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April 05, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-05

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Wil Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express ;the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be doted in all reprints.

SDAY, APRIL 5, 1962


University Women
Don't Need More Dorms

rHE UNIVERSITY is making a mistake in
building the new Oxford road residence
Lalls for women.
Justification for this $2.5 million bond-fund-
d residence hall complex is the University's
vish to "provide as wide a range of living
acilities as possible." The project would pro-
ide four group living houses for freshmen
nd a suite-type apartment house for senior
But progress toward better 'living facilities
hould not force more women into the dor-
aitory systems.
Mary Markley, fondly termed the "mon-
trosty," and "Markley Hilton" was the last
ffort of the University in building residence
alls. The construction of this building kept
partment permissions down to a minimum
or five years because the "dorms had to be
F THE UNIVERSITY wishes to provide a
wide range of living facilities, they can use
le same or less money than it takes to build
new residence hall to remodel present fa-
ilities. Mary Markley could probably be con-
erted into suites with common kitchens at
ss expense than it would take to build a
ew building.
Residence halls are presently more expen-
ye than apartments. Part of this expense pays
r the refunding of bonds floated to finance
ew residence halls and another part to pro-
ide food variety for the many students in
4e dorms. Under the present system, students
re forced to pay more for a group living
tuation than they would for apartments
hen they often have neither the money, nor
he desire, to live in a dorm.
SOT ONLY should the residence halls offer
inexpensive and varied living situations,
.it all students should not be forced to live
i the dorm system.
At a time in history when this country needs
sponsible and individualistic citizens, the
niversity should be encouraging students to
ye without University supervision, rather than
5nmitting more to the dorms.
In a residence hall, many decisions which
Food forSta
'HERE IS nothing particularly novel about
the fact that the people of China are starv-
g to death in appalling numbers. The world's
ost populous nation has been among the
ost underfed and miserable for years.
But the epic struggle for sustenance in the
tckward half of the world has taken on an
nic twist in the last century or so. Toda,
bile half the planet starves, the other half
Les desperately to cut food production and
ends a royal ransom to store and destroy
ibles it cannot peddle to its overfed citizenry.
Careful consideration of these two problems
ems to 'point to a partial solution common
both. It would be reasonable, one might
gue, to simply ship the food into the famine
ND, IN FACT, this is precisely the sugges-
tion of AFL-CIO President George Meany.
The American Federationist, Meany sug-
sts sending relief missions directly to famine
eas. Under his plan, food and medicine given,
needy citizens behind the Iron Curtain
uld stay out of reach of their government.
Meany opposes selling such necesisties to
tators 'whose policies have brought misery
d hunger" to their people, fearing they
uld resell the supplies at a profit er use
em to strengthen armies "geared to oppres-
n at home and aggression abroad."

students must learn to make, such as budget-
ing of time and food, care of property and
when to end a date, are made by dorm
regulations. This encourages irresponsibility
when a university should be stressing re-
Freedomn from University supervision means
that a coed can make a choice on the type
of living to which she is best suited. Some
will decide to live in a dormitory situation
with librialized restrictions. Others will choose
a private living situation. Women should be
allowed to decide as soon as they are ready
if individual growth is to be maximized.
IF THE UNIVERSITY really wishes to offer
the widest variety of choice in housing, it
could go into competition with Ann Arbor
realtors and build and rent a variety of low
cost, on-campus unsupervised housing. Rents
would vary with the type and location of
facilities. The existence of alternative low cost
housing and an increased demand for such
will force rents down and may stimulate
enough apartment building on campus to
clear out the semi-slum housing that some
realtors provide.
The myth that there will not be enough
student housing jn Ann Arbor if the residence
halls do not absorb students, ignores the
principles of a capitalistic system. A hint to
Ann Arbor realtors that there will be a sub-
stantial graduate enrollment increase without
dorms to house them-and soon 30 new apart-
ment houses will exist by the following fall.
It is clear that the problem of high rents
and bad student housing in Ann Arbor cannot
be remedied by building Oxford-type dormi-
tories that are more restrictive and more ex-
pensive than apartments.
O ACTUALLY provide "as wide a range of
living facilities as possible" both in type
and cost of housing, the University must use
present finances to remodel present dorms to
provide varied and more attractive facilities.
It must also offer competitive housing to lower
rents and raise the quality of Ann Arbor stu-
dent housing.
irving China
Instead, with the permission of the rulers,
the proposed agency would carry its missions
of mercy directly to the people. "Our country
has always shown great generosity and capacity
in helping save people from starvation," says
HE IDEA of feeding hungry people is not a
new one, nor a particularly radical one. It
is not even strange to the liberal student move-
ment. For example, Policy Statement of the
recent Washington "Turn Toward Peace" pro-
ject suggested disposing of surplus food "un-
der United Nations auspices, to all areas of the
world without regard to the political orienta-
tion of the governments involved." It is an
idea which deserves a place in the platforms
of student groups concerned with the present
and future of the world.
Meany's suggestion merits careful considera-
tion in Washington. And perhaps a few ten-
tative suggestions should be made to this huge
Asian nation we pretend doesn't exist. Red
China is a hungry giant, and she desperately
needs food and medicine from somewhere.
MY, BUT they grow a lot of rice in Southeast

"They All Say They're Good Friends Of His"
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as s--ram WAmttmora4 'Pasr- 'L.
Community of Scholas




Two Finance Plans
Battle in Lansing

Daily Staff Writer
(Third in a Series)
TWO PLANS to end the current
financial crises now face the
state Legislature.
The first is a temporary nui-
sance tax package advanced by
the conservative branch of the
Senate Republicans,
The other is a tax revision ad-
vanced by a coalition of Demo-
crats and moderate Republicans.
The latter plan, presented by
Gov. John B. Swainson, includes
personal and corporate income
The immediate problem the Leg-
islature has to face is the elimi-
nation of a deficit which should
reach $96 million by June 30.
includes a sales tax on services,
which would yield an additional
$14 million. It would also increase
the franchise tax one mill on the
dollar to yield an extra $13 million.
The other taxes, in order of de-
creasing return, are: a one cent
increase on the cigarette tax, $10
million; four per cent tax on us-
age of telephones and telegraphs,
$8 million; four per cent increase
in the liquor tax, $7 million; and
a beer tax increase of $2.50 per
barrel, $7 million.
The nuisance tax package would
therefore, add $59 million to the
general .fund.
Thedconservative Republicans
also advance an "austerity" budg-
et of $491 million. This budget
would cut present capital outlay
appropriation in half, sharply re-
ducing funds for University expan-
sion and expenditures.
* * *
repeal the controversial Business
Activities Tax which yields about
$72 million a year. It is a levy on
total payroll and profits and is
generally considered inequitable
and a bad factor in the state's eco-
nomic climate.
Secondly, the plan would elim-
inate the sales and use tax on
groceries and medicine, estimated
to total $95 million a year.
As a stimulant to business
growth, machinery and equipment
used in manufacturing would be-
,come exempt from local property
taxes. This would represent a loss
of $65 million a year.
The total loss to the general
fund would then be $232 million.
. * * *
TO OFFSET these losses, the
governor proposes the enactment
of a three and a half per cent flat-
rate levy on individual incomes
and corporate profits, which would

yield $240 and $66 million, re-
To offset the loss to local units
from the property tax exemption,
one half of one per cent of the
income tax profits would be ear-
marked for local units.
The net taxes would yield $306
million and the complete program
would add $71 million to the gen-
eral fund each year.
ALONG WITH the passage of
the governor's tax package, the
coalition of Democrats and mod-
erate Republicans have proposed
a $517 million moderate budget
which contains $4 million more for
higher education than the con-
servative Republicans' austerity
budget. It also contains $10 million
more in school aid' and $5 million
,more in capital outlay appropria-
To summarize, the conservatives
would increase taxes about $44
million, would increase spending
$11 million and would lower the
deficit $5 million.
The moderates, on the other
hand, would spend $37 million
more next year and would raise
taxes $72 million, setting aside $15
million for debt retirement or con-
* * *
BOTH PLANS are now in the
Senate. The nuisance tax package
is awaiting action on the floor of
the upper house and the gover-
nor's plan is in the powerful Sen-
ate Tax Committee, headed by
Sen. Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hol-
Geerlings has said on the floor
of the Senate that no income tax
plan will ever pass out of the
doors of his committee room.
* * *
is attempting to bypass the com-
mittee by bringing the governor's
program back on the floor of the
chamber. Sen. Haskell L. Nichols
(R-Jackson), speaking for the
moderates, has called for open de-
bate on the tax problem.
Geerlings appears unperturbed
however, and has merely said,
"they'd better count their votes
It is likely that if such politi-
cal hassling continues the tax
crisis will again and again reap-
pear on the legislative scene; and
the state's tax structure shall be-
come more and more a patchwork
of temporary measures that are
allowed to continue as inequitable,
rigid, and inadequate financial
the Biggest 'Load?

City Editor
[T'S TIME to clear up a couple
of things' about- the students
who want changes in the Office
of Student Affairs.
Although I can speak only for
myself, I think there have been
some misunderstandings which
need to be taken care of.
This point became eminently
clear the other day when I got
a letter from an alumnus who
thought the student attitude ex-
pressed in one of my editorials
needed some revision and re-
calculation. The letterwriter had
read a "quotation" from the edi-
torial In a recent number of The
Michigan Alumnus, which has a
wide circulation among Michigan
My correspondent did admit
that, when he was in school, he
probably felt the same way he
thinks I do. But now he has
changed, and disagrees. He in-
terpreted the quotation about
which he was arguing as an attack
on rules-he asserted that some
rules are necessary and that people
can often learn much by having
to follow them.
This was a good enough under-
standing of the quotation-but the
quotation itself was a bit slanted.
Sentences which should have been
separate were run together with-
out the usual three dots separa-
* * *
WHAT I SAID was that the
University should train people in
responsibility-which means that
individuals should have some free-
dom of choice and not have simply
to follow rules. Later in the edi-
torial I said that some rules are
only irritating, and won't accomp-
lish their purpose. The Alumnus
quotation didn't keep these two,
separate arguments separate.
But the point is mainly that
such misinterpretations are be-
coming more and more widespread.
low women in the quads was
brought up, there has been a wide-
spread and critical interest in
the University's conduct of stu-
dent affairs.
Both citizens and alumni, and
even some people in the Univer-
sity, are worried that "radical"

studentgroups are trying to end
all rules, in fact to create an at-
mosphere of immature anarchy
and general promiscuity.
With all this at the back of my
mind, I want to say why I would
like certain policies adopted, why
I want changes in the Office of
Student Affairs.
* * *
PERSONALLY, I start from the
position that the University is a
fine place to attend. I've been able
to do pretty much what I thought
right, and I've learned a lot and
done a lot. I don't regret having
come here.
At the same time, I realize that
some people haven't had as good
a stay at the University as I.
* * *
A GIRL who is pregnant needs
more than a lecture on morality
and a ticket out. She may need
help badly.
Although the blame is beyond
the University alone, I also think
it's wrong when the man who has
gotten the girl into "trouble" does
not have to help her bear the con-
sequences. Possibly, he needs
counseling too.
Pregnancy, ofrcourse, is about
the ultimate problem in Univer-
sity non-academic counseling, but
there are other problems too.
* * *
THE UNIVERSITY, it seems to
me, ought to be a functioning
comunity--as the OSA Study
Committee said, a "community of
scholars." In such a community
all parts work toward the same
end--scholarship and preparation
for life.
If a part of the University is
not working toward this end,
changes ought to be made. When
OSA doesn't provide the counsel
necessary to help someone to-be
able to participate fully and freely
in the community aims, changes
ought to be made. If OSA student
affairs policy isn't helping to ma-
ture students, to allow them the
freedom each one can properly
handle, then it should be changed.
* * *
me a very great deal in almost
four years. I hope others are get-
ting at least as much.
A good OSA can help them to
get it.
0 Admittedly, I think that some

rules here are ridiculous, and don't
perform any function--they are
necessary neither to keep order
nor to teach people anything.
f I personally think that some
of the OSA posts could be more
adequately filled.
" I also think that sometimes
handling of discipline could be
* * *
BUT MAINLY I want to see an
Office of Student Affairs, indeed
a whole University, that is pushing:
toward those twin goals of scholar-
ship and personal development.
The University is doing this.
much of the time. I would like to
see it doing even better,.

Interpreting the Regents Bylaw

To the Editor:
T HAT APPROACH to the prob-
lem of bias clauses demon-
strated by Gerald Storch's editori-
als of March 16 and April 1 disap-
points me greatly. These articles
have advocated thorough, speedy
implementation of Regents' Bylaw
2.14, but nowhere in them have I
seen any understanding of the role
fraternities and sororities might
play in the University community
or even of the "brotherhood" ideal
itself. This is regrettable because
such understanding is necessary
for competent evaluation of the
situation and constructive sugges-
tions for action.
The point of conflict is between
justified "selection" and arbitrary
"discrimination." Fraternities and
sororities at their best provide a
"home" for their members which
offsets the impersonality of the
University, a "home" centered
around certain activities or ideals
desired by its members, whether
those be athletics, comradeship
and merrymaking, personal ma-
turity, prestige, or scholarship.
Although I may not personally
believe in all of these, I feel the'
democratic ideal gives each group
the right to stress anything it may
wish-so long as it doesn't-harm
other persons or groups. In order
to have this agreement among
members about its emphases,
though, each fraternity and soror-
ity must have the ability to se-

Assembly's Next Year

J HER FAREWELL speech to Assembly Dor-
mitory Council, Sally Jo Sawyer said that
e was disappointed with Assembly this year.
e has reason to be.
Her major complaint was that many of the
>resentatives were' unwilling to take full
ponsibility for their job. A couple of times
ring this year the council was not able to
e' on motions on the floor because there
s no quorum. At one meeting in which it
s important that several matters be decided,
women refused to stay after five o'clock
get some business done. The representatives
ed several times to !set up committees, but
en it was time to volunteer to work on them,
one was available.
OWEVER, the blame cannot be placed,
totally upon the women who sit on the
incil. The dormitory residents at large are
tally apathetic and unconcerned. A great
,ny of them don't even know what Assembly
and a larger number don't care what hap-
is to it (as witnessed by the lack of par-
pation in its recent election for president).
Vost of the representatives faithfully report
results of the Assembly meetings to their
use Council, but rarely does the House
incil send any suggestions back to Assembly.

With such a situation, how can the executive
board learn of the needs of the people it is
THE FUTURE, however, is not bleak.
A strulture committee has been set up to
study Assembly's constitution and, in view of
all the changes that have occurred during the
past year, make any revisions that will be
necessary for its smooth functioning.
A new executive board has just been selected
that is eager to serve the needs of its elec-
torate and see to it that independent women
have as good living conditions as possible.
ASSEMBLY IS AN important organization on
campus. It is the only one that represents
independent women as a group. Recently it
has been concerned with such matters as
apartment permission for senior women, regu-
lations within the women's dorms, problems
that will arise from the trimester schedule and
a program to make the women aware of
various aspects of safety. Next year one of
its committees will work out all the details
for co-educational housing with Inter-Quad-
rangle Council.
These are matters of concern to all the
independent women on campus, not just the
few members of the Assembly executive board
who are carrying the full load of the work at
this time.


lect its own membership as it
Likewise, there is the ideal of
"brotherhood." This implies an
intimacy-the ability to live, work,
and play together harmoniously to
the mutual advantage of all. It as-
sumes an organization of persons
who can-and at their best do-
become good friends. Here too "se-
lection" is justified, for certainly
it is a necessary condition in the
creation of any close-knit group.
It is inconceivable that the Re-
gents wished to eliminate this
right of "selection" when they
passed Bylaw 2.14. That would be
tantamount to saying that you
can choose your friends and asso-
ciates as you wish, but that you
may not organize with them.
Rather, I feel the Regents were at-"
tempting to eliminate arbitrary
discrimination against particular
traits over which the individual,
has no control.
Thus, the problem is one in
which no clear line of demarcation
can be seen. The details can be
hammered out only with painstak-'
ing slowness over the years. Yet
it can be done competently and
well only if attention is drawn
to both sides of, the issue-the
need to eliminate arbitrary dis-
crimination and the need to con-
tinue the right to continue the
tinue the right of justified selec-
tion in student organizations.
-Ted Haworth, '62
Negro Incentive . .
To the Editor:
LAST WEEK a series of editor-
ials appeared on this page con-
cerning the desegregation of De-
troit schools. These articles dem-
onstrated the lack of rational
thinking that dominates much of
the movement to advance the so-
cial and economic standing of the
Negro people.
The problem. of segregation in
Detroit and other. northern areas
is not one that can be alleviated
by simple movements of students.
Physically, the schools throughout
Detroit offer equal facilities for
all. The central Negro schools
don't approach the crowded con-
ditions of the schools on the cities
perimeter; the faculties. are ap-
proximately of an equal caliber;
and in fna,'t on. hzAirint,4whn. ..1,m,

in his present situation, would he
feel any less so living day after
day in an atmosphere of hostility?
What he needs more than any-
thing else is confidence in his own
ability and in his chance to use
that ability for his betterment. If
the NAACP were to go into every
school and seek out promising stu-
dents and guarantee them a col-
lege education and a respectable
job, incentive which is presently
non-existent would be provided. If
every meeting place, public and
private, were integrated, the Negro
would not be much better off than
he is right now.
Respect can't be won with force;
it must be earned. The prestige of
a race is elevated, not through the
common people, but through its
great leaders. The Marian Ander-
sons and Booker T. Washingtons
have done.more for their own peo-
ple than all the pickets and bus
rides can hope for.
The Negro needs help. The
NAACP, through a mass drive for
the higher education of its prom-
ising students, could supply this
-hope. Social barriers can't be brok-
en with pickets. Where integra-
tion would improve the chances
for a Negro to succeed, it should
be fought for, but integration for
integration's sake alone is sense-
--Ron Barnhart, '64
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that any fanatic or-
ganization must have several
things to keep it going and thriv-
ing. The most noticeable of these
are a rigid adherence to doctrine
and a drive to suppress freedom
under the guise of working for
an "ultimate ideal," a religion or
a myth of national supremacy.
However, there is one little ex-
tra touch that should not be over-
looked. It is a good idea for a
fanatic organization to get itself
a hero, preferably a martyr, drag-
ged up from the depths of ig-
nominy to the status of demi-god.
Adolf Hitler did this with a young
punk who was killed in a street
fight. He had a song written about
the fellow, and had it suwg at
most of the Nazi meetings.
Robexrt Welc~hhax elnp t 1he am

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sity of Michigan for which The
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before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Faculty, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Midsemester reports are
due Fri., April 6, for those students
whose standing at midsemester is "ED
or "E." The green report cards for
freshmen and sophomores should be

will be open on short schedules from
Mon., April 9 through Fri., April 13.
Libraries will be closed Sun., April 8
and April 15, and also Sat., April 14.
The General Library and the Under-
graduate Library will be open from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. through Fri., April
9-April 13. Vacation hours for divisional
libraries will be posted on the doors of
each library. All libraries will resume
regular schedules Mon., April 16.
Foreign student Tuition Scholar-
ships: The deadline for receipt of ap-
plications is April '15. Forms are avail-
able from the Counselors in the Inter-
national Center.
Events Thursday
Applied Mathematics Seminar: James

Mueller Shafer, Education; thesis: "Per-
sistence of Postwar American Proposals
for the Study of Contemporary Affairs
in the west German Volksschule," Fri.,
April 6, 4042 University High School,
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen.
Doctoral Examination for Sister Jean
Walter Hitzeman, Zoology; thesis: "The
Ontogeny of Enzymes in the Leydig+
Cells of the Testes of the Mouse," Fri.,
April 6, 2091 Natural Science Bldg., at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. M. Allen.
The following is a list of teaching in-
terviews for the week of Monday, April
16-April 19.
BucPhanaln. Mihti.- 1Elem.t1-. J .

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