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April 18, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-18

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Li t.~g~


Warmer today, fair
and cooler tonight.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Government To Give
Funds for School
Nine Universities Get $3.5 Million
For Indian Institute of Technology
The federal government is going to give the University and eight
other institutions an estimated $3.5 million to develop an Indian
Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India.
Vice-President William E. Stirton said Educational Services, Inc.,
a non-profit organization, will act as a contracting agency for the
program using funds from the United States Agency for Inter-
national Development.
Stirton worked with representatives of the American and Indian
governments, and the other universities, to formulate the program.
Dean Stephen S. Attwood of the engineering school will serve on
.the steering committee, which will










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... aid for India
Plan HUAC,
Voice poltical party and the
campus Young Democratic Club
are planning a demonstration on
the Diag for April 25 as part of
a unified national, picture of oppo-
sition to the. House Committee on
Un-American Activities, a subcom-
mittee of which will hold hearings
in Los Angeles on April 24-27.
The national opposition was
plannedat a conference on college
political parties held at Oberlin
College last week. A position state-
ment released after the conference
was signed by members of campus
political parties, campus civil
liberties unions, and national stu-
dent organizations.
Political Groundswell
Robert Ross, '63, a member of
Student Government Council,
chairman of Voice and a signer of
the statement said that the aim
of the opposition was to "hold a
mass demonstration of protest to
start a political groundswell
against the committee and prove
that the 1960 demonstration was
not a. one-shot movement but
rather represents a grass roots
"We take as our object the elim-
ination of the committee and all
other forms of thought control."
He asserted that HUAC had en-
croached upon university auton-
omy and on faculty and student
Speaker Program
Voice is currently sending speak-
ers around the campus residence
units to encourage support for the
demonstration. They are trying to
line up a faculty member as a
speaker and are now distributing
working papers and other litera-
Students are urged to contact
their congressman, local political,
religious and civic groups and
urge them to exert pressure to
have the hearings called off. Com-
munication with President Ken-
nedy is also urged in the hope that
he will use the "influence of the
administration" for the same pur-
The appearance by the sub-
committee will be the first hearing
outside Washington since the
Committee went to San Francisco
in May 1960. They have subpoe-
naed about 40 persons from such
organizations as Woman's Strike
for Peace, Democratic Clubs, the
steel workers union, Fair Play for
Cuba and the Citizens Committee
to Preserve American Freedoms,
Yale Considers
Coed Program
NEW HAVEN (P)-A snecial

handle staffing and planning.
Faculty To Leave
From 20 to 25 faculty members
from the nine participating uni-
versities will go to India to help
plan courses and research pro-
jects, and to aid in the purchase
of laboratory equipment and li-
brary materials that would not be
available locally. About the same
number of Indians will study in
the American universities, and will
return to teach in Kanpur.
The institutions which have
formed this "educational consor-
tium," besides the University, are
California, Massachusetts, Case
and Carnegie Institutes of Tech-
nology, Ohio State University,
Princeton and Purdue Universities
and the University of California.
This will mean that, for the
first few years, each university
will only have to send two or
three persons. While it will be pos-
sible for each university to send
two or three top men, no one in-
stitution would have been able to
supply all the persons needed,
Stirton said.
Top-Flight People
"It is very desirable in a pro-
gram of any magnitude that has
to be staffed with top-flight people
to pool resources," he said,
Stirton praised the "unique idea"
of quality institutions banding to-
gether to assist the educational
development of another nation.
The new institute is in its sec-
ond 'academic year, and its 200
undergraduates attend classes in
makeshift quarters in north cen-
tral India. With American assist-
ance, it will move to a site just
outside Kanpur and increase its
enrollment to 1600 undergraduates
and 400 graduates, to be taught by
a faculty of 250.
Bolivian Group
Against Chile
LA PAZ, Bolivia (P)-Students
clashed with police in downtown
La Paz last night when a street
demonstration against Chile got
out of hand.
Police dispersed the demonstra-
tors but a group broke into the
offices of the newspaper La Na-
cion, dragged desks and chairs
out into the street and set them
Earlier in the day schools were
closed for the week as a result of
student violence outside the Chil-
ean embassy. The students were
protesting Chili's decision to divert
irrigation water from a river that
flows in both countries.

Meader Hits
On Colleges
Rep. George Meader (R - Ann
Arbor) yesterday began a cam-
paign to strike from the $47.8
billion fiscal 1963 military money
bill a limitation on disbursements
to universities for indirect costs
on defense research projects.
Meader said he will offer an
amendment to strike from the bill
a provision which would bar the
defense department from paying
any research grant recipient more
than 15 per cent of direct project
costs to cover overhead.
Grave Concern
"This is a matter of grave con-
cern to the University," Robert
Burroughs, Director of the Re-
search Administration, said. "If
this limitation is imposed, it could
mean a loss of more than $400,000
to the University next year."
The University has also encour-
aged other schools to protest the
limitation, he noted.
"The costs of research include
not only the direct costs, that is
the salaries and wages of research,
personnel and the supplies or
equipment'that they"use, but also
the so-called indirect costs which
pay for libraries, research space,
building maintenance and other
costs," Vice-President for Research
Ralph Sawyer said.
Hastily Concocted
The limitation "is a hastily con-
cocted idea and one which has not
been adequately considered,"
Meader declared. "They (the Ap-
propriation Committee) ought not
to proceed with it until they know
more about it, particularly in the
face of adverse testimony from
their military witnesses."
It is difficult to predict whether
or not Meader's amendment will
be accepted, Burroughs said.
Mahon Urges
Victory policy
man of a House military appropri-
ations subcommittee, Rep. George
H. Mahon (D-Tex), urged united
congressional support yesterday
for a bill to finance the armed
forces in the biggest defense ap-
propriation measure in the na-
tion's peacetime history.

... overhead costs

Although today the annual
quarter billion dollar Univer-
sity-sponsored research pro-
gram is looking almost entirely
in the direction of the federal
government, research at the
University began in 191 with an
eye toward industry.
Mortimer E. Cooley, dean of
the engineering college from
1904-1928, and "Father of Re-
search" at the University, main-
tained from the onset of his
career here that the University
should participate in research
programs designed to broaden
the industrial base of the state
and the nation.
"It was his belief that the
University's job should not be
confined to educating the youth
of the state but that it should
offer an opportunity to both
faculty and students to engage
in research for industry, which
would benefit both the Univer-
sity and the entire common-
wealth," Bernhard A. Uhlen-
dorf, publications editor, of the
Office of Research Administra-
tion, notes in a pamphlet en-
titled "The Engineering Re-
search Institute."
Closer Cooperation
In June, 1916, an alumni com-
mittee spurred by Cooley's views

presented a 37-page memoran-
dum to the Regents advocating
a "closer cooperation between
the University, the state, and
the industries, as well as be-
tween the Regents, faculty and
alumni . .
The group recommended that
research fellowships be estab-
lished and outlined specific
long-range research projects in
the engineering fields. It also
called for "a distinct Depart-
ment or Bureau of Technical
Research," which may well have
been the beginning of the pres-
ent Office of Research Admin-
In 1919, after the report lay
dormant three years, faculty
members aroused interest in
this subject among members of
the Michigan Manufacturers'
Association, he reports.
Selected Committee
An Advisory Board of One
Hundred, created by the aroused
MMA, selected an executive
committee to collaborate with
a Regents' committee, and on
July 7, 1920, the two groups
met and resolved that "a De-
partment of Research be es-
tablished and a Director, any
Administrative Committee and
an Advisory Board be appoint-
ed by the Regents," Uhlendorf

The Regents unanimously
adopted this report, and Prof.
Alfred E. White was appointed
Contracted Little Work
Because it refused to take as-
signments of a routine char-
acter, and emphasized engi-
neering and research service in
basic research areas, the de-
partment contracted little work
during the first few years of its
Just prior to the entrance of
the United States into World
War II, government-sponsored
projects began to come into the
picture of University research,
Uhlendorf notes.
Early significant government
research projects conducted by
the University included work in
the physics department on the
development of the proximity
fuse and studies on the cyclo-
tron and synchroton.
Increased Spending
"With increased government
spending for national defense
the Willow Run Research Cen-
ter grew by leaps and bounds,"
Uhlendorf notes.
Most of the work there is at
the Institute of Science and
Technology and is connected
with problems of national de-
fense and the design and oper-

ation of high-speed electronic
Government s u p p o r t has
boosted University research
from $748,087 in 1940 to $25.4
million in 1960, and constitutes
at this time over 90 per cent
of all research activities.
Change Name
Because of the increased ac-
tivities of the engineering re-
search department in all fields
of research, its projects in oth-
er schools and colleges than
the engineering colleges, as
well as its activities at Willow
Run, the Regents in January,
1948, changed the department's
name to Engineering Research
Subsequently it was renamed
the University Research Insti-
In the fall of 1961 UMRI was
again re-titled, and today the
University has a separate Office
of Research Administration,
headed by a Vice-President for
Research, who coordinates the
Willow Run Laboratories, the
Phoenix Project, the Institute
of Science and Technology, the
Survey Research Institute, the
Institute for Social Research,
and the hundreds of other re-
search projects carried on by
University departments and col-

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Senate Delays Income Tax

Senate consideration of the
proposed income tax compromise
will be delayed until next Monday
in order to consider bills unrelated
to taxes first, Sen. Stanley G.
Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) said yes-
The compromise between the
governor's program and House
taxation expert Rollo G. Conlin
(R-Tipton) includes a three per
cent personal income tax, a five
per cent corporate income tax and
seven per cent tax on financial in-
The intangibles and business
activities tax would be repealed.
The sales tax would remain at the
same rate and $43 million nuisance
tax package would be passed to
tide the state over until the new
income tax revenue flows in.
"Basically, the idea is to get
through other bills before a long
harrange may jeopardize them,"
Thayer explained.
Thayer expects much parlia-
mentary maneuvering to delay
passage of the program, but ex-
pects that it will be passed. "We
are pretty well sitting on 18 votes
and that is it," he declared.
The compromise program gained
the faint approval of Gov. John

B. Swainson who said, "This is not
the best that could be done, but it
is an effort of genuine 'fiscal re-
form. Ithdoes not contain every-
thing I hoped for, but is a start."
Meanwhile, efforts are continu-
ing toward putting the income tax
question to a referendum vote.
Sen. Carlton Morris (R-Kalama-
zoo) said he has notgiven up hope
of forcing a proposal for a tax
vote of the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee. A similar move was de-
feated Monday 14-16.
Con-con delegate Lee Boothby
(R-Niles) said that a drive was

afoot in his district to circulate a
petition to put the tax question on
the ballot.
Morrisadded a similar move is
underway in Detroit.
The controversial Bowman bill,
limiting income taxes to residents
of cities that levy them, passed
the Senate and went to conference'
committee where an attempt to
put an immediate effect provision
in the bill will be made.
Swainson, knowing this bill is a
political hot potato, said he would
consider it in relation to the entire
tax structure.

Bursley OffersResolution
Praising 'U' for Research
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and others
have offered a resolution to the House congratulating the University
for its contributions to space science.
It commended the University for "contributing substantially to the
movement of research-based industries in the state," and listed 13
recent accomplishments.
1) Charting by radio telescope measurements Saturn, Mercury
and a planetary nebula.
2) Calirating 'Nrnc Ti he

To Consider
Bias Case,
Student Government Council
will begin executive session delib-
erations tonight on the possible
violation of University regulations
on discrimination by Sigma Nu
Sigma Nu announced two days
ago that it now has a comprehen-
sive waiver from its national. This
has greatly changed the situation
and will probably take the chapter
out of jeopardy.
Council Consideration
The Council may consider the
validity of the waiver or it may
send the case back to the Commit-
tee on Membership in Student Or-
ganizations. Both SGC President
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, and Sigma
Nu Commander Stewart Loud, '62
BAd, favor the latter course.
Jesse McCorry, Grad, chairman
of the Committee on Membership,.
says that "while we have done
extensive work with waivers, we
have no definite policy. Such a pol-
icy would be inapplicable to every
situation because of the nature of
a waiver. We will handle waivers
individually, just* as we do cases."
McCorry says that the commit-
tee has not studied the Sigma Nu
waiver yet, but he estimates that
if SGC sent the matter to the
committee in time for its meeting
tomorrow,.a report could be ready
next week.
To Fill Vacancy
The Council will also consider
the report of a special interviewing
committee to fill a vacancy in its
membership. The committee has
recommended Gordon Elicker, '62;
Mark Hauser, '64, and Robert
Rhodes, '63, as candidates to fill
the vacancy.
The Council can either approve
the report or change the list by
additions or subtractions if it
wishes. Next week the Council will
interview the candidates and select
one of them to fill the vacancy.
In selecting three out of the six
petitioners for the vacant seat the
interviewing committee listed, "a
minimal level of knowledge about
the Council and its operations; the
ability to analyze in reasonably
clear and relevant terms, the ques-
tions put to him about Council
issues and problems, and the abil-
ity to place student government, to
some limited extent, in a context

Spaak, Luns
Halt Treaty
Stand Firm Against
Possible Dual Bloc
Of Countries
PARIS (R) - Belgium and the
Netherlands called on their Com-
mon Market partners yesterday
for Britain's admission to the
European Economic Community as
a condition for political integra-
tion of Western Europe.
This development, French
sources disclosed, arose in a meet-
ing of the six Common Market
foreign ministers discussing plans
for political union.
Await Britain
Both Paul-Henri Spaak of Bel-
gium and Joseph Luns of the
Netherlands served notice that
their countries would not sign a
treaty for such a union until Bri-
tain has entered the Common
Market. In effect, this was also a
demand that Britain participate in
negotiations for a political union.
Luns and Spaak said later the
ministers made some progress on
certain points of the projected
poltical treaty. But they referred
all questions to the French, who
were acting as conference spokes-
Position Clear
French sources said Spaak made
his position very clear. He said
that as long as Britain was outside
the Common Market Belgium
would not sign a treaty on political
union even if it conformed fully
to Belgian, views.
The Belgians and Dutch _thus
put new pressure behind Britain's
application for Common Market
membership. There are some
Frenchmen who* believe Brussels
and the Hague are acting at Bri-
tain's behest.
The moveappeared to mean that
neither Belgium nor the Nether-
lands, which have strong trade ties
with Britain, intend to be sub-
merged in a continental bloc dom-
inated by the France of President
de Gaulle or by a French-West
German combine.
Move to Unite
The French, West German,
Italian and Luxembourg ministers
decided that all six should then
sign any treaty on political union
if Britain raised no important ob-
jections. But Spaak and Luns re-
fused to go along with such a
Their position raised a new
roadblock to Western European
political unity, and the six minis-
ters separated without issuing a
communique or fixing a definite
date for their next meeting.
CMU Students
Hear Report
On Policy Talk
The Central Michigan University
Committee for Student Rights ex-
plained its program and charted
its progress in talks with the ad-
ministration at a rally held at
CMU's fieldhouse last night.
The committee, formed after
three days of protest demonstra-
tions last week, has formulated a
series of demands based on the
United States National Student
Association Declaration of Student
Rights and presented them to
CMU president Judson Foust last
Friday. The Student Senate had
endorsed the NSA declaration be-
fore a modified version had been
presented to Foust.
"There has not been sensational

reforms, but the talks are pro-
ceding slowly and orderly," James
Ramsey, a spokesman for the stu-
dents right committee said.
He cited administration agree-
ment to hold an open forum with
students to discuss CAM policies
and procedures as one of the stu-
dent requests that had been met.
However, discussions on student
complaints against press censor-
ship and CMU social probation
and expulsion policies had not
been held yet, William Hooker, of.

Howell Cites

Africa Hominid'

By MICHAEL JULIAR there is no place known other than Slides of the remains found in
The uncovering of the remains Africa that has these fossils. Africa were shown by Prof. How-
"However, for many years, from ell and also some artists' repre-
of a 14 million year old creature a paleo-anthropological view, Afri- sentations of what these creatures
that lived in Africa and the as- ca was a dark continent. When, in may have looked like when alive.
signing of a new date to the be- 1923, the skull of a juvenile hom- One, a drawing of an ape-like
ginning of 4 geologic era according onoid was found on the continent, creature pushing a tree with its
to anthropological evidence are much interest was raised because arms, was the Procunsil homonoid.
two of the important discoveries it was a species from a previously Highest Form Known
recently made in anthropology. unknown group," he continued. "It is the highest non-manlike
Prof. F. Clark Howell, of the Early Anthropologist creature known. It existed about
University of Chicago's depart- An Australian anthropologist 25 million years ago," he contin-
ment of anthropology, pointed out worked on it and presented some ued.
these items yesterday in a lecture conclusions based on the little evi- "It is important because it
on "Some Recent Developments in dence he had to British associates, changed some ideas on how big
Knowledge of the Earliest Homin- Prof. Howell said. But they laugh- primates might have evolved.
ids in Africa." ed at him. There was a vast gap in this area
A renown authority on the pale- "Interest and work advanced for many years but people are
ontology of man, Prof. Howell said through the years. Today, the most now getting to work," he added.
that the discovery of the remains famous and productive person Prof. Howell also showed a slide
of the 14 million year old creature working to uncover the fossil re- of the remains of the only homon-
filled in an evolutionary gap that mains of early man is Dr. L. S. B. oid known with six lumbar verte-
had existed in anthropology for Leakey, a British anthropologist. brae. Man has five lumbar ver-
T.. ... nn, in nt rn n~rimt n i'4- _

z tauuug lras weamer
satellite and studying Tiros weath-
er photos.
3) Development of guidance
system of Bomarc Missile.
4) Development of Cajun and
Strong Arm sounding rockets and
Rambler Rocket.
5) Radar measurements of sur-
face of moon and Venus.
6) Research on metals for space
vehicles and re-entry capsules.
7) Research on optical radar us-
ing Ruby Masars.
8) Contribution to guidance
system for Polaris.
9) Instrumentation of a radio
astronomy package for OGO Sat-
10) Studies of feasibility of nu-
clear rocket engine.
11) Development of liquid fuel
engine-the rotating detonation
12) Instrumenting and calibrat-
ing probes for Moon Shot.
13) Research on thermodynam-
ics of flow in the Saturn Rocket.
,House Passes


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