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April 19, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-19

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

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SGC Drops Issue
Of SigmaNuBias
To Forward Waiver to Committee
For Consideration of Compliance
Student Government Council decided not to begin deliberations
on the recommendations of the Committee on Membership in Student
Organizations that recognition be withdrawn from Sigma Nu unless
its bias clause is removed by the end of this semester.
At its meeting last night, Council dealt with the recent develop-
ment in the Sigma Nu case, that of a waiver granted by the Sigma Nu
High Council.
Council decided to forward the waiver to the Committee on Mem-
bership for further consideration. The Committee must report back to





On Research Grant Costs

Senate To Argue Income Tax

LANSING (P)-The first test on
possible passage of an income tax
is promised today by the Legis-
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St.
Clair) said he would try to start
action on the package of tax bills
now before the Senate.
"I'm sure I have 18 votes
(enough for Senate passage) and
might even pick up few more,"
Beadle said. "Once the thing gets
rolling a lot of people who have
been sitting on their hands might
jump on the band wagon."
Real Test.
Two minor bills are scheduled
for debate before the Senate gets
to its first real test-a proposal
to increase the cigarette tax by
a penny a part of the nuisance
tax package.
Sponsors say some $30 million
in nuisance taxes are needed for
a year before the proposed three
per cent personal income tax and
five per cent corporate income tax
starts picking up revenue.
Anti-income tax senators, mean-
while, promised to fight every bill
and every amendment as a delay-
ing tactic.
Conservative Spokesman
"We'll give them a hard time,"
Sen. Paul C. Younger (R-Lansing),
a spokesman for the conservative
Republicans promised.
The Senate meanwhile, by a
scant 18 votes, pushed through and
sent to the house a much-amended
Congressional reapportionment
Campus Clubs
Take Stands
On Protests
The campus Young Republican
Club and the campus. Young
Americans for Freedom took
stands yesterday against the dem-
onstration planned by Voice Poli-
tical Party and the Young Dem-
ocrats Club against the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities, which is scheduled for
April 25.
Meanwhile Voice announced
that Prof. Eugene Feingold of the
political science department and
Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the
philosophy department will ad-
dress their rally.
Tom Pyper, '63, chairman of the
YR's, said "we feel that demon-
strations accomplish little. This
energy can be put to better use
through such activities as writing
letters and circulating petitions in-
stead of demonstrating on the
Basic Function
The YR Executive Board issued
a press release stating that while
they believed the Committee's bas-
ic function to be a necessary one
they felt "certain procedural re-
forms which would ;protect the
rights of the individual shouldbe
They called upon the Democrats
to take reform action as they "con-
trol the committee.'
William Altenberg, '63, chair-
man of YAF, called it unfortu-
nate that "the liberal groups on
this campus have chosen such a
frivolous manner in which to pre-
sent their views on HUAC."
Thought Control
He admitted the need for "ser-
ious debate and discussion" on the
subject of the committee but said
that "this need is not fulfilled as
long as the liberals insist on con-
fusing 'thought control' with the
legitimate investigation of subver-
sive political activities."
He added that YAF will prepare
a lengthy statement evaluating
HUAC "in an effort to counteract
the negative approach of the lib-
eral groups on this campus."

Bat the..
NEW YORK-Student picket-
ing took a professional turn

The Legislature must create a
district for a new congressman al-
lowed by the latest federal census
or voters will elect a congressman-
The latest proposal would carve
the new district out of Western
Oakland and Livingston counties
plus a snip from northwest Wayne
County. It also would require the
two Upper Peninsula congressmen
to cover much more territory.
Article Voted
LANSING 0P)-Continuing at a
comparatively high rate of speed,
the constitutional convention yes-
terday completed second-round de-
bate on the education article.
In the process it reversed itself
and decided to adopt a proposal
making the governor an ex-officio
member of the State Board of Ed-
ucation. Approval of the amend-
ment was regarded as a personal
victory for Convention Vice-Presi-
dent George Romney (R-Bloom-
field Hills, probably Republican
candidate for governor.
Romney had worked behind the
scenes to get the governor on the
board, but the proposal was de-
feated in earlier committee-of-
the-whole. Romney argued the
governor has a responsibility for
the formulation of multi-million-
dollar education budgets. He
should therefore, have a place on
the board, he contended.
In its change of mind, the con-
vention agreed to give the governor
a place on the board without the
power to vote.
The matter has to go through a
final vote next month.
Other featres in the six-part
education article included a re-
quirement that meetings of the
governing boards of Michigan's ten
state-supported colleges and uni-
versities be open to the public and
that the boards make an annual
accounting to the Legislature.
On. the completion of the edu-
cation provision, the convention
returned to committee-of-the-
whole consideration of the con-
troversial subject of eminent do-
Doctors Tell
Heart Surgery
ST. LOUIS RP)-An amazing step
toward heart surgery outside the
body was reported by four Stan-
ford University surgeons yester-
They said they had removed
dogs' hearts for as long as two
hours, then replaced them without
apparent harm to the animals.
"So far the experiments have
been successfully carried out on
four dogs which are still alive from
five to nine months after the oper-
ations," the surgeons said in a re-
port to the annual meeting of the
American Thoracic Society.
They said their technique may
be the first step toward operations
in which a patient's heart is cut
out of his body to correct serious
heart defects.
The report was presented by Dr.
Edward J. Hurley, a postdoctoral
research fellow at the Stanford
University School of Medicine.
The technique depends in part
upon a method of removing the
heart developed two years ago by
Dr. Lower and Dr. Shumway i
their pioneering experiments ir
transplanting a whole heart from
one dog to another.
Surgeons have been trying foi
50 years to develop a suitable tech-

nique for such an operation, the
report said.
It said the procedure might be
used eventually to treat a condi-
tion known as transposition of the
great vessels, one of the commor

One would represent all of the
state above the Straits except the
two eastern counties. The other
would be a representative of the
two eastern counties plus a chunk
of the Northern Lower Peninsula
down to the Mecosta-Montcalm
county line.
Other districts are tampered
with and readjusted in the bill.
Chance of House passage with
the Senate amendments was seen
as scant. 'Surprisingly, an aide
said, Gov. John B. Swainson might
approve the bill as an alternate to
electing a congressman-at-large.
The House, meanwhile, sent to
the Governor the controversial
Bowman bill to ban city income
taxes on non-residents.
The measure failed, however, to
gain immediate effect. If Swainson
signs the bill, it cannot take ef-
fect for 90 days after the Legis-
lature adjourns, which probably
would be in early or mid-August.
Approve Loan
For 'U' Oxford
A federal government loan of
$1,250,000 to the University for
construction of the Oxford Road
Housing Project has been approved
by the Community Facilities Ad-
ministration, Senators Philip A.
Hart (D-Mich) and Patrick V.
McNamara (D-Mich) announced
This loan added to the $970,000
in University funds will be used
to build eight co-operative type
housing facilities for some 420
undergraduate women.
The site for the project is lo-
cated on a 4.5 acre tract of land
and the project is expected to be
completed in time to accommodate
residents by September, 1963..
The administration presented its
plans for the Oxford Project to the
Assembly Dormitory Housing Com-
mittee last September for their
consideration. The committee gen-
erally approved the project plan,
although some skepticism as to the
merit of the co-ops as opposed to
University sponsored apartments
was expressed.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis had an-
nounced that work on the project
would commence in June, although
the land clearing is slated to begin
early in May.
Services Enterprise Manager
Francis C. Shiel released plans for
the individual units at the March
meeting of the Residence Hall
Board of Governors, with whom
the responsibility for the project
ultimately rests.
The units will consist of single
and double bedroom dormitories
for freshmen and sophomore wom-
en, suite type accommodations for
junior women and apartment fa-
cilities for seniors.

May Cause
Loss for U
Amendment Would
Have Eased Price
Of Administration
The House of Representatives
yesterday defeated an amendment
to the defense appropriations bill
to restore $4 million for research
and development and to remove a
15 per cent limitation on adminis-
tration costs of research grants
awarded to schools and other non-
profit organizations.
The proposal by Rep. Elford Ce-
derberg (R-Mich) of Bay City was
scrapped by a 115-93 standing
"This limitation, if imposed,
could mean a loss of more than
$400,000 to the University next
year, Director of Research Admin-
istration Robert Burroughs, direc-
tor of the research administration,
Indirect Costs
Research costs include not only
direct costs, such as salaries and
wages of research personnel and
the cost of supplies, but indirect
costs as well, Vice-President for
Research Ralph A. Sawyer noted.
"The so-called indirect costs pay
for libraries, research space, build-
ing maintenance, and other costs."
Although the bill applies only
to grants, and not to defense con-
tracts, which have a 32 per cent
limitation, it poses a grave danger
for the University because defense
agencies can determine whether
they want to use a grant or a con-
tract, Burroughs noted.
"If the limitation is imposed,
the University will have to look
very carefully at the grants which
are presented to it and accept only
those which it wants very badly
to do," University Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss said.
Open Wedge
There is also the fear that if
the limitation is imposed on de-
fense department grants, "this
might just open the wedge and
similar limitations might be put on
other appropriations," he said.
In that case the cost to the Uni-
versity would be far more than the
estimated $400,000," Burroughs de-
The Bureau of the Budget has
calculated that federal agencies
ought to cover overhead costs of
at least 25 per cent of the total
contract, Vice-President Sawyer
Biggest Offender
"The biggest offender so far has
been the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare," he said.
"The Business Office Associa-
tion, which represents the Univer-
sity in Washington to a great ex-
tent is marshalling the support of
representatives from other states
and is trying to get enough back-
ing to defeat the limitation either
in the conference committee or in
the Senate," he noted.


-Daily-James Keson
PERUVIAN MOMENTO-University President Harlan Hatcher
displays a school pennant given him by students at Lima's
Pontifica Universidad Catholica at a presentation ceremony in
the school's courtyard.
Hatcher Viewuvls Trip

o Venezuela, Perur
"Most of the Latin American countries are laying great stress
on education," University President Harlan Hatcher noted yesterday,r
as he described his recent trip to Venezuela and Peru for the FordN
"The people in the government are making every effort to
develop good universities in both countries. In Venezuela right nowk
the officials are trying to develop regional universities to induce
people to stay in the regional areas."
He said that this was in order to stem the flow of hopeful}
scholars into already crowded Caracas.l
Terribly Inadequate<
President Hatcher viewed the educational systems there as
"terribly undeveloped. They are inadequate from the first gradej
on up." he said. "Library space and materials are practically non-
existent. The students must spend all their time in lectures, taking
and exchanging notes and passing examinations.
"There .is no blending of the various fundamentals of education
(such as lectures, research, seminars) such as there is in this country.";
He said that his own reception by students was very friendlyo
and "even touching at times." He visited the Central University in
Caracas, where much of the student unrest is concentrated. Then
he toured outlying institutions in Venezuela, including schools at
Barcelona. Orinoco, Ciudad Bolivar, Maturin, Cumana, Valencia and
Maracaibo. In Peru he visited Los Andes University in Cusco and
the Pontifica Universidad Catolica in Lima.
President Hatcher was heading a mission for the Ford Founda-
tion which is anxious to learn how it can assist the Latin American
nations in their development into modern nations. He will report
his findings to the foundation later this month.
The President said he found a great enthusiasm for the Kennedy
administration's Alliance for Progress, but he said "they want too
much too quickly. They are impatient to realize the advances of
technology and modern society and they want it all at once.
Proceed Uniformly
"But all development must be phased to proceed uniformly in
order to achieve the goals which we wish to help them attain. And
we can't go any faster than they are capable of effecting. I came
away with the feeling we would have to balance our national benevo-
lence with cold skill and patience."
President Hatcher pointed out, however, that this drive for pro-
gress and mechanization were cutting down the number of jobs and
drastically changing the job structure of the countries. "This hits the
younger group, under 18 years of age, particularly hard," he said.
"They don't know what life holds in store for them and this un-
certainty makes them fertile ground for the seeds of Communism."
Most of the students do not subscribe to the Communist line,
he said, and they would much rather pursue their studies undis-
turbed but the Communists have organized and trained a hard core
of students in many of the universities whose sole purpose is to
cause trouble. "They use the immunity and impregnability of the
university as a shield," he said. "They venture out and stir up a
commotion and then they retreat to the protection of the university."
Police are not allowed to enter the universities unless they are
invited, he said, so the agitators may work unmolested.
He noted that the countries' leaders are aware of this and the
other problems of developing the educational system and that they
show a great amount of attunement to the task ahead of them.

ouncil on its deliberations by.
Aay 2.
Council states "this apparent
alteration of membership selection
policy by Sigma Nu is so signifi-
ant that it might substantially
alter the March 5, 1962, recom-
nendation of the Committee on
The waiver exempts Sigma Nu
from the provisions of the na-
tional constitution that state that
members must be "free born and
of free ancestry, and without
Negro blood."
The waiver also exempts the
chapter from the provision that.
"No chapter shall henceforth
pledge or initiate any man of Chi-
nese, Japanese, or any other Ori-
ental blood or descent."
The initiation service is also al-
tered by the waiver.
The March 5 recommendation
of the Committee on Membership
states that Council withdraw rec-
ognition from the chapter as of
the end of this semester unless it
has shown to Council that it "no
longer follows a policy of discrimi-
natory membership selection."
The Council directed the Com-
mittee on Membership to investi-
gate the provisions of the waiver
and hold hearings if necessary.
It further instructed the Com-
mittee on Membership to assess
whether this new action by the
High Council in granting a waiver
alters the recommendations for
withdrawal of recognition made
by the Committee on Membership.
As final consideration, Council
directed that if necessary Sigma
Nu revise the statement of mem-
bership selection practices in its
constitution filed with the Univer-
sity and the Committee on Mem-
bership so that the statement con-
forms with the policy dictated by
the waiver.
This statement was read by
Council President Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, after Council deliber-
ated two hours in executive ses-
IMY' Announces
For Seniors
University Regents - Alumni
Scholarships will go to 649 seniors
in 379 Michigan high schools this
The announcement was made
yesterday by Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea, chairman of the Commit-
tee on University Scholarships.
Last year, 686 students in 392
accredited Michigan high schools
received the scholarships.
More than 1,700 students applie
for the grants which are awardec
annually with stipends varying ac-
cording to the financial need of the
prospective freshmen. Stipends
range from an honorary $50 en
trance award to a $560 per year
grant and continue for the norma
length of each student's degre
program if his academic record
merits renewal.
Each high school with one quali
fied senior applying for University
admission is entitled to at leas
one of the awards. Some are als
granted at-large on the basis o
statewide comparison of appli
Character, citizenship, academi
record, financial need and score
on a competitive test are con
sidered in selection of winners.

Army Asks
New Polic
The Army has officially recom-
mended to the Defense Depart-
ment that its college Reserve Of-
ficers Training Corps program be
reduced from four to two years.
The military science department
here released a statement it re-
ceived from Washington yester-
day saying, "approval by the De-
partment of Defense, the Bureau.
of the Budget and Congress is re-
quired prior to implementation of
this new program. It is not con-
templated that academic changes
will occur before the school year
The new program, if adopted,
would be confined to the junior
and senior years. It would include
a four week basic training camp
in the summer before junior year
and an eight week advanced train-
ing camp in the summer before
senior year.
Now Six Weeks
The current program includes
six weeks of summer training be-
fore senior year.
Cadet pay, which is now $27.00
a month, would go up to $47.88 a
month in the two-year prbgram.
Summer camp pay would rise from
$78.00 monthly to $111.15 monthly.
In addition, universities adopting
the new program would receive
$400 from the Army for every
graduated officer.
This money might be applied to
the student's tuition in the form
of a reimbursement. At present
the University only receives $100
which goes to pay for a cadet's
The proposal would allow col-
leges to keep the four-year course
if they wish.
Sound Program
An announcement said the four
year program has been sound but
requires modification "due to a
changing pattern of higher educa-
i tion and the anticipated annual
increase in college enrollment
over the next ten years."
Lt. Col. Thomas A. Harris, chair-
man of the department of military
science, says that, "the program
has been under consideration by
both the Army and the Air Force
jointly for some time. The Uni-
versity has also been examining
He looks with favor on the new
program but warns that "it won't
solve every problem. We may have
trouble getting people to sign up
in their sophomore year when they
have had no military experience
1 and have already set their aca-
demic objectives."
Want Transfers
Harris notes that a big factor
in the Army's plans is the desire
y to enable junior college and other
t transfer students to get involved
o in ROTC. "These people are ob-
f viously eliminated by a four-year
- program."
Administrative Dean Robert L.
c Williams, coordinator for military
s affairs, confirms the fact that the
- "changing pattern of higher edu-
cation" bears directly on junior
colleges. "The advent of the junior
college brings about an entirely
different situation from 20 or 30
years ago. This is the fastest grow-
ing segment of higher education
in the country."
Lt. Col. Dwight E. Durner, chair-
man of the air science depart-
ment, has just returned from an
y Arnold Air* Society conclave in
n Los Angeles where Col. William C.
Lindley, commandant of Air Force
g ROTC. devoted a lengthy speech
g to the new program.

t- The Air Force has been work-
i ing on this plan with the Army
for two years," Durner says.
"While there has been no an-
it nouncement yet, our final plan
- will probably be parallel to theirs."
is Durner is also interested in jun-
ior college graduates. "Moreover,
See MAI, Page 2

'U' Employees Recall Roaring Twenties

By NEIL COSSMAN ;;,, .,.*.{;;.;r: ....which each freshman tossed his
cap into the flames, were the ma-
jor remnants of hazing in the
the University when I came here s
in 1916 and we were much closer -. < >..:.::...::>1920's, Willoughby said.
S> g h s n dBefore 1920 only seven Univer-
as a group than students today,"* *. 'stybidnswrofmanc -
Herbert P. Wagner, University sitY buildings were off main cam-
Food Service manager, said yes- pus, Wagner said.
terday. These were Hill Aud., Helen
Wagner, one of seven University Newberry and Martha Cook resi-
..,gner,. n fs'nUiesiydne.hl f h etlBd.
employes honored for 40 years of *dences. half of the Dental Bldg.,
service, has been at the University half of the Power Plant, the old
46 years including four years as a University Hospital, and Health
student.. Service. Health Service was in a
Whle. Wformer private residence where
While Wagner and two others
referred to the faster pace and Burton Tower now stands.
greater pressures of life at today's Personality to Match
University, none wanted to return The University started a great
to "the good old days." ramount of construction in the
"The good old days were not so 1920's. He said that this was most-
good," Leland W. Willoughby, SERVICE HONORS-Seven University employes were honored Iy through the efforts of Univer-
chemistry department administra- at a banquet Tuesday night, for 40 years of service. Pictured sity President Marion L. Burton,
tive assistant, observed. Willough- above, with University President Harlan Hatcher, they are left whose personality matched the

versity took over the fraternit,
houses and used them for mei
in the Student Army Traininj
Corps. Eventually, the growin
conflict in Europe made many stu
dents so restless and anxious tha
they enlisted. After the war, en
rollment doubled-to 10,000.
The years of depression brough
more construction, fewer under
graduates, and more student
staying at the University for grad
uate study, unable to find wor
Give Competition'
Wagner said that students gre
more serious after World War I
when several thousand of thei
came to the University through th
GI Bill. "Those men were here fo
an education and they gave th
younger students a lot of compet


Add Graduate
To Council List
Student Government Council
added Herb Heidenrich. Grad. to

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