his patient to the most brutal therapy imaginable and then
labors to convince him that he still has a normal place in society if he
will only fight for it.
Steiger, though at times he tends to project a Freud-with-sociology-
degree image, is nonetheless the brightest light in the story. Blessed with
a sensible script, his performance is consistently good and sometimes
THE ONE MAJOR WEAKNESS of the film is that it takes a some-
what one-sided view of the hero's predicament. It is indeed lamentable
that people are prejudiced against a man who has been pronounced
cured of his sickness, but that does not erase the terrible nature of his
actions. Superstition about mental disease may be middle-ages stuff,
but the abduction of a child is hardly a case or normal maladjustment
The portrait of the man who finally hurls the young man back
into hopelessness is well done. The villain is a journalist of a bright
yellow shade who turns a harmless carnival scene into a reenactment
of the original crime and prints it for the eager public to cluck over.,
Stunned and horrified, the victim asks why such a thing has been
done. The answer: "I'm a newspaperman." And, as the babbling old
husband of the hero's landlady so succinctly puts it, "Newspapers don't
lie." They don't have time to lie, it seems; they're too busy destroying.
THIS IS AN "adult" movie all the way, but it is relatively free of
the sensational tripe which usually marks such productions. It is a
pleasure to find the intelligence more challenged than insulted.
-Ralph Stingel
Updated 'State .Fair'
Likable, .lyrical
"STATE FAIR" is indeed a well-worn motion picture property. As
originally filmed in 1930-something, it starred Will Rogers. It was
again made in 1945. But this latest version is probably the most
splendiferous and Cinemascopic of them all. It is a melange of visual
entertainment: the fairway, the exhibits, the countryside. It includes
all the original Rodgers and Hammerstein tunes, and a few new
ones penned by Rogers. The setting has been changed to Texas, the
date to the present.
It is certainly undated. Is it good?
* * 5, *
AT LEAST it is full of interesting surprises. As a story of a
farm family which enters its prize boar and liquored-up mincemeat
in the contests, it stars Tom Ewell as Dad and Alice Faye as Mom.
We follow their tribulations as they wait while the entries are
judged; and we see the ultimate in pathos as Dad must sing to
his boar in an effort to wake it out of its lethargy. Mom, of course,
wins with her 100 proof mincemeat, and all are happy.
The greatest 'surprise is Pat Boone, as Wayne their son. HIS
contribution to the Fair is his race car, a sleek red chassis. As the
film unfolds, he slowly loses that all-American apple-pie 99 44/100
per cent character we all know him for, and attains a new stature as
he runs into and is entranced by the Woman. She is Ann-Margret,
a young starlet who shows up with an incomparably bad-but loud-
voice, and something that really does approach acting ability.
She and Wayne have a ball all week, and he even slips a ring
on her finger, but the last day of the Fair comes and she tearfully
pushes him away with an I'm-not-right-for-you speech. Well, maybe
she isn't, but she does show some promise of becoming a good dra-
matic actress (underline dramatic). Not singing. Pat Boone is probably
too much of a star to say that he shows promise, but he has at
least some ability.
HIS SISTER, Margie (Pamela Tiffin, from "Eins, Zwei, Drei"),
also finds The One at the Fair, in the person of Bronx High School
of Science's most famous graduate, Bobby Darin. He is a television
commentator working at the Fair, and they fall in love and then
out of love and then in love again. Anyway, they're together at the
end, which is better than Pat and Ann-Margret did.
Bobby Darin even sings a song or two, and his voice will prove
no formidable block to enjoying this relatively harmless, but some-
how likable, film.

--Steven Hendel
Student Movement
NLotf A Failure

4 .

'And What Rough Beast.. .?'

DESPITE a growing mountain of reasons for
not doing so, many Americans continue to
ink of world affairs chiefly in terms of
rope, Russia and the major powers of the
estern Hemisphere.
Ignorance of the affairs of Asia made Pearl
,rbor a complete surprise to the American
ople. Few are sure, even today, what hap-
ned in Korea and why. Excessive emphasis
the "Communist menace" provides us with
deceptively simple and almost totally un-
ightening conception of the vast and vital
UT THE UNITED STATES is becoming in-
creasingly committed to the affairs of
i,. American soldiers are dying in Vietnam;
zerican ships separate two hostile Chinas.
sudden brutal incident in the jungles of
itheast Asia tomorrow can affect a number
American families, and, conceivably, every
nily in the world.
Vietnam, a new nation carved from the
pse of French Indochina, is equally divided
;ween two undersirable totalitarian govern-
nts. In neither can be found the freedoms
the concern for the welfare of the people
ich Westerners regard as fundamental.
n Vietnam, the United States has chosen
make its stand against the "red tide" of
mnmunism. President Kennedy has shown an
lerstanding of the importance of Southeast
a, and an intention of continuing to support
ith Vietnam against the guerrillas who
le moved through the rural areas almost at
1. China has demanded the withdrawal of
erican "aggressor" forces, but so far has
:en no major part itself. It will, eventually,
m strategic and economic necessity.
N FORMOSA, commanding a tremendous
army, sits deposed Chinese President
jang Kai-shek, dreaming of his planned re-
iquest of the Chinese mainland. The United
tes regards him as the ruler of China, and
kes it possible for his representative to
ak for that nation in the UN.
3esides his violent anti-Communism, Chiang
little to recommend him as a leader of
n. His pitiful incompetence as a strategist
t the Chinese Civil, War. His demonstrated
regard for the people he wants to rule
tin makes popular support on the main-
.d unlikely. Without this support, his en-
oned invasion will fail. The United States
uld continue to oppose such a dangerous
and should offer no support whatsoever
uch a futile assault is made.
EE HERALDED and debated rift between
Russia and China .is real and deep. It is
o inevitable. Russia's violent upheaval is
Ifo ,f-n . v M e"A a tn - n of: t av

has a deep and passionate hatred of the ex-
colonial west. It is a poverty-ridden nation,
and will be for a long, long time. China's
theologians are radicals even among Marxists,
and they rank "peaceful coexistence" high
among their seven deadly sins..
With different histories, different cultures,
different heritages, different geographies,
ethnologies, religious and governmental tra-
ditions, a lasting and meaningful pact be-
tween Russia and China is absurd,
nation on the make. Its ambitions have been
felt in Tibet, in Mongolia, in North Korea.
Today, it lays claim to an ever-increasing
slab of real estate also claimed by India.
India has forced the Portugese from Goa
in order to free large numbers of troops
for 'service in the troubled north. The very
magnitude of India and China makes their
border one of the most dangerous spots on
In its desire to expand, China has also
laidclaim to an impressive chunk of the Soviet
Union. It, has even been suggested that the
important Russian port of Vladivostok is tres-
passing on Chinese soil. All things, considered,
the military history of the later twentieth
century may well be dominated and brought
about by the expansion of Communist Cnina.
THE STORY of the small Asian ex-colonies
is one of great dreams and ambitions.
Their new-found independence is, says Azis
Ahmed, Pakistan's American ambassador, has
"opened up new vistas, expanded new hori-
zons." He speaks of the desire of these nations
to make great material progress at a very
rapid rate. He speaks of the "tidal wave of
totalitarianism" which will engulf them if
they fail.
The Communists, in the "battle for men's
minds," are advertising their scheme as a
shortcut to the dreamed-of utopia. The remark-
able material successes of Russia in the present
century, and Russia's remarkable annual
growth rate--now about three times our own-
make effective selling points.
While the Western World received the mag-
nificent economic benefits of capitalism, the
Asians had a less attractive view. Little in
oriental history points to the value of "free
enterprise," "individual initiative," or "laissez
faire." An understandable inclination toward
Socialism will probably long continue to exist
in Asia.'
The problems of Asia are as large as the
population. Asia is hungry; it is backward; it
has been crippled by a brutal world war Lind
ripped by revolution. There are few tractors
to work the land, and few workers can be

Daily Staff Writer
THERE HAS BEEN a great deal
of discussion this year about
the ex officio members on Student
Government Council -'what role
they have assumed, their particu-
lar problems and whether or not
they should be on SGC at all.
The ex officio members of SGC
are the top officers in the seven
major organizations on campus.
They have a vote and all other
privileges of membership.
* * 5,
president of Interfr.aternity Coun-
cil points out that ex officio mem-
bers provide a stabilizing force to
balance some of the more free-
thinking people on Council. This
pinpoints the role they have taken
generally in the past years and
this year in particular.
In fulfilling this role, the ex
officios bring with them the back-
ground they have received in
working up through their respec-
tive organizations. They have
views derived from these organiza-
tions, and very indirectly they do
represent them. The original ra-
tionale for having ex officios on
Council included the theory that
they would represent the entire
campus through their organiza-
tional activities, and contacts.
But their experience and know-
ledge which they gain within their
organizations cannot be applied
directly to SGC work. Often the
issues are quite different and the
administrative skills necessary for
some organizations are far remov-
ed from those used in a governing
They do not represent the cam-
pus as a whole. In voting, as
Inter-Quadrangle President Robert
Geary and others point out, ex
officios vote as individuals, ex-
cept in matters which directly
affect their organizations. In this
case the view of the organizations
usually takes the upper hand.
* * *
HOWEVER, the need for or-
ganizational views to be heard

around the Council table does not
in itself justify the seats filled
by the seven ex officios. When the
view of a particular organization
is needed, representatives from it
could be called on to present it
as in the Sigma Nu hearings.
But rarely does an issue come
before Council which directly con-
cerns a particular student organ-
ization. The experience an ex of-
ficio gains within his own or-
ganization does not necessarily
train him for SGC.
He takes over the leadership
within his organization at the
same time that he is beginning his
term on the Council, but without
the extensive process of collecting
background and arguing issues
that goes on during the campaign-
ing of the elected members. He
usually comes onto SGC ill-
prepared and without enough time
to collect a coherent background
needed to be a good Council mem-
ber. This time pressure continues
during their entire term.
* * ,*
EX OFFICIOS conceivably
could delegate their tasks within
their organizations and devote
themselves primarily to SGC. But
this just plain isn't done. Ex of-
ficios feel their primary respon-
sibility is to their organization
and many of them seem to see the
Council as important, but just
another duty of their office, cer-
tainly not their primary one.
The solution posed for the time
problem by Sue Stillerman, former
Panhellenic Association president,
is to let another top officer within
the organization assume Panhel-
lenic's seat on the Council.
The purpose of having the Pres-
ident, rather than a lesser officer
on Council is to provide SGC with
the central power it needs to be
effective. As long as ex officios are
on Council, it will have to be the
top officers or else the Council
power will become too diluted, even
though it would help many of the
organizations to have their presi-
dents unburdened by the added
duty of- being a SGC mermher.

overload of responsibility that the
ex officio members have by virtue
of their dual positions results in
them takinga a less active role in
presenting motions and within the
committee structure of SGC.
Ex officios have not generally
submitted many major motions,
the noticable exception this year
being the Glick-Roberts motion,
but some have been very active in
other ways, such as Paul Carder,
former Michigan Union President
and Bea Nemlaha, League Presi--
dent, who played a most active
role on the Office of Student Af-
fairs Study Committee. Outside
of these exceptions, the ex of-
ficios have generally limited their
functions to debating and voting
at Council meetings.
* * *
be elected by the governed and
responsible to it. Ex officios are
responsible to their organizations
where their primary interests lie
and ideally, they should not be
included on the Council. There is
no recall available with ex officios
and in some cases they are not
even elected by the organizations
which they lead. The Council and
the student body are sort of stuck
with them-and they compose
close to 40 per cent of Council.
Ex officios should eventually be
eliminated from the Counil. But
there must be many changes be-j
fore this can happen. There is no
real source of experienced per-
sonnel from which Council mem-
bers can be selected. The ad wing
has provided the Council with
Ken Miller, but this is an ex-
ception to. the rule.. Until an ef-
fective training ground is formed
within the Council itself, SGC
must rely on the organizations to
do this.
* * *
SOME CHANGES suggested by
Bea Nemlaha provide possible
solutions. She suggests holding
elections once a year to give
greater stability to the Council,
working on strengthening the re-
source pool and committee struc-
ture to train future Council mem-
bers, providing a system for hand-
ling announcements and minor
time consuming items to speed up
meetings and investigating other
systems of elections, such as by
class level or districts, used in
other schools.
The Committee on Student Con-
cerns is investigating the district
system at the present time and
may make extensive recommenda-
tions to Council. But this change
alone will not improve the quality
of the Council members, and re-
moving ex officios at this time
would be self-annihilation.
They do have direct contact
with large portions on the stu-
dent body.
Not only must the Council edu-
cate its citizens, but it must also
gain their respect. Its opinions
must begin to carry weight and
there must be a follow through to
opinion legislation. The Council
must be bolder in its stands and
continue to be deliberate in its
discussions. The Council members



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Preliminary Examinations for the Doc-
torate in Education: All applicants for
the doctorate who are planning to take
the May, 1962, preliminary examinations
in Education, May 30, 31, June 1, 2, must
file their names in the Graduate Of-
fice of Education, 4019 University High
School, not later than May 7.
The persons listed below have failed
to pick up their May FestivalnUsher
Tickets, and they will be given' one
final chance to pick them up. This will
be at the Box Office at Hill Aud., from
10:00 A.M. to noon Sat., April 21. If these
tickets are not picked up at this time
tv ,mwill be n.elled. The list follows:

10:00 A.M. to noon, Sat., April 21. See
Mr. Warner.
The Greenhouses of the University of
Michigan Botanical Gardens will be
open to members of the faculty, stu-
dents, and friends on Sun., April 22.
29, May 6 & 13, from 3 to 5 p.m. En-
trance to the Gardens is from Dixboro
Rd. one-half mile south of Plymouth
The MA French and German reading
examinations for Linguistics are sched-
uled for May 12. Students who are go.
ing to take the exam should contact
Prof. Ernst Puigram (ext. 402) to make
Phi Beta Kappa Annual Meeting on
Mon., April 23, at 3 p.m.. in 439 Mason
Hall. Election of officers and new mem-
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes effective 24
hours after the publication of this no-
tice. All publicity for these events must
be withheld until the approval has be-
come effective.
May 15-Interfraternity Council, IFC
Sing, Hill Auditorium, 6:30-10:30 p.m.
April 23-Human Relations Board,
Pro.-. Welcme Discussin. Union 3-B.

To the Editor:
GERALD STORCH'S recent edi-
torial makes three clear points:
1) Robert Ross could not muster
enough support to be elected SGC
2) Mr. Storch thinks peace dem-
onstrations are ludicrous.
3) Mr. Storch would not regret
the disappearance of all liberal
student activities.
Beyond this, his thesis is most
obscure. Instead of an argument
leading to a conclusion, we read
a barrage of opinion, prediction,
fact, and non-fact which may or
many not follow from the first
paragraph and lead logically to
the last. Perhaps Mr. Storch will
see fit to try to present his con-
clusion again, accompanied bya
pertinent argument. If so, he
might take into account the fol-
lowing comments and queries.
** *
they who see their movement as
a failure? What is the movement
and what is the evidence for per-
ceived failure?
On what grounds is picketing
for peace any more ludicrous than
sit-ir freedom rides, or HUAC

ogy and psychology of race rela-
tions and opinion change either.
The three activities Mr. Storch
mentions are supported by people
who are expressing a moral or
idealistic or other value position
about a social stat of affairs.
They are expressing opinions, and
in some instances seeking know-
ledge, not posing as experts.
AS FOR THE liberal leadership
on this campus, let us not forget
that Mr. Ross was after all elect-
ed to SGC. Some people must have
wanted him there. But supporters
of Richard Nixon couldn't get him
elected President either. Does that
mean the Republican Party and
all it stands for can henceforth
be discounted as a force in our
national life? Since Mr. G'sell is
"eminently unqualified" for his
SGC post, it is hardly a feather in
the cap of the majority of SGC
that he was elected. This majority
is clearly not the liberal supporters
of Mr. Ross.
The activities Mr. Storch men-
tions have involved students all
over the country. Let's not be so
provincial as to think that because

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