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April 17, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-17

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Perhaps You'd Like To See
Some thing Less Exp ensive-"

Social Activists Lack
Common Ideology, Aim

T s i rrii rri








JESDAY, APRIL 17, 1962



Dji1as Case Proves Reds
Afraid of the Truth

MILOVAN DJILAS, the Yugoslavian Com-
munist who just can't seem to swallow the
line that Titoism is very idifferent from Stalin-
ism, is in jail again. His re-arrest is sad testi-
mony to the fact that Communism as it exists
today simply cannot provide shelter to those
who seek out truth.
Djilas, picked up two weeks ago for the
fourth time in seven years, wasn't always out
of favor with the regime in Yugoslavia. Dur-
ing World War II his fame was second only to
Marshal Tito as a leader of the partisan move-
ment which fought the Nazis. After the war
he became Vice President in the Communist
government, and was generally recognized as
the number two man in the party.
But Djilas grew restless and dissatisfied as
he watched the regime grab and wield its pow-
er as ruthlessly as the deposed monarchists.
Instead of a classless society, he saw a Com-
munist elite merely filling the vacuum created
by the destruction of the old power centers.
Djilas put his analysis of contemporary com-
munism in an influential and important book,
"The New Class."
He did not renounce Marxist theory by any
means. But he said that its interpreters had
perverted the theory. The new elite, Djilas
said, were stifling any development of true
communism by laying down a line from which
no one could deviate.
He indicated that the elitism synonymous
with Stalin extended to all Communist states

including Yugoslavia. Djilas demanded that
Tito end his authoritarian ways and leave
Yugoslavians free to voice their opinions about
his regime.
FOR "The New Class" Djilas was sentenced
to nine years in solitary confinement. His
book had attracted quite a following, however,
and Tito was besieged with requests from high
officials in both neutral and Western coun-
tries to pardon his ex-comrade. After 3% years
in solitary, Djilas was released last year in
time for the Belgrade Conference of neutrals.
He was warned to write nothing further about
But politics is Djilas' life, so now he, is back
in jail for smuggling his latest book, "Conver-
sations with Stalin," to the West. The charge:
publishing memoirs' containing information
damaging to the state.
DJILAS real crime is that he refuses to ac-
cept the "pronouncements from on high"
as unchallengeable. He will not believe that the
advent of Communism must augur an end to
the universal search for truth. In "Conversa-
tions with Stalin" he provides us, unwittingly
perhaps, with the perfect autobiographic com-
ment on his rebellious life:
"The truth is breaking through, even if those
who are fighting for it may disappear in the

Fraud Worries ACLU

Pros Will Help Local Theatre

THE great relief and considerable glee
of its sponsors, the University's resident
theatre group has sold more than 1,000 season
subscriptions in its firsNmonth.
This seems to insure the financial success
of the Association of Producing Artists in
Ann Arbor, which is the biggest single item in
the University's Professional Theatre Program.
It ought to bring about final acceptance of
the program as the most important cultural
step forward the University has taken in years.
IT IS STRANGE that the adyantages of a pro-
fessional theatre program are still in ques-
tion. And yet some culturally-interested citi-
zens of Ann Arbor, filled with a sense of civic
luty, still challenge the existence of a pro-
fessional theatre in the community.
Essentially, they are afraid that a profes-
sionally competent group will upstage local
heatre. They are sure it will kill Civic Theatre,
annihilate the feeble Dramatic Arts Center, and
seriously injure the University Playbill. They
are afraid that professional quality will over-
whelm local groups, and people who just like
o act will find themselves without an audience.
HIS IS nonsense. If anything, the profes-
sional theatre program will, give Ann Arbor
b long-needed boost. Excitement about profes-
sional productions will be channelled into in-
,erest in amateur theatre. Small, semi-profes"-
ional groups will spring up with experimental
>roductions of unusual plays. Amateur groups

will multiply and improve. The audiences will
become more discriminating and larger.
Live drama which now competes only weakly
against music and the movies -- may become
the major source of entertainment in Ann Ar-
bor. With a little luck and a complete use of
local talent, local theatre can flourish again as
it did in the days of Valentine Windt.
THIS PREDICTION is not sheer speculation.
In the University archives there are min-
utes of a 1910 Regent's meeting which in-
cluded a long and lively debate about accept-
ing Mr. Hill's gift to the University to build
an auditorium.
The argument went something like this: first
of all, the people were afraid nobody would
come. And if audiences did come, the high pro-
fessional quality of the major symphony or-
chestras would kill all interest in student per-
formances. Someone declared that a music hall
for professionals would keep the University
from ever having a music school of any stature.
The point is obvious. Professional music
aroused interest in more music and the Uni-
versity has become one of the most musically
oriented campuses in America. Professional
stimulation and competition has raised ama-
teur standards, and has bred an audience of
enthusistic critics. If the same can be done for
drama in this community, Ann Arbor may be
able to add to its slogans "Cultural Center of
the Midwest."
Editorial Director

To the Editor:
I HAVE just now received and
have read with interest the
editorial statement of Kenneth
Winter which appeared in the
March 30, 1962 issue of The Mich-
igan Daily with respect to the
recent showing of "Operation Cor-
rection" on' the campus of the
University of Michigan.
I must confess I am somewhat
surprised at some of the conclu-
sions arrived at by Mr. Winter. In
effect, he concludes "a plague on
both your houses"-equating the
"Operation Correction" film with
the original House Un-American
Committees "Operation Abolition"
film which had been characterized
by the Washington-Post editorially
as "Forgery by Film."
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Faculty, College of Architecture and
Design:Send all midsemester reports
(for those students whose standing is
"D" or "E") to the Dean's Office, 207
Architecture Bldg., before Wed, April
Hopwood Contest: Manuscripts must
be in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell
Hall, by 4:30 Wed., April 18.
French and German Screening Exam-
inations: The screening examinations
in French and German for doctoral can-
didates will be administered on Sat.,
April 21, from 9 to 11 a.m. in Aud. C,
Angell Hall.
Students currently enrolled in French
111 or German 111 will not be permit-
ted to take the examination in that
Final Payment of Spring Semester
fees is due and payable to the Cashier
on or, before April 25, 1962. Fees not
paid by this date are liable to assess-
ment of a $15.00 delinquent fee charge.
Applicants for the Point Program in
Liberal Arts and Medicine or Dentistry:
Juniors or seniors plan-ling to. apply for
admission to the Joint Program in Lib-
eral Arts and Medicine or Dentistry
must submit their formal application
to 1220 Angell Hall before April 20,
(Continued on Page 8)

In fairness to Mr. Winter, he
did indicate that the HUAC film
"Operation Abolition" was "by far
the worst offender."
Yet Mr. Winter in characterizing
the ACLU film as "propaganda"
and asserting that it is guilty of
"distortions" fails to cite or pin-
point a single instance to sub-
stantiate this' charge.
While giving me credit for at-
tempting to "control rather than
incite . . . passions," Mr. Winter
wrongfully alleged that I had side-
stepped "certain questions pre-
sented by a representative of the
Young Americans For Freedom."
Actually, even representatives of
this group personally conveyed
their appreciation for the honest,
fair and objective way the meet-
ing and the question and discus-
sion period had been handled.
BUT AS I TRIED to convey at
the meeting, ACLU is not primar-
ily concerned with nit-picking at
the misrepresentations and dis-
tortions of the HUAC film. We are
concerned that a committee of
Congress would lend itself to and
did produce this fraudulent film
which has now been witnessed by
more than 15 million people ac-
cording to claims of the films
We are more concerned with the
fact that the conduct of the HUAC
in the film production typifies
and dramatizes the conduct of
this committee throughout its his-
tory as it has engaged in its un-
constitutional invasion and inves-
tigation of First Amendment
I believe it is the concern for
these precious freedoms which
prompted a majority of the stu-
dents to respond with enthusiasm
to the ACLU point of view, rather
than the fact that pre-conceived
opinions and views were being
I quite agree with the editorial
comment that "HUAC has left its
methods open to exposure by its
opponents, and when the facts are
in, public opinion could well turn
against the committee and abolish
This is the purpose ACLU is at-
tempting to serve by our showing
of the "Operation Correction" film
and our discussion of the related
-Ernest Mazey,
Executive Director
ACLU of Michigan

UGLI Rights . ..
To the Editor:.
your recent editorial comment
which so thoroughly degraded the
social activities of the Undergrad-
uate Library. The library, as the
column noted, is the only central
campus meeting place.
There are students whose pri-
mary function in the University
is social rather thaJn educational.
We may disagree with the moral-
ity of this statement, but it is ob-
viously true. These inhabitants of
the University community are tui-
tion payers and have equal rights
to library facilities. If they choose
the library to be a social area, it
is within their right to exercise
themselves in this manner.
Furthermore, it seems that your
editorial portrays an indecent per-
spective on social life. For all we
know, crucial decisions are made
in the library and lifelong friend-
ships secured. The study date is
a popular and seemingly success-
ful campus actidty.
So I would urge the readers of
this letter to think twice before
breaking up a conversation in the
library. You may be separating
two people who, under more con-
ducive conditions, might become
seriously attached, certainly more
important than five minutes of
your study time.
We pride ourselves on the num-
ber of libraries we have. Let the
serious, non-social students use
them and leave us the bright noisy
sanctuary that we have so fondly
-William Endler, Grad
DOING FOR people what they
can and ought to do for them-
selves is a dangerous experiment.
In the last analysis, the welfare
of the workers depends upon their
own initiative.
Whatever is done under the guise
of philanthropy for social moral-
ity which in any way lessens
initiative is the greatest crime
that can be committed against the
Let social busybodies and pro-
fessional 'public morals experts'
in their fads reflect upon the
perils they rashly invite under
this pretense of social welfare.
-Samuel Gompers

Daily Staff Writer
(First of a Series)
THERE IS NO such thing as a
"student movement" in the
United States today.
When people say "student move-
ment" they usually make three
assumptions about student social
action. They think that at least
50 per cent of the nation's stu-
dents are directly involved in stu-
dent action or are strongly sym-
pathetic. They believe students
involved in different projects know
why they are acting as they do.
They assume these students be-
lieve in some kind of common
ideology and a common goal.
An examination of student social
action in this country today proves
the fallacy of these assumptions.
THE HEART of the so-called
"movement" is perhaps one half of
one per cent of all the, college
students in this country. The real
number is probably less. These are
the leaders of the various or-
ganizations which form focal
points for student social action:
organizations like the United
States National Student Associa-
tion, Students for a Democratic
Society, Student Peace Union, Stu-
dent Non-Violent Coordinating
Committee and others.
These are the students who see
situations in terms of causes
rather than symptoms. Their on
cern is with the whole of society,
rather than with specific issues.
They have come to be known as
"core" people.
* * *
SURROUNDING them are about
30 per cent of the nation's college
students who can be called the
"followers." The core people supply
the ideas and inspiration that
goes into student social action; the
followers provide the manpower.
Equally important, they provide
the respectability of numbers. If
it were not for them the core
people would be regarded as a
fanatic fringe by society and they
would end up talking to them-
The followers are not usually
politically sophisticated; indeed
they are sometimes politically
naive. They will go out and picket
a discriminatory dress shop or the
White House; but if you engage
them in an argument as Oo why
they take their position they run
into trouble very quickly. Very
often their actions are not based
on carefully thought out positions
but on gut reaction and super-
facial 'moral indignation. Some-
thing goes against their grain and
they are ready to act.
w* *
VERY OFTEN, the gut reaction
is tied in with the social sanctions
on the individual follower. Some
people go to church every Sunday
essentially because they feel it is
the accepted thing to do and
partly because they want to be in
on whatever is going to happen.
The followers will think:
"Well, sure I believe Negroes
should be allowed to eat at lunch
counters, and all my friends will
be down there picketing and be-
sides it might be exciting. If I
don't people might think I'm a
hypocrite and . . ." and the next
thing you know he is walking in
front of the store with a sign in
his hand.
This might be a slight exag-
geration but reactions like it do
take place. The vague feeling that
"I ought to do something" is often
relieved by walking a few miles
on a picket line. It prevents guilt
Flimsy motivation, plus the very
short attention span of the fol-
lowers, has influenced the history
of student social action during the
past three years.
* * *

first broke into the headlines with
the sit-ins at Rock Hill, North
Carolina in 1959. People have
wondered why these demonstra-
tions aroused such a national re-
sponse when the Montgomery bus
boycott of 1956 had been virtually
ignored. The answer?-the core
people were around in 1956, but

McCarthyism was just' starting
to decline and the followers had
not yet emerged.
By 1959, however, political dia-
logue had reappeared on campuses
and students had begun to ques-
tion the status quo. They needed
a spark to set them off and the
sit-ins provided that spark; there
was a Woolworth's or a Kresge's
in most college towns. This was
a cause; a student could do some-
thing. As the picketing continued,
some lunch-counters in the South
were desegregated and the feeling
of success was an added bonus.
* * *
JUNE 1960 rolled around and
the students went on vacation,
feeling that it had been a good
year. They probably, expecte to
continue where' they left of f in
September but during the summer
something happened.
That something was the decision
of the House Un-American Acti-
vities Committee to go out to
California to investigate that
state's educational system.
They quickly found out that the
"silent generation" was dead when
they were met by students demon-
strating against their appearence,
and in some cases their existence.
And then HUAC came out with
the film "Operation Abolition"
which labeled the demonstrating
students as "Communist dupes."
4. . *
THE STUDENTS returned to
their campuses in September 1960
with a new cause celebre. They
forgot that the 'problem of dis-.
crimination still existed in the
South; picket signs from the year
before went into the closets and
new ones with the words HUAC
on them came out. The theme
song "Black and White together,
we shall not be moved," was
changed to "Abolish the Commit-
tee, we shall not be moved."
Operation Abolition was shown
on many college campuses and
always aroused controversy. Once
again students left school in June
feeling that they had accomplish-
ed something and expecting to
take up in September where they
left off. And again something
THIS TIME it was the inter-
national scene; In the latter part
of the summer the Berlin crisis
heated up and a wall was built.
Khrushchev started slinging words
like "100 megaton bomb" around.
The American government sud-
denly got very concerned about
civil defense. The public, began
debating whetljer it was considered
good etiquette to take a gun into
a fallout shelter for the possible
purpose of shooting one's neigh-
And when the students returned
to school in September 1961 they
suddenly discovered groups like
the Student Peace Union, Student
SANE and the War Resistors
League which they hadn't noticed
HUAC was still around and the
Southern Situation was still bad
but somehow they weren't so im-
portant any more. Because' the
problem was more complex than
the others a more academic ap-
proach was necessary. There were
seminars and discussions on dis-
armament, arms control and inter-
national relations.
* * *
been mostly responsive in nature.
Students will respond to the new-
est stimulus. Moreover their on-
ception of success is limited. They
feel that because there are only
two or three Kresge's in the South
that maintain segregated lunch
counters the struggle is over.
They fail to see that segregated
lunch counters are just a symptom
of a disease with which the so-
ciety is infested. They do not see
a relationship between the peace
movement, civil rights and civil
liberties; a relationship that has

its iroots in the very nature of our
social structure.
There .are few who have good
reasons for their actions, there are
few who are committed, there is no
ideology. There is no movement.
for a Student Movement

Explosion in Steel'

COMING SO SOON after the wage settle-
ment, the decision of the United States
Steel Corporation to raise its prices about $6
a ton has the look of a defiant repudiation
of the basic understandIings. For it rested on
the assumption that there would be no rise
in steel prices if the new benefits for labor
were well within the current increase of pro-
ductivity. 'There was to be industrial peace
resting on non-inflationary prices and wages.
This assumption has now been shattered, and
it must be said, shattered rudely by the de-
cision of the company made without previous
notice to or consultation with anyone speaking
for the consumers and for the national in-
pany's action is perhaps the most ob-
ectionable thing about it. We had come to
think that in the administration of the price
nd wage policies of the giant semi-monopolis-
tic industries, it was now recognized that
there are many parties at interest who have
a right t6 be consulted. Thus it is the law
hat the great industrial labor unions cannot
strike without notice, and, that they must
submit to a peaceable mediation and consul-
ation before they strike. We had come to
hink that without a specific law, the same
>rinciple applied to. the price policies of those
ndustries, like steel, which have such great
impact upon the whole American economy.
In one way or another, the steel company
will have to be induced to treat the price
ncrease not as an accomplished fact which
must not be discussed, but as something to be
discussed in the light of the public interest.

YET ALL OF THIS is superficial as compared
with the deep issue that has so drama-
tically been brought to the surface. We may
rule out the idea that the management of
the company has suddenly been afflicted by an
access of greed. The case of the steel company
is that it must make more profit in order
to earn enough money for capital investment
to modernize the industry. The explanation
says in effect that the American steel in-
dustry is competing with European producers
who have built modern plants since the war,
and it is competing with other industries,
here and abroad, such as aluminum for ex-
ample, which are able to undersell it.
The problem of obsolescence and of modern-
ization is a key problem in the country today,
and it applies not only to steel but to many
other industries, for example to textiles. The
American economy was pre-eminent in the
world in the years after the war. While
Europe and Japan were still prostrated and
their pre-war industries looted or destroyed,
the world market for American goods was
limited, one might say, only by the size of the
grants and loans which we were willing to make
to foreign purchasers. But while Europe and
Japan were rebuilding their ruined industries,
we rested on a comparatively low rate of
capital investment and enjoyed an enormous
production of consumer goods.
NOW, ALONG with the British, who have
a similar problem, we find ourselves with
a comparatively low rate of growth due mainly
to our low rate of capital investment and, in



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