U.S., Soviets Trade Charges
Frondizi Requests
General's Mediation
sawed by military leaders and Per-
onist working masses, President
Arturo Frondizi called for help
yesterday from respected army
Gen. Pedro Aramburu in an ap-
parently last ditch effort to save
his regime.
Aramburu, a retired infantry of-
ficer, served as caretaker presi-
dent after the 1955 downfall of
dictator Juan D. Peron. One of
his lieutenants said Frondizi want-
ed the popular general and. elder
statesman to serve as mediator in
Argentina's worst crisis since the
revolt that ousted Peron.
Aramburu served in this capa-
Reveal Value
Of Stockpile
ernment has accumulated $6.35
billion worth of 12 items for its
national strategic stockpile at a
cost of $552 million above present
market values.
A breakdown on the 12 items,
made available to members of
Congress after President John F.
Kennedy lifted the secrecy label
on them, showed yesterday all are
held in greater quantities than the
amounts calculated as necessary
for a three-year war.
city in previous Frondizi-military
showdowns and is credited with
staving off military rule.
Military Gains Power
As Frondizi turned to the sol-
dier once more, Peron-hating mil-
itary groups were reported gain-
ing an upper hand in efforts to
oust the 53-year-old president and
establish a military junta, or at
least make Frondizi only a figure-
head under military direction.
From the opposite direction,
Peronist unions hit the nation with
a partially effective 24-hour strike
to protest Frondizi's decree wash-
ing out important victories Peron-
ist candidates gained in last Sun-
day's elections.
The unions threatened to extend
the strike for an indefinite ueriod
on Monday unless Frondizi re-
scinded the decree. But this is
something the military clearly
would not stand for.
Three Years in Office
A leader of forces in the north
during the military revolt against
Peron, Aramburu became provi-
sional president in 1955.
He turned the presidency over
to Frondizi after the election of
1958. He has since remained in
quiet retirement except for the
times Frondizi found the need for
his help in previous cases, and
Frondizi had weathered 35 of them
up to now.
-AP wirephoto
DEATH IN ALGIERS-Pedestrians pass by a Moslem who was
shot down on the sidewalk of Michelet Street, Algiers. He was one
of four men killed by European gunmen as terrorists stepped up
their fight to keep Algeria French.
ew Embargo Closes
Loopholes in Imports
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States announced an import ban
on goods with any element of Cuban origin yesterday as reports from
Cuba indicated that Prime Minister Fidel Castro and his brother
Raul were named to the first and second secretaryships of a fore-
runner to a Soviet-like political party.
The embargo will take effect today.
A 25-member directorate had been announced March 9 with
Castro's name heading the list, but specific titles and positions were
,not spelled out then. Under the
Capital Task
De Gaulle's Statement
Implies Full Struggle
By The Associated Press
PARIS - F r e n c h President
Charles de Gaulle told his govern-
ment yesterday the nation's "cap-
ital" task is to crush the armed
insurrection in Algiers and Oran.
Meanwhile, French troops with
armored cars and half-tracks bat-
tled through the night against Eu-
ropean secret army terrorists in
downtown Algiers.
De Gaulle's statement appeared
to give full power to the French
military commander on the scene
to employ as much force and as
many troops as necessary to crush
the uprising.
Action Necessary
The president said the forces of
order must suppress "all the
crimes which are being committed
daily" in Algiers-a reference to
actions by the secret army terror-
The roaring night battles fol-
lowed a day that saw French
planes and heavy weapons in wide-
spread action.
While exploding plastic bombs
mingled with the sound of ma-
chine gun fire early yesterday,
other French forces threw a ring
of steel around the European
workers' suburb of Bab-El-Oued.
Tempo Thickens
The fighting became increasing-
ly fierce during the night.
French officials said 15 soldiers
were killed and 50 wounded in
five hours of street clashes. Secret
army casualties were not disclos-
ed but one hospital reported re-
ceiving the bodies of three Euro-
peans and was treating 40 Euro-
peans for wounds.
A convoy of halftracks rum-
bling up Rue Michelet in central
Algiers ran into a hail of home-
made incendiary bombs thrown
from apartment balconies over-
looking the street.
Gendarmes manning heavy cali-
ber machine guns sprayed build-
ing fronts on Rue Michelet with
Tanks Attacked
Nearby, on the Rue Sadi Car-
not, a plastic bomb shook a French
tank posted at an intersection.
The tanks then took positions
in streets littered with shattered
glass. Steel-helmeted infantrymen
conducted a systematic house to
house search.
GENEVA (IP)-The United States
and the Soviet Union, deadlocked
on terms for negotiating a nu-
clear test ban treaty, accused each
other in the 17-nation disarma-
ment conference yesterday of pur-
suing policies destined to set off a
new testing race.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
suggested the Soviet Union may
be blocking any chance for a trea-
ty in order to arrange a new test
series of its own. The Russians
denied this.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko said President John
F. Kennedy's plan to conduct at-
mospheric tests in late April con-
stituted an "aggressive act on the
part of the United States."
The President has made it plain
that the American arrangements
are conditional. He specified that,
the tests will be called off if the
Soviet Union, in the interval, ac-
cepts a treaty with international
With the support of British For-
eign Secretary Lord Home, Rusk
said the West must resume test-
ing for its own safety if the Rus-
sians continue to block an agree-
The three nuclear powers, sit-
ting as a subcommittee, reported
their disagreement to the entire
conference. Their arguments turn-
ed, as in the past, on the problem
of control.
Gromyko insisted that the So-
viet Union would accept a nuclear
test ban treaty based only on a
system of national controls. Such
arrangements are completely in-
adequate, Rusk and Lord Home
said. ,
Rusk said the United States will
be forced to go forward with nu-
clear weapons testing "if there is
not agreement in Geneva next
month on a firm treaty to halt all
Lord Home pointed out within
the conference that the Big Three
powers made considerable progress
toward a treaty in three years of
talks which finally were torpedoed
by the massive Soviet tests last
Clarke 'Strongly' Hits n
East Germans' Shooting E
BERLIN (M)-A strong protest against the shooting up of an J
American military car by East German police has been sent to the N
Russians, the United States Army announced yesterday.
An East German police squad riddled the rear of the car Tees- f
day with submachine gun bullets and punctured a tire but did not hit w
the occupants, a United States Army major and enlisted driver. RE
Despite the shooting, the second such case in two weeks involving c
British and American liaison officers stationed at Soviet army head- m
quarters at Potsdam outside Ber-
lin, officers of the missions con-
tinued their lonely automobile Spring is
tours through East Germany, in- h
formed sources said. The Russians Ti me for a N EW
have similar missions and rights
of travel in West Germany.
Gen. Bruce C. Clarke, com--M ichigan S
mander of the United States Army
in Europe, addressed his protest
to Marshal Ivan S. Konev, com- Choicof
mander of Soviet forces in East Colors
Informed sources said Konev
has not replied. SAVE
The Russians continued their
harassment in the air corridors to
Berlin. They flew a military trans-
port on a round trip in te Brlin-
traffic, both civilian and military, SaeS.o
flew as usual and there was no
"The United States most sin-
erely prefers the agreement to
ie tests," Rusk said. "I hope
ervently that the Soviet Union
ill make the agreement possible."
During that period the Russians
ccepted the principle of interna-
onal inspection and verification
o police a test ban, the Briton
,called, and only details remain-
d to be worke dout.
"Why has so much promising
vork been thrown overboard?"
ord Home asked. "I suggest we
ake this old draft treaty and look
t it very carefully. I do appeal
o Mr. Gromyko to think again."
Court Hears
Final Pleas
For Eichmanin
JERUSALEM (P)-The defense
ested its case to save Adolf Eich-
nann from his death sentence
esterday with a plea to Israel's
ighest court to hear new wit-
nesses and to grant mercy.
Atty. Gen. Gideon Hausner then
launched the prosecution's case
gainst clemency for the former
gestapo officer convicted for ma-
or complicity in the extermina-
ion of six million Jews during the
Nazi era.
The court will rule on the de-
ense request to introduce new
witnesses in the 11 month-old
Sichmann court proceedings at the
onclusion of Hausner's argu-
CEEB Examines Colleges
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The president
of the College Entrance Examina-
tion Board has taken a look at the
future of United States higher ed-
ucation, seen increased tax sup-
port as a major remedy for sky-
rocketing tuitions and predicted
some structural changes in higher
education itself.
The changes would come in re-
sponse to increasing demand for
post-high school education. In his
biennial report to the CEEB,
Frank H. Bowles says college en-
rollments will continue to increase
as the total population grows. The
bulk of the increase-estimated at
500,000 students a year-will have
to be accommodated by colleges
that now enroll only a minority of
the students, and by institutions
that have not yet come into ex-
Expand Enrollments
"The majority of the strong and
stable institutions. of the country
will by choice expand their enroll-
ments only slowly," Bowles says.
If present trends continue, he
said, "by1980,rmost high gradu-
ates will expect to go on with their
education for a year or more. This
further study will be undertaken
in a college, a community college,
junior college, adult college, or
other institution classified as a
On the subject of tax support,
Bowles is optimistic that increased
public money will keep college tui-
University of Michigan
is presenting
April 3, 4,5, 6
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
8:30 P.M.
tion from hitting a $4,000 per year
peak in 1970. He views it this way:
"Tax support will increase and
will probably be available to all
types of institutions, whether pub-
lic or private . . . under these cir-
cumstances, tuition charges which
are now mounting without any
apparent stopping point might
well reach their upper limit at
about $2,000.
Other highlights from the
Bowles report:
Advanced placement -in which
high school students take college
level work-will continue to ex-
pand, and by 1970 the admissions
standards of some colleges will be
at an academic level equivalent to
today's sophomore classes.
To Expand
Guidance and counseling will
continue to expand, and will in
time start in the junior high
As college admission standards
go up, the effects will be felt as
low as the seventh and eighth
The Bowles report takes indirect
note of the recent charge, aired by
three major educational organiza-
tions, that national testing pro-
grams are dangerous and unfair
to both the schools and the stu-
Out of Hand
In Atlantic City last month, a
report prepared for the American
Association of School Administra-
tors, the National Association of
Secondary School Principals, and
the Council of Chief State School
Officers, said the testing programs
threaten to get completely out of
In brief, this report said there
are too many tests, they take too
much time, cost too much, are
given too much importance by
students, parents and schools. It
added "many children have been
mistakenly labeled and pigeon-
holed because of misunderstand-
ing or ignorance or both."
Bowles says the College En-
trance Examination Board has
been aware of this problem for
three years. A questionnaire sub-
mitted to a sampling of secondary
schools, he says, indicates a belief
there is too much testing.
'Not Excessive'
But, Bowles says, "on the other
hand, the survey also showed that
the amount of time devoted to
testing, measured in terms of test-
ing time per student, was not
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH-Weary steel negotiators ended yesterday's bar-
gaining session with an announcement that talks will be recessed
during the weekend to give negotiators a rest.
R. Conrad Cooper,'top industry negotiator, told a press conference
that both sides are fatigued from long hours of work.
LONDON-The Soviet Union announced last night it- will tighten
controls over its lagging agricultural industry.
The official Tass News Agency said a system of territorial pro-
duction directorates is to be set up.
This, said Tass, followed a decision by the Council of Ministers
and the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party.
WASHINGTON-The United States refused export permits yes-
terday for shipment of $400 million in grain to Communist China
and North Korea.
'* * * *
NEW YORK-The stock market closed lower yesterday amidst
cautious trading. The Dow-Jones average showed industrials off .24;
rails closed higher by .02. Utilities closed up by .02.
previous proclamation signed by
President John F. Kennedy last
February, the Treasury had been
permitting import from countries
other than Cuba of items which
involved the use of Cuban prod-
Florida Democratic Senators
Spessard Holland and George A.
Smathers had been pressing for the
action to prevent the import of
"Havana" cigars with Cuban to-
bacco, manufactured in other
Officials indicated that even if
only a small percentage of the raw
chandise were a Cuban product,
chandise yere a Cuban product,
the import would be prohibited.
Five Cubans recently arrested in
Miami for bringing in narcotics,
he added, have admitted that they
got their drugs in Havana.
United States officials said at
least some of the narcotics had
been sent to Cuba from Commun-
ist China.
North U.
Memphis P1
Called Inva]
MEMPHIS ()-The pr
of the Memphis School
said it will appeal to the
States Supreme Court an
court decision yesterday
knocked out the board's p
public school desegregatio
William D. GalbreathF
will appeal the ruling of th
Circuit Federal Appeals Coi
the 1957 Tennessee Pupil
ment Law was invalid as a
desegregation plan.
The court urged the M
board to draw up a "realis
for organizing their schoo
non-racial basis in full con
with the mandate of the S
Court, and to do so with a
erate speed."
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