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March 16, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-16

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&enty-second Year
ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"

orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"You Might Call It More of an Abyss Meeting"
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Quality Education
Through State System

Y, MARCH 18, 1962


After the Sigma Nu Case:
Complications and Hazards

begins to play with the Sigma Nu case on
ril 4, it will inaugurate a series of adventures
o the murky, hazardous and delicate area of
riminatory membership selection by fra-
hlties and sororities.
igma Nu was, the best possible case the
nmttee on Membership had. The frater-
y's oft-quoted bias clause (members must
"without Negro blood") Is. in obvious con-
iction to Regents Bylaw 2.4 and an SGC
ulation. The chapter openly admits the
use is discriminatory, and has become scared
ugh of Impending Council action to apply
a waiver from the national.
ifter Sigma Nu, though, violations of the
iversity's non-discriminatory policy are less,
zr-cut. In spite- of numerous rumors con-
'ing a bias clause in Trigon's archives, and
hough several members and other fraternity
Dials have admitted privately that the group
a Christian clause, there has been no pub-
evidence yet that this is true. Lambda Chi
ha's troubles have been with a provision in
ritual which' demands a profession of Chris-
1 faith from the pledges, Alpha Tau Omega
I Phi Delta Theta are also on shaky-ground.
y have waivers from their nationals' bias
use, but the constitutions retain "gentle-
n" or "socially acceptable" phrases which
e been interpreted by the nationals at times
a discriminatory basis.
THE LATTER three examples, it is certain
that the nationals' restrictions have the ef-
t of being tiiscrimiatoy. The ritual is an
Wclad requirement, and the waivers aren't
good if socially acceptable clauses are ap-
'd. It's another thing to prove, however, that
se provisions always and necessarily will be
:riminatory. A non-Christian could presum-
y lie his way throush, Lambda Chi's recital,
i the ATO and Phi Delt clauses are not dis-
ninatory in their wording.
:o the Council someday will have to de-
e'whether its jurisdiction rightfully includes
effect of such selection criteria, as well as
statements which are strictly and literally
:4iminatory. This issue will undoubtedly be-
de a heated point of debate on our middle-
the-road SGC.
N6THER COMPLICATION in affiliate bias
is the question of approval by nationals of
University locals' proposed pledge classes.
page three of the University Regulations
icernihg Student Organizations booklet, one
is the following standard which campus
ups must meet: "The- organization's program
4 its direction is (sic) in the hands of stu-
t :members; all offices shall be held by
dents, and voting shall be restricted to stu
ororities select their members after obtain-
1840's and 1850's were almost all from farm
tes and were used to a simple life, according
Jniversity historian Wilfred B. Shaw. ,
'hey were carefully watched by the faculty
l admonished at two, daily chapel exercises.
ir hours were carefully provided for, and
y could not leave campus after 9 p.m.
'heir courses were compulsory, and their
endance at classes was insured by numbers
the class-room benches which had to be
Y covered,
LAD TO SEE there's been some progress in
student affairs.

Ing two recom~mendations by women in the
prospective pledge's home town. Both fraterni-.
ties and sororities must send their lists of
pledges to national headquarters for final ap-
proval .
It is no secret that the sororities' recom-
mendation system has allowed discriminatory
selections by the home-town selectors. In the
past, there have been cases where nationals
have rejected pledges on a discriminatary bas-
is, although in almost all instances the locals'
pledge lists are rubberstamped.
At some point, the Council will again have
to make a difficult decision: whether the Uni-
versity regulation that "direction (of an orga-
nization) be in the hands of student members"
outlaws control of membership selection by off-
campus bodies. Although this would be a logi-
cal implication, the question of how strictly to
interpret the regulation (it does not specifical-
ly ban off-campus influence) will provide more
fireworks for SGC consideration.
THE PROBLEM of discrimination in affiliate
membership selection is a mess. Any action
taken, will touch on issues and points which
are not clear-cut or easily defined. But SGC's
slow struggle against bias has been helped very
little by IFC and Panhel.
At other universities-Cornell, for example-
fraternity "and sorority associations themselves
are spearheading legislation to get rid of bias
clauses and suspend houses that don't drop
But about all Inter-fraternity Council and
Panhellenic Association have done hers is en-
gage in behind-the-scenes investigation, and
discussion with groups in trouble. This limited
action has brought about many rumors but no
tangible, beneficial results.
IFC did' adopt a resolution last fall disap-
proving of bias restrictions and promising to
work with locals, nationals and SGC to hasten
the clauses' departure.
Unfortunately, the resolution contained no
steps providing for punitive measures against
non-complying fraternities. Since there were
no teeth in the statement, it became nothing
more than a meaningless sop to campus opin-.
FC AND PANHEL could have done something
substantial. Infornation concerning the
houses' status with bias clauses should have
been put into the rush booklets. Any rushee
deserves to know whether a certain house is
discriminatory or not. This information, which
will never be revealed by any affiliates during
rush, can be obtained by rushees only by asking
"the much-neglected confidential rush counse-
IFC and Panhel are supposed to protect the
best interests of fraternities and sororities. It
is in the best interests of these groups, as well
as the University itself, to be part of a system
which is just. Voluntary or involuntary arbi-
trary discrimination weakens the system, and
pollutes the professed ideals of brotherhood.
If IFC and Panhel had taken serious action
in addition to uttering serious words, the clean-
ing-up process would be going a lot more
smoothly. A group in trouble is much more
likely to reform if it sees that its own system's
leaders as well as SGC mean business.
The Council can cope with the open and
honest discrimination practiced by Sigma Nu,
but the real work in eliminating the much
more prevalent furtive and evasive bias can
come only from within the system and not
So SGC is going to have to do what IFC
and Panhel should have done. It will have to
clean house. First one is Sigma Nu.

Daily Staff Writer
state-wide system of education-
al television stations is being con-
sidered by a Michigan advisory.
committee. It could bring a new
and vital force to education in
Currently there are two operat-
ing educational stations in the
state area: WTVS in Detroit and
WMSB in Onondago, near Jack-
son. Michigan State operates on
a share time basis with the com-
mercial station WILX
The amount of available funds
will determine the development
of a complete educational net-
work. The expense of an operating
station is very high. The -federal
government may help out in the
form of the revised Magnuson-
Roberts Bills. This bill is expected
to provide matching funds for
the construction of television
equipment. If Michigan can meet
the expenses, then the project
could begin very shortly.
*' * * -
THE PLAN for a state system
of educational TV was developed
last year in a report by Prof.
James B. Tintera of Michigan
State University. Lynn M. Bartlett,
State Superintendent of Instruc-
tion appointed a Citizen's Commit-
tee to first study the situation.
From this committee was drawn
a working committee which draft-
ed the organized study.
The rapid growth of student
population and the rising costs of
Michigan education bring out the
need for new educational facilities.
Michigan enrollment has grown by
500,000 in the last 10 years. In
order to keep pace with the grow-
ing enrollment, 50,000 new teachers
will be needed by 1970.
* * *
several surveys to see the recep-
tion and attitudes of educators
to educational TV.{
The support by Michigan educa-
tors ,seems to ,be very favorable.
The teacher's fear of replacement
by TV is vanishing, and he now
sees it as a vital assistance and
supplement. The state supported
colleges and universities are either
using TV now or are planning to
use it in the future.
On the University level there
appears to be less willingness to
cooperate on shared use of in-
structional televised material than
among private and public secon-
dary school systems.
* * *.
PROF. TINTERA suggested that .
the most feasible system of dis-
tribution is a combination of
broadcasting stations in the lower
peninsula with a single micro-
wave connection for the Upper
peninsula. This micro-wave system
in the U.P. could be connected
with the existing Michigan Bell
Telephone system.,
In the early stages, production,
centers presently found in the col-
leges would provide, on contract
basis, the video-tapes for dis-
tribution. This study would use
the various present educational

facilities used in some schools
around the state.
The report recommended that
three transmitters be constructed
to cover portions of the state not
receiving educational TV recep-
tion. Dr. Tintera has suggested
that there will be one near Alpena
and two in the western portion of
the state. This could mean that
Ann Arbor would not be one of
the first stations built, because of
its closeness to Detroit.
facilities do not include either a
station or a transmitter. The Tele-
vision Center under the direction
of Prof. Garnet R. Garrison, Uni-
versity IDirector of Broadcasting,
records some 100 programs a year
on kinescope and video-tape. The
number of' University programs
broadcast each year numbers well
over 2000. The Center also serves
many departments within the Uni-
versity with closed-circuit on-
These programs present some of
the University's finest teachers
giving varied lessons in everything
from economics to American liter-
ature. The programs are in de-
mand all over the country and
they enrich many educational and
commerial TV'stations.
EDUCATIONAL programs com-
ing from Detroit often do not
reach the Ann Arbor area. The
people of the University Commun-
ity are intellectually alert to new
developments and could use the
facilities to bring culture, care-
ful news analysis, or non-credit
courses eo theevening viewer.
Daytime broadcasting could reach
the nearby area .with prepared
courses of instruction.
A station in Ann Arbor could
also serve as a uniting fore to the
student population. Student can-
didates for SGC and current is-
sues would reach a larger audience.
In short, the creative possibilities
of such a station are limitless. It
could bring a wealth of knowledge
to an interested area of Michigan.
Prof. Tintera estimated that the
cost of three transmitters and the
construction of station facilities
would be $2,103,000. Costs would
%be higher for three full outlet
* * *
THE HOPE for a University TV
station to service the Southeastern
area should not die. If the Legis-
lature does appropriate the funds,
the value of Ann Arbor as the
location should be kept in mind.
The fine teachers and' the high
quality of the present Unversity
TV Center's productions should
show the possible heights that
television instruction can reach.
The legislation in Congress will
make the costs less burdensome to
the state. The tool of instructional
TV could have numerous benefits'
for the public school teacher
shortage. Television, located at
such a center of quality learning
as the University, could provide
-an enriching, vitalizing and stim-
ulating boost to the entire area
of state education.

Louisiana: Jails and Road Gangs

Daily Staff Writer
T HE PAPERS don't pay too
much attention to the civil
rights struggle in the South these
days; it's not the explosive type
of issue that sells newspapers. But
when former Daily Editor Tom
Hayden came up from the South
to speak to Challenge last Sunday
he brought with him some of the
biggest news to come out of that
area recently. It concerns the
sovereign state of Louisiana; and
how it may have a way to ham-
string the integration movement.
The story starts with Dion Dia-
mond, a 20-year-old Negro who
is field secretary for the Student
Non-Violent, Coordinating Com-
mittee. He showed up at Southern
University, (the largest Negro Uni-
versity in the country) in Baton
Rouge one day in January to ob-
serve and speak to demonstrators
against segregation who were stag-
ing a campus-wide protest against
He was arrested Feb. 1 on
charges of trespassing. The charge

was later changed to criminal an-
archy and bond was set at $13,000.
Diamond couldn't raise the money;
he was put in solitary confine-
ment, which in the South seems
to be reserved for integrationists
and sexual perverts.
CHUCK McDEW, a 22-year-old
Negro from Atlanta and head of
SNCC's voter registration project,
and Robert Zellner, 22-year-old
white who is a field secretary for
SNCC were also in Louisiana.
Hearing of Diamond's arrest
they went to see him and bring
him some books; although they
knew that the one place in the
South that integrationists should
stay away from (besides Klan
meetings) is a jail. At the jail
they were promptly arrested and
charged with vagrancy.
McDew could probably qualify
as one of the richer vagrants in
existence as he had several hun-
dred dollars in his pocket. A few
days later the charge was changed
to criminal anarchy; the reason
given was that they were trying
to pass Diamond integrationist li-
terature. According to Hayden, the


New Book-Banning Boost

ENATOR LYNN 0. FRANCIS, chairman of
the Senate Education Committee, stated
at obscene books "are poisoning the minds
d morals" of Michigan children.
Ie listed four books which he thought were
this category: "Brave New World," by Aldous
xley, "Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller,
'atcher ; in the Rye," by J. D. Salinger and
ady Clhatterley's Lover," by D. H. Lawrence.
Applying this same philosophy, a school
trict near Grand Rapids -has banned "Brave
w World" after parents protested it was
fit reading. for high school students. The
rel had been used as a text for required
ding at the Forest Hills High School.
Banning books from high schools is a serious
ck to effective school teaching. Such a move
dermines the freedom and integrity of high
'ool faculties.
When teachers and librarians in high schools
chosen, they are vested with the duty of
ching their subject in the manner they
Editorial Staff ,
, r at O 14PWAACw Tle ritlVfF mNQ li7

think will best promote in their students in-
terest and knowledge of their subjects.
If we are. to consider high schools at all
useful, we must assume the teacher is most
capable of deciding how he is to teach. If
the school board considers a teacher incapable
of this decision, he should be fired.
IF PARENTS are to decide what is to be
taught, then high school is merely a place
to memorize formulas. Teachers are denied the
freedom to teach anything which goes beyond
the accepted beliefs of everyone in the com-
But high school should be a place for learn-
ing, a place where different ideas are ex-
changed, and where a desire for further edu-
cation is stimulated.
Teachers can only be effective if they are
encouraged to be enthusiastic and creative.
They can not do this if such a basic decision
as what books shall be read in class is denied
The real poison is not in obscenity, but in
sterility which will be the result of teaching
and learning without freedom from restriction
in materials.
High schools can only turn out thinking in-
dividuals by moving into new concepts and

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Staff Parking Lot No. N-5-S, located
on South Thayer at the Northwest
corner of Hill Auditorium has been
closed to Staff Paid Parking as of
March 11, 1962.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for the academic
year 1962-63 for Helen Newberry Resi-
dence may do so through the Office of
the Dean of women. Applications must
be returned complete by March 31. Stu-
dents already living in this residence
hall and those wishing to live there
next fall may apply. Qualifications will
be considered on the basis of academic
standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative
average), need, and contribution to
group 'living.
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Association, in cooperation with
the American Red Cross, will have its
regular Blood Bank Clinic on March
28, 1962. The Clinic hours are 10:00
a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 to 3:30
Ip.m. Any full-time or part-time reg-
ularly employed staff member of the
University interested in becoming a
member or renewing his membership
should contact the Personnel Office,
1028 Administration Bldg., Extension
Faculty, College of Architecture and
Design:. The freshman five-week prog-
ress reports (all grades) are to be sent
to Room 207, Architecture Bldg. (Dean's
Ofice) before 5:00 p.m., Wed., March 21.
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on the Tuesday prior to
the event.
Alice Lloyd, Mixer; Alpha Chi Ome-
ga, Twist Party; Alpha Tau Omega,
Party; Cooley, House Lounge Party; Sig-
ma Alpha Mu, TGIF; Theta Chi, Casual
Party; Vaughan, Pajama Party; Zeta
Tau Alpha, Informal Party.

Kappa Sigma, St. Patrick's Party;
Kelsey House, Lounge Dance-Open Open
House; Lambdia Chi Alpha, Party; Mar-
tha Cook, Fire & Ice (Square Dancing);
Michigan House, Date Dance-Open-
Open House; Phi Alpha Kappa, Dance;
Phi Delta Phi, Dance; Phi Delta Theta,
Dance; Phi Epsilon Pi, Party; Phi
Kappa Psi, House Party; Phi Kappa
Sigma, Party; Phi Kappa Tau, House
Party; Phi Sigma Kappa, Record Dance;
Psi Upsilon, Dance; School of Public
Health Club, Dinner Dance; Reeves,
Open Open & Lounge Dance: Sigma
Alpha Epsilon,' Dance; Sigma Chi, Par-
Sigma Phi, Band Dance; Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Dance; Strauss, Ratskeller; Tau
Kappa Epsilon, Square Dance; Theta
Chi, Informal Party; Theta Delta Chi,
Dance; Theta Xi, Party; Trigon, Dance;
Tyler-Prescott, Open Open; Van Tyne
House, Open Open House & Dance;
Wenley House, Open Open; Williams
House, Corridor Party; Zeta Beta Tau,
Party; Zeta Psi, Band Dance.
Markley, Open Open House; Phi Sig-
ma Sigma, Pledges on Parade.
Box Office opens Mon., 10 a.m., at
-Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for tickets
to the next U-M Players show, Graham
Greene's "'The Living Room." Wed.
through Sat., March 21-24, 8:00 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Wed. and
Thurs. performances $1.50, 1.00; Fri.
and Sat. performances $1.75. 1.25. Box
office open 10-5 Monj & Tues., Mar.
19 & 20; 10-8 Mar. 21-24. Tickets also
available for "The Merry Wives of
Windsor," to be presented Thurs.
through Mon. (except (Sun.), April 26-
May 1, 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, at $2.00, 1.50 for Fri. & Sat.
performances, $1.75, 1.25 for all other
performances; and for "Henry IV, Part
Two," to be presented Mon. throuah
Sat., May 7-12, 8:00 p.m. Trueblood
Aud., Frieze Bldg.. at $1.75. 1.25 for
Fri. & Sat, performances, $1.50, 1.00
for all other performances.
Mail orders may be addressed to Uni-
versity Pinvers, Mendelsohn TheQtre,
with checks payable to University Plav-
ers and a self-addressed, stamped en-
Summary of Action Taken by Sfvident
Government Council at its Meeting of
March 14, 1962
Annroved: Minutes of the previous
Adopted: That Student Government
Council arant temnorary reenonition
for one year to the Colleryiate Club of
the University Reformed Church.
Defeated: That the Council end a
letter iurP'inP_ ti 4Pnts to isnthv their

books were "The Ugly American,"
"The Scotsborough Case" and a
book of stories by Richard Wright
entitled "Eight 'Men." The "Ugly
American" provides some justifi-
cation for the integration litera-
ture charge; after all it is about a
white American working with some
South East Asians.
* -4' *
"WHAT IS criminal anarchy?"
It is a nice little all-inclusive law
designed to take care of people
who "advocate doctrines leading
to the subversion of the state of
Louisiana." Its a little bit like
"conduct unbecoming a student"
but the penalties differ. The
Louisiana law provides for 10 to
30 years on a road gang.
Bond for McDew and Zeller was
set at $7,000 each. By this time,
SNCC had gotten together with
different sources and raised the
money. After 11 days in jail they
were released. Diamond- was still
in the pit.
On Tuesday, the three of them
were arraigned in Baton Rouge.
Zelner and McDew were formally
chargedwith criminal anarchy, to
which they both pleaded innocent.
The trial date was set for May 28.
They were given back the $1,000
bond each they had posted on the
vagrancy charge. Diamond, for
some reason, was luckier. The state
charged him with disturbing the
peace. He will be tried next month.
THAT ZELLER and McDew will
be convicted is virtually a forgone
conclusion. From there the con-
viction must, beappealed through
several Louisiana courts 'before it
can reach the lowest federal court.
Thus the two men face a mini-
mum of two to four years in
prison before they will have even
a faint chance of having their
conviction overthrown. Meanwhile
they will spend their time working
on a Louisiana road gang.
Zellner especially will have it
rough. He is, unfortunately, white.
The Southerner's attitude towards
the Negro is that he is a trouble-
maker, but he can be intimidated
or kept in a hole out of sight.
Zellner is different; he repre-
sents the crack in the dam of
hatred separating the two races
that could eventually lead to the
dam's destruction. He is not just
someone who can be thrown in
jail and forgotten about. They
must make an example of him
which will keep any Southern
white from ever challenging the
existing order.
* * *
working and the freedom buses
will ride; trying to discover Amer-
ica, that legendary country where
freedom, brotherhood and justice
are supposed to live. And on their
search they will pass along a
dusty road with a road gang work-
ing along its side. One can only
hope that if the bus is successful
in its search these men will hear
about it.
A CATHOLIC theologian and a
Protestant Episcopal minister

Power fulOres tes
Part of a Series?
HE ENVELOPE for WUOM's new album of Euripides' Orestes gives
no clue to what almost any listener will want to know immediately:
Is this a single shot, or are we to have more?
If the album is to stand by itself (which 'it does, very nicely),
"Orestes" seems an odd choice.. Its warmest admirers have justified
its screaming melodrama and weird ending (Orestes is killing Helen's
innocent da hter and Electra is firing the palace, when Apollo
suddenly descends and everyone gets married) either by claiming
Euripides meant it as a joke or by assuming textual corruption. But
no one, at least after this reading,- will deny that many scenes are
extraordinarily powerful.
William Arrowsmith's introduction, not so much a defense of
the play as of his translation, is both printed on the jacket and read
on the record by Professor Arrowsmith himself. His reading adds
absolutely nothing, especially since he sounds not quite familiar with
the words.
His translation has no serious rival, but the history of Euripides
in English is too sad for that to be a compliment. 2. P. Coleridge
made Helen's confused Phrygian slave .cry, "Alack, alack! oh! whither
can I fly, ye foreign dames . . .?" etc. Arrowsmith renders this,
"jump down
Oh, oh.
Where can run, where go?
Mebbe foreign ladies know?"
This is more clever on paper than when heard. It is, of course,
better than the other, but, it is not enougl; to be better than E. P.
Coleridge. Arrowsmith is good, in places brilliant, but he lacks any
gift for the lyrical; his choruses are long speeches.
The whole production is beautifully timed. If it remains a stage
play put on records, rather than a performance for recording, this
Is after all what it tries to be. Jerry Sandler's direction is more than
competent throughout and often succeeds in bringing across a sense
of action hadly possible without a physical stage. The final scene,
just before Apollo's entrance ex machina, is tremendously effective.,
* * * *
THE CAST is generally excellent. The voices are not only good,
but distinct from one another in quality and in manner. Marvin
Diskin, as Orestes, is by turns sick, vicious, loving, cowardly and
insane-all without making the single character unbelievable.
Nancy Heusel wisely underplays Electra where she can, so that
when her time comes to rave, she has nower to snare. Victnr Dial and

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