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March 08, 1962 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-08

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Newest S
n 1863, John M. Hinchman and
Tory L. Grant, '66, introduced
eball to the Michigan campus;
1872, William S. Sheeran, "73,
lowed suit by formally intro-
cing football.
'he innovations continued. In
.7, when such grid greats as
dic Smith and Ernie Allmen-
ger were strolling the campus,
)fessor Elmer D. Mitchell, later
become Chairman of the De-
rtment of Physical Athletics,,
ablished Michigan's first per-
,nent basketball team; four,
irs later, Hevery L. Thorne be-
ne the school's first wrestling
New Innovation
And now, in 1962, Al Beach, a
t-time Engineering student, is
png to introduce another 'sport'
the Ann Arbor area-a sport
re thrilling than baseball, more
ise than football, more exacting
3,n basketball, and as complex

Slow Starting Cole Finishes Strong

port, Skydiving, Scary but Fun

And the answer will inevitably
be, skydiving.
Your next question will be,
"What is skydiving . . Now, I
don't want to appear uninformed,
but ..."
And the answer you receive will
probably go something like this.
"Skydiving is the sport of jump-
ing out of a moving airplane, with
a parachute, and landing, safely,
on, or near a predesignated spot
on the ground."
Two Subdivisions
And if that's not enough, there
are two subdivisions-free-fall,
which consists of body control and
maneuvers during 30 seconds of
falling, without the parachute
opened, from a plane at 7,500-ft.
altitude; and canopy work, the
controlling and directing of one's
direction during the period follow-
ing the opening of the parachute.
Basic equipment needed for sky-
jumping consists of backpack
which costs upwards of $75, re-
serve chute, $35, an instrument
panel, consisting of an altimeter
and a stopwatch, $25, and a hel-
met, boots, and a pair of cover-

alls, $25 in all. These are mini-
mum prices, and the equipment
depreciates. A back pack has a
life span of about 100 jumps.
A student of skydiving is first
taught to pack a chute and to exit
an aircraft with full body control.
Learning to pack the chute is of
prime. importance. For obvious
reasons, skydivers, even veterans
seem to have far greater confi-
dence in self-packed chutes than
in those packed by others.
Procedures Learned Next
Next, the student learns the
proper rip-cord pulling procedures
and later to control the chute
after opening with the intent of
landing as close to a predetermin-
ed spot as possible-and of missing
trees, upturned pitchforks, etc. A
student makes, five static-line
pumps--jumps with the chute
opened from the start-before the
first free-fall jump.
After the basic training, the as-
piring skydiver is ready for the
real thing.
He jumps from the moving plane,
and looks at'a covered panel on
the ground. The cover on the
panel is removed, its color is re-
vealed for five seconds, and then,
the panel re-covered
The skydiver must now base his
free-fall routine on the color of
the panel (the routine-color re-
lations having been pre-determin-
ed). He is judged on his speed,
control and loops performed.
Baton Pass is Ultimate!
The ultimate maneuver is sky-
diving is the baton pass. This is
don by two skydivers, one who has
jumped first and' the other who
has followed him two seconds
later. The first tries to slow him-

self; the second tries to speed
himself up.
They aim at each other. No, they
don't play chicken, they pass a
However, that sort of thing is
for the virtuosi. The poor begin-
ner, meanwhile, is amazed by the
noise of the operation. "A moving
airplaneswith one of its doors wide
open, can be very, very noisy," say
After the jump, however, there
is, absolute silence;. that is, until
the skydiver picks up speed. Then
he hears the wind flapping his
clothes. On a still night, it is pos-
sible to hear a man falling. It
sounds just like a vague rustle of
Little Speed Feeling
There is little sensation of speed
in the early part of skydiving.
Speed is relative and it is hard to
make any comparisons with the
tiny houses and trees below.
One of the greatest experiences
of skydiving, according to Beach,
who has made 43 jumps himself,
is falling through a cloud, mainly
because when the skydiver leaves
the plane above a cloud, he has
very little idea indeed of where he
is going to land.
Beach emphasizes the safety of
skydiving. There has never been
a skydiving death in Michigan,
and statistics have shown that
skydiving is safer than skiing in
proportional number of injuries.
IBeach hopes to be able to or-
ganize a Michigan Skydiving team
which would have no direct con-
nection with the University There
are already teams at Harvard,
Yale and Indiana.
He points out that "skydiving
doesn't really begin until mid-
April. Then, people will begin
dropping out of the skies like..'
It is a known fact that April is
the month of rain,
The skydivers just help nature

sport? Skydiving.
living, you ask.

In his first four games this sea-
son Tom Cole scored a total of 43
points; in his last four games, Tom
Cole scored 95 points.
Last season, as a sophomore, he
did not start until the eighth
game, but still wound up as second:
leading scorer with a 12.1 average;
this season he is averaging 14.8
overall, but the 6'7" junior has a
17.2 average in the Big Ten.
Tom Cole, then, is what is
known as a "slow starter."
He is also known as a pressure
In his first conference game last
year against Indiana after a dis-
mal pre-conference campaign, he
pulled down 11 rebounds, con-
nected for 12 points, and did a fine
job defensively blocking three of
big Walt Bellamy's shots-not a
bad Big Ten debut. From then on
he got progressively better.
Scores 21, 16 and 29
In a loss to Purdue he tallied 21
points for his finest effort of that
season. In the next two games he
was slightly less than great, with
17 rebounds and 16 points against
Ohio State, leading the Wolverines
to their first Big Ten victory
against Michigan State, tossing in
29 points, 19 in the first half. He
was instrumental in the second
and final conference victory that
the Wolverines saw last season
when he hit 13 of his 19 points in
the first half to upset Illinois.
What these statistics are trying
to portray is that Cole is the kind
of athlete that is best when the
chips are down. He is the kind of
athlete that typifies the oft-used
adage, "When the going gets
tough, the tough get going.'
Year Begins Slowly
And so Coach Dave Strack natu-
rally expected Cole to pick up
where he left off in his junior year.
But it didn't start out the way he
True, he scored a creditable 15
points and led all rebounders with
16 in the opener with Ball State.
He slumped badly in the next
three, scoring nine against Penn, 8
against Butler, and 11 against
This led Strack to comment at
this time on Cole's offensively weak
showing when the Michigan men-
or said, "I don't think that Tom
Cole has been playing as well as

he can. He was playing better ball
at the end of the season last year
than he has this year."
Strack Changes Opinion
But a few days ago in a striking
reversal Strack looked over the
current Big Ten season rapidly
drawing to a close and praised
Cole by saying, "Cole is a good and
dependable ballplayer. He has the
knack of coming through for us
when we need it."
What is the reason for this
It's simply that he's just shoot-
ing better. From a 36 per cent field
goal average in pre-conference
tilts, he climbed to 41 per cent in
the Big Ten. Besides being the
tenth leading scorer and ninth
in rebounding in the conference,
Cole recently took over as Wolver-
ine-high scorer for the season. Add
these statistics to his third place
standing in free throw percentage,
82.8, behind Jimmy Rayl of In-
diana and Eric Magdanz of Min-
nesota and you have something.
In his recent scoring splurge,
Cole had a string of three con-
secutive 20-plus scoring perform-
ances, 29 against Iowa, 26 against
Indiana, and 24 against North-
Pressure Player
Tom Cole is also effective under
pressure. Bringing a chain of seven
straight losses into an early con-
ference game against a Don Nel-
son-powered Iowa, the Wolverines
achieved their first Big Ten vic-
tory, 56-55, when Cole's last-sec-
ond free throw provided the win-
ning margin. He said afterwards,
"I tried not to think about it."
Cole, himself, is stymied when
he tries to get to the core of the
problem of why he doesn't start off
well, but finishes strong at the end
of the season.
He had this in mind when he
remarked, "I can't attribute it to
anything. Perhaps I'm shooting
better and looking more for the
better shot when I get the ball.
I used to play baseball in the sum-
mer, and now I won't do that. I'll
play basketball."
Noting the fact that the Cole of
last year and the Cole of this
year' resembled each other, Strack
said, "We don't like to thinly of it
as a pattern. We'd like to see him
get off to a good start next Bea-



-Daily-Ed Langs
COLE DRIVES FOR BUCKET--Michigan's 6'7" junior forward
Tom Cole has been a late starter in both years as a Wolverine.
Here he is shown driving past Iowa's Don Nelson.



Marquette 93, Detroit 92
Louisville 88, W. Kentucky 71
Wayne State 84, Alleghany 66
Kansas State 84, Nebraska 60


There appears to be a correla-
tion between the warm weather on
campus and the action in "A"
Fraternity basketball last night-
several teams "got hot" in the
second half of their playoff games
to emerge winners.
Over 200 avid spectators'shoved
and pushed-covered the edges of
Court One--until they literally
"flowed" with action in the hotly-
contested Sigma Alpha Epsilon-
Theta Xi court duel.
SAE's Short
In most sports, especially bask-
etball, size seems to be the de-
termining factor in an even match.
Such was not the case as Dick
Honig, captain and floorleader of
SAE, put it after upsetting Theta
Xi,. 30-28. "Desire is 90 per cent
of any game; we knew they were
bigger, but we wanted it (victory)
Although the SAE quintet was
undersized, underweighed, and
came court-side with only six men,
they more than made up for their



Don't Miss I t

House Representatives
for the

deficit with determination and
SAE trailed 14-17 at the half,
due to the George Mans, Larry
Pierce, Bob Murlowe trio under
the boards for Theta Xi. Theta Xi
hit well from the outside and was
led by Dave McCory with long
jump shots that seemed to find
their way to the hoop through
SAE hands.
Lead Changes Hands
The lead was traded back and
forth in the opening minutes of
the second half as Theta X got
cold from the outside and SAE
closed the gap on fouls by too-
eager Theta cagers. The score wav-
ered back and forth until Theta
Xi men began to find the range
and ran the score to 24-18 with
eight minutes on the clck.
The game seemed lost for SAE
when their ace board-sweeper,
Dave Campbell, fouled out with
four minutes to go. SAE with three
men on the court under 5'9",
turned to a desperation full-court
press and made it stick. The
slowed-down play cramped Theta
Xi's style. SAE intercepted passes
and tied up men to tie the score
28-28 with less than a minute to
go. Theta Xi missed two important
foul shots and diminutive guard,
Dennis Spalla, raced downcourt
with the rebound and arched his
second bucket of the evening
through a host of Theta Xi arms
to put the game on ice.
After leading at the half, 23-
21, Kappa Sigma fell to a late
surge by Alpha Epsilon Pi, 36-44.
Both squads traded baskets in a
tight scoring contest until John
Einbund for AEP broke the game
open with six straight buckets
from the corners. Tom Barnett
aided the AEP cause with 11
points, Bill Fogg and Dick Arnold
chipped in '12 and 10 points, re-
spectively for the losers.
Strong Alpha Tau Omega ston-
ed Psi Upsilon 44-28, under the
24-point output of ATO floorleada.
er, Dave Molhoek. ATO dominat-
ed the game with fast-break com-
binations and control of the
boards. Phi Gamma Delta downed
Phi Kappa Psi 32-21. after lead-
ing 17-3' at the half. Dick Lyons
lead both teams with 19 points.
I-M Scores
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 30, Theta Xi 28
Alpha Epsilon P1 44, Kappa Sigma 36
Alpha Tau Omega 44, Psi Upsilon 28
Phi Gamma Delta 32, Phi Kappa Psi 21
Theta Delta Phi 36, Theta Delta Chi
Zeta Beta Tap 37, Phi Sigma Kappa 23
Pi Lambda Phi 2, Theta Chi 0
Delta Tau Delta 46, Delta Kappa
Epsilon 38
Alpha Sigma Phi 2, Sigma Phi 0
Alpha Kappa Lambda 2, Phi Sigma
Delta 0
Guys gals, wethe you want
money, adventure or fun from
your summer work, SUMMER
JOBS 1962 wil tel you how ad
where to look.
This comprehensivreport s
names and addresses of employ-
ers who actualy seek colege
students for summer work. Re-
port lists jobs in all parts of the
country and includes details .n
how to apply, how to sell your-
self, etc. Saves you weeks at
trial-anderror effort

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