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April 18, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-18

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions-AreFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"

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The Sigma Nu Case:
A Few Loose Ends

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SDAY, APRIL 18, 1962


Steel Crisis Shows Need
For Government Price Control


VENTS OF LAST week's steel price increase
indicate more clearly than ever the need
'or effective government control of prices.
For years people in this country have recog-
iized that big business, especially steel, has
>ften acted more to enhance the power and
>rofit of the corporation than to benefit the
conomic welfare of the general community.
:ndustry has never denied this, and even seems
?roud that the business of business is business,,
iot public benefit.
[N FIGHTING the price hike last week, the
administration worked strictly through the
perations of a free enterprise competition. It is
ionsense to argue that in the administration's
ictory we have seen a triumph of the free
'nterprise system in meeting the needs of the
Kennedy prevailed only through extraordin-
try good luck. He was able to effectively an-
iounce that defense contracts would go to
hose companies which did not raise prices only
ecause Inland and Kaiser Steel had not yet
ollowed the lead.
While these companies are to be commended
or their sense of responsibility, it must be
ealized that this is the first. time in 63 years
hat a steel company has refused to go along.
there is no assurance that we can expect
uch responsibility in the future.
C ENNEDY'S THREAT is also hollow. Imagine
the effect on the employees of U. S. Steel
f all government contracts to U. S. Steel were
topped or even severely cut back. Unemploy-
nent in Pittsburgh and other areas would soar.
While more people would be needed to man
nland Steel, their plants are in other areas
f the country. The labor choas resulting from
,ny major shift in contract awards, along
vith the lack of facilities in the smaller com-
anies to handle any large influx of business,
enders the channels of free enterprise mani-
ulation of prices completely unsure.
[ LAST WEEK'S price hike had remained,
we would have had an inflation precipitated
irectly from the increases. The price hikes
rhich would follow in other industries, coming
nmediately after a steel contract fixing wages
t a non-inflationary level based on stable
rices, would have impaired the economic
osition of the million and a half steel work
rs. It would have had a negative effect on
ur success in competition on the world mar-
et, not only in steel, but in every industry
rhich depends upon it.
Rarely have wee seen such clear testimony
hat the profit of U. S. Steel is not necessarily
pnonomous with good times and stable econ-
my in this country. Rarely have we seen such
clear example of how increased steel profit
nay even be contrary to them.

NO LONGER is it possible to argue that big
business does and wil lact in the best in-
terests of the nation. No longer is it possible to
argue that the best interests of the nation are
embodied in the best interests of big business.
In these difficult economic times this coun-
try must find means of insuring a non-
inflationary future. It must provide the eco-
nomic stability necessary for the livelihood of
the American worker and insure his comfort-
able place in the society. It must find ways of
making our industrial products viable on the
world market.
Since industry has once again proved either
unwilling or incapable of doing these things,
legislation is needed giving the government
final control on all price fluctuations, not
only in steel but in every major industry in
the country. This is the only real insurance
against large scale economic irresponsibility of
the kind we have recently seen.
Kennedy's moves to stop the price hike were
only stop-gap. Tennessee's Senator Gore has
proposed three part legislation which would
allow the government to demand an eighty-day
moratorium after any price increase while the
government would check the bases for the
BUT THIS IS NOT the answer. If passed,
there would be no assurance that after the
80 days the industry would not continue with
the planned increase. The future of even such
feeble legislation is extremely unsure and we
may certainly expect that the present economic
and social disorganization will continue even
after the rude shock'last week.
To argue that government control of all
price levels would be used in such a way as to
ruin the industries and crush profits is cleal ly
absurd. These industries are the backbone of
our economy. To destroy them or to render
them ineffective in the home or world market
would totally cripple the nation.
work for the ruin of the nation is our own
government. The organization which is mostr
interested in the general economy and welfare
of the nation is the government, not big busi-
The organization which can best establish
equilibrium between industrial success and
public welfare is the government. To say that
such equilibrim is not desirable is almost as
ludicrous and sad as to say that the govern-
ment is not, or should not, be vitally concerned
with industrial success and public weal.
The important lesson of last week is the
crying need to establish firm government con-
trol of prices in all major industry in this
country where the needs of the nation can be
ignored for private aggrandizement.

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why Student Activists Are Needed

Daily Staff Writer
THE TIDAL WAVE of concern
over Sigma Nu is over the dam
and Washtenaw Avenue can relax
for a while. At least this seems to
be the sentiment over the recent
waiver granted Sigma Nu by its
The only question remaining in
the whole business is whether or
not the waiver will be "valid."
Chances are it will give the local
complete authority to select mem-
bers in compliance with Univer-
sity policy. Then the fraternity can
go to work on its internal prob-
THE CASE has proven that the
Committee on Membership in Stu-
dent Organizations will take ac-
tion; it has shown the campus
that both the Regents' bylaw and
the Council ruling outlawing dis-
crimination have teeth; but there
is an immediate problem still up
in the air.
The Council has never said what
it means by a valid 'waiver, and
this should be defined immedi-
ately. With the aid of the mem-
bership committee, the Council
should be able to come up with
a coherent statement on what
constitutes local autonomy. A
standard should be set by the
Council now, both to aid the mem-
bership committee in considering
waivers already submitted, and
to use as a guide for securing
waivers in the future.
* * *
PERHAPS the most noticeable
feature of the discrimination prob-
lem before, during and after the
Sigma Nu case has been the silence
of Interfraternity Council and the
affiliate system on the matter. IFC
has taken an active role urging
that groups correct incomplete
statements either by contacting
the IFC president or the SGC
president, but other activity has
been limited.
The long-term problems could.
be solved better if the individual
affiliates and IFC and Panhellenic
Association made a greater effort
to do something.
Case in point: the Sigma Nu
alumni and national did not know
about the hot water their local
was in until it was coming close
to the boiling point. Why? The
local simply didn't tell them, for
what is most' aptly termed "per-
sonal reasons."
* *
HOW MANY other fraternities
have nationals who are unaware
of possible action that could be
taken against pne of their chap-
ters? Do they have a precise know.-
ledge of the situation of discrimi-
nation legislation by SGC on this
If they don't, is it SGC's duty
to inform them? This could be
done, but Council policy is to let
locals notify the appropriate of-
ficials. If locals have been lax,
IFC should do some prodding
Presumably, since the IFC presi-
dent has never suggested anything
to Council concerning this, IFC
does not want SGC to do it. (But
somebody should.
* * *
the Sigma Nu hearings is whether
or not campus fraternities want
a universal deadline to use as a
lever in getting a waiver. If this

is the case IFC could ask the
Council to set one. Since they
haven't made such a recommenda-
tion, the stand by Dr. Smock was
presumably an exception to the
The Greek system and IFC have
stayed in the background for un-
derstandable reasons. The lime-
light of the discrimination issue
isn't helping the image of either
individual chapter or affiliates as
a whole. Enormous gains have
been made in the last 10 years,
both in the granting of waivers
and also in striking discriminatory
clauses from national constitu-
tions. The long-range goal will be
reached, probably in the next
couple of years.
PROGRESS is still being made.
One of the brightest spots in the
area of discrimination was brought
out during the Sig a Nu hearings.
The local claimed to have a chance
to push removal of its national
bais clause by bringing the issue
to the floor at the national con-
vention. Local action within their
own fraternity is the ideal solu-
tion. But should this influence
Council during deliberations of a
discrimination case?
On very practical grounds, it
can't, because there is no quaran-
tee of success. Outside of this, it
is still the group's own decision
SGC can pat them on the back
but it can't push.
* * *
THE SIGMA NU case is closing.
The group can be praised for its
straight forward approach and
honesty with the Committee on
Membership and the Council.
But as they drop into the rack-
ground, theissue of discrimina-
tion is still very much before the
campus. With a more active role
from IFC and company, the matter
can be brought to a quicker con-
clusion. In the end, if the affili-
ates wil stop worrying about next
term's rush and look at long range
implications, they will end up in
a better position.
(Continued from Page 2)
The Jayson camps, Mass.-A. Jayson
will interview men & women counselors
at the Summer Placement wed-Fri.
April 18-20, from 1:30-500 p.m & Fri.
all day.
Jewish Vocational Service, Detroit,
SMic,-Opening for Research Supervisor
for project re: "vocational rehabilita-
tion of a group of schizophrenic pa-
tients. PhD preferably. Desire bkgd. In
clinical psych., guidance & counseling,
& related fields.
Weger Interiors, Lansing, Mich. -
Opening for mai or WOMAN in interior
field, for interior designer & sales, who
would qualify in good free hand draw-
ing, perspective drawing, & elevations,
vitramon, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. -
Graduate Engnr.; at least 2 yrs. Indus-
trial process exper. Major area of work
i1 application of basic engrg. funda-
mentals in areas of materials for elec-
tronics to obtain process stability &
Lindsay-Schaub Newspapers, Decatur,
Il.-Opening in staff production dept.
for Mech. or Indust. Engnr. or Printing
Prodgrad. Would study printing prod.
in the 4 newspapers in organization &
recommend changes in present opera-
(Continued on Page )

Daily Staff Writer
(Second of a Series)
dent movement: a large num-
ber of students ideologically con-
nected, committed to direct and
often radical action aimed at mak-.
ing changes in our present social
There are many things wrong
with our society. This country is
pervaded with racism and preju-
dice which makes a mockery of
all our piously proclaimed ideals.
This exists not only in the South
but in the North, East and West
as well, if less overtly.
A Congressional committee sup-
posedly constituted to protect our
civil liberties goes around trying
to undermine them.
We blithely talk about building
fallout shelters when a nuclear
war threatens to wipe out the
human race. We think that a
shotgun constitutes modern decor
for a fallout shelter.
* * *
LEGISLATIVE and communica-
tive channels are largely in the
hands of those advocating the con-
tinuance of this imperfect status
quo. Our higher educational in-
stitutions adopt the image of a
merely service institution and see
the student as a piece of raw ma-
terial to be molded into something
useful for the homes, farms and
factories of our society.
These imperfections in our social
system have been discussed many
times. They are obvious to anyone
with his eyes halfway open. Yet
these are just symptoms of an
illness which lodged at the base
of our society.
s s
SOMETHING is clearly wrong
with our econonmic system. We
live in a country blessed with un-
paralled prosperity; yet Michael
Harrington, gathering information
for "The Other American" was

able to find 30 million Americans
who live in hard core depression
and poverty.
Plainly something is wrong with
our moral system. We pay farmers
large rewards for not growing
food while millions of people in
other parts of the world suffer
from diet difficiency diseases and
Something is wrong with our
political system. We choose our
leaders from two political parties
who somehow manage to come up
with similar programs; programs
which do not include answers to
our society's urgent problems.
* * *
OUR DOMESTIC situation is
just as bad. We placed in the
context of the international scene,
it looks even worse. We are a
status; quo power in an age of
great social changes. We are en-
gaged in a cold war which has
fostered the growth of a domestic
industrial-military alliance. Presi-
dent Eisenhower found it neces-
sary to warn the nation about this
alliance before he left office.
Internationally, the cold war
has us losing in the race for
identification with the hopes and
aspirations of half the world's
peoples. When students in other
countries who will be among the
leaders of tomorrow's world look
at this country, they may draw
some inspiration from our past
but little from our present.
WHY SHOULD students be lead-
ers among those asking and push-
ing for change. The most obvious
answer is "who else?" Many stu-
dents would be very glad to yield
the prime role in the dissent move-
ment to some adult group but
where are they?
Our religious leaders condone
many deplorable conditions de-
scribed above and seem to be more
afraid of losing the favor of our
ruling elite than of the God they

Peking and Moscow

OUR YEARS AGO, when interviewing Mr.
K. for the first time, I tried at one point
draw him out about China. It was already
dent that there was trouble between Peking
d Moscow, and in conversations with Soviet
wrnalists 'there was much talk about the
iflict. Talking to some students, it was
in that as between the Russians and the
inese in the university there was a great deal
prejudice and racial antagonism. Even then,
ir years, ago, it was plain that there was deep
ological and emotional conflict between the
o big Communist peoples.
But Mr. K., naturally enough, was determin-
not to tell me about it and instead, when
pressed him with questions, he delivered a
ture on the inability of one who is not a
rxist to understand the international soli-
rity of the Soviet camp. The cause of inter-
tional conflict, he asserted, is capitalism,
1 when capitalism has been abolished there
i be no conflict.
[NCE THEN, this beautiful ,theory has had
a collision with the ugly facts, and there
a no longer be any doubt at all that a
at conflict of interests exists. What kind
conflict is it? It is at bottom, I am con-
ced, the same conflict which existed when
Emperor of All the Russias and the Em-
'or of China were still on their thrones.
t is a conflict of national interests between
Russians and the Chinese which has gone
for generations, and it is due to a collision
ween the Russians, expanding across Si-
ia to the Pacific Ocean, and the Chinese,
>anding northward into Manchuria and
'ngolia, across the path of the Russians.
Though this conflict is now carried on by
0 Communist states, though it is encrusted
Editorial Staff

with Marxist and Leninist slogans, it is the
same historic conflict which has been going
on for generations between the empires which
_are ruled from Peiping and from Moscow. There
is now a frontier between these two empires
which runs some 4,000 miles into the heart of
Asia, and it is a highly unstable and insecure
frontier. Along it the vital interests of both
countires are engaged.
THE EXISTENCE of this conflict has begun
to affect importantly the whole internation-
al situation. While we cannot as yet see clearly
all the effects, it is already reasonably clear
that Moscow is reacting according to the classic
Russian formula, which is never to become
vitally engaged in a conflict on two fronts.
This promises to lead to accommodation over
West Berlin, on the one hand, and also to some
sort of disengagement from a conflict with
the United States in Southeast Asia.
There are signs, so I venture to believe, that
the Soviet Union is helping Communist North
Vietnam just enough to keep it out of the
hands of the Chinese and not so much as to
precipitate a conflictr with the United States
in Laos and South Vietnam.
AS THIS is an optimistic estimate, it must,
of course, be treated with great skepticism
and reserve. But just as we must not let our
wishes and our hopes deceive us, so also must
we not let ourselves be misled by a lack of
self-confidence. What is happening between
China and Russia is not what Marxism pre-
dicts. But it is what a student of history would
The fact that the Russians and Chinese both
profess the secular religion of Communism is,
no reason why they should not fall into a vital
conflict. We should not forget how ferocious
have been the wars of religion within Christen-
dom. We who have, we hope, outlived those
wars, need not be surprised to see them break
out among the Communists.
WE ARE in the process of readjusting our

profess to serve. They have ab-
dicated their responsibility for pro-
viding moral leadership.
Our industrial leaders are too
busy with little games like price-
fixing and seeing who can get the
highestsnumber of government
Labor, now fat and respectable,
is concerned with little things and
on occasion tries to prove that it
is more anti-communist than the
American Association of Manufac-
turers. It has shunned the dis-
crimination problem in labor -
Negro labor leaders who want ac-
tion. have been forced to form
their own labor council.
The concern of our politicians
for getting elected and defending
the interests of those who can get
them 'elected is well known.
Members of the academic com-
munity are, by and large, caught
up in the "print and publish"
cycle and many of them suffer
from disillusionment suffered dur-
ing the past 30 years. About the
only large group in this country
within which a significant dissent
edement has arisen has been the
nation's student body.
THE REASON for this is also
obvious. Students have not yet had
to fight their way up in our so-
ciety. They have not "been through
all that and achieved nothing,"
and they have not learned to be
paralyzed by the phrase "practical
politics." Others have been forced
to compromise away their ideals
and adopt the mantle of conform-
ity that is essentialfor success in
our society today. They have the
vision and idealism that is habi-
tually laughed away as part of
being young.
This country desperately needs
such idealistic vision. Of course,
many college students have al-
ready compromised and many
others are completely apathetic,
content to let 'our problems be
taken care of by "those who know
But there are enough deeply
concerned people to form the nu-
cleus for social protest and enough,
who feel they should be concerned
to provide manpower and respec-
THE STUDENT dissent and ac-
tion is also good for the demo-
cratic process. Democracy is sterile
if those living under it do not
engage in constant analysis, criti-
cism and challenge of the insti-
tutions and practices under which
they live. Before anyaction can
correct social illnesses, the ill-
ness must be brought to the at-
tention of all members of society.
Through their activities, students
are doing just this.
It is also heartening that the
citizens of tomorrow who are en-
gaging in this dissent process; it
is one of the few signs of hope
for the future. At present their role
is best described by Socrates in his
Apology as one who ". . . clings to
the state as a sort of gadfly to
a horse that is large and well
bred but rather sluggish because
of its size, sq that it needs to be
aroused . .
The Future Bring

Peace Demonstration
Befits Easter Season

To the Editor
come a traditional time for in-
dividuals and groups throughout
the world to express their desire
for the preservation of peace and
the abolition of war. This year,
such expressions take on a new
urgency. For this Easter, perhaps
as never before, the alternatives
confronting men and governments
are most clearly defined, and the
ironies of human affairs have nev-
er been more manifest.
In Geneva, negotiators of 17 na-
tions are beginning to lay the
groundwork for an end to the arms
race. The opportunities for at least
limited success in this effort have
never been better. Both the United
States and the Soviet Union have,
for the first time, agreed on the
basic principles of a disarmament
program. Leaders of both sides
have frequently stated the simple
truth that a continuing arms race
can only jeopardize national se-
curity and end only in catastrophe.'
Moreover, as never before. hun-

ya. Thus, ironically, just when the
chances, the need and the hope for
a new course are most apparent,
the governments are pursuing,
with increasing vigor, policies
which make such a course more
EASTER" IS the season of res-
urrection, of rebirth, of renewal.
Easter 1962 must be therseason
when mankind's long quest for an
end to war is renewed. It must not
be the time when the drift toward
destruction is renewed.
At this moment, our responsi-
bility as individuals is to articulate
our desire for peace with increas-
ing clarity. We must support the
effort at Geneva and must call
upon our leaders to assume their
responsibility-to fulfill the prom-
ise of the moment and achieve
success in their negotiations.
Members o fthe Ann Arbor com-
munityband students at the Uni-
versity will act for peace this week.
On Wednesday, April 18 at 12:00
we will "Pause for Peace." We will

Enjoyable Quintet Bi
Features Cooper ork
LAST NIGHT the University Woodwind Quintet, assisted by pianist
Robert Hord, presented a chamber music program which featured
the premiere of Prof. Paul Cooper's "Canonic Variations."
Prof. Cooper's conservatively modern composition employed es-
tablished techniques in a free contrapuntal style emphasizing the
horizontal element of music. It produced striking and subtle inter-
vallic changes highly suitable to chamber music.
Between the pastorale beginning and conclusion, varying tempos
and polyphonic mixtures of motivic material gave the effect of a
slow metamorphosis like dye slowly mixing in a liquid. The main
melody of the variations recurred often enough to make the work
quickly comprehensible to the listener yet not to the point of monot-
onous repetition.
SETTING THE STAGE for Prof. Cooper's serious and original
composition was the opening Quintet by Anton Reicha. A light work,
it succeeded mostly by its neutral quality. Neither a product of a
master nor a complete bore, Reicha's work strikes one as simply "music
to converse by."
As expected the simple harmonies of the first movement were
appropriately balanced by a lyric second movement and piquant third.
By far the most enjoyable movement was the fourth, an effect pro-
duced as much by the composer's more successful writing as by the
University Quintet's more successful playing.
All the performers showed a sprightliness and clarity in their
playing of this movement bringing the work to a jolly finish.
THE CONCLUDING WORK on the program consisted of a chain-
ber-musicians delight: the popular Quintet in 'E Flat Major for piano
and four woodwinds by W. A. Mozart. After the mild Reicha and
more serious Cooper, Mozart's masterpiece sounded like a romantic
work, especially the introductory Largo and slow second movement.
Mozart's easy harmonic movement is balanced by beautiful
mnodies in which the TTniversitv CQintet nrnded their richet tone-

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