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February 13, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-13

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f", if In

my Mrdii an Baily
Seventy-Second Year
ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevall"'
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


ONC E Stimulating

Y, FEBRUARY 13, 1962


Why the University
Must Be Parental

'RESIDENT HATCHER'S January speech on
student affairs clarified the University's sen-
le position: Students will be students, but
ey are at the University to learn. If the stu-
nts run the University, they can't ever learn
>re than they already know. So the Univer-
y must run the students, in order to impart
collective wisdom, which presumably the
idents do not yet have.
At the same time, however, the process of
rning is not just a one-way street. Practical
perience on the part of the student, guided
his teacher, is recognized as valuable in
y teaching situation.
This theory of education is not confined to
e classroom. It should encompass every part
the University, each of which are separate
ucational experiences. How can the student
socially learned and responsible, if he is not
t academically responsible? Can he learn the
e ;and not the other?
Clearly he cannot. And thus the University
charged with its traditional role of prepar-
g the student for life, involving a paternal-t
Ic attitude both in the classroom and outside
4 CLASS, the student does not rebel against
paternalism. The professor is charged with
.parting knowledge for students to use in
eir chosen careers. Presumably they will need
to avoid certain pitfalls and dangers that
' may hold. In supplying students with
owledge as a cloak of safety, the professor
acting in a paternalistic manner, trying to
ide his young charges down the right path'
ward life, where they will be on their own.
uis is clearly a practice based on paternalism,
d the students accept it without complaint,
Yet they are in the same relationship with
other branch of the University, the Office
Student Affairs. The social development of
e student is entrusted to this office, and
e morals of the University community rest
its hands, just as the academic development'
.d integrity of the University. rests with the
culty. Students and laymen alike would lose
respect for the University if its faculty con-
ned academic dishonesty, but yet some stu-
nts are calling upon the OSA to pursue a
licy of social laissez-faire and condone, by
finition, moral dishonesty among the stu-
UCH A "DOUBLE STANDARD" is inexplic-
able and it shows a fault in some students'

logic. True, many students are mature enough
socially to act with discretion and judgment,
were they charged with their own responsibil-
ity. But probably just as many are not, and
the reputation and atmosphere of the Univer-
sity rest with the latter group. One rotten
apple will spoil the whole barrel in the eyes
of the public-the very people who own the
In a way, the University is quite like an
ethnic group that is saddled with some dis-
agreeable trait in the public mind-the bad
practices of a few become the albatross for the
Ideally, in America, we as individuals have
complete freedom as long as we don't restrict
the freedom of another person. But when one
voluntarily joins a group-such as the Univer-
sity-he must give up a certain amount of his
freedom in order to make the group compatible
for all who comprise it. In exchange, the in-
dividual derives some personal benefit from
the group, as is the case here.
But some students' have yet to learn this
lesson. Perhaps they will not, for many never
do. The very fact of their ignorance is suffi-
cient evidence that they are not socially ma-
ture enough to assume responsibility for them-
selves. They are willing to demand academic
security from the University, but they are un-
willing to give the University group any secur-
ity in its public image.
NO ONE REQUIRES students to come to the
University. Rather it is their choice and
privilege. As a result, they have a responsibil-
ity to contribute to the enhancement and
progress of the University, so that it can jus-
tify its existence to the taxpayers. If the people
see the University as an amoral place, they
will not be willing to contribute to its support,
for these people are essentially concerned that
our young people be educated in a moral at-
mosphere such as our society dictates.
Such proposals as allowing women in the
men's residence halls do not serve the interests
of that essential morality. But more than that
they would provide the temptations that lead
to immorality. And the students who advocate
them should realize that. The fact that they
do not realize it is the best case for paternal-
Somehow they must learn.

Romney: Gli*b Reforme'r?

. .. x f

The Republican Image

Daily Staff Writer
CALLING UPON "Republicans,
Democrats and Independents
alike" to join him in battling the
"many partisan politicians of both
parties acting like narrow parti-
sans first and Michigan citizens
last," George Romney entered the
state political arena Saturday.
In his announcement he prom-
ised to seek a government "in the
interest of all of the people-big
and little, rich and poor, old and
young, of every race and creed.
In reaching solutions to the in-
dividual problems of some (it)
will take into careful considera-
tion the effect those solutions
may have upon others. And (it)
will ask the guidance of all."
* *.*
ARMED with this mystic vision,.
Romney enters embittered Michi-
gan arena. In a state where
politicans are attached to ideology
and power rather than the com-
mon good, Romney's statements
seem a refreshing change from
the bitter wrangling of recent
Toa state waiting for an at-
titude change from its politicians,
his statements sound like a breath
of fresh air. However, they are
not, realistic for they fail to ac-
count for the basic cleavages.
Within Michigan's borders lie
esentially two states: the Detroit
metropolitan area and over ?0Q
rural counties. Economically they
need each other. Socially and po-
litically, they have proved in-
THE DETROIT metropolitan
area is one of the most indus-
trialized in the United States. It
contains a major industrial city
and numerous dependent 'suburbs.
More than most regions, this area
suffers from the problems of ur-
ban industrialization. Unemploy-
ment is high and constant. Slums
rot the core of the city. Schools
are overcrowded. The quarter of
Detroit's population that is Ne-
gro suffers most from these con-
ditions, resulting in high racial
The rural areas face different
sorts of problems. Their economy
is dependent on the land, the
weather, and what tthe govern-
ment will do for their crops. They
are less open to the distresses of
an industrial economy. Schools
are small and less crowded than
in the city. Few Negroes live out-
side and race tension is rare.
IN LANSING the two forces

clash. The struggle is even, but
wasteful. Stalemate is the usual
result. The Legislature, by virtue
of districts based more on area
than population, is safely in the
hands of rural Republicans. The
executive, elected on a state-wide
basis where all votes count equally,
is in the hands of the urban
So, the Legislature scuttles most
administration proposals and (less
frequently) the governor vetoes
the schemes of the Legislature.
In recent years, Romney has
been attempting to overcome this
stalemate and make Michigan
"roll ahead once more." He created
Citizens for Michigan in an at-
tempt to suggest solutions to the
state's basic problems. Along with
the League of Women Voters, its
first project was the constitutional
With much diligence, they suc-
ceeded in convincing the people
to call one, only to see much of
its potential for good strangled
in the Lansing snake pit. Con-
The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Language Exam for Masters Degree
in History: Feb. 23, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 429
Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be used.
Sign the list posted in the History
office, 3601 Haven Hall.
The Cinema Guild Board will hold
interviews for organizations wishing to
sponsor second semester Cinema Guild
films on Sat., Feb. 17, in the Student
Activities Bldg. Petitions for sponsor-
ship and an instruction sheet may be
obtained on the first floor of the SAB.
All petitions must be in by Friday
Agenda Student Government Council
Feb. 14, 1962, 4t15 p~m., Council Room
Constituents Time: 5:45 and 9 p.m.
Approval of agenda.
Minutes of previous" meeting.
Standing Committees: Committee on
Student Activities, Wolverine Club Con-
stitutional Changes, Assembly Dormi-
tory Council Constitutional Changes,
YAF-Permanent Recognition, Commit-
tee for Improved Cuban-American Re-
lations-Extension of Temporary Rec-
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Officer 'Reports: President, Letters,
Administrative Appointment to Com-
mittee on Membership; Executive Vice-
(Continued on Page 5)

Con's original backers had hoped
for a non-partisan convention
based on the House districting,
which most evenly divides the
state. However, the legislature set
up a partisan one based on the
whole legislature.
THE RESULTS of this are now
apparent. Although not approved
by the full convention, the outlines
of the new constitution are ap-
parent by the committee reports.
Earmarking of funds has been
maintained; county home rule en-
feebled by constitutional offizes;
civil rights stagnated.
Such are the results of Romney's
first effort. He now hopes to take
his campaign to the partisan level.
His vague promises of something-
for-all and dynamism-in-state-
government will be thoroughly
tested in the campaign. He will
have to take stands. He will have
to make commitments and com-
promises, especially to outstate
GOP leaders who are cool to him.
Even if he wins, Romney will
then have to translate his pro-
grams into legislation. Legislators,
especially rural ones from "safe"
districts, will be reluctant to mend
their ways. Moralism will not be
ONE MAN with a vague pro-
gram will not succeed as governor
in changing the extreme partisan-
ship of Michigan government. In-
stitutional and personnel changes
are needed. If Romney is to suc-
ceed, he should attempt now as a
candidate, and later if elected, to
find like-minded men to replace'
"narrowly partisan politicans" who
dominate the state.
With such men, Romney could
make some basic changes. The
Legislature, especially the Senate,
could be reapportioned to elimi-
nate smug centers of power. The
urban and rural parts of the state
could be made to realize that the
state depends on both of them.
THUS FAR, Romney has nct
attempted to do this. He refused
to use his influence at Con-Con
and in the Legislature. He has pre-
sented an apportionment plan
which Prof. James A. Pollock of,,
the political science department,
an expert in government, called
Romney has yet to offer any-
thing more than generalities. He
probably won't if he expects oat-
state help in his campaign. Un-
less he takes a more concrete
stand toward state problems, his-
tory will write him off as just
another pious reformer.

ONCE, presented by the Drama-
tic Arts Center, opened its
second annual festival of musical
premieres last Friday with New
York avant-garde performers La
Monte Young and Terry Jennings.
John Cage, a contemporary
composer whose works have been
accused of not being music, has
said Young's work "is extremely
distant from music as people or-
dinarily think of it," Young is a
composer and performer of music,
actions, poetry and sounds.
Most of the works used impro-
visation upon some preconceived
framework. Both Baroque organ
masters and jazz musicians have
improvised. What is new is the
framework, and the type of im-
MANY of the works explored
random combination of partially
preconceived sounds. For instance,
in Wind for Terry Jennings by
Richard Maxfield, Mr. Jennings
played pitches on an alto saxo-
phone which are above the highest
range of the instrument, while
S lumbers
CAN AN Aneircan psychiatrist
SZurich find happiness as the
husband of one of his mental pa-
tients, the daughter of a rich
This is the question which F.
Scott Fitzgerald toys with in his
novel "Tender is the Night." (Cor-
respondence between this story
and Keats' famous passage is elu-
sive.) Ivan Moffat's screenplay
outclasses "Our Gal Sunday," but
is not really satisfying.
For Jennifer Jones and Jason
Robards, Jr., the answer takes two
and one-half hours. There are
times when you almost don't care,
especially during the first 60 min-
utes or so. Good scenes alternate
with really bad ones. The overall
impression is that it's an incred-
ibly slow-moving affair, (which
makes it faithful to the book.)
Minutes sneak by while nothing
Siportant happens, accompanied
by insipid piano music. Two min-
ute scenes take five minutes, and
the dead air gives embarrassing
exposure to some pretty shabby
1* * *
MISS JONES holds the drama
together. Nicole Diver's mental
problems are never quite under-
standable, but the problem is in
the script, not in Miss Jones' act-
ing. The portrayal of Nicole's be-
havior over a period of years and
through various mental states is
always competent, sometimes out-
Robards is largely a foil for
Miss Jones.
Tramping in and out of the
married life of Dr. and Mrs. Diver
is Hollywood -starlet Jill St. John,
("she's what people call a healthy
girl") who is shallow enough to
focus the attention of the viewer,
and the Doctor, back on Nicole.
* * *
AMONG the other people run-
ning around Europe is Tom Ewell,
a dissolute writer of unfinished
songs. Ewell's role is an attempt
to relieve the tension of a plot
based on insanity, but his drunken
ramblings at the piano only waste
one of our best comic talents.
The setting of lavish houses and
gorgeous technicolor s c e n e r y
would make the movie worthwhile
in itself if we weren't so accus-
tomed to plush film settings and
Cinemascope travelogues.. This
lush life which so fascinated Fitz-
gerald gets pretty Cdull at times.
But the mental problem posed is
an interesting one. Even though

teexplanation fr hat goes o
inr Nicole's mind, and the increas-
ingly alcoholic mind of her hus-
band may not be believable to you,
they are worth discussing after
the picture is over.
Fitzgerald's plot is basically
good, but it is not as successful on
the screen as some of his other.
yarns would be. Nights are made
for sleeping, and only Miss Jones
keeps this "Night" from serving
the same purpose.
-Richard Ostiing

two tape recorders at the rear o
the auditorium played similar pre-
recorded sounds simultaneously,
By thus limiting the range of
sound. this 10 or 15 minute piece
seemed long and inadequately
The statement above by Johi
Cage was borne out in Mundal
No. 1 by Toshi Ichiyanagi. Mr
Young appeared on stage, tossed
a string bean into the audience
and exited.
The first half of the conceri
also included two piano pieces, one
by Christian Wolff and one b
Terry Jennings, which were simi-
lar to other contemporary ex.
periments with juxtaposition o
isolated pitches, silences and tone
program began with "Words" b
Robert Morris, performed by Mr
Young. It is reminiscent of the
San Francisco poetry-with-jazi
concerts of this decae. A tape re-
corder replaced the jazz comb
with a sporadic scratching soun
to accompany the repetition of the
word "words."
The major work was Terrl
Riley's Concert For Two Planisti
And Five Tape Recorders." Varon
sounds were supplied by the tape
recorder speakers around the roon
as the two performers randomly
applied a variety of objects t
the keys, strings and framewor
of two pianos.
Performed simaltaneously wa
Walter DeMaria's Licorice Stick
which was the distribution '
licorice to each member of thi
audience by a young lady. In thi
and other pieces on the program
tongue was in cheek. This Wa
true of the last presentation 92
'to Henry Flynt' which consIste<
of 923 strokes of a mallet on th
bottom of what appeared to b
a frying pan by Mr. Young.
This first concert reflects a Vee
tain attitude toward our era.
* * *
opened with Roger Reynolds
Wedge. Reynolds has been con
sistently writing virile, coheren
and fresh works and this piece wa
no exception. It was perhaps th
most warmly received on the ro
gram. His piece for soprano, alts
lute, piano and bassoon entitle
Sky also deserves more hearing
than "once."
Reminiscent of Friday nlght'
program were Meanwhile A Two
Piece by Gordon Mumma an
Elixir 8 by Aylmer Gladdys. Bot
were performed by Mr. Mumm
and Robert Ashley and used oly
skeleton plan which left mud
to random performance. Boti
were amusing.
A film The 'House by R eor
Manupelli with electronic musi
sound track by Robert Ashley use
an imaginative lighting and angl
of shooting. The dramatic buildul
desired could have been heighten
ed" by further cutting, but it wa
otherwise rather successful.
lAlso on, the program was Greg
ory Kosteck's 1961 Sonata to
Piano, an early but very fin
Sonatina for Flute and Piano b:
Pierre Boulez, France's leadin
avante-garde composer, and An
gels by Carl Ruggles, for mute
The program was varied and re
THE SUNDAY afternoon pro
gram featured pianist Paul Jacob
This 32-year-old performer. ha
played much contemporary musi
and does 'so with authority. To
day's music requires a pianist wh
has a command of the entire pi
ano. Mr. Jacobs demonstrated hi
ability to exhibit a wide variety o
touches with both fingers a,
pedals, and dynamics from ,whis
pered harmonics to percussiv
fortes. The latter were especiall
strong, but modern composer

have beenr writing more percus"
sively for the piano.
This program was especiall
hard work for the listener excep
for the closing five occasiona
pieces by Stravinsky, which pro
vided a light "dessert."
Roger Reynolds was again rep
resented on the program alonj
with the widely known Schonberg
Stockhausen and Copland.
-Donald Matthew

CR. GEORGE ROMNEY is a Republican who
"recognizes that the Republican image
ds improvement." In the Democratic party
pion influence is too great," and the Repub-
an party, at least in Michigan, has been "ex-
sively influenced" by business pressure
ups. Mr. Romney's remedy, which presum-
y would improve the Republican "image,"
to respond less to organized minorities and
rely on the strength of the unorganized citi-
cannot feel that this throws much light on
problem of the Republican party. The prob-
i is how to become the majority party in-
ad of being, as it -has been for over 30 years,
minority, party. The fallacy in Mr. Romney's
gnosis is that he talks as if all "business"
I the same views of policy and of its inter-
s, and so too all "'unions," and that a sound
publican party should divorce itself from
h. This is not only impossible. It is quite
desirable. The true political line for a party
or either of the two parties-is to associate
elf with the enlightened and progressive wing
the business world and the enlightened and
ogressive wing in the union world. When a
rty can do that, it commands the center,
d is unbeatable.
advent of Franklin Roosevelt, the Republi-
n party organization has been in the control
the Republican congressmen who had such
fe seats that they survived the Roosevelt
adslides. Although there were exceptions, by
d large the Republican seniors, who have ac-
ired leadership by being re-elected, come
>m the countryside, the suburbs, and the
.all manufacturing towns.
They are not in touch with the urban masses.
it also they are not in touch with the bigger
dustrialists and bankers in the big cities, with
e businessmen who have had a wider ex-
rience at home and abroad. For a long time,
r most of this century, there has been a large
rergence inside the business world and inside
e Republican party on questions of provin-
lism and parochialism as against national-
n and internationalism.
The proof that this is the problem is that
. irD

never in the past 30 years have the Republicans
chosen for their presidential candidate a man
who belongs to the congressional ruling group.
The congressional group, which is dominant
in Congress, speaks for the Republicans as a
minority party.
Their strongest and their wisest and their
best leader was Robert Taft. But three times
the party convention denied him the nomina-
tion and chose a candidate not identified with
the congressional Old Guard.
WHY? Because the state politicians and the
larger urban business interests have known
that no Republican could be elected President
if he were an isolatiolist and, in face of mod-
ern industrial development, a reactionary. The
only Republican who was in fact elected was
Gen. Eisenhower, and until he was nominated
he could not be described accurately as any
kind of Republican. When it came to Mr.
Nixon, he did his best not toidentify himself
with the Old Guard, and made overtures to
Gov. Rockefeller.
The fact that the Republican party has been
nominating men who do not qualify as "real
Republicans"-that is, as congressional Old
Guard Republicans-plus the fact that all of
them but Gen. Eisenhower have lost the elec-
tion, has 'created a theory in the Old Guard
circle. Its loudest and most attractive exponent
is Sen. Barry Goldwater. The theory is that
the Republicans will win-apart from a freak
election like that of Gen. Eisenhower-only
when they stand unreservedly for the ideas of
the congressional Old Guard. Sen. Goldwater
has persuaded himself that there is a vast
submerged Republican majority which will go
to the polls and vote only for an Old Guards-
THIS THEORY is almost certainly not true.
But there is no way of proving that it is
not true as long as it is not tested at the polls.
As long as the dominant group in the party be-
lieves that they have been frustrated by the
nomination of men like Willkie, Dewey, and
even Eisenhower, and now perhaps Romney,
the party will be at sixes and sevens within it-
self. This inner disorder is the reason why it
presents a poor "image." The party in Congress
is run by the Old Guard. But masses of voters,
who might prefer to be Republicans, do not
find a welcome and a home in the party as it
is actnal1v managed.

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