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February 09, 1962 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-09

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iscari: Gymnastics Star

Wolverines Earn Two Wins

Continuing to bounce back after
a lone loss to Illinois the capable
Michigan gymnastics squad trip-
ped up a game Iowa team at East
Lansing 68-44 January 20 and fol-
lowed it up with a 62-47 drubbing
of Minnesota February 3 in the
Gopher gym.
Recovered from an attack of
bronchitis Captain Tom Osterland
paced the Wolverines to victory
over the Hawkeyes grabbing firsts
in tumbling and on the tramhpo-
Captain Leads
Utilizing some of the old finesse
that made him Big Ten rebound
tumbling champion Osterland reg-
istered a winning 91 point total
to his nearest opponent's 84.5.
With a steady sure routine and
some help from his=opponents, who
faltered repeatedly, the Michigan
captain came home a winner in
tumbling with an 82.5 total.
Despite the victory things look-
ed bad for the Wolverines from
the beginning as the determined
Hawkeyes swept the first, three
places in the free exercise with the
help of a costly slip by Michigan
ace Gil Larose.
Gophers Start Fast
Trailing 13-3 going into the
side horse competition Michigan'sI
Lewis Fenner eked out a narrow
one point victory over Iowa's Jimj
Liddell but the Iowans took all1
the other places to gain a 12-41
superiority in the event and a 35-6
lead overall.
Strong showings in tumbling
and on the high bar, trampolineE
and parallel bars saw the Wolver-
ines take 59 out of the remaining
68 points to take a seemingly easy
victory and avert an upset.,
High Bar Helps
Junior Jim Hynds and sopho-
more Arno Lascari tied for firstj
on the high bar with winning to-
tals of 89 while Lascari remained1
unbeaten on the parallel bars,I
streaking to a 93.5 total and an-
other first. Teammates Gil Larose
and Hynds took second and thirdj
as Michigan swept the event. I
The victory over Iowa gave
Michigan a 4-1 record and kept
them second in the Big Ten be-1
hind unbeaten Illinois with five1

-Daily-James Keson
SIDE HORSE STAR-Michigan's Lewis Fenner led the Wolverines
to their 67-45 victory over Minnesota with a stellar 91-point per-
formance in his specialty, the side horse. Fenner is one of Coach
Newt Loken's key performers who'll play a big part in Michigan's
remaining meets.

Coach Loken commented, "I
was especially pleased with the
performance of Lascari who con-
tinued to score 93 plus on the high
bar and remain one of the na-
tion's best in that event."
"Since the meet was right be-
fore the exam period many of
the boys had missed some prac-
tices to study and it showed in
some below average performances
which were to be expected," Lok-
en added.
Depth Important
Depth and talent proved too
much for Minnesota in Michigan's
62-47 dunking of the Gophers.
The victory kept Minnesota deep
in the second division in the con-
ference racer
An important first took place in
the contest as Ralph Bromund,
muscular senior from Alpena,
gained his first victory at Michi-
gan on the still rings with an 88
point total that left his opponents
behind. "Ralph's victory was a
very pleasant surprise. He always
works very hard, but up until this
meet a first place had eluded him.
He deserved the victory and final-
ly got it," stated Coach 'Loken.

Behind Captain Osterland's pace
setting 91%/2, Lew Hyman and Gil
Larose finished second and third
to give the winners a sweep. An-
other high scoring event for the
Wolverines was the side horse
where Lew Fenner won with a 91
point total and Paul Levy earned
second behind his teammate.
Jim Hynds and Arno Lascari
dominated the high bar as in the
Iowa meet. Hynds won top honors
with a 92 while Lascari was a few
notches behind in second place.
With another fine routine Las-
cari repeated his 93/2 point per-
formance of the Iowa meet to take
another first and keep his team's
victory string alive.
Bromund's victory on the still
rings and Lew Hyman's win in
the tumbling with a 91 gave the
Wolverines a first in every event
as they waltzed to victory over
the lowly Gophers.

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