See Page 4
5k 43Ufl a
Not much temperature change
through weekend.
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
SGC Accepts
Report, Refuses
lion ber
Fl +
Tuition, Funds
Vocalists Vie for Victo
SING WINNERS SING-The women of Martha Cook and the men of West Quadran
House last night copped first-place honors in the annual Inter-Quadrangle Council-Ass
tion Sing. Their selection was "Shenandoah." Second place went to Jordan Hall and
also In West.Quad, for a rendition of "On the Gallows Tree." The third slot was
Vaughn dormitory and West Quad's Williams House for their performance of a medle
show tunes.
Deta College Asks Expan
ry May SwapFesHk
ry r;::rFor Outlay
Proposal Resembles
Last Fall's Offer
With Minor Changes
Wayne State University has re-
newed its proposition to the Legis-
lature to raise tuition in exchange
for a $120 dollar increase per stu-
dent in its appropriation.
With minor changes, the "pack-
age deal" offered to the Legisla-
ture last fall has been renewed.
WSu would raise its tuition by
$30 g semester, making its rates
the same as the University's, and
the Legislature would raise the ap-
propriation by four times that
Such a plan would increase
WSU's tuition revenue by about
$600,000 and its tax income by
about $2.4 million.
ly--Bruce Taylor Revisions
igle's Michigan The offer, originally on a three
embly Associa- year basis, has been reduced to
Adams House, one year and the provision that
won by Victor tuition payment could be deferred
y of Broadway has been dropped. "Since we could
not bind next year's Legislature,
we decided to work on a one-year
basis and the deferred payment
provision was too confusing," a
spokesman for WSU said,.,
The first proposal by WSU was
informally discussed by the Michi-
slon gan State Presidents Council but
no decision was reached on the
subject. The original proposal was
ty colleges evolv- not accepted by the Legislature.
r institutions. WSU officials plan to take the
it even considered revised package to the Legislature
e State Presidents next week. Tuition will not be
ordinating Coun- raised if they do not accept the
o late to be con- plan.
stitutional status No Effect Here
joining the coun- This deal, accepted or not, will
in the future to have no particular effect on the
t now," he said. University, University Executive
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
ster The Legislative Committee on
appropriations will continue to
discuss fee increases and is in-
snes terested in what an institution
will do to find more money," he
"The offer for fee increase
ething we have shows that WSU's heart is in Wne
stitute for several right place," but it will probably
k said. "I am quite not effect the University, he said.
ceed and it will If the Legislature does not give
eat benefit to the more money than the governor
has asked for, then the University
will need more money," he said.
tyS Corps Others Intact
WSU's appropriation was the
erviCe only one cut last year as the Legis-
lature kept all other university
ia (P)-A leftist and college allotments the same.
,the West African WSU, at that time, had to iut
e American Peace its student body by refusing fresh-
as "an auxiliary men already accepted.
nited States secret The Detroit university also had
to trim down the size of its med-
ials expressed sur- ical school and summer session
itterness of the programs as well as taking other
n spread. economy measures.
Said Key
To :Future
President Claims
History Aids U.S.
BERKELEY (P)-President John
F. Kennedy, before the largest
crowd he has ever addressed in one
place, declared yesterday that the
tide of history is sweeping the
world away from Communism to-
ward democracy and freedom.
"Knowledge, not hate, is the
passkey to the future," Kennedy
told an audience of 88,000, largest
crowd in the history of the Univer-
sity of California's 80,000 seat Me-
morial Stadium.
Mankind must seek eternally to
acquire knowledge and apply it
with wisdom, he said in a speech
prepared for delivery at the cele-
bration of the 94th anniversary of
the university's charter day.
History Beneficial
And with a revolution for na-
tional independence "a fundamen-
tal fact in our era," the President
asserted, "no one who examines
the modern world can doubt that
the great currents of history are
carrying the world away from the
monolithic idea toward the plural-
istic idea-away from Communism
and toward democracy and free-
While Americans may look with
confidence on the direction history
is taking the world, Kennedy said,
they must reject "oversimplified
theories of international life."
Among these he cited "the theory
that American power is unlimited,
or that the American mission is to
remake the world in the American
Foreign Aid
In its aid programs, Kennedy
said, the United States must try
to help newly developing countries
achieve "genuine national inde-
Its military policies, he added,
must help other nations "protect
the processes of democratic reform
and developmentiagainst disrup-
tion and intervention."
The possibility of Soviet co-
operation in space enterprises
"opens up exciting prospcts of
collaboration in other areas of
learning," Kennedy said.
"And cooperation in the pursuit
of knowledge can hopefully lead
to cooperation in the pursuit of
Group Pickets
Kennedy Tall
BERKELEY (P)-A picket line
two blocks long, protesting federal
administration actions, marched
in front of the University of Cali-
fornia Memorial Stadium yester-
day as crowds surged by to hear
President John F. Kennedy speak.
Some signs read: "JFK Stinks,"
"Stop Testing," "Who Approved
the War in Viet Nam?" "Peace in
Cuba," "Abolish HUAC."
The picket line was organized
by an ad hoc committee at the
university two hours before the
start of Kennedy's address within
the stadium.
A committee spokesman esti-
mated there were 500 pickets in
the line. Their march wasfbrisk
and orderly. A single uniformed
officer watched them, but crowds
hurrying to the stadium paid little
... seeks postponement
Delta College President Samuel
Marble is "cautiously optimistic"
about the possibility of the Legis-
lature's approving making Delta a
four-year institution.
The Senate passed the bill 30-0
last week; the proposal comes be-
fore the House of Representatives
in the near future.
The bill would make Delta a
unique experiment in Michigan
higher education.
Lists Powers
It would grant the college au-
thority to give degrees, make Delta
eligible for state appropriations
and allow the three counties which
support Delta to vote one-half mill
more of taxes to the college's
Delta, a community college for
the Bay City, Saginaw and Mid-
land triangle, has also been offered
$3 million additional support from
a local corporation for capital im-
provements if it can raise a
matching $1 million by the end
of the year.
The matching money could come
partly from private and local aid.
Thus, if all goes well, Delta will be
supported by state, local and pri-
vate sources of income, a unique
financial position for a Michigan
Future Expansion
Already serving a day-student
body of 4,000, over 90 per cent of
which are from the three support-
ing counties, Delta expects to ex-
pand to 7,000 students by 1972.
Formed less than a year ago by
Legislative action, Delta is on tri-
mester and will begin its third
semester/next month.
Delta's formation and expansion
is part of a statewide movement
Frost To Read
Own Poems
Robert Frost, the American poet
who was scheduled to have been
the major speaker at the Creative
Arts Festival, will be' coming in-
stead to Ann Arbor on April 2.
His appearance at the Festival
was cancelled due to illness.
Wrmt will rt-admi, o rf hie nw
Asks Recess
Of Con-Con
LANSING MP)-A proposal that
the Constitutional Convention re-
cess about April 15 and then re-
convene after the November elec-
tions was presented yesterday by
John A. Hannah (R-East Lans-
Hannah, president of Michigan
State University, made the sugges-
tion in a speech on the convention
floor in which he acknowledged
that there would be several ob-
stacles to overcome.
Most delegates sampled at ran-
dom threw cold water on the idea,
some terming it "ridiculous and
More Sessions
Under the Hannah proposal, the
convention awould expand its work
schedule so that the delegates
would meet three sessions a day,
five days a week. Sessions would
run from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., with
breaks for lunch and dinner.
The convention then might be
able to complete first and second
reading consideration of all mat-
ters and recess by April 15, recon-
vening Nov. 12, the Monday after
the election.
Hannah indicated he felt there
was too much political wrangling
over the proposed new constitu-
Outlines Benefits
He said the new calendar would:
-Permit public reaction to be
heard on all the convention's ten-
tative decisions for the guidance
of the delegates.
-Complete work on the consti-
tution at a date much closer to
the April 1963 election when it'
will be submitted to the voters.
Hannah proposed that the com-
mittee on style and drafting as-
semble a tentative constitutional
document for the information of
all the people so that they might
have an opportunity to give dele-
gates their guidance in the recess
Chilly Reaction
The idea got a cool reception
from most delegates.
George Romney (R-Bloomfield
Hills) who hopes to get the Re-
publican nomination for gover-
nor, said he would take no position
on the proposal and would abstain
if it came up for a vote on the
Some GOP delegates said that
perhaps as many as 30 conven-
tion members may decide to run
for the Legislature. Under the pre-
vailing legal interpretation, such
delegates must resign before the
election is held.
that prohobits circulation of peti-
tions in the Michigan Union.
He was exonerated because he
had reported the violation to the
elections director and satisfactor-
ily completed requirements set by
the director to rectify it.
Thursday the Committee receiv-
ed a complaint that Monberg had
submitted false information to the
elections director and deliberately
falsified his testimony.
"Since the requirements set by
the elections director were based
upon false information presented
by Monberg, the legal rectification
which Monberg claimed was inval-
id,' the report stated.
"Monberg deliberately falsified
his testimony before the commit-
tee," and thus it was recommend-
ed that he not be seated.
The difference between the cases
of Monberg and Miss Ford as
pointed out in the report were
that "Monberg testified falsely"
whereas Miss Ford "testified hon-
estly" and "if the Council were to
seat Monberg it would allow to go
unpenalized two instances of fal-
sification of information and an
established and legally unrecti-;
fied violation of its petition rules."
Ford Already Penalized
Miss Ford, the report noted, has
already been penalized by disqual-
ification from. the election.
In the report the committee ex-
plained a candidate had been dis-
qualified if he had deliberately
violated a petition or election rule
with knowledge of the rule, or if a
candidate accidentally violated a
rule and did not report it to the
election official.
In the latter case, the candidate
would have to follow procedures
which that official stated would
legally rectify the violatioh.
No Action on Stuffing
The committee considered a
number of complaints concerning
ballot stuffing, but was not able to
substantiate any of the charges.
The report emphasized that the
committee did not recommend the
election be invalidated because of
extensive irregularities and/or
frauds in the election process it-
The report stated that even the
number and character of the al-
leged irregularities would not have
significantly distorted the election
Irregularities in the petitioning-
process are not of the same status
as irregularities in the entire elec-
tion and do not merit the invali-
dation of the entire election, the
report explained.
Complaints against candidates
not elected to the Council were not
considered. A complaint against
Batlle was studied, witnesses were
called, but it was not substanti-
Claim Deliberate Lie
Given in Testimony
Consider Complaints Concerning
Ballot-Stuffing During Election
Student Government Council refused to seat Lawrence Monberg,
'63, yesterday after accepting the final report of its Credentials and
Rules Committee concerning the disqualification and seating of can-
didates, and the certification of the election.
Before Kenneth Miller, '64, Richard G'sell, '64E, Katherine Ford,
'64, Howard Abrams, '63, and Fred Batlle, '64A&D, took their places
as the newly-elected members of the Council, the committee report
was read, outlining the reasons for not seating Monberg.
His half-year position will remain unfilled until the Council takes
further action.
Continuous Session
The committee, which had been meeting for more than 24 con-
secutive hours, explained in its report that on Tuesday Monberg had
been found in violation of a ruling
to establish and expand commun-
ity colleges. Delta would be the
first community college to become
a four-year institution and this
action may pave the way for simi-
lar moves.
As of yet, the newly - formed
Michigan State Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion has not considered this ques-
tion of communi
ing into four-yea
Marble has no
Joining either the
Council or the Co
cil. "We were to
sidered for con;
at Con-Con and,
cils is too far
think about righ
Students Pre-Regi
To Propose
School Deanls
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss has an-
nounced three committees which
will select chairmen of the literary
college, the dentistry school and
the school of natural resources.
Prof. Donald M. Dennison, chair-
man of the physics department,
heads the committee choosin a
new literary college dean to suc-
ceed Roger W. Heyns, who has
taken the post of vice-president
for academic affairs.
Professors Angus Canipbell; di-
rector of the survey research cen-
ter, Samuel J. Eldersveld of the
political science department, Ger-
ald F. Else, chairman of the classi-
cal studies department, William
Frankena of the philosophy de-
partment and William J. LeVeque
of the mathematics department
are members of Prof. Dennison's
The dentistry school dean will
be selected by a committee headed
by Dr. Robert E. Doerr. Members
are Dr. William E. Brown, Jr., Dr.
Paul Gibbons, Dr. James R. Hay-
ward, Dr. Donald A. Kerr, Dr.
George E. Myers and Dr. Louis C.
Prof. G. Robinson Gregory heads
the committee choosing a natural
resources school chairman. Others
are Prof. John E. Bardach, Prof.
Stanley E. Cain, Prof. Achibald B.
Cowan and Prof. Alan A. Marra.
The literary college committee
has nothyet begun its meetings.
The other two committees have
been meeting since November.
Niehuss said the groups have
been asked to aim for April as a
tentative conclusion date. He
noted however, that the com-
mittees will deliberate as long as
is necessary to find the best possi-
ble men for the positions.
Congo Talks
Grind to Halt
talks between Premier Cyrille
Adoula and Katanga President
Moise Tshombe have reached a
crisis, usualy reliable sources said
The informants said the trouble
came when Tshombe insisted that
he must be regarded as a chief of
state negotiating with anothe
Persons in touch with the talk
expressed pessimism and one
called this "the showdown stage.'
The informants said Adoula i
annoyed at Tshombe's insistenc
that any agreement reached on ar
end to Katanga's secession musi
be referred to the Katangan par.
liament in Elizabethville for rati-
Adoula wants to talk solely or
the basis of the eight points the
two leaders reached at Kiton
last December, they said. The pre-
mier holds that Tshombe alone
can commit his copper-rich prov-
ince to return to Leopoudville'
Korean General
rr 1 1
The agonizing experience of en-
tering registration with a beauti-
ful program only to discover all
one's planned courses already
closed may soon become a mere
memory. !
Under the University's new pro-
gram of pre-registration for most
frequently elected courses, Edward
G. Groesbeck, director of the of-
fice of registration and records,
says nearly every student should
be able to register for the program
he selects.
For the past two weeks, stu-
dents wishing to enroll in astron-
omy, 111, botany 101 and 102,
chemistry 222, English 231, 232
and 269, Latin 103 and 211, philos-
ophy 131, 133 and 134, psychology
100, 101, 110 and 410 and zoology
101, 103, 251 and 282 have been
pre-registering for these courses
on a "first come, first serve" basis.
Students wishing to enroll in
these courses first see their coun-
selors and then go to the Admin-
istration Bldg. to fill out class
cards and sign up.
This system allows the registra-
tion office to tellthe departments
which courses are in demand so
that they may make necessary
adjustments in faculty and room
assignments and to expand cer-
tain offerings.
When all possible sections are
filled, counselors will be notified
so that they will be able to advise
students to change their programs
months in advance instead of dur-
ing the hectic three days of regis-
4-,. fin,,
"This is som
been hoping to in
years," Groesbeck
sure it will suc
certainly be a gr
Paper Sa
'Secret St
LAGOS, Niger
Lagos newspaper
Pilot, attacked th
Corps yesterday
branch of the Ur
American offici
prise at the :b
Pilot's six-colum
SAcademy Views State, Research,.Finance
A symposium on "Psychology and Civil Defense" at 2:30 p.m. today
in Auditorium A will climax the 66th annual meeting of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Letters.
Leading the symposium will be Prof. Ross Stagner of Wayne State
University, moderator; J. David Singer, associate research political
scientist in the Mental Health Research Institute; Prof. Stephen B.
Withey of the psychology department, and Professors David D. Berlow
and Malcolm S. MacLean of Michigan State University.
Yesterday the 22 sections of the academy met for the presentation
of manuscripts and for discussions.
Prof. Willis F. Dunbar of Western Michigan University analyzed
Gov. John B. Swainson yesterday told the economics section of
the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters that research is
the means by which the state will regain its leadership in industry.
His speech was followed by a panel discussion of Michigan's,
economic future, moderated by Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the economics
"To me, it is as if Michigan industry is short-changing itself
by not putting its brainpower to work," the governor said. "Our
university scientists could have done just what has been done in
Massachusetts and California in scientific-industrial development."
Emphasizes Research Need