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April 17, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-17

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Hawks Have Advantage
To Even Cup Playoffs

WSU Ball Game Opens Season


CHICAGO W) - The Stanley
Cup Hockey Playoffs are proving
there is no place like home, and
the Chicago Black Hawks were
preparing themselves mentally
yesterday to follow this theme.
After blanking the Toronto Ma-
ple Leafs 3-0 Sunday night in
the Chicago Stadium, the Hawks
are thinking in terms of another
home victory tonight to square the
best-of-seven final series at 2-2.
Toronto took the first two games
in its bailiwick, just as the Cana-'

diens did against the Hawks in
the opening two matches of the
semifinals in Montreal. Chicago
then swept four straight from the
In the nine playoff games in-
volving the Hawks to date - six
with Montreal and three with
Toronto-eight were won by the
home team.
Coach Punch Imlach called a
practice for several of his Leafs
on Stadium ice yesterday while
the Hawks were ordered to rest.

"Our pitching was definitely a
After a disappointing spring the problem. Our pitchers will have
Michigan baseball team will be- to get the ball over the plate to
gin its season in earnest when it allow the defense to have a chance
meets Wayne State's Tartars at to throw the men out," stated
the Michigan Stadium at 3:30 for Lund.
the home opener. "Our hurlers have the ability but
Coach Don Lund will use three they have to go to work and sharp-
starters in stints tomorrow to give en their control or this will be a
his hurlers a chance to get in long season for us," Lund added.
shape. John Kerr, Dave Roebuck Wins First
and Jim Bobell will all see action. Michigan lost the first game to
Fritz Fisher will rest up with a Arizona State, 15-6, April, 9 but
tight arm after some heavy work- came back the following day to
outs on the tour. level the Wildcats with a barrage
It was a long spring for the of hits for an 18-7 victory with
Wolverine diamondmen who man- Wayne Slusher getting the win in
aged to win only four of their ten relief of Jim Bobell.
games in contests, with Arizona Kerr made it two in a row with
and Arizona State on the annual a 6-3 victory the following day
spring tour. jhwhile Dave Roebuck put Michigan
Poor Pitching 'two games up by overcoming a
The pitching wasn't there when streak of wildness to notch a 5-3
it had to be and despite fairly good win.
hitting the Wolverines finished be- Even Series
low the .500 mark in their 10-day The Sundevils edged the Wol-
effort.ghes nd April edged st-
There was a bright side to the verines, 7-6, on April 13 and post-

ed a rare triple play. With runners avenge last year's 14-8 loss to the
on first and second the hitter Wolverines in a season which saw
popped a bunt which catcher Joe the Tartars win eight of 13 games.
Merullo caught in the air. He This year the Detroiters will bring
then threw to second baseman an opening day win over Albion
Dick Honig to double off the run- into their game against Michigan.
ner and Honig ran down the play- Wayne State's top starter, Ed
er who was off first base for the Nagel, a former star for Detroit's
third out. Pershing High, will be on the
Wayne State will be seeking to mound against Michigan.



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tour. Michigan bested Arizona
State in four games out of seven
although the State nine, which
had already played over 20 games,
was rated among the nation's top
15 college teams a week earlier.
Arizona Tough
Arizona was the scourge. The
powerful Wildcats, with only two
losses and 17 wins, swept three in
a row from the Wolverines to keep
their number seven national rank-
ing secure and run their victory
total to 20.
Ace pitcher Dan Schneider
boosted his record to 7-0 with an
opening 2-1 victory over Michi-
gan's Fritz Fisher. An unearned
run in the tenth inning was the
margin which beat the Wolverines.
The loss was a heartbreaker for
Fisher, who had struck out 16 bat-
ters while walking only four in his
first starting assignment to open
the 1962 seasona on April 6.
Too Many Walks
Fisher's opening day perform-
ance was the only bright spot for
the Wolverine moundsmen. Ari-
zona came back to sweep the next
day's doubleheader, 9-3 and 6-2.
The Wolverine hurlers couldn't
get the ball across and walked so
many batters that Michigan gave
the game away on free passes.
Soviets join
Davis Cuppers
MOSCOW UP)-The Soviet Un-
ion named a 4-man squad yester-
day for its meeting with Holland
May 5-7 in the first round of the
European Zone Davis Cup tennis
competition. It's the first time the
Russians have tried for the tro-
Members of the team are Tom-
as Lejus, 21; Mikhaid Mozer, 27;
Sergei Likhachov, 22, and Rudolf
Sivokhin, 24.

ed a 9-7 decision to even the series
at three wins each in the first
game of a finale doubleheader the
following afternoon.
Michigan, behind Kerr, who fin-
ished with a 2-0 record for the
trip, took the nightcap and the
series with an 8-4 victory.
Managers Wanted
Those desiring to become
football managers contact Tony
Klain at NO 2-8447. - 1'
Any freshman or sophomore
interested in becoming baseball
manager report to Bruce Krop-
schot at the baseball diamond
any afternoon.
The April 12 game with Grand
Canyon College had to be can-
celled so Michigan finished with
a 4-6 record.
Improved Hitting
According to Lund the team
showed improvement on defense
and the hitting was much im-
proved over the pre-season show-
ing. The team will have speed this
year. When opportunities arose the
Wolverines did not hesitate to
steal bases on the tour. Outfielders
Ron Tate and Dennis Spalla were
the leading hitters on the tour
while Harvey Chapman did a fine
job of filling in for injured in-
fielder Dave Campbell.
Chapman was also the fielding
standout in the final game. In a
clutch situation he started a
double play by fielding a bounder
down the first base line. He fired
to the shortstop covering second,
who threw to the pitcher at first
for an unusual 3-6-1 double play.
Chapman also leaped against the
fence near first to catch a high
pop fly and made two fine putouts
on deep liners.
Get Triple Play
In the third game against Ari-
zona State the Wolverines execut-

-Daily-Bruce Taylor
KAPOW!-The sharp crack of the ash meeting horsehide is fol-
lowed by the familiar high are of a sphere taking to the air.
This and much more awaits the spectator when the Wolverines
open their home season against the Wayne State Tartars.
Indiana TankersSweep
fastest AAU Meet Ever

the King
of Beers!
---- e gse

there's life...
there's Bud,


U~vo'ly Mar(,ylyn Prossor, PoMona WI4

Indiana and a 17-year-old high
school boy named Roy Saari made
the AAU meet two week-ends ago
the fastest in the history of Amer-
ican swimming.
But even so, Michigan freshman
Ed Bartsch made the finals in
both backstroke events, former
Michigan diver Bob Webster won
the one-meter springboard event
and junior Pete Cox placed sixth
behind him..
Bartsch swam a 2:14.8 for a
third in the 220, won by Indiana
sophomore Tom Stock in 2:09.0, a
new American record. Then he
timed :55.0 in the 100 for a fourth.
Southern California freshman and
Olympic bronze medalist Bob Ben-
nett won that one in :54.1.
Webster Beats Vogel
Webster, the 10-meter spring-
board winner in the Rome Olym-
pics, beat Purdue's John Vogel for
the one-meter title with 468.95
points and then came in eighth in
the three-meter, .won by Indiana
freshman Rick Gilbert.
Cox was sixth in the one-meter
and tenth in the three-meter, and
freshman Ed Boothman wound up
seventeenth in the one-meter and
eleventh in the three-meter.
The other two Michigan swim-
mers who competed both swam
fast times and just missed quali-
fying for the finals.
Misses Finals
Sophomore Jon Baker lacked .3

will be at
South Quad 8:30-9:00 P.M.
East Quad 9:00-9:30 P.M.
West Quad 9:30-10:00 P.M.

.------ -------

i "PAR"
-hits the mark for
complete comfort

of making the 220-yd. breaststroke
field. His 2:34.1 put him second
in his heat to Southern Cal's Rob-
bie Greisser and seventh overall.
Freshman Lanny Reppert swam
a fast :53.8 in the 100-yd. butter-
fly, but still lacked a full .8 of
qualifying. He also did a good
2:06.9 in the 200-yd. individual
Besides Webster, Bennett and
Minnesota junior Steve Jackman,
who won the 100-yd. freestyle in
:48.3, the only non-Indiana com-
petitor to win an event was Saari,
who hasn't decidedon ascollege
to attend after he graduates from
El Segundo, Calif.
Sets Three Records
Saari set American marks of
16 :54.1 in the 1500-meter freestyle;
4:14.6 in the 440-yd. freestyle and
1:58.6 in the 220-yd. freestyle.
Indiana junior Chet Jastremski
was the only other triple winner,
setting American records of :59.1
in the 100-yd. breaststroke, 2:25.3
in the 220-yd. breaststroke (with
another American mark of 2:11.3
at the 200-yd. mark of that race)
and 1:59.4 in the 200-yd. indivi-
dual medley.
,Rounding out the eight Indiana
wins, sophomore Lary Schulhof
set an American record of 2:10.7
in the 220-yd. butterfly and just
missed one with a :52.1 in the
100-yd. butterfly, and sophomore
Ted Stickles set a new mark of
4:18.1 'in the 400yd. individual
Pick NYC Site
For Title Fight
NEW YORK (A) - Heavyweight
Champion Floyd Patterson prob-
ably will defend his title against
Sonny Liston either Sept.17 at
Yankee Stadium or Sept. 26 at the
Polo Grounds in New York, Tom
Boland, president of Chempionship
Sports, Inc., announced yesterday.
Boland said there were two pos-
sibilities that might prevent the
fight from being held in New York.
"But I have every reason to think
it will be held in New York," he
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