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February 09, 1962 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-09

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LEADING SCORERS-Red Berenson, Gordon Wilkie, Larry Babcock, and Ron Coristine are the most productive foursome on the
Michigan hockey team. Berenson has 40 goals on 25 goals and 15 assists and Wilkie has 31 points on 12 goals and 19 assists. Coristine
(22 points), Berenson and Wilkie are linemates while Babcock (27 points) centers the second line.
Berenson, Wilkie Top 'M' Scorers


A senior, a junior and two
sophomores are four reasons why
the Michigan hockey team is run-
ning away with the Western Col-
legiate Hockey Association race
this season.
The senior is Michigan captain
Red Berenson; the junior is Larry
Babcock, Michigan's second lead-
ing scorer last season; and the
sophomores are Berenson's line-'
mates Gordon Wilkie and Ron
Coristine. Excluding the current
Western trip, Berenson has 40
points with 25 goals and 15 as-
sists; Wilkie has 31 with 12 goals
and 19 assists. Babcock has 27
points while Coristine has 22.
Gerry Kolb and Tom Pendle-
bury have the next highest totals
with 18 and 17 points, respectively.
Kelly Leads
Bill Kelly, Carl White, Al Hin-
negan, and John McGonigal roundI

r--- -C"

out Michigan's scoring. Kelly is
the leader with nine points; Hin-
negan has eight;, White has five
and McGonigal has three.
Although the Michigan defense
has been picking up the points
(Wayne Kartusch-15; Ross Mor-
The Michigan Daily beckons
to aspiring sports journalists.
Come in and sign up at the
sports desk anytime this week
at Student Publications Bldg.,
420 Maynard.
rison .14; Don Rodgers--7) they
have also been picking up the
penalties (Kartusch-56 minutes;
Morrison-66 min.; Rodgers-45
min.). Speaking about penalty
minutes, this is the only category

that Michigan's opponents have
fared better than the Wolverines.
Michigan has chalked up 303
penalty niinutes on 121 penalties
while'its opponents have had 233
minutes on 100 penalties.
Wolverine Coach Al Renfrew is
especially blessed with his two
goalies, who are currently both
leading the league. Sophomore Bob
Gray has allowed 20 goals and has
221 saves. Junior Dave Butts has
allowed only 15 goals and has
stopped 146 shots. Michigan's op-
ponents' goal .tenders have allow-
ed 87 goals and have been forced
to make 510 saves.

Red o


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Ron :Coristine
Red Berenson
Wayne Kartusch
Don Rodgers
John McGonigal
Jerry Kolb
Larry Babcock
Bill Kelly
Ross Morrison
Gordon Wilkie
Carl White
Tom Pendlebury
Al Hinnegan
Mike Hano
Mich. Totals
Oppon. Totals
Saves: Gray-221

n Top
G A Pts. Pen PM
, 7 a15 22, S 16
25 15 40 12 24
2 13 15 28 56;
1 6 7 17 45
10 8 18 12 30
8 19 27 3 6
6 3 9 3 6
3 11 14 31 66
12 19 31 3 6
1 4 5 6 20
7 10 17 5 10
4.4 8'1 2
81 118 205 121 303
35 47 82 100 233
Goals Against:



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.. . 16 points; 17 penalties
WCHA Finals
At Michigan?
At least one March weekend may
feature ice and' the cold air of the
Michigan Coliseum if the WCHA
playoffs take place in the friendly
Ann Arbor environs of Michigah's
league leading hockey team.
If Minnesota, who is slated to
host the championships, does not
finish in the top four the play-
offs will be at the Wolverines'
rink. The Gophers currently hold
a 4-4 record and occupy sixth
place in the league standings.
League Teams Tough
The tourney will take place
March 1-3 and will feature some
of, the finest hockey teams in the
country. Conference m e mb ers
Michigan, Michigan State and
Michigan Tech may be the three
best hockey teams in the country
and the league; titlist will, probably
be theNCAA championship favor-
For the first time in league his-
tory the top four finishers will
fight it out for the two places in
the NCAA tourney in one rink. The
first and fourth place teams will
play on Thursday night while the
second and third place squads will
do battle on Friday. The winners
will then clash on Saturday in the
Wolverines on Top
The Wolverines have the best
chance for an NCAA position with
a firm grip on the WCHA lead
after their two decisive victories
over MSU over the semester break.
-The. tussle between the powerful
Spartans and Michigan Tech's well
drilled machine on Friday, March
2 should be the highlight of the
WCHA tourney.

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