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March 23, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-23

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Soviets Propose Plan
For Allied Recognition
Of East German Reds

Peronist Workers
Threaten Walkout
BUENOS AIRES (M)-Former Dictator Juan D. Peron's followers
yesterday prepared their biggest weapon-the Argentine working man
-in an effort to force President Arturo Frondizi to give them back
important election victories gained last Sunday.
Nearly two million workers were under call of Peronist unions to
walk out tomorrow in a 24-hour protest strike and threaten to extend
it indefinitely unless the chief
executive defies Peron-hating mil-i e r
itary leaders. Urg Hihe
Responsible quarters expressed
fears a widespread Peronist strike
might lead to the first bloodshedP
of the crisis that began with
sweeping election returns for Per-
onist candidates last Sunday. WASHINGTON (M)-The Inter-

Rules Committee Clears Bill

world News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Minuteman missile streaked from
an underground launching site
more than 4,000 miles on a sue-
cessful test flight last night. The
Air Force reported the missile
operated as planned and propelled
the heavily - instrumented nose
cone to the intended target zone.
+ * e
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Presi-
Set Sessions
On Missile
Work Lags
WASHINGTON {P) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara'
and other top-level Administra-
tion chiefs are planning a face-
to-face session with labor-man-
agement leaders to curb missile
base work stoppages.
Time lost due to missile strikes
has been rising slowly since the
first of the year. The missile la-
bor record is considerably im-
proved during the past year from
what it had been, but officials say
it still is not good 'enough.
Accordingly, top representatives.
of the missile manufactiurers, base
contractors, and the labor unions
involved have been summoned
here for a Pentagon conference
April 2.
All concerned-the government
officials, labor unions and man-
agement men-are worried that
if the lost time uptrend continues
Congress may step in with legis-
lation banning any strikes. They,
feel this could lead to other con-
Secretary of Labor Arthur J.
Goldberg recently assured Sen.
John L. McClellan (D-Ark) that
the Labor Department is getting
full cooperation from national un-
ion leaders in fulfilling their mis-
sile no-strike pledge.

dent Sukarno ordered his mili-
tary planners yesterday to speed
up the dispatch of another 15,000
volunteers to frontline areas off
disputed West New Guinea. Mean-
while in Washington, the Indones-
ian Embassy said that secret talks
between Dutch and Indonesian en-
voys on the future of West New
Guinea have been "briefly re-
. a
BIRMINGHAM - Ten Negroes
who filed to run for positions on
the Jefferson County Democratic
Executive Committee in the May
primaries have been disqualified
by the committee.
The Negroes took their case to
federal court Tuesday. The Demo-
crats might cancel their scheduled
primaries if the court's eventual
decision should go in favor of the
* * *
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy yesterday directed the.
removal of secrecy from about 12
items in the nation's stockpile of
critical materials. .'
The information to be made
available includes both maximum
and minimum present stockpile
objectives for the 12 materials and
inventory and surplus in units and
s . "
Syria .exchanged charges of ag-
gression again yesterday as they
waited for a meeting of, the UN
Security Council on their com-
plaints against each other.
* a, *
MOSCOW-Gherman Titov de-
nied the rumors of radioactive ill-
ness caused by his flight into
space. He said the radiation, dose
registered in his space ship was
only one per cent above the mean
radiation level on the earth's sur-
* * *a
NEW YORK-The stock market
went through another irregular
session yesterday in moderate
trading. The closing Dow-Jones
averages showed 30 industrials up

TIFo Require
New Control
For Berlin
f _
U.S. Rejects Proposal
As 'Minor Variation'
GENEVA P)-The Soviet Union
yesterday proposed Western rec-
ognition of Communist East Ger-
many under a formula that would
give an international authority
some supervision over Western ac-
cess routes to Berlin.-
The Americans cold-shouldered
the idea on grounds the proposal
represents only a minor variation
in the overall Soviet approach to
the Berlin problem. It does not in-
volve a basic change that could
be accepted by the West.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei A. Gromyko have had num-
erous private talks about the Ber-
lin problem including a two-hour
session during the afternoon in a
lakeside hotel. American sources
said the issue remains deadlocked.
. Berlin Problem
Gromyko, at, a luncheon for
East Berlin Foreign Minister Loth-
ar Bolz, said that any solution of
the Berlin problem presupposed
Western recognition of East Ger+
man sovereignty.
The Soviet proposal called for
giving the East Germans control'
of the air, land and water routes
to West Berlin, isolated 110 miles
behind the Iron Curtain. But un-
like earlier Russian proposals
along these lines, it mentioned
for the first time an international
authority that would be empow-
ered to intervene in disputes.
Recognition of East Germany
The entire proposal, however,
was dependent upon recognition
of East Germany, something the
Western powers have never agreed
Unacceptable though the Soviet
proposal is, it represents the first
tentative change in the Russian
stand on the Berlin problem since
the Foreign Ministers Conference
of 1959.

Consider Using Violence
The underground supreme coun-
cil of the Peronist Party declared
in a manifesto, "we will resort
t violence if necessary" to re-
gain the victories the Frondizi de-
cree wiped out.
But there were slight, early
signs the 62 Peronist unions might
not get the worker support they
count on. A government trans-
port official announced after a
conference with Frondizi that
transport workers would not strike.
Coalition Cabinet
Frondizi's efforts, meanwhile, to
shape up a coalition military-civ-
ilian cabinet slowed to an unex-
plained hobble. A government
spokesman merely said consulta-
tions continued on the new cab-
inet. He predicted Frondizi would
announce its make up Sunday and
swear it in on Monday-the day
the Peronist unions threaten to
expand their strike to an indefi-
nite period.

state Commerce Commission an-
nounced yesterday it will investi-
gate Post Office Department pro-
posals to increase parcel post
The decision means the rate in-
creases, designed to raise an esti-
mated $89 million a year by chang-
ing size and weight limits on par-
cels, cannot be put into effect at
least until after the ICC com-
pletes its investigation and issues
a new decision.
Postal laws require the post-
master general to get the consent
of the ICC to increase rates or
make other changes when fourth-
class mail service is not approxi-
mately self-sustaining.
Postmaster General J. Edward
Day submitted a proposal Jan. 2
asking the commission to concur
in increasing the parcel post limit
to 50 pounds and the combined
length-and-girth limit to 100

WASHINGTON (m=--A bill for
tax rewards to businesses spend-
ing on modern facilities headed
yesterday for House action-after
being pared down, so its propon-
ents calculated, to balanced-budg-
et proportions.
The measure, a much-modified
version of one of President John
F. Kennedy's major business stim-
ulus proposals, got its latest over-
haul at a brief session of the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, which had worked on it for
a year and produced a "final" ver-
sion last week. Republican minor-
ity members complained loudly of
"railroading" and "political elger-
The House Rules Committee,
which had withheld approval un-
til it could look at the slimmed-
down version, quickly cleared the
measure and House leaders set de-
bate to begin next Wednesday,
with a vote likely Thursday.
Effects of Bill
Exact estimates on the fiscal
effects of the bill were not yet
available, but generally it shaped
up like this :
Something more than $1 billion
a year in taxes would be forgiven
to businesses if they invested in
productive facilities. A firm could
deduct up to 7 per cent of such
spending directly from its tax bill.
For utilities the deduction would
be three per cent.
Moreover, there would be a lim-


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jShould Parochial Schools 'Share Time'?

Only Co-ed Si
Contest On Cc

Associated Press Religious Writer
A revolutionary approach is be-
ing discussed today for solving the
stalemate over government aid to
parochial schools.
It's called "shared time."
Simply put, it would mean that
church school pupils would go to
public schools for some classes,
such as typing, geometry, physical
education and science, in which a
religious orientation was not
deend necessary.
Both churchmen and educators
-Protestant, Roman Catholic and
Jewish-have voiced keen interest
in the plan.
It offers "a refreshing ray of
hope at a moment in history which
something dramatically different
is. needed.. ." says the Very Rev.
Msgr. John B. McDowell, superin-
tendent of Catholic schools in
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Various Problems
Various problems, as well as ad-
vantages, are seen in the idea.
Generally, however, the reaction
has been that it might provide a
far-reaching and effective answer
to the prolonged, often bitter con-
flict over public aid for parochial
, schools.
Each religious group, however,
would be able to provide the
courses, or supplemental instruc-
tion, that it regarded as essential
for retaining the religious dimen-
sion to learning that is not provid-
ed in public schools.
Religious Factor
For instance, courses in history,
literature, economics and social
studies, in which the religious fac-
tor has a part, might be taken in
church school, with gym, industri-
al arts, mathematics and other
classes taken in public school.
This would bring children of all
creeds and kinds together for part
of the time, and thus provide "an
enriched educational experience,"
says Arthur Gilbert, consultant of
the National Conference of Chris-
tians and Jews.
IT also should help end "the di-
visive argument for public funds
for church schools," says Harry L.
Stearns, superintendent of Engle-
wood, N.J., public schools and
member of the United Presbyter-
ian Christian Education Board.

In recent weeks, "shared time"
has been a prime topic among reli-
gious and educational leaders.
Education Dilemma
Rep. Edward P. Finnegan (D.-
Ill) said in Congress the idea
might be the solution to the na-
tion's public-parochial education
small-scale "shared time"\'basis.
Says Theodore Powell, of the
Connecticut State Education De-
partment: "There is growing rec-
ognition that both broad demo-
cratic social experience and effec-

tive religious education are need-
ed. Shared time offers us a con-
stitutional means."
Among various benefits also cit-
ed are: easing the financial bur-
den on parents of parochial school
children for -total education,
strengthening their support for
public schools, giving them a part
in public facilities that they help
pay for, stimulation of all groups
to provide adequate religious per-
spective to education, easing of
tensions and closer understanding
between both school sectors.


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