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March 30, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-30

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Ask* Geneva
For' Action
U.S. Reacts Cooly
To Russian Proposal
GENEVA (M)--The Soviet Union
marshaled its Communist allies
yesterday in a diplomatic drive to
get nuclear-free zones established
in Europe
Western sources said the pro-
posals in the 177-nation disarma-
ment conference were aimed at
West Germany, Greece and Tur-
key, key members of the North
Atlantic alliance bordering Soviet-
allied nations.
The United States cold-should-
ered the suggestions. But the
atom-free concept drew some nods
of approval from among delegates
of the eight non-aligned nations
at the table and expressions of
support from two of them-India
and Ethiopia.
Polish Foreign Minister Adam
Rapacki 'and Soviet Deputy For-
eign Minister Valerian A. Zorin
urged the conference to adopt the
Communist measures on a speedy
Brushing this aside, United
States Ambassador Arthur H.Dean
called instead for quick agreement
on measures to halt the production1
of nuclear arms and to reduce thej
possibility of war by surprise at-
tack or accident.,
Subsequently, the conference
instructed Dean and Zorin, as co-
chairmen, to agree on a first-
things-first work program.
Communist delegates- advanced
two related ideas on atom-free
The first was a modernized ver-
sion of Rapacki's five-year-old
plan to eliminate "nuclear weap-i
ons and nuclear delivery vehicles"
in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East
and West Germany..
Western experts believe a primec
aim is to pry .West Germany out#
of NATO and roll Western Eu-
rope's defensive shield back almoste
to the Atlantic.
The second idea was advanced
by Romanian Foreign Ministers
Cornelu Manescu, who proposed at
nuclear-free zone in Southeastf
Europe, where Greece and Turkeys
are involved.x

Hint Chi~efs Held!
ISyrian Revolt
Former Leaders Possibly Jailed
As Army Takes Control of Country
DAMASCUS (P)--The army said last night land reform reversals,
pork barrel tactics and infiltration of the government by imperialist
agents forced the coup that has placed Syria under military rule for
the second time in six months.
There was a hint that at least some members of President Nazem
El Koudsi's government regime, deposed early yesterday in an upris-
ing that Radio Damascus called bloodless, were under arrest.
The high command said executives and conspirators responsi-
ble for "the deviathi n from the Sept. 28 uprising's objectives and

* Reds Revise Farm Policy
By PRESTON GROVER izers are being assigned to "exer- and other produce they a
Associated Press News Analyst cise control and render assistance from the farms.
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union to collective and state farms in Under the Soviet System, I
has dismantled its old agricultural fulfillment of production plans are assigned production quot
administrative machinery and set and procurement of agricultural foodstuffs that must be deli
up a new system powered by some produce," say the decrees. to the state regardless of
capitalistic fuel - incentive pay- Incentive pay is a factor here may be left to feed the
ments. too. The pay of the inspector- population.
The departments of agriculture organizers will depend in consider- The state's quota is used fo
in the republics and the local able measure on how much grain port and for feeding the
regions are junked. The central population, which now is
department of argiculture has lost than half the population.
all administrative authority over Order u anre While there is some flexibil
production and has been reduced the state quotas, at times
to a scientific study center. . ofarm managers have been Z
In the place of all this apparatus Inteurate to buy up local shares of b
is the new All Union Committee meat and flour to make up (
for Production and State Procure- NEW ORLEANS (P) - United shortages. As a result, v
ment of Agricultural Produce. Un- States Dist. Judge J. Skelly Wright housewives sometimes arriv
der it are regional committees ordered Tulane University yester- stores to find the shelves bai
made up both of local government day to admit two Negro girls. . Increase Output
and Communist Party officials. In a summary judgment, Wright The decrees say the new
Overtake U.S. rejected the university's claim that cultural directorates "must be
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, it had the right to reject quali- tered on increasing the outp
bent on overtaking the United fled Negroes on racial grounds as farm products so as to insure
States in the fields of farm and a "private" institution. conditionally the fulfillmer
factory production, can be counted Wright said "the complete his- state procurement." That no
on to keep the fires burning under tory of Tulane University indicates the farms are still going to
his new agricultural committee. that it is now, as it always was, a to fill their quotas.
Decrees published by the gov- public institution. One 'source to be tapped i
ernment and the Party directorate "The consequence is that Tulane tiny little plots each farmer
make clear one primary means of University cannot discriminate in collective farm is entitled to
getting more production is in- admissions on the basis of race," ' or himself. While these
creased pay for farm workers on he added. plots amount to less than
collective and state farms. In fact, The suit against Tulane was cent of the arable land, they
workers on state farms will be filed by two New Orleans Negro duce huge amounts of meal
placed on a piecework basis, where girls, Barbara Marie Guillory and other foodstuffs.
income will depend on how much Pearlie Hardin Elloie. Now these farmers will b
work they do. Tulane's board of administrators fered increased pay to per.
There still is no allocation of ex- had said it "would admit qualified them to spend more time or
tra money for farm machinery students regardless of race or color lective land and less on their
and fertilizer, which all experts if it were legally permissable." plots.
speaking at the recent Party con-
gress indicated was essential.
To get more money for agricul-
ture, the Soviet Union would have
to take funds away from heavy
industry and defense. And it is
unwilling to do this.
As agents of the new agricul-
tural committee, inspector-organ-
Committee Votes
Funds for Corps
WASHINGTON (A')-The Senate
Foreign Relations Committee ap-
proved yesterday legislation to
grant President John F. Kennedy's
request for $63.75 million to put
9,700 volunteers in the Peace Corps
by the fall of 1963.

GENEVA PROPOSAL-Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko
and Secretary of State Dean Rusk discuss the Russian plan for
European atom-free zones.
-AP Wirephoto
Report Basic Accord
On Terms of Contract
PI'TSBURGH (P-Negotiators reportedly reached basic agree-
ment yesterday on a new, two-year steel industry labor contract on
terms described as consistent with President John F. Kennedy's call
for continued wage-price stability.
Chief bargainers for the major steel companies and the steel-
workers union were said by reliable Washington sources to have
reached their agreement subject to ratification by union committees

Satellite Bill
Given Approval
WASHINGTON (A') - The pub-
lic would be allowed to buy half
ownership of a'proposed new com-
munications satellite corporation
under legislation approved yester-
day by the Senate Space Commit-
The other half would be sold to
companies already in the commu-
nications business.
The bill was a down-the-middle;
split of differences between Presi-
dent John F. /Kennedy's request
for full public ownership and an
all-company ownership proposal
by Sen. Robert S. Kerr (D-Okla).

" that were called into session here
No Pay Increase
The pact is said to call for
around 10 cents an hour in im-
provements in vacation, pension
and supplemental unemployment
benefits-but without an immedi-
ate pay increase. The 430,000 in-
dustry workers presently earn an
average $3.28 an hpur.
Provision is made for reopening
the contract for wage increase ne-
gotiations at the end of the con-
tract's first- year.
General Agreement
R. Conrad Cooper, chief industry
negotiator, indicated that a gen-
eral agreement had been reached.
He said, however, there had been
no formal settlement and that
much negotiating work remained
to be done.
Kennedy's call for an early set-
tlement-without a strike and one
consistent with maintaining wage-
price stability and confined to the
scope of productivity increases -
appears to have been met.
It was indicated that the vaca-
tion provisions may contain some
surprises. The union has been
calling for several months paid
sabbatical leaves periodically for
long-service employes.

aspirations" were being referred to*
Stay Calm
Syria's five million people were
warned, to remain calm, that force
would be used to crush any dis-
turbance. Frontiers were sealed.
A 10 p.m.-5 a.m. curfew was
clamped on the country. Telephone
communications were cut.
The high command reiterated
that its objectives include "the es-
tablishment of constructive Arab
socialism" at home, and, in foreign
affairs, positive neutrality and
nonalignment combined with Arab
unity on a clear basis, "especially
with beloved Egypt and brotherly
'Usurped Land'
"All Arab efforts and'potential
should be mobilized to liberate and
recover the usurped (Israeli)
land," the army said.
Koudsi, a moderate rightist in-
augurated last Dec. 14, got to serve
out little more than three months
of his five-year term. A former
premier who served in 1944 as
Syrian ambassador to Washing-
ton, he was ousted along with the
cabinet headed by Premier Mar-
ouf Dawalibi.
The 17-man constituent assem-
bly elected Dec. 1 was dissolved.
It had been dominated by con-
servatives generally opposed to so-
cialist measures instituted when
Syria was a part of the UAR.
An army statement charged:
-The deposed leaders and leg-
islators "worked only for their own
personal interests."
--They cracked down on "the
rights and gains of the country's
peasantry" and ordered many of
them, off their land in favor of
Discuss Plan
On Civil Rights
LANSING (M-A proposal call-
ing on the Legislature to establish
a state civil rights commission was
debated for five hours yesterday
in the Constitutional Convention.
Delegates were still considering
amendments to the provision when
they adjourned until this'morning.
The proposed section provides
that if the Legislature fails to act
in setting up the commission with-
in two years after adoption of the
new constitution, the governor
would then do so by executive or-

'Medical Group
To Back Plan
On Health Aid
WASHINGTON (P) - Twenty-
seven physicians formed a volun-
tary committee yesterday to rally
doctors behind President John F.
Kennedy's plan for health care
for the aged under Social Secur-
The doctors also took some
healthy swipes at the American
Medical Association, major foe of
the Kennedy plan.
Most of the doctors are AMA
members, but not all, and the ex-
tent of physician non-support of
the AMA was cited by Dr. Caldwell
B. Esselstyn, medical director of
the Rip Van Winkle Clinic at Hud-
son, N.Y., and president of the
Group Health Association of

University of Michigan
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By The Associated Press
OTTAWA-A new wheat sale to
Red China involving about 39 mil-
lion bushels worth $75 million was
announced yesterday.
crats yesterday stopped a Repub-
lican drive against interest and
dividend withholding and other
tax changes sought by President
John F. Kennedy.
WASHINGTON-House backers
of an anti-poll tax amendment ex-
pressed optimism yesterday that
the Senate-approved bill can be
steered to final passage without
too much difficulty.
QUITO-President Carlos Aro-
semena said yesterday a plot
against his regimeby a group of
armed forces officers has been
smashed. The president told re-
porters the situation is under con-
trol and that order will be main-
NEW YORK-Steels paced a
rallying stock market yesterday to
its first advance in eight sessions.
Trading was slow. The Dow-Jones
Averages showed 65,stocks up 1.26.

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