Lw i~igx
471 it
Continued snow flurries
with fresh winds
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
ichigan Alumnus'
firrell Editorial Hits*
'Lack of Definition'
Stresses Administration Authority
In Determining, Enforcing Rules
Reviews Study Reor
... OSA review
Peace Talkis
To Continue
EVIAN (AP) - French and Al-
gerian peace negotiators worked
for nearly nine hours yesterday,
but still failed to produce a cease-
fire and settlement plan for the
long insurrection..
After the seventh and longest
session of the Evian talks, confer-
ence sources were unable to an-
nounce final agreement and said
another meeting would be held
In Paris, official sources de-
scribed as complex the differences
holding up a final accord.
Considerable Progress
Conference sources, however, in-
sisted that considerable' progress
had been made.'
But at the same time it was
learned that such fundamental
problems as enforcement of a
cease-fire and membership of a
provisional government to rule Al-
geria until the North African ter-
ritory becomes a nation had not
yet been resolved.
Under the broad cease-fire ques-
tion was the matter of what will
happen to members of the rebel
guerrilla army.
Disband, Confined?
It appeared that the negotiators
had not yet decided whether the
-nationalist forces will be simply
disbanded and the members al-f
lowed to enter civilian life, or
whether they will be temporarily
epnfined to certain areas or camps.
on the question who will serve
in the provisional government, in-
formants said a number of names
had been brought up, but that no
final decision had been made. The
provisional body would govern Al-
geria until a self-determination
vote can be held.
No Prediction
Informants close to the confer-
ence would not predict when a
cease-fire in the more than seven-
year war 'could be declared. Nor
would they give details on how
and where it will be signed and
The Algerian rebel. delegation
dined here last night, then re-
turned to its headquarters 'near
Rolle, Switzerland, by motor
launch across Lake Geneva.
President Charles de Gaulle is
expected to proclaim the cease-
fire formally in a radio-TV speech
within 24 hours of the signing of
the agreement.
Con Con Approves
Election of Court
'Basic Tenet'
Stating what he believes to be
the "basic tenet" of Michigan
alumni for generations, Tirrell
writes, "It is a privilege to attend
the University. The Regents, ad-
ministration and faculty are re-
sponsible for establishing all the
requirements, academic and non-
Pointing to the ,surplus number
of applicants for admissioninto
the University, Tirrell says that
any student not agreeing with his
statement "has that freedom to,
depart for other places where they
can make the rules, handle the
discipline and in general admin-
ister the institution."
Tirrell commends the OSA study
committee for its "extensive and
intensive review" of nonacademic
affairs and for presenting "the
most complete statement on out-
of-classroom activities in the his-
tory of the University."
'Unstated Philosophy'
He charges, however, that the
committee had to start from "an
unclear -and unstated -philos-
ophy, a maze of inconsistent poli-
cies, and a parallel structure of
gerrymandering for men and wo-
Tirrell supports the recommen-
dation that a Dean of Students
and an associate dean of the op-
posite sex replace . the present
offices of Dean of Men and Dean
of Women.
Recognizing thathsome alumni
will disagree with this conclusion,;
Tirrell says he belives this ar-
rangement "will strengthen the,
overall program of student af-
The Alumnae Council has asked
for the retention of the Dean of
Women's position.
Emphasizing the role of properJ
personnel in the various OSA of-I
fices, Tirrell writes "in the final
analysis, the person determines
the effectiveness and not the
OSA Committee
In addition to the editorial, the
Alumnus carries a 10 page article
on the history of the OSA com-
mittee and long excerpts from its
The article, which will reach a
mailing list of 45,000 alumni,
points to "a cabal" of Daily staff
members' who have mounted a
"long-term crusade criticizing the
OSA and aimed at streamlining
its structure and obtaining a 'bill
of rights' to clarify and liberalize
the regulations governing the non-;
academic activities of students."
To Undergo
SGC Action
To Air Members'
Proposals on Report
Student Government Council to-
night will consider the final draft
of recommendations it will make
on the Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee Report.
Drawn up by SGC Treasurer
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, and Brian
Glick, '62, from four committee
reports adopted at last week's
Council meeting, the draft con-
tains proposals touching on 'both
general and specific aspects of the
The draft urges that the Uni-
versity publicly declare that the
purpose of its extra-classroom re-
lations with students is to stimu-
late personal and intellectual
growth and that it will act in the
place of student's parents only to
further these aims.
Student Rights
"College students are capable of
at least the following responsibili-
ties: full participation in decisions
affecting their welfare, participa-
tion in formulating, upholding,
and enforcing the rules by which
they are going to live in the Uni-
versity community; and assump-
tion of responsibility for their con-
duct," the proposed outline states.
A single administrative officer
would be responsible for the Uni-
versity's entire extra-classroom
relations with students. There
should be no deans in the office,
with the vice-president being aid-
ed by assistants and directors of
the various departments.
The draft also urges in regard
to the OSA that none of the of-
ficials be selected on the basis of
Student-Faculty Setup
The document recommends that
a student-faculty councilwhose
members would be chosen by SGC
and the University Senate, be cre-
ated to set rules governing student
extra-classroom conduct. Their
actions would be subject to the re-
view and veto of the Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs.
Any final proposal adopted by
SGC will be sent to Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
In other business tonight, the
Council will consider the tempor-
ary reappointment of Jesse Mc-
Corry, Grad, as chairman of the
Committee on Membership in Stu-
dent Organizations.
Board Censures
Senior Editors
The Board in Control of Student
Publications censured The Daily
senior editors Monday for what it
regarded as "libelous and defama-
tory statements" in an editorial
feature. 'Lewis' Advice Device," by
Michael Olinick, '63. The board
said the article violated The
Daily's code of ethics. '
Shiel Group Tours Lloyd
Violates Policy
Membership Selection Committee
Finds Constitution Discriminatory
The Committee on Membership in Student Organizations
has recommended that Student Government Council find Sig-
ma Nu social fraterity in violation of the University member-
ship selection policy and withdraw recognition of the chapter
at the end of the semester, if it does not comply with the 'rul-
The committee recommendation explains, "There is no
dispute over the fact that Gamma Nu Chapter of Sigma Nu
has pursued and does today pursue a .discriminatory policy
of membership selection, discriminating against Negroes and
men df Oriental descent. This was conceded quite frankly by
the past and present presidents of Gamma Nu."
(Article II, Section 4 of the national Sigma Nu constitu-
tionr states: "Members must be MEN, free born and of free
ancestry, and without Negro'
blood, and have the character
and bearing of gentlemen.")
Ask Waiver
Stewart Loud, '62BAd, president
of the local chapter, said the group
has sent a letter to the national j
asking for a waiver from the ryG.'
membership clause.
Loud explained that the nation-
al's policy is to grant a waiver >
only if a local is in danger of hav--
ing its recognition withdrawn. Al-
though the Council has not yet
ruled on the matter, officials sug- a.
gested the chapter submit a re- ...>
quest for a waiver so that the ,~~~''~.
machinery could begin operating.
In the report submitted to the
Council March 5 and made public
yesterday, the committee outlined
its findings and hearings with the .
Sigma N._:M
Tread Legal Line
Since that time Council Presi-
dent Richard Noh, ,'62BAd, and more funds
Prof. Robert Harris of the law
school, the committee's legal
counsel, have drawn up procedures
for handling the case ,which the1 e Sta
Council will consider tonight.
Under the recommended proce-
dure, the 'Council would hold a
public hearing on April 4 to de-
termine the facts of the case,
whether the chapter is in violation By The Associated Press
-Daily-Jerome Starr
ON TOUR-Francis C. Shiel. (third from left) director of Service Enterprises, and all but one of
his committee took a tour of Alice Lloyd Hall yesterday. The Shiel committee, doing a report on
the feasibility of co-educational housing, is trying to determine if Lloyd, a girls' dorm, is adapt-
able for men. The committee will be reporting to the Board of Governors next Monday.
Candidates Debate NSA, Bias.
Speaking at 'the Daily press
conference in the Union Ballroom
last night the nine Student Gov-
ernment Council candidates out-
lined their positions on issues
ranging from bias clauses to the
United States National Student
YID's To Hold
'Support' .Drive
In Fishibowl,
"Operation Support," an attempt
by the Young Democratic Club to
arouse opposition to alleged pro-
posed Legislative limitations on
out-of-state students, will be held
tomorrow and Friday morning in
the Fishbowl.
The YD's will ask students to
sign petitions urging the Legis-
lature "in the interest of main-
taining the high academic stan-
dards and national prestige of the
University" not to limitout-of-
state enrollment.
A resolution, recently passed by
the YD's, opposing the proposed
limitation will be circulated. The
document notes the club's regret
that several Democrats are sup-
porting the proposal.
The group will also pass out in-
formation sheets as part of a drive
to encourage students to write to
their legislators in support of a
higher appropriation for the Uni-
Association referendum, to the
role of ex-officios on Council.
Richard G'sell, '63E, said he
agreed with the idea of a referen-
dum on NSA but that he "was dis-
turbed as to what the effects of
it would be."
On the issue of discrimination,
Howard Abrams, '62, declared one
of the Council's purposes is to
"prevent the institutionalization of
bias within University organiza-
NSA Confederation
Katherine Ford, '64, viewed the
NSA as a confederation of student
governments and said the benefit
should be derived from represen-
tatives who go to the conferences
to discuss various issues.
Matthew Coheiri, '64, considered
the Sigma Nu case as one of the
most important issues that the
Council will face. Fraternities
should comply with the by-laws
and if Sigma Nu does not get the
waiver from its national, the SGC
should withdraw recognition, he
On this same problem, Fred
Batlle, '64A&D, said he was "in
agreement that SGC should take
action to implement the Regent's
by-law but not in the way they are
doing it."
"Remove Bias"
Larry Monberg, '63, called for
"the removal of all institutional
bias as soon as possible." One way
the membership committee should
act on this is to conduct educa-
tional programs for the students,
he noted.
Commenting on the issue of ex-
officios, Henry McAllen, '64L, did
not approve of the League, Union
and The Daily having votes on
Stanley Lubin, '63, called for
more positive Council action in
areas where they are riot presently
working. On the question of pa-
ternalism, he said there is "too
much of it."
Kenneth Miller, '64, said "the
Council has to engage in discussion
as to what the Council should do.
Challenge Group Views
'Student Social Action'
"There is no vision in this country and no meaningful con-
ception in the student movement of what this country should be
and where it should be going," Mark Chesler, Grad, said at last
night's Challenge seminar on student social action.
Chelser noted that action taken through existing political chan-
nels is not always effective. "The people in power in both political
"parties are pretty close together,"
and officials, once elected, may
forget their political views' and
fit their actions to their office, he
/'"1(. "It may be better to put pressure
on social patterns and organiza-
tions than to attempt to work
through the political structure."
The sit-ins and freedom rides in
the South are examples of this
'type of pressure, he said.
Stuent Government Council
Treasurer Steven Stockmeyer, '63,
saw little difference between "so-
cial action" and "political action."
He said that in the United States,
unlike many other countries, the
public is apathetic to student
opinion. If student social action is
See Resolution Text, Page 2
of the regulation and if so, what
action should be taken.
All deliberations would be in
closed session.
The Committee brought the
group before SGC under an in-
terpretation of the regulation, that
"It appears that the Regulation
not only proscribes particular acts
of discriminatory selection on the
part of student organizations; it
also forbids student organizations
to adhere to a policy of discrim-
inatory selection. Thus the Reg-
ulationcanhbe violated before the
moment when a minority gr~oup
member is considered and rejected
for admission to the organization."
The Regulation itself provides
that "all recognized student orga-
nizations shall select membership
and afford opportunities to mem-
bers on the basis of personal merit
and not race, color, religion, creed,
national origin, or ancestry."
Favored Clause Removal
The report also stated that the
local had not been identified
strongly with efforts to delete the
bias clause from the national con-
stitution but it had voted in favor
of the waiver provision when it
was adopted at the group's na-
tional convention.
It also cited mitigating factors,
such as the frankness of the group
in its dealings with the Commit-
tee, and that academic, disciplin-
ary. and financial difficulties has
made the local reluctant to file
an application for waiver, since
such an application would be fol-
lowed by a full investigation of
LANSING-Today is the dea
line for reporting bills not cor
cerned with money out of cor
mittee in the House of origin, ar
the State Legislature will see hui
dreds of proposals land on ti
Junk pile.
As the deadline neared, Se
Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hollant
demanded a special committee
investigate the State Tax Commi
sion, while House Republicans it
sisted that whether or not the
is an income tax, nuisance tax
will have to be enacted.
Geerlings' request criticized tI
"failure of the tax commission
properly administer the constiti
tion and property tax laws...
and' is essentially a move to er
force a "uniform rate of asses
ment throughout the state."
Nuisance Taxes
Speaker Pro-Tem Wilfred
Bassett (R-Jackson) assessed t
tax issue this way: "It's understo
we would have to have nuisan
taxes at least on a temporary ba.
"The State deficit is climbir
every month, and a state incon
tax probably would not start pry
ducing revenue until Februar
"The state deficit is now ov
$80 million, and we're taking
supplemental appropriations b
talling about $18 million effecti,
'Another Deficit'
"And the proposed budget w
add another deficit of at least $
million. Therefore we are talkie
about a total deficit of $125 m
lion and that's too big to handle
Sone retardation in the rate of
Soviet economic growth may be,
expected, but it will not drop to
the current level of that of the;
United States in the foreseeable;
future, Prof. Abram Bergson of
Harvard University said yesterday.
Speaking on "Soviet Economic;
Growth and Its Implications for
the United States," the specialist,
Views Sovie
"certainly well above" the United
States' because of its authoritar-
ian political control over rate of
investment, its inherent advantage
in being able to educate and train
an initially illiterate labor force,
and its "advantage of backward-
ness"-the large fund of advanced
technological information avail-
able to them from the West.
"Any slow-down in the Soviet
cy of their economy which is quite
low. The government is allowing
more freedom so that Soviet econ-
omists may explore aspects of
Western economic analysis which
might be useful, he said.
"High Tempo Growth"
However, Prof. Bergson noted
that in regard to living standards
Russia will not be able to do in