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March 22, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-22

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Seventy-Second Year
.Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Free Enterprise At Work




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An ]Editorialv.. .

THIS SGC ELECTION has been ludicrous. And in one final caprice, the Committee
Nearly everything that could have gone declared last night that all applicable election
wrong has gone wrong. The election could be rules would be retroactively applied to the
called a comic opera, a farce, a disgrace and write-in candidates who sprang up in the
a disaster, all with a good deal of validity, two days of general confusion.
Several points, at least, are clear:
" The elections rules do not include AT THIS POINT, the election has degen-
clearly specified penalties for infractions, erated to a question of who got caught in
and administration of them has been in- the rules. Most candidates agree that nearly
consistent, misleading and sometimes ap- everyone probably violated one of the minor
parently biased. elections rules. As Katy Ford noted, the rules
" It is probable that more candidates have not been taken literally, since they have
violated the numerous election rules than rarely been rigidly enforced in the past.
were caught. Under these circumstances, should the re-
0 The validity of the election as an maining seven candidates have withdrawn from
expression of the will of the electorate is
in considerable doubt. the election? It's hard to say.
Fnonthderasoswet.lforanFrom a strict, legal standpoint they are
For these reasons, we call for a new election. under no obligation to do so. They are eligible
THE ELECTION RULES are bad because they until proven in violation of a specific rule.
are ambiguous and do not clearly specify The Credentials and Rules Committee, which
the penalties for infractions. is undoubtedly sick of the whole business, will
One rule prohibits the circulation of peti- probably not go after them.
tions in classes, libraries, the Union (but not But from an ethical standpoint, the issue is
the League), or residence hall meal lines unless far more complicated. The elections rules
special permission is granted, "this permis- were enforced more rigorously than usual and
sion to be negotiated by the Elections Direc- in an uneven fashion. One candidate had the
tor." This rule make no provision for exonerat- courage to admit an elections violation and
ing a candidate who reports his violation to was disqualified. If other candidates have
an elections official and adds enough signatures broken the same rules, we believe they are
to replace those which are invalid. Another bound by honor, if not by politics, to disqualify
rule requires a candidate to circulate his own themselves.
While we are willing to admit the justice IT IS DIFFICULT to advocate throwing out
of informal provisions of this sort, we believe the rules and starting over again. But rules
that they should be applied uniformly. The are made to preserve order, and in this elec-
facts indicate that they were not. tion they have created chaos. The confusion
Stan Lubin was disqualified from the race, has obscured the issues of the election; it has,
for breaking the second rule and another re- in effect, subverted the democratic process.
quiring permission to circulate petitions in The will of the electorate cannot possibly be
the residence halls. He claims he had r more served by the results of this election. Many lost
than enough signatures to cover those in viola- their vote through disqualifications; many
tion. simply didn't know how to go about voting for
Katy Ford admitted breaking the rule and the people they wanted.
was also disqualified. This implicated Creden-
tial an Ruls Cmmitee hairan ohn A new election is therefore in order. The
tials and Rules Committee. Chairman John nine candidates should be placed on a new
Martin, who knew of her violation even during ballot. Their campaign records may then be
the consideration and vote on Lubin. He was reviewed (preferably by the full Council) and
later censured for his part in Miss Ford's only the flagrantbviolators, if there are any,
violation, but the damage was already done. removed from the list of candidates before any
Then Larry Monberg was found in violation new votes are cast.
of the first rule. But Monberg says he had
informed elections director Robert Zimmer of There is no need for a further campaign.
the violation and had collected additional When the voting begins again, the elector-
signatures to cover it. The Rules and Creden- ate will know, for sure, who is in the race and
tials Committee exonerated him, who isn't. Candidates can be elected on their
The inconsistency is obvious. If knowledge merits, rather than on the basis of rumor and
of the infraction by an elections official was distortion.
sufficient to exonerate Monberg, why not Katy AT
Ford? If collecting additional signatures was TOTALLY NEW ELECTION is clearlyun-
enough to clear Monberg, why not Stan Lubin? fair to those candidates who have run an.
Other action by the Committee has added to honest race. But if there is no new election, it
the confusion. The complaint against Matt will be unfair to both the candidates who hap-
Cohen will not be considered until this after- pened to be caught in an inconsistent rules
noon, but the status of his candidacy has been enforcement process and to those who lost
in doubt since Tuesday night. votes because their status was in doubt.
The votes cast for Miss Ford on the first The primary issue must be service to the
day of elections (before she was disqualified) public interest and a sense of general ethics.
were declared invalid and given to the second A new election with the original nine candi-
choice candidate, neatly disenfranchising many dates appears to be the most equitable solution.
Tuesday voters. --THE SENIOR EDITORS
Co-Ed Housing Unfair to Many

'Living Room' Suffers
In Production
WHEN ONE reads The Living Room by Graham Greene, he expects
that it will make very good theater. It is a thoughtful play, which
deals not so much with Catholicism and psychology (as it purports)
as with death and faith. Its story is one of strong emotions. Though
a bit wordy, and full of inaccurate notions of psychology, it presents
a half-dozen people with weaknesses and ultimate tragedies which
one can understand and for whom one feels compassion.
However, in production-at least in the production by the Speech
Department which opened last night in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater-
the play suffers greatly. The reasons for this are many, and I shall
try to sort them out.
First of all, the entire production was characterized by careful
inattention to detail. The director is responsible for static blocking
and unimaginative 'business which make the script seem even wordier
than it is. Slowness of pace causes a drag or two, and the treatment
given the last scene makes it seem superfluous. There are numerous
errors in stress, projection and pronunciation of words; dramatic
timing is often imprecise; sloppy lighting and curtain cues contribute
to the ineffectiveness of the production.
As for the acting, there were a few really creditable jobs, all
women. Sherry Levy turns in a convincing and sensitive performance
as Rose. She is youthfully brash and naively earnest in her love,
and moving in her transition to despair when she realizes that she
cannot have her married lover to herself.
* * * *
JANICE BARTO (Mrs. Dennis) is convincing as the hysterical
woman desperately clinging to her husband. Cynthia Beerbohm does
a polished job as the poutingly weak sister (Teresa) who becomes
strong, and Janet Watson (Helen) is frighteningly effective in her
cold malice and her fear of death. Sadly, Robert McKee is wooden
and unfeeling as the priest. His is a most difficult part, and the
one central to the meaningfulness of the last third of the play. He
does not bring out any of the inner struggle over faith which Greene
has written for him, and he does not touch us at his failure to be
useful, as he might.
} Edward Cicciarelli (Michael) is adequate, though lacking in in-
tensity or color. If we are to be moved at his loss we would have
had to believe more in his love than he permits us.
It should be noted in the actor's behalf, that the audience was
the worst one this reviewer has run across in almost 20 years of
theater-going. They often laughed inappropriately and commented
loudly to one another, spoiling a very gripping first act curtain with
their giggling insensitivity. Perhaps those on-stage were as annoyed
by them as this reviewer was, As the reader may have guessed, there
are better ways to spend an evening than in The Living Room.
-Lawrence Gusman
Protests Continuation
Of SGC Election


All or Nothing' in Lansing

Daily Staff Writer
A VISIT to Lansing is an exper-
ience to be endured with
clenched fists and forgotten with
haste. Anyone who believes that
local government and free elec-
tions will insure responsible legis-
lation had better stay away from
his state capital or he will find
himself, with. a set of hopelessly
shattered illusions.
On Tuesday the House of Rep-
resentatives was preparing to con-
sider three bills designed to rid
Michigan of the Communist men-
ace. One bill outlaws the Com-
munist party (or any other party
whose objective is the overthrow
of the government by force or
violence) in the state.
Another requires all state-
supported high schools and col-
leges to teach a course in com-
parative government stressing the
benefits of the free enterprise
system in contrast to Communism'
and Socialism. To implement this
bill, a third piece of proposed leg-
islation would have the state su-
perintendent of public instruction
select materials for the compara-
tive government course, including
official releases of the House Com-

mittee on Un-American Activities
and the Senate Internal Security
Requirement of loyalty oaths for
all persons partly or entirely paid
out of state funds has already won
House approval and is in com-
mittee in the Senate, where it is
certain to pass.
* * *
of these bills and are pleased to
talk to students about them. Sen.
Perry W. Greene, whose commit-
tee is currently considering the
loyalty oath bill says, in response
to a question, "Of course I favor
the bill, don't you?" "Well," falters
the questioner who really does not
care to debate the issue with Sen.
Greene, "I don't like it." "Why
not?" demands the senators, sud-
denly no longer friendly. With no
way out now, the questioner
clutches at the simplest and most
obvious argument against the bill,
"It wouldn't do any good. Sub-
versives would sign it anyway."
"Well," agrees Sen. Greene,
"maybe it wouldn't do any good,
but then again it wouldn't do
any harm. So I ask you again,
what's wrong with it?"

Aligerian Settlement
Still Uncertain

THERE IS mounting opposition to co-ed
housing forming on The Hill since the
Board of Governors' recommendation that co-
ed housing be instituted in Alice Lloyd by fall
of 1962 "if at all possible." Most concerned
about the proposed change are women who
live in Kleinstueck and Hinsdale, the houses
to be converted.
often is that "they didn't even ask us"
This is true. Several weeks ago, ballots went
out to women in University housing. These
ballots asked that those who were willing to
live in a co-ed dorm return the ballots.
Naturally, most of those opposed did not
reply since their opinion had not been solicited.
Yet these questionnaires were used as a basis
for the recommendation, although only 10 per
cent of them were returned. This is a rather
shaky base for such a major policy change,
An adequate study has not been made con-
cerning this proposal. The committee has not
put enough research into this project to make
a recommendation. Yet the whole question must
be resolved before April 18, when women's
housing contracts are due.
LICE LLOYD cannot be adapted to this
project. There are three floors on which
free access to all rooms is possible. Either wo-
men would have to be confined to their rooms
after hours, which would mean no cokes or
washing after 12:00. Or a permanent wall
Editorial Staff

would have to be built on these floors, which
would negate any possible appeal the plan
might have.
Many of the women in Alice Lloyd who would
be affected are upperclassmen because of the
dorm's large number of single rooms, usually
occupied by upperclassmen. It seems obvious
that they are not interested in the benefits of
"social contact" with the freshman men who
would probably take part.
If these women move out of Alice Lloyd,
they will have little option as to where they
will live. There are simply not enough singles
on campus to accommodate all those who would
want them.
The Housing Committee has promised wo-
men in Alice Lloyd priority in choosing the
houses they wish to live in should this plan be
instituted. Yet it seems that neither the Com-
mittee nor the Dean of Women are aware of
many problems. Dean Davenport said Tuesday
night that "the very small majority" of women
not wishing to take part in the co-ed living
could doubtless find satisfactory housing. But
many more girls will want to leave Alice Lloyd
than either the Committee or the Dean knows,
for the opposition to co-ed living is strong.
The priority promise is actually almost
worthless, for Victor Vaughn and Geddes
houses, both being liquidated, have also been
promised priority. How much is priority worth
when so many have it? The number of desirable
rooms is limited.
IME COMMITTEE on Housing has not been
able to provide a philosophy for its pro-
posed plan. It is true it has met only a few
times; but it seems that as important a change
as this should have a reason.
So far, final approval on the Board's recom-
mendation has not been given. Tlie Office of
the Dean of Women has promised that the
feelings of the women involved will be a pri-
mary consideration in the decision, and that
if the plan is implemented it will not abrogate

THE AGREEMENT reached at
Evian, which was announced
on Sunday, amounts to a treaty
between the government of France
and the National Liberation Front,
the FLN, which has conducted the
Algerian war. This treaty has all
the marks of a far-sighted and
magnanimous recognition of what
are the common interests of
France and Algeria.
The authors of this treaty have
worked from two fundamental
truths. The one is that the Al-
gerians must become an indepen-
dent nation, the other is that
France and Algeria are profoundly
Yet as everyone knows there is
as yet no certainty that this ad-
mirable settlement will be made
to work. It is a treaty between two
governments which protects the
vital interests of both. But what
remains in doubt is whether Gen.
de Gaulle or the FLN is in fact
governing Algeria-whether Gen.
de Gaulle has the power to grant
or the FLN the power to accept
the settlement made at Evian.
THERE WILL BE no peace un-
til this doubt is removed.Whether
this will be done, whether and
how it can be done, turns on
whether Gen. de Gaulle can sub-
due the rebellion of the secret
army which is conducting a reign
of terror in Algeria.
It is hard to measure the power
of this rebellion. For it employs
terrorists who will stop at no
crime, and such bands of terrorists
can often exercise power far be-
yond their numbers.
There are some indications, in
fact, that the secret army, the
OAS, is the strongest power in
most of Algeria. If that is so, it can
hP c~Mheipt m1V i C'n_ P .A. m311

an experiment of worldwide sig-
nificance and interest. The experi-
ment will test whether in the old
colonial lands it is possible to
create a viable state out of two or
more racial, religious and lin-
guistic communities. As yet nobody
has succeeded in doing this.
In many parts of Asia and Af-
rica, peace depends upon the crea-
tion of diverse federations or con-
federations of which Switzerland
is the shining example to the
world. But that was impossible in
Palestine. It was in fact impos-
sibleinwhat was British India.
It has not been possible in Ire-
land. The Evian settlement is an
awe-inspiring wager that it can
be done in Algeria.
* * *
PERHAPS the best reason for
daring to think that it will be
done in Algeria is that there is
no tolerable alternative. The old
order cannot be restored no matter
what atrocities the OAS commits.
With a population of nine million
Moslems and one million Christ-
ians and Jews, the minority is too
important, it is too necessary to
the life of Algeria, and it is too
strong, to be oppressed and liqui-
dated. Some years ago it may con-
ceivably have been possible to
partition Algeria as Palestine was
partitioned. But if it was possible
then, it is not possible now, when
partition would precipitate an end-
less war.
For ourselves, we have the
strongest reasons for supporting
the Evian settlement. It is not
only that the settlement can bring
peace and an end to the long
agony. It is also that if Algeria can
become a successful multi-racial
community, then there is hope
elsewhere, especially in the critical
parts of the African continent.

too tired to do more than indicate
that he is totally ignorant of the
situation and merely wishes to
hear Sen. Francis' wisdom on the
subject. But Sen. Francis is not
to be denied. "Is there anything
wrong with a citizen signing a
loyalty oath?" he says again.
"No," replies the questioner, ap-
peasing his own smarting con-
science with the argument that
Sen. Francis' question may be in-
terpreted to mean that no citizen
who wishes to sign a loyalty oath
should be prevented from doing
so. After all, it's a free country.
Sen. Francis goes on to express
his views on capitalism. "I believe
in the right of the individual to
work for himself," he says. "If I
work hard to earn a decent living
for myself, why the hell should
I share it with you?
"I've always been opposed to too
much taxation because it results in
redistribution of wealth.
Khrushchev is not going to take
over this country by a war. He's
going to win by socialism, redis-
tribution of individual incomes
and poisoning of the minds of the
young people with communism
taught in the schools."
Once again Sen. Francis affirms
his oppisition to having the gov-
ernment running the lives of in-
dividuals and his faith in the right
of individuals to make their own
* * *
BUT WHAT ABOUT the right of
the individual to think for him-
self, to express his opinions freely
and to formulate them indepen-
dently? What about the right of
teachers and students to exchange
ideas candidly without the teacher
having to consider every word lest
the Legislature misinterpret and
declare him disloyal, a perjurer
andrpoisoner of the country's
By socialization of medicine and
industry, and by imposing income
tax the government destroys free-
dom, according to the Greene,
Francis faction. According to this
faction federal support to the
public schools would lead to fed-
eral control of teaching methods
and material and is therefore to
be fought to the death by every
loyal state citizen.
But if this is true, why is the
individual state justified in dic-
tating not only courses and teach-
ing materials, but emphasis and
outlook as well.
* * *
OF COURSE it is useless to
raise these points with Sen. Greene
and Sen. Francis. They regard
even a factual question about their
opinions on these matters indi-
cation that the questioner is prob-
ably a subversive. Hence the sud-
den suspicion in their voices as
they say, -"Sure I believe in the
bill, don't you?"
Sen. Greene and Sen. Francis
are unfortunately not alone, nor
are they a "vocal minority." They
are merely spokesmen for a very
strong, very vocal majority which
appears to be growing all the
They do not believe in individual
freedom, They do not believe in
the American way. They believe in
words. They believe that if a man
professes loyalty he is loyal and
if he refuses to swear loyalty he
is subversive. It is as simple as

To the Editor:
PROTEST SGC's continuing
I this so-called "election" on
several grounds:
1) It is asinine to run an elec-
tion in which there are only
seven candidates "contesting" six
vacant seats.
2) The person ultimately re-
sponsible for the conduct of this
election, John Martin, has been
censured by SGC for his conduct
during the campaign.
3) The election director, Robert
Zimmer, indicated that the pe-
tition violations of a third can-
didate, Lawrence Momberg, were
"covered" by extra signatures on
his petition. There were perhaps
ten illegal signatures on Lubin's
petition, and more than enough
"extras" to cover them. Why was
this not taken into account in his
4) All the first place votes cast
for Katy Ford, '64, on Tuesday,
are now of course invalid, and
only the second place votes on
these ballots can .count. This is
clearly a violation of democracy.
On these documented grounds,
I protest this election.
-Sylvia Berliner, '63
Shifting Slte,...
To the Editor:
W E WOULD like to voice our
protest against a professedly
democratic procedure which has
eventuated in a negation of the
voter's power. When the slate
varied from one voting day to the
next, it was impossible to obtain
an accurate or representative con-
sensus, which is theoretically
characteristic of a democracy.
Although the official handling of
the situation cannot be censured
for demanding adherence to the
rules of the contest, the fact re-
mains that "those votes cast on
Tuesday are distorted by the sit-
uation which presented itself on
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Applications for the Selective Service
college qualification test are now being
distributed at the Ann Arbor Selective
Service Board, 103 East Liberty. Appli-
cations must be in by March 27, 1962.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes effective
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective.
April 3-Interfraternity Council, IFC

Wednesday. The only remedy for
such an encroachment on the
voter's right is the presentation
of an entirely new election.
-Nancy Keefer, '63
-Joan Nash, '63
To the Editor:
Stan Lubin and Katie Ford
makes me doubt my own judge-
ment. How could I have voted for
a group of people who have proven
themselves so inept? The "leaders"
of this school are so short-sighted
that it didn't occur to them to
check the eligibility of the can-
didates before election day. In
this way, candidates could have
corrected any infractions they had
committed and the voters would
be able to vote calmly instead of
being assailed by gushy Daily
editorials and loud girls with meg-
Be that as it may. I only hope
the people I voted for this time
do a better job. Of course, they're
bound to. I only voted for people
my friends recommended, and
they ought to know. It's too bad
that Katie Ford was disqualified
... she's pretty.
-Dugald McMillan IV, '64
Cohen Case . ..
To the Editor:
T HE ARTICLE in Wednesday's
Daily treating of the possible
disqualification of Matthew Cohen
is vague and totally misinformed.
What is more, it coincidentally
appears at a time when it ob-
viously has hurt his candidacy.
The aiticle absolutely fails to
state or even hint at the nature of
Cohen's violation. If his mis-
demeanor is of such stature as
to possibly have him disqualified,
then surely The Daily ought to
make known all the facts of this
proposed violation.
The article is totally incorrect
in stating that Mr. Cohen met
with the Credentials and Rules
Committee on Tuesday night. Mr.
Cohen was asleep at the time of
this meeting
It is also interesting to note
that according to the official
statement released by the Creden-
tials and Rules Committee, Co-
hen's name is not mentioned in-
sofar as a proposed violation is
concerned; is not mentioned at all,
in fact.
The facts, I believe, clearly in-
dicate a gross mistake on The{
Daily's part. Of course, It is im-
material to notice that The Daily
is avidly opposed to Cohen as a
candidate and possible future
member of Student Government
The Daily, acting, of course, in
good faith, has apologized to Mr.
Cohen and agreed to run a re-
traction in today's edition. But
today's edition will be too late,

City Editor

Editorial Director

SUSAN FARRELL .................Personnel Director

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