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February 09, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-09

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I tr togan
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Snow accumulating 1-3 inches,
Fair and warmer tomorrow.

See Page 4

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V Y 3r N 1 .'

innesota Solon
.ocks Kennedy
)llege Aid Bill


Personnel Director

Special To The Daily
LANSING .-House Majority
Leader Allison Green (R-Kings-
ton) has taken a' slap at the
University's "high level of out-of-
state student enrollment," opening
a controversy that rages every
year between the University and
the Legislature.
"It is discouraging to learn that
32.9 per cent of all freshmen and
sophomores at the University are
from out-of-state,"-he says.
Rep. William Romano (D-War-
ren) has promised a renewed effort
this year to limit out-of-state en-

rollments to 10 per cent of the
total. The same proposal failed
last year in the House by only
six votes in a real rough-house
Lewis Protests
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis protested
yesterday that the University "is
accepting all the Michigan fresh-
men now who 'qualify'-but qual-
ify, of course, is a relative term.
"We realize that the state is
worried. At home legislators have
!constituents pounding on their
backs when students aren't ac-
cepted for college.

"Of course we always try to give
preference to instate students."
Legislature's Duty
Romano has claimed that it is
the Legislature's duty to "see that
the C-plus student in Michigan
gets an opportunity for an edu-
cation ahead of the straight A
student from out-of-state.
Lewis said that it "wasn't all
that simple. Along with selectivity
the University has a low drop-out
rate," which comes from accepting
only "qualified" students.
Lewis pointed out that although
the literary college and the archi-
tecture college 'are filled to capac-

)ut-of -State

ity, most of the other schools are
not up to their admitted capacity.
Cost of Education
Romano has told the Legislature
the cost of educating out-of-state
students at the University is equal
to the total of the entire operating
budgets of Western Michigan Uni-
versity at Kalamazoo, Central
Michigan University at Mt. Pleas-
ant, and Northern Michigan Col-
lege at Marquette.
The percentages of out-of-state
students at Michigan state-sup-
ported colleges are: The Univer-
sity, 31.9 per cent; Michigan Col-
lege of Mining and Technology at

Houghton, 27.8per cent; Michigan
State University, 19.1 per cent;
WMU, 8.9 per cent; NMC, 4.4 per
cent; Wayne State University, 3.4
per cent; Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity at Ypsilanti, 2.5 per cent;
Ferris Institute at Big Rapids, 1.8
per cent; and CMU 1.2 per cent.
Green was optimistic about get-
ting the Legislature to pass some
restriction on out-of-state enroll-
ments, because "we came so close
last year."
Proud of Universities
"We are proud of our universi-
ties and are glad outstaters want
to come to them. We don't advo-

cate eliminating them, but we
the ratio at the University sh
be more reasonable."
Green suggested a tuition
as a means of discouraging out
state applicants, but Sen. St
G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) wa
against "creating an Iron Cur
which would seal off the
from its neighbors.
"Such a policy is contrary t
aim of broadening education
said. "The University's cosmC
tan atmosphere adds a very
able aspect to our state's ed


SHINGT©N-President John F. Kennedy's college aid bill
a setback yesterday when a Republican objection in the House
a move to send it to a House-Senate conference to work out a
igle objection in the House can block a joint conference. The
x was made yesterday by Rep. Albert H. Quie (R-Minn). House


to come to them. We don't advo- tion."

.. Senate opposition
-oUHnC1 Set
ro Present

of essors

*Republicans are opposed to the
scholarship program. They are
afraid the House conferees, with a
Democratic majority, might accept
The bill now goes back to the
r House Rules Committee, which
could stop further Congressional
action on the measure.
Limited Aid
The House bill originally came
out of the Rules Committee on an
8-7 vote last month. The House
passed the limited aid bill provid-
ing $1.5 billion for construction for
classrooms, laboratories and li-
braries for private and public col-
leges and junior colleges.
House Republicans stipulated
that that their support would be
withdrawn if the Senate added a
federal scholarship program to the
Last Tuesday, after two days of
debate, the Senate approved a
$2.6 billion program of grants and
loans for college scholarships as
wellas for the construction of aca-
demic facilities. The bill was
passed 69-17, just a few hours
after the Pr'esident sent his edu-
cation message to the Capitol. He
requested funds for higher educa-
tion institutions and 4 broad range
of other aids.
McNamara Opposes .
Sen. Patrick V. McNamara (D-
Mich) opposed the measure.
In the course of the Senate de-
bate, Sen. Frank J. Lausche (D-
Ohio) moved to strike out pro-
posed provisions for 212,500 fed-
eral scholarships and to substitute
a stepped-up program of loans to
college students. The amendment
was defeated 50-37.
Lausche opposed grants to
students on two principles. He
maintained the "moral fabric" of
college-age Americans would be
impaired by outright grants not
requiring repayment.
Prestige Schools
He also said that grants made to
student by federal agencies and
not by the colleges themselves
would produce further overcrowd-
ing of "so-called prestige schools"
at the expense of the smaller or
state institutions.
He advocated an expansion of
existing programs of loans to stu-
, dents under the National Defense
Education Act.
The president has three timesr
this year called for Congress to
pass a school aid .measure, but+
Congress has turned a deaf ear
to them.,
The general school aid bill is
still blocked in the House Rules
Committee and Rep. Adam Clay-,
ton Powell (D-NY) has refused to
let his House Education and Labor
Committee draft another one.




Group Agrees on Policy

our visiting professors, award-
hree-day appointments by the
aors Council, will give lectures
semester and be available
discussions with honors, stu-
rof. David Aaron of Smith Col-
will speak on "The Radical
dition of American Literature."
Hugh Taylor, Dean Emeritus
rinceton Graduate School and
ddent of the Woodrow Wilson
Dwship Foundation will give
,1k on "Speed in Chemical and
k Case for Popular Literature"
be presented by Prof. Claude
pson of Ohio State University
Prof. Freeman Odell of Brown
versity will discuss "The Place
inguistics in Human Studies."
he exact schedule for the guest'
,kers will be announced.
Today's edition of The Daily,
being distributed free across
' campus.
Eegular publication will be-
with Tuesday's edition.


The Office of Student Affair,
Study Committee has , reache
common agreement on a philoso
phy and restructuring for th
OSA, and is currently 'hammer
ing out the terminology' of it
tentative report.
The committee will hold a clos
ed, informal meeting with the Re
gents Thursday to discuss the re
port. Prof. John Reed of the law
school, committee chairman'ha;
hopes of releasing the recommen-
dations publicly the next day
Complications could postpone the
release over the weekend, how
ever. '
The 25-page report represents
a unanimous opinion on all prob-
lems discussed except one, Prof.
Reed said yesterday, and provi
sion is made there to present the
varying positions. It will sketch a
history of the committee, sum-
marize the recommendations of
'the University Senate's Faculty
Student Relations Committee
which prompted the current study
and present the committee's find-
To Consider Report
The Regents will formally con-
sider the committee's report at
their March session. During the
intervening month, the public will
have a chance to present its ideas
and suggestions and the commit-
tee may decide to make some revi-
sions in the first draft, Prof. Reed
Terming the document a 'mod-
erate, but sensible' approach to
student life outside the classroom,
Prof. Reed explained that the
committee shied away from rec-
ommending specific rule changes.
"We sought rather to establish a
structure which makes possible the


orderly consideration of such
Copies of the report will be sent
to the faculty committee, Student
Government Council, the Alumnae
Council of the Alumni Associa-
tion and other groups which re-
quested them. Others will be avail-
able to the general public.
Prof. Reed said the committee

Con-Con CO mmittee Sets
niversities Legal Status..
Separate constitutional status for all 10 state-supported colleges
and universities was recommended to the constitutional convention by
their education committee during intersession.
If the recommendation is accepted the state will have 10 boards
of control made up of eight members serving eight-year terms govern-
ing higher education in Michigan.
Advice and Consent
Seven of these boards will be appointed by the governor with the
advice and consent of the Michigan Senate. The University, Michigan

members felt that immediate pub-
lic discussion of the report is es-
sential for an understanding of it
and for the guarantee of opti-
mum changes in the OSA.
He deplored much of the misin-
terpretation of the committee's
purpose and the University's atti-
tude toward non-academic stu-
dent life that has circulated in

Of ficiaLPoie

Every Day Is Doomsday on The Daily
Feb. 5, 1962, most papers in
rnited States ran front page
s that the world was coming

R egents Adopt
Bylaiw Change
'For Athletics.
Sports Editor
Faculty control of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athlet-
ics was approved in a bylaw
change at the January Regents
The membership of the Board
was increased from 15 to 17, with
nine members chosen from the
University Senate, the faculty leg-
islative body. The old bylaw pro-
vided for seven Senate members.
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss presented
the Senate Advisory Committee's
proposal to the Regents. He said
the change was not due to any
direct conflict between the facul-
ty and other members of the
Board but rather because "some
faculty felt they should have a
stronger voice" in the affairs of
the Board.
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler, athletic
director, said he had no objection
to the increase in faculty mem-
bership on the Board but that "the
reason for making the change is
unsound." Crisler said that facul-
ty Board members as a group had
never been voted down and that
they had always had a strong
voice in the Board's decisions.
The bylaw changes also lower-
ed the faculty terms from four to
three years. Crisler pointed out,
that this did not give the mem-
bers sufficient time to become as
well acquainted with conference
rules and procedures since most
matters concerned longer range
Another change makes three

< State University and Wayne State
University governing boards will
continue to be, elective.
The recommendation, if effected,
places the future of public higher
education in Michigan in the
hands of 80 persons, 56 appointed,
and 24 elected.
Presently nine out of the ten
schoolsyhave constitutional status
but only the University, MSU and
WSU are mentioned specifically in
the constitution. The University
presently has the only eight-year
Insert Names
The education committee also
voted to insert the names of all
ten institutions in the constitution,
changing the name of Northern
Michigan College at Marquette to
Northern Michigan University and
the name of Michigan College of
Mining and Technology at Hough-
ton to Michigan Collegeof Science
and Technology.
The governor would appoint the
boards of Western Michigan Uni-
versity at Kalamazoo, Eastern
Michigan University at Ypsilanti,
Central Michigan University at
Mt. Pleasant, NMU, Michigan
Tech, Ferris Institute at Big Rap-
ids and Grand Valley State College
at Grand Rapids.
Under the present constitution,
WMU, EMU, CMU and NMU are
governed by the State Board of
Education whose four members are
elected for six-year terms.
Separate Boards
The other schools are governed
by separate boards.
The 10th school, Ferris Institute,.
currently has statutory status.
MSU and WSU now have six-
member boards serving six-year
terms. The University already is;
governed by an eight - member
board with eight-year terms.
The education committee wasj
the first to finish its consideration
of proposals and make its final
recommendation to the conven-
The committee also voted 1-8 to

'the state's press. "The move to
allow women visitors in the men',
quadrangles has been incorrectly
viewed as the central issue at hanc
by many people who feel that the
University may entirely ignore
what students do when they leave
the classroom."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis appointed the
study group last summer after re-
ceiving a report from the facult3
committee urging. wide sweeping
structural and personnel changes
in the OSA.
List Seven Areas
That report listed seven areas
to be investigated and improved.
The study committee was charged
with handling six of them: facul-
ty control and participation, re-
structure, housing arrangements,
reassignment of certain present
personnel, establishment of an or-
derly grievance mechanism for
students, and an explication of the
OSA's relationship with other
University units.
Lewis himself undertook imple-
mentation of the seventh recom-
mendation, to create a positive
program for implementing the Re-
gents' Bylaw against discrimina-
Rush Changes
MI'ay Alleviate
Beginning tonight, many Uni-
versity women will engage in Wo-
men's Rush, which -this year has
been altered to ease the rushee's
nerves and lighten her spirit.
Formerly the women whisked
from sorority to sorority every
night for nearly three weeks.
However, the. new rush calander
provides for mixers on the week-
end before classes, with subsequent
sets scheduled primarily on week-
Feb. 9-11 the women will be
introduced to the world of affiliat-
ed living through the first casual
mixers. They will spend 40 hours
at each of the 22 sororities, talk-
ing to members and developing
their opinions of houses.
Second set, consisting of eight
parties which will be held Feb.
16-17. Through these informal
parties, the rushee learns more
about the house and its members
as individuals.
The third, or "tea" set is held
Feb. 23 and 24. Three days later
the fourth set, which consists of
three parties, takes place. March.
1 and 2, Final Deserts are held.
The rushees preference the soror-
ity or sororities of their choice
March 2.
To ease rush, the contact rules
have been lessened to the honor
code, designed to protect rushees.
The honor code is designed to
insure objectivity and open-

governor requested last ye
The recommendation alsof
$5.7 million short of the $
million requested by the Reg
last October.
The governor's recommen
tion was delivered to the Legi
ture on Jan. 23 as a part of
total recommendation of $1
million, for higher education
cluded in his $528.3 million bu
et for the state.
Tax Boost
The total budget would be s
$86 million higher than last ye
$462 million, and the gover
earlier had proposed to fin:
the boost with a flat-rate 3%/
cent income tax.
Other budget requests from
governor included $32.4 million
Michigan State University, $
million for Wayne State Univ
sity, $7.2 million for Westi
Michigan University at Kalan
zoo, $4.6 million for Eastern Mi
igan University at Ypsilanti,$
million each for the Michigan C
lege of Mining and Technology
Houghton and Central Michi
University at Mt. Pleasant,$
million for Ferris Institute at
Rapid, $2.1 million for 'North(
Michigan College at Marque
and $185,000 for Grand Valley C
lege at Grand Rapids.
Added Funds
The governor's total educat
request represented a $15 mill
increase of last year.
Republican legislators headed
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-A
Arbor) who are generally oppo
to an income tax at this timer
proposing a $32 million pack
of 'nuisance' taxes on tobacco,
quor, telegraph and teleph
bills to cover an equal incre
for education.
Swainson has also proposed
total of $6.7 million in capital o
lay funds for the state's colle
and universities, of which the U
versity is slated to receive-$3.1 m
lion or almost half the total.
Individual legislators have a
introduced various capital out
measures for higher educati
Sen. Carleton E. Morris (R-Ka]
mazoo) has proposed a $150 n
lion capital outlay program
higher education to be financ

nda- Seen
the t
idg- University enrollment will rea
an increase of about 1,200 frc
last spring, Edward Groesbeck, C
ome rector of the office of registr
ar's tion and records, predicted ye
nor terday.
)nce Groesbeck expects about 24,5
per students to register this sprin
This will be the largest spring e:
the rollment in the history of the Ur
for versity, he added.
17.3 However, this is about a 1,0
ver- drop from the fall enrollment
tern 25,475 students. But the spring a
ma- mester always has a smaller e:
ch- rollment figure than the fall doe
$4.2 Groesbeck noted.
Col- About 145 freshmen were ac
y at mitted this semester of which 1;
gan had registered as of yesterda
$3.2 Registration was streamline
Big this semester by combining tm
ern steps into one. Fee assessment ar
tte, student billing were performed i
col- the same time.
The first day this caused son
bottlenecks due to the unfamilia
Lion ity with the new system and tl
lion great number of people who ha
early registration passes.
I by However, yesterday things mo'
Ann ed very smoothly and quickl
sed Ronald Keller, director of registry
are tion, said. The new system is
age great improvement, he added.
li- To make class enrollment faire
one to students registering on Thur
ase day and Friday, students were. n
allowed back in the gym aftb
d a' their registration time unless the
ut- had the signature of their cour
ges selor.
Vil os Resigns Seat
'lso As SGC Member

Group o Explore
Increase in Tuition
Swainson Proposes $37.9 Million
Allotment for 'U' Operating Fun
Speial To The Daily
LANSING--Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield) and l
nine-man Senate Appropriations Committee were closet
with University officials in Ann Arbor yesterday to disco
matters ranging from the budget to dormitory policy, accor
ing to Senate sources here.
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) had remark
earlier that the committee was definitely interested in explk
ing tuition hikes, but no details of the discussion were di
Gov. Jdhn B. Swainson has recommended that the- Sta
Legislature appropriate $37.9 million for the Universit;
1962-63 operating budget, some $2.5 million over last yea
actual appropriation, but only a scant $250,000 more than t

Ethe few papers not taken
his giant hoax was The
b was good clearheaded
which stopped The Daily
aing the doomsday band-
Daily Astrologer John
who allegedly started the
w claims he never pre-
te end of the world.
ily The Daily was not tak-
ainly because it did not
luring exams.)
5 but one example of the
. reporting of The Daily.
Farrell, chairman of The
ushee program, claims she
n anyone to become a
reporter. She sublimates
lents such as knitting,
aying, hockey, or grades
-satisfying reporting.
business staff. Morality
ises innocent freshman
love talking on the phone

John Vos, '63, resigned yE
day from Student Goverr
He has accepted a job at f
trait hntel and willmontinu

:: ::



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