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March 18, 1962 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-18

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Gargoyle-staff member, Of-
fice Manager, Editorial, Direc-
tor; Generation-staff member;,
Arbor Magazine-Business Mana-
ger; Folklore Society - Con-
cert Chairman, Folk Festival
Chairman, President; Folkways
Magazine.- Business Manager,
Co-Editor, Editor.
The major issues that confront
SGC are: Office of Student Af-
fairs (OSA) Study Committee re-
port, defining SGC's relationship
to the United States National Stu-
dent Association (NSA) and creat-
ing an equitable and unconfused
means of dealing With discrimina-
tion in Student Organizations.
The OSA Report is an attempt
at sorely needed changes in the
Office of Student Affairs. The pro-
posals are an improvement, but
too much is unsaid and undone.
This is vital to all students as the
re-evaluation of the OSA directly
influence their lives. I fear the
impetus for change will be wat-
ered down and forgotten. it is.
SGC's duty to see that the worth-


Ba tle

Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute -- Dormitory 'Floor Repre-
sentative; Tulane University,.-.
Student Union Special Events
Committee, President. of Archi-
tecture Class; Member Sigma
Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Rush
Chairman, Homecoming Com-
mittee, Sub-Chairman Spring
Weekend Committee, Michigras
Committee; Architecture Stu-
dent Faculty Committee; Young'
Republicans Club - Delegate to
MFCYR State Convention.
The purpose of Student Govern-
ment' Council is to provide an
agency for meaningful student
participation in the formulation,
improvement, and promotion of
the educational goals of the Uni-
versity. The undertaking of this
task requires a great deal of re-
sponsibility from Council members
and a good working relationship
with its constituency and within
itself. With this in mind, I submit
the following:
A more widespread dissemina-
tion of information, through bet-
ter communication, will provide a-
better understanding of the Coun-
cil's modus operandi. The public,
image of the Council would bene-


Soph Show; Chairman Inter-
fraternityaffairs, Social Com-
mittee member Zeta Beta Tan
The Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee "Master Plan"
will have great influence on the
scope of issues and problems of
the Michigan student during the
coming year. As the official stu-
dent voice, Student Government
Council must assume great re-
sponsibility for the implementa-
tion and revision of this plan.
Generally speaking, the ideal of
the "Master Plan" "is to, increase
the educational values of the non-
academic life and activities of the
Many of the problems disclosed
by this committee seem to be due
to a definite lack of centralization
as evidenced by ineffective coun-
selling. It has always been my con-
tention that the new student is
unaware of the educational possi-
bilities open to him. It is not that
the student is lazy or dull; it is
.Just that through the lack of cen-
tralization, he has little opportu-
nity to broaden his horizon. The
solutior is not paternalism; rath-
er, I think, it lies in effective
This aspect is far more import-

while parts are implement
deficiencies the OSA repo
not cover are dealt with.
The administration is c
ously involved in secret m
reports, etc. The students
formed afterwards. This
is obnoxious. It prevents
gent student participatio
leads the administration te
students as needing benig
erly protection from life.
vicious body of rumor and
ment this secrecy engende
wonders what the admini
is afraid of having made
And why.
The role of SGC needs to
panded and clarified. Ma
dents feel that the intere
wishes of the students th
and other student bodies
are simply ignored. The rec
tions of the Residence
Board of Governors are a
NSA has been impotent
chigan, primarily due to
failure to act, and to m
fit tremendously from th
The current controvers
cerning USNSA points out
lem affecting not only N
also ourselves as students
stands today, the concept
is not very clear and a
commitment is necessary.
next National Student C
the delegation from our Un
should strive to make the
sary changes inorder toe
NSA as a true confedera
student governments. The
concerning withdrawal fro
should then be based upon
forts and results of our
tion to that congress.
The problem of discrimr
has not been dealt with
Council in the best possib
ner. It seems that. unnec
lengthy consideration tends
the issues and at the sam
create adverse results amo
parties involved. It sho
stressed that Council act
discrimination should pr
be remedial and not puniti
that those who seek as
more actively should no
emphasize their 'power to
ant than first might see
University is so large and
that no student is able to
of all its opportunities. T
dent must, therefore, jud
decide oh his course of stu
often a student leaves the
sity with a diletantes' v
Through the proper counse
student will be able to di
energies into leading a mea
college career.
Another germane pro
Joint Judic. Here too, the
of Student Affairs has ma
posals. S t u d e n t Gove
Council, through its influen
the Board of Regents may
to expediate matters. It is
tention that Joint Judic
hold its meetings like an
court in the land. Anothe
ness is that the judgement
revolves entirely a r o u n
phrase, "conduct unbeco
student of the University
statement, of course, bein
to wide interpretation.
Centralization of the Jo
dic is of the utmost impe
for as it stands now th
many courts, founded ofte
norance and sometimes o
ping. It would be the pos
the SGC to act as both

by the standing committees
be printed in readable for
placed on reserve in the
graduate library.
3) Students elected tot
should speak publically on
which are before the coun
turning if possible to pla
which they spoke during th
Off Campus Issues
The discussion of whethe
the council as a whole shoe
press an opinion on a give
should stop taking place
council table..Any action in
-students are directly i
should be an appropriate
for council consideration
standing committees shoi
search a problem before it
to the council table. The c
tees must take special c
note all sides of an issue. I
then be up to the individua
cil member to refrain from
if he felt the informatio
insufficient. Students, as %
formed members of a der
have a responsibility to mak
views known. -If the abov
cedure is followed, the othe
of the nncil will not ff1

ed and mands on NSA, where NSA.needs
rt does improvement. NSA does, can, and
should take political stands. This
ontinu- is 'necessitated by NSA's national
eetings, and international commitments as
are in- the largest and most representa-
process tive U.S. student organization.
intelli- Delegates should be directly elect-
n and ed by the students. A standing
regard committee of SGC should be insti-
n, fath- tuted to implement NSA programs.
In the Sorely needed in dealing with
resent- discrimination in student groups
ers, one is a method of getting information
stration to Committee on Membership with
public, dueregard to the secrecy and
rights of the groups involved. The
be ex- situation needs clarifying to bring
ny stu- sanity to the confusion that exists.
ists and Above all, the groups involved
st S and must be treated with fairness or
tt SGC thsdesired ends will be defeated.
express Some consideration must be given
ent ac- to the financial problems of local
Halls chapters who may be forced to
case in disaffiliate from their national.
I hope to discuss my views in
at Mi- full with the student body, beyond
SGC's the insufficient 400 words allotted
ake de- here.
is mea- they destroy what is left of the
so-called "good faith".
n Paternalism is not entirely a
a prob- detrimental policy. It would be ab-
SA, but surd to claim that certain respon-
sAs bt sibility for the students does not
oAs it lie within the University. The
definite problem, then, is not paternalism
At the itself; but its use and abuse. Uni-
hongress versity responsibility should de-
nversity pend on student responsibility,
neers-tyand on the fact that students are
neses- continually growing.
ton of Now that the OSA report has
decision been released, SGC should work
imc NSA hard at trying to achieve some of
the ef- the fine recommendations in this
tdeleg- report. It should be pointed out,
however, that the report is hazy
on certain areas and at times
ination shies away from making any spe-
by the cific recommendations, therefore,
e man- further study is still necessary.
essarily Year-round operation of the
to blur University is not too far away and
ne time its problems are many and varied.
g those For this reason, SGC should be
uld be ;extremely concerned with this
ion on . problem and its implications to the
imarily college community.
ve; and Two internal problems of the
solution Council are its rate of turn-over
t over- and the role of the ex-officio
act, lest members.
m. The dator and co-ordinator in the
diverse standardization of procedure. It
partake is thus my contention that SGC
he stu- be a prime facet in the effort to-
iciously ward centralization as seen by
dy. Too OSA.
Univer- Another basic issue is the place
agaries. of the National Student Associa-
lling, a tion in campus life. As a student
rect his of the University for almost two
ningful years, I have felt absolutely no
contact or influence by NSA.
lem is If SGC is to have a meaningful
Office association with NSA, extensive
ode pro-work must be done in creating a
rnent o framework, of campus participa-
menit tion. The following questions must
ce with be answered before any intelligent
be able decision can be made concerning
my con- SGC's membership in this organi-
should zation:
iy open 1) What benefits are accrued
r weak- from NSA?
of guilt 2) To what extent are student's
id the of the University able to effective-
ming a ly participate in the program?
." The Only from the answers to ques-
g open tions one and two may a meaning-
ful evaluation be reached.

int Ju- In closing, there are no easy
irtance; solutions to the problems stated
ere are above. Effective answers can only
n in ig- be realized after much delibera-
averlap- tion and hard work. This is what
ition of I gladly offer as a candidate for
consoli- Student Government Council.
should ance of the standing committees.
rm and Much of the Council's work can
under- be done in an organized manner
outside the council meeting. An
Council SGC member should be expected
a issues to spend about six hours a week
icil, re- on committee meetings and re-
aces at search.
ie cam- Ex-Officios
The seven ex-officios who sit on
T or not the council are not elected by the
uld ex- campus at large like the other
uld ex-eeleven members. Moreover they
n Issue feel a primary responsibility to
at the the organizations they represent.
in which Many complain that they have
nvolved not enough time to do both jobs
subject adequately. For these and other
n. The reasons, the role of the ex-officio
ld rcoes on the council must be reconsider-
ommit eBias Clauses
care to
[t would Neither sororities and fraterni-
l coun- ties, nor the Student Government
voting Council want bias clauses to re-
on .was main at the University of Michi-
well in- gan. Affiliates are more than
nocracy aware that they will continue to
ke their retain the right to choose their
ve pro- own members after bias clauses are
er work eliminated, and most houses are
wr andlworking in "good faith." The

Pi Beta Phi Sorority -- officer.
Each issue that is brought be-
fore Student Government Council
should be evaluated on its own'
merits within the context of the
immediate situation. It is neces-
sary to have an objective view of
each issue so that votes are cast Y
intelligently and not blindly along
extreme party lines. Some general
lines of evaluation which I would
follow on SGC are outlined below:
I certainly agree with Regent's
by-law 2:14 and the Committee on
Membership's attempt to imple-
ment it equitably and according to
due process. Recently, though, it
has become apparent that there is
a definite lack of coordinated pol-
icy and an attempt at clarification
both within the Committee and

n it and others should be
If possible, the Committee'
more clearly define actions
constitute violation. Groups
know where .they stand.

It is imperative that the Com-
mittee on Membership utilize its
its function "to initiate education-
al programs". Along these lines, I
suggest that a representative from
Panhellenic and I.F.C. sit on the
Committee in an advisory position.
This would increase and improve
the channels of effective com-
munication between the Commit-
tee and affected student organiza-
tions. Coupled with educational
programs, the Committee and the
University should be prepared to
give all available aid to groups ex-3
periencing difficulty in complying
with current regulations on dis-,
Student Government Council
owes a basic obligation to itself
and the students to assess and
evaluate the benefits of member-
ship in the National Student As-
sociation. If the Council is to
continue 'spending considerable
sums on congresses, conferences,
and dues, it must see that effective
programs and information are de-
rived from them. Campus pro-
gramming has been almost non-
existent. This situation must be

Hopefuls Seek SGC Seats Posts




Six Student Government Coun-
cil members, student members of
three boards and senior class of-
ficers will be elected in the all-
campus elections Tuesday and
Wednesday, March 20 and 21.
Nine candidates are running for
SGC and a total of 41 candidates
are seeking positions on the
Boards in Control of Intercolle-
giate Athletics and Student Publi-
cations, the Michigan Union Board
of Directors and as senior class
Those running for SGC are
Howard Abrams, '62, Fred Batlle,
'64A&D, Matthew Cohen, '64,
Katherine Ford, '64, Richard
G'sell, '63E, Stanley Lubin, '63,
Henry McAllen, '64L, Lawrence
Monberg, '63, and Kenneth Miller,
They will fill full year terms of
seniors Brian Glick, Per Hanson,
John Martin, Thomas Moch and
Richard G'sell, who is seeking re-
election. The half-year seat was
vacated by the resignation of John
Robert Finke, '63, the new presi-
dent of the Union, and Robert
Geary, '63E, new Inter-Quadrangle
Council president, have already
taken their ex-officio seats for
the coming year.
Only men may vote for mem-
bers of the athletic and union
The results of all elections will
be announced at count night,
March 21, in the League Ballroom.
Harvey Chapman, '64, Peter Di-
Lorenzi, '64, and Forrest Evashev-
ski, Jr., '64, are running for the
athletic board.
Seeking student seats on the
student publications board are:
Arthur Frederick, '64L, Paul Kry-
nicki, '63, John McReynolds, '64,
and Selma Sawaya, '62.
W. George Bassett, '64, Edward
Berger, '64, Michael Harrah, '63-
BAd, Michael Olinick, '63, Stanley
Saeks, '63, and James Seff, '63, are
seeking undergraduate Union
posts. The graduate seats are
sought by James L. Copeland, '62L,
and Herbert Heidenreich, Grad,
and Richard Rossman, Grad.
Michael Burk and Lawrence Her-
ron are seeking the business ad-
ministration schoolsenior class
presidency; and Stuart Goldberg,.
In the education school'John
Leigermann and Jean Samuelson
are running unopposed for senior
class president and vice-president.
David Hood and John Scott are
running for engineering college
senior class president; David Bra-
zier, Daniel Brown and Gary
Joachin, vice-president; and
Thomas Wile, secretary-treasurer.
Mark Perlov, Barry Rosenfeld,
Robert Walters and Michael Wein-
berger are seeking the literary
college senior class presidency;
Mark Muskowitz and Jeffrey Rub-
enstein, vice - president; Stuart
Goodall and Sharon McGue, sec-
retary; and Michael Bloom, Roger
Goldman, James Lipton and Mal
Warwick, treasurer.

remedied. Student Government
Council should not simply with-
draw from N.S.A. without long and
thoughtful consideration of the
loss to the University.
Student Government Council,
recognizing the need for a more
informed student body, must pro-
vide for a wider exchange of ideas
between all members of the Uni-
versity community. A flexible pro-
gram of meetings with interested
students is necessary. This would
enable and encourage student par-
ticipation and interest. In this,
way, the student body may become
more aware and intelligently in-
formed. Efforts in this direction
are needed so that all students are
able to assume a more responsible
role in University affairs and ac-
The approach to other issues
such as The Office of Student Af-
fairs Study Report and Judiciary
problems is similar to the evalua-
tion of the above issues. In all
cases, each problem and issue
must be carefully examined, and
be allowed to live or die on its own


POLLING PLACES-Students may vote at, polls which will be set up at the Union, Frieze Building,
Diag, Fishbowl, Engine Arch and Undergraduate Librar.

Count Balt yHr ystemri
The controversial Hare System
will be used again this semester to shifted votes candidates receives der attack for overrepre
enough votes to go over the quota, minorities. The provision f
determine the winners of the Stu- they are declared elected, if not, tributing all low candidate
dent Government Council elec- the lowest candidate is dropped, while spreading the winner
tions. and this process continues until that exceed the quota ha
The system, under attack during all seats are filled. ctiricized for giving the
the campaign for its alleged com- The Hare System has come un- votes too much weight.
plexity and unfairness, is designed
as a means of guaranteeing pro-
portional representation.
At the polls, the voter marks .
his ballot in order of preference
instead of by an X. Thus he would
mark a 1 in the box after his first :f''' <..
choice, 2 after his second, and so r
forth.:.:: 4
On count night, the ballots are
sorted on the basis of first prefer- ~~~"~. . .
ence and a first quota for election:r
is established. This figure is de-
rived by dividing the number of
posts available plus one into the
number of valid ballots cast. In
this election the divisor is 7.
The candidates whose first place
vote total is over the quota are >' f
declared elected. The candidate
with the lowest vote total is drop-
ped and his ballots are redistrib-
uted on the basis of second y
choices. The number of ballots of ...
the winning candidates over the
quota are redistributed in the
same manner. These ballots are
pulled from the winner's pile at
A new quota is then established CASTING BALLOTS-After presenting their blue identific
based on the number of ballots card and fee receipt, students may vote in the SGC andc
still circulating. If with these elections.



Chairman Student Govern-
ment Council Committee on
Student Concerns; Michigan
Daily reporter; Spring Weekend
Friday Afternoon Events Com-
mittee; Michigan Union Social
Committee; Member Phi Epsilon
Fraternity - Social Chairman;
Member Junior Interfraternity
The Student Government Coun-
cil must escape from the circular
path which it is now pursuing.
Many qualified people have refus-
ed to associate with the Council
because it 'does nothing worth-
while, and of course SGC is inef-
fective because it has been unable
to attract qualified participants. I
think there is a way to escape
from this cycle.
Hare System
The Iare system must go. This
archaic and cumbersome system
is understood by few students, and
many do not vote because they do
not understand it. It is an ex-
tremely inaccurate reflector of
majority opinion.
Campus Communication
Perhaps the major problem of
the .SC is that it iremnved


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