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April 06, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-06

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Syria Army Sets
'Hi Command
Asks Army Un'ity
DAMASCUS (M)-Maj. Gen. Abdel Kerim Zahreddin, the army
chief, announced yesterday formation of a new high command, the
membership of which is still secret, to guide the nation and seek unity
with other Arab powers.
The announcement, made on the second day after the suppression
of a pro-Nasser military rebellion at Aleppo in northern Syria, said
the new command "enjoys the support and confidence of all army
units throughout the country."
Hailing democracy as "one of the prime characteristics of the
Syrian people," Damascus radio said the new command already had

Walker Raps State Department

Dutch Block
Labor Party
THE HAGUE (AP)-The Dutch
government yesterday easily beat
down an effort by the Labor Party
to promote surrender of West New
Guinea to Indonesia, a militant
The lower house, backing argu-
ments of Foreign Minister Joseph
Luns, rejected Laborite motions for
arrangements to transwer sover-
eignty over the Pacific island col-
ony to the Indonesians and halt
the shipment of Dutch military
The vote on each of the motions
was identical, 90-47.
The parliamentary showdown
came while the United States was
trying to get Indonesia and the
Netherlands to resume the secret,
informal negotiations which broke
off in Washington two weeks ago.
Dutch government sources said
Ellsworth Bunker, the United
States diplomat acting as third
party, had submitted a proposed
agenda and suggested that the
talks begin again April 13.
Neither Luns nor Premien Jan
de Quay mentioned a possibility
of revival of the negotiations in
the house debate. But Indonesia's
foreign minister told newsmen in
Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, the
United States activity is meeting
with some success.
"There has been no definite de-
velopment from these American
moves," he said, "but the possibil-
ity of the resumption of the in-
formal talks is increasing."
Military angles, however, were
emphasized by these develop-
Indonesia admitted one of its
planes strafed an Okinawa tuna
fishing boat Tunesday night off
Morotai, an eastern Indonesian
island. It charged the boat, the
144-ton Kyuyo Maru, violated In-
donesian waters and failed to give
proper identification. A report re-
ceived in Okinawa said one of four
crewmen wounded in the attack
had died.
A Dutch spokesman in Hollan-
dia, West New Guinea's capital,
said questioning of prisoners dis-
closed Indonesians who have Infil-
trated the offshore islands of Gag
and Waigeo are Indonesian army
Red Chinese
SDecry Party
TOKYO (A')-In terms that sug-
gested a new purge may be immi-
nent, Red China's leadership yes-
terday sharply denounced the
thousands who make up the main-
land's Communist bureaucracy.
The Peiping People's Daily,
which speaks for the Chinese lead-
ership, demanded the "re-educa-j
tion of many of the more than 12
million members of the Chinese
party, the largest in the Commu-
nist camp.
The unusually strong attack on
the men and women who carry out
the policies of the Peiping rulers'
raised the possibility they may
soon be blamed in part for the
present Chinese crisis. Until inow
the Chinese high command has at-
tributed a three-year succession
of crop failures to natural calami-

'taken up its task of "regulating
democratic life" and assuring "sta-
bility to face-imperialist plots."
Sound Unity
An official statement also said
the new command already was
working toward unity with "other
liberated Arab powers." This unity,
it added, must be on "a sound and
genuine foundation and with con-
ditions designed to insure Syria's
dignity and avoid errors of the
Syria's .four-year merger with
Egypt under President Gamal Ab-
del Nasser was demolished by an
army coup last September. A sec-
ond coup eight days ago overthrew
the civilian government on the
ground it had gone too far in re-
scinding some of Nasser's advances
toward Arab socialism.
Second Coup
The second coup did not go far
enough to suit pro-Nasser elements
in Aleppo, who sought to reforge
the union with Egypt.
Yesterday's announcement nam-
ed no Arab country with which
Syria is seeking.unity, and it indi-
cated the new high command en-
visages more national freedom and
sovereignty than it had in the old
union with Egypt.
Radio arguments began cackling
back and forth between Cairo and
Damascus soon after the Damascus
command announce dthe settle-
ment of the Aleppo revolt.
Cairo accused Damascus of
breaking a pledge made at a con-
ference with the pro-Nasser rebels.

Walker, crusading former general,
charged yesterday he was "framed
in a den of iniquity"-and listed
Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Walt Whitman Rostow, high presi-
dential adviser, as among the
dwellers in the "den."
The embattled advocate of a
"hard" anti-Communist line made
no direct charge that Rusk and
Rostow did any framing.
"Not worthy of comment," Rusk
said when newsmen asked him
about Walker's allegations. He
added that "I'm happy to be link-
ed with Rostow-he is an able and
Defense Arthur Sylvester and Gen.
Lyman L. Lemnitzer, chairman
close colleague."
No Comment
The White House said it would
have no comment.
Walker's thesis before a Senate
Armed Services subcommittee was
that there's iniquitous policy in
high places, a soft-on-Communism
policy, a "sell-out" plot.+
He mentioned Rusk and Rostow
when pressed to name those he re-j
gards as influential figures in a
secret "control apparatus" which
he said always follows the "soft
line on Communism."
In response, he said he certainly
would question Rusk's and Ros-
NLRB Allows
Corrupt Unions
tional Labor Relations Board held
yesterday that under the law it
cannot prevent a labor union lab-
elled as corrupt from obtaining
worker collective bargaining rights.
The board made its unanimous
ruling in ordering an election held
in 30 days for employes of the
Alto Plastics Corp., Los Angeles,
to choose whether they want eith-
er of two competing labor orga-
nizations to represent them.
One of the unions-the AFL-
CIO International Union of Allied
Industrial Workers-already rep-
resents the workers but has been
challenged by Local 886 of the In-
dustrial Workers Federation of
Labor, an independent organiza-

.. denies charges

of whom were criticized by Walker
Wednesday in testimony before a
Senate Armed Services subcommit-
tee investigating alleged muzzling
of military men by the Pentagon.
Walker accused Sylvester of
having played a major part in ac-
tions that led to his resignation
from the Army after being re-
buked for accusing some Ameri-
can leaders of Communist colora-
"The basis, if any, for Walker's
charges against Arthur Sylvester
is wholly unclear to me from the
record," McNamara's statement
Restore Liaison
In Red Zone
BERLIN ()-United States and
Soviet commanders agreed yes-
terday to restore freedom of move-
ment to the United States liaison
mission in Communist East Ger-
many and to the Soviet mission
in West Germany.
The agreement was reached at
two meetings in Potsdam, East
Germany, between Gen. Bruce C.
Clarke, United States Army com-
mander in Europe, and Marshal
Ivan S. Konev, Soviet commander
in Germany.
The agreement, ending a series
of restrictive moves and counter-
moves between Russia and the
United States, called for resump-
tion of normal mission activity
starting at midnight.
There was no public mention of
the quarrel that caused the re-
strictions, touched off March 20
when East German police shot up
a sedan of the United States mili-
tary mission.

Dean Sees
Soviet Policy
As Impasse
GENEVA (W) - The Soviet Un-
ion's tough "take it or leave it"
policy makes it impossible to con-
clude a nuclear test ban treaty,
United States Ambassador Arthur
H. Dean declared yesterday.
He told a three-power subcom-
mittee meeting working on the test
ban that negotiations are frozen
but that the United States "is
willing to wait hopefully" for a
last-minute change in the Soviet
The Soviet delegate, Semyon
Tsarapkin, countered with a
charge that United States plans to
resume atmospheric testing in mid-
Pacific late this month "had made
the position darker." He said the
Kremlin is willing to accept a
moratorium on all tests while ne-
gotiations here continue.
The Soviet Union has said it
would set off a new series of shots
of its own if the United States se-
ries takes place.
Despite the complete disagree-
ment blocking the three nuclear
powers, t h e i r representatives
agreed to meet again Monday aft-
ernoon for yet another effort to
resolve the deadlock. The United
States, Britain and the Soviet Un-
ion are sitting together as a sub-
committee of the 17-national gen-
eral disarmament conference.
Basically the disagreement re-
volves around this issue: the Unit-
ed States and Britain insist that
a treaty banning atomic and hy-
drogen weapon explosions must be
enforced by an adequate interna-
tional inspection and verification
system. The Soviet Union main-
tains such a system would flood
Russian territory with spies. I

Kennedy Proposes
Transportation Act

tow's attitude toward "our consti-
tutional system, our sovereignty,
our security, our independence."
He said he considers them very
influential in the hidden apparatus
he spoke of.
After the hearing, the tall, in-
tense general put on a display of
muscle in a corridor. He punched
the left eye of a reporter who tried
to ask him what his attitude is
toward George Lincoln Rockwell,
American Nazi.
Trust, Confidence
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara said "I have complete
trust and confidence" in Adamj
Yarmolinsky, his special assistant
accused by Walker of having had
close Communist connections.
At the same time, McNamara
defended Assistant Secretary of
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, both

An Associated Press News Analysis
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy asked Congress yester-
day for $500 million over the next
three years as a first step toward
helping cities unsnarl traffic fa-
cilities outmoded by mushrooming
suburbs and growing use of autos.
And Kennedy held out hope that
air, rail and bus travelers can en-
joy bargain rates by recommend-
ing that Congress remove federal
control over minimum intercity
fares. This was the highlight of
his call for a drastic overhaul of
what the President described as
"a chaotic patchwork of incon-
sistent and often obsolete" laws
and rules governing transporta-
Kennedy said he is convinced
"that less federal regulation and
subsidization is in the long run a
prime prerequisite of a healthy in-
tercity transportation network."
The chief executive's 10,000-
wordmessage spelled out his solu-
tions for pressing problems "bur-
dening our national transportation
system, jeopardizing the progress
and security on which we depend."
He ignored former President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's recom-
mendation for creation of a' gov-
ernment department of transpor-
tation. The message, cancelled last
year and delayed this year, is the
last of several Kennedy sent to
Congress this year detailing his
proposals for the nation.
Chairman Warren G. Magnuson
(D-Wash) of the Senate Commerce
Committee which handles legisla-
tion in this field, said some of
Kennedy's proposals are contro-

versial but that the message "rep-
resents a step forward."
The most economically far-
reaching recommendations deal
with freight traffic, a matter of
academic interest to the traveling
public but of life and death con-
cern to carriers.
One of these, calling for an end
to government fixing of minimum
freight rates, answers a prayer of
The rail carriers, whose share of
inter-city revenue freight tonnage
has skidded, complain that inabil-
ity to lower charges to shippers
-though justified by technologi-
cal advance-has struck them a
heavy blow.

Livu Iup wi~h
a Lively One rroM

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Associate Supreme Court Justice Felix Frank-
furter entered a hospital yesterday for rest and observation, his sec-
retary said.
WASHINGTON-The Senate defeated yesterday an effort to
give Congress a veto over the future of United States military person-
nel and equipment in support of __
United Nations operations like
those in the Congo.
* * *To: Vacation-Bound

WASHINGTON - Douglas Air-
craft Co. officials testified yester-
day they handled myriad major
tasks as well as "dirty little de-
tails" to earn their $10.3-million
share of an Army contract for
Nike missile launchers.
cused the United Nations Pales-
tine truce chief yesterday of mis-
leading the Security Council when
he denied Syria had a fortified
position in a frontier demilitariz-
ed zone.
* * *
LANSING-A Senate committee
yesterday refused to require Mich-
igan's high school pupils to read
official reports of congressional
Communist hunters.
* * *
LANSING-The Senate strug-
gled to kill but still is stuck with
a bill that would give delegates to
county conventions more power in
selecting members of county com-
mittees of their political parties.
NEW YORK-Led by railroad
issues, the stock market burst up-
ward yesterday after being smoth-
ered in losses for more than two
weeks. The Associated Press aver-
age of 60 stocks rose 1.60 to 256,
with industrials up 2.80, rails up
.60 and utilities up .70.

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