View Worldwide Creativity
-Daily-Edward Arnos
ART AROUND THE WORLD-Left to right, Stella Gule, Union
of South Africa; Prof. D. B. Gooch, Sigred Stohr, Germany;
Terry Thall, United States, were members. of an international
panel that spoke yesterday on Creative Art Around the World.
William Steer, England; Emile Zola,. The Congo; were also on
the panel. l
"The big change in The Congo "The security given artists by
> in the purpose for art. They the British government subsidy,
re still making statues but they has greatly raised the standards
:n't have the religious signifi- and I believe they will continue
ante they had before, they are to rise," William Steer, Grad, the
ppreciated for their artistic student representing Great Brit-
alue," Emile Zola, Grad, a stu- ain in the discussion, said.
ent from The Congo and another "What we have to worry about
iember of the panel, said, is that mass consumption is dic-
tating taste, and people are pa-
tronizing the arts for social rea-
sons, you might call it conspicu-
ous consumption," Terry Thall,
'65A&D, a native of Columbus, O.,
I , said about the United States.
Challenge S
Higher Edu
Universities have the obligation
to try to satisfy' the public de-
mands, Prof. Arnold Kaufman of
the philosophy department said
last night.
Prof. Kaufman, discussing
"Trends and Issues in Higher Ed-
ucation" with Associate Dean
James Robertson of the litreary
college in a Challenge-sponsored
seminar, noted that discussions on
higher education are often con-
fused in one respect.
"In trying to answer what the
aims of a university are, we must
distinguish between the goals
which the university's officers
ought to be pursuing and the goals
one would ideally want the insti-
tution to pursue," Prof. Kaufman
Public Demands
Further, the officers of a uni-
versity in general ought to deter-
mine what the public demands are
if this is possible and then attempt
to satisfy these demands.
The difficultyin fulfilling such
-a task is the unclearness of the
public mandate, they agreed.
"The universities are remiss in
not explaining themselves to the
public. Hence the public is some-
what afraid of us - we hold the
keys of admission and they have
no way of figuring out what hap-
pens in'the four-year undergradu-
ate period. They have a blind faith
in -the rightness of what goes on
in higher education," Robertson
Responsive To Social Needs
But the university must be re-
sponsive to social needs and, most
important, it must be an instru-
ment of social change. This can
be accomplished by graduating
people who have a critical view of
the society in which they live
he explained.
"One of the university's idea
aims should- be to help people
start down the road to the 'exam-
ined life'. The other ideal aim is
to fill the social slots in society
with competent and responsibl
people," Prof. Kaufman noted.
The University performs the lat-
ter task very well, but it does not
1I~wSocial Workers Adopt N EWMAN °CLUB Presents
Ha t Plan For Certification speaking on
The 80th anniversary issue of The National Association of So- academyno hldhmasters dere Friday, March 23rd:
the Michigan Technic will be de- cial Workers has recently adopt- come into this category, Prof. "Human Relations - The Challenge to the Modern
voted to the humanities, Technic ed a new program of certification, Cranefield explained. Catholic"
Editor Mervin Roberts, '62, said Dean F. F. Fauri of the School of Rural Areas Justice Otis Smith Michigan Supreme Court
recently. Social Work said recently. There is also the problem of
The March issue, which goes on Under the NASW, an Academy how to handle certification of so- Friday, March 30th:
sale next Monday, contains ar- of Certified Social Workers has cial workers who work in rural "Christian Action in an Urban Society"
ticles on philosophy, literature and been established. For a social areas or areas where there might Rev. Clement Kern
the concept of art. Roberts ex- worker to become a member he not be an agency staffed by an Holy Trinity, Detroit
plained that the articles reflect must work two years under the NASW member. Gabril Richard Center ALL INVITED
the controversy between the tech- professional supervision of a mem- "The NASW certainly does not 331 Thompsonte:LLt P.
nical and non-technical aspects of ber of the NASW in addition to want to discourage people from 8:00 P.M.
engineering education. Engineers having a masters degree. working in these areas," she said.
should be well rounded and by The program was set up primar- Since December, 1961, when the
reading .this issue would be ex- ily to improve the quality of serv- certification program officially . .
posed to the humanities, he said. ice and to protect the public went into effect, over 19,000 so- Unversty of Michigan
The magazine should not be against incompetent practitioners, cial workers have been certified. GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY
limited to technical subjects but Fauri explained. There are presently 30,000 social
those of general interest. It is New System workers who are currently mem- iS presenting
aimed at the scientifically inter- The need for this new system bers of the NASW, Fauri said.
ested person, not necessarily the stemmed from two sources. First,
engineer, Roberts added' competent workers wanted to have
'The article on philosophy is identity and recognition within the We're Busting Out All Over
written by Morris J. Starsky of profession and second, employers To bring you the best in
the philosophy department. Pro- wanted a method whereby theyE a
fessors Richard J. Ross and Ar- could be assured of hiring compe- Entertainmen-
thur Forbes of the engineering tent social workers, he said. Saturday the 24th Only BUNTHORNE'S BRIDE
college's English department wrote "This certification program pro- t
on literature and the concept of vides a measuring tool and it calls Tap ReCording Star
art respectiey n dfor an evaluation of a social work- MAXIMILIAN and his trio r C
t Roberts also indicated that the er on a demonstration basis," atth Api
April issue, now in the planning Fauri the
stage, will contain an article deal- Faurialie,9
ing with dreams and Freud. He The social work profession IsCHOR
hopes that in the future the Tech- growing, and more people are grad-A830 P.
nic will have the opportunity to uating with social work degrees.
deal with subjects of a non-tech- This program will also serve as a
nical nature and also present sci- method of raising standards in the *INNTickets Available at SAB
entific research to the general profession, he added. 96
*campus i 11980 McGregor Rd. March 26-30
gampe m non-technical Ian- I, oo Early Po Lake
It is too early to predict what Hmt 6-1And at the Box Office April 2-6
The Technic is the oldest pub- impact this new program will haveTu.; edT s,.-F.$7
, lication on campus and originally on the social work profession, NO COVER CHARGE Tues., $1.25; We., Thus., $1.50; Fri., $1.75
, printed technical papers of the Fauri said. It is just in the early
Engineering Society stages and many problems will
have to be worked out.
N: ; A committee was set up by
NASW to study waivers and excep-
Cite tions, Prof. Eleanor Cranefield of
peakers Citete social work school said. Airilight o Eurrope
Problems have already arisen
" concerning social workers who
cation Trends have been working for a long
period of time but do not meet
pthe technical requirements of the H
satisfy the first aim, he added.
i This "examined life" is a process
pl questioning, but it doesn't im-s H LL EL '1'=# D C "'
'ply that the student's opinions
should change. It does mean that Sabbath Services
the way they hold those opinions
"Examined Life" this evening in Leaving New York June 25-returning Sept. 3rd.
Something is wrong with our Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel Contracts at the Union Student Offices . .
educational system when we per-
mit a student to go through four 7:30 .M.
years of engineering college with-
out starting him out' on the 'ex-.-~ ~---~ -~--~
amined life' even though he is a
competent slot-filler, Prof. Kauf-
*man said.
: But just how does the univer-
s sity lead the student to this life?
This is not something which can
be taught. The most we can do
is to create conditions under which
it becomes probable that students*
will start the process of leading ad~'O1
the "examined life" he added. t ' and 9 15
"The problem with this is that
it is very difficult to determine TONIGHT at 7 and 9
t what conditions are best suited "
to create the kind of atmosphere E
iwe desire," Robertson said. /
e dirDecide PersonalityBOFEPARADISE
However, the problems facing BA LLA D
the university, besides the one of
atmosphere, are important in de- Vladimir Ivashov, Shanna Prokhorenko - Alec Guinness, Cea Johnson,
ciding the personality of that uni- YvOnne de Carlo
versity, he continued.
The major problems of every Short: Boobs in the Woods
university are determining its real PLUS Clinton and the Law
center of power, c o n s t a n t 1 y (Harry Langdon) (desegregation documentary)
struggling for communication, and
acquiring institutional courager
Rober sone nstitutional courage ALL SHOWS 50c at the ARCHITECTURE AUDITOR IUM
as the ability to figure out what
: role the university can play and
to carry it through despite the
pressure to be "all things to all
men. STARTS TODAY {{{ {HI pl l A ,T s.
Shows at 1,3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. THE ILES
Theosophical SocietyFeature 8 minutes later Ilti
I { II II WI Elll1 1i~.*W
e Michigan League Conf. Room
March 23-8:00 P.M.H U'
aU4t_5ti ' .%'_'.f-.-fa':'
jointly with Beth Israel Center
Dr Ellis Rivkin, Prof. of History
Hebrew Union College -- Jewish Institute of Religion
In two lectures, Sunday, March 25
10:00 A.M. "Jewish History: Myth and Reality"
7:30 P.M. "Judaism and a World in Crisis"
',,~ f 1 '0 N'.
Open To All
1429 Hill St.
Doors open daily at 12:45
4.f Ti3~~i
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