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March 08, 1962 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-08

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March 9 (Continued from Page 4) Summary of Action taken by Student Adv., Mgmt. Trng., Mrchg., Personnel, PERSONAL
Government douncil at its meeting of Prod., Retailing or Transportation. _PERSONAL
Fabbe March 6, 1962 (Special Meeting to con- Group Div. of Aetna Life Insurance
Friday, Mar. 9, with the artist changed sider Reed Report). Co., Detroit, Mich.-Men; degree any Carefully scrutinized classifieds
to Eleanor Steber. Please note the Defeated: That the Committee of the field for Group Insurance Sales. Loca- WHATEVER you want will be at CLA SSIFIED A
change of date and artist and report Whole .rise and report its suggestion tions throughout U.S. WUS AUCTION Wed., March 14
d Resources at the usual time on Fri., Mar. 9. i that ech member of Student Govern- Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y., N.Y.-
you do not report as indicated, you will ment Council submit to the Vice Presi- Men; degree in Econ. or Bus. Ad. for
miss your chance to sign up for the dent for Student Affairs his views on Trng. Prog. WORKSHOPPE IN CHASTITIE
May Festival, the Reed Report. Intelligence Civilian Career Prog., Ad- English 480, Th. 3-5 1402 M.H. LINES ONE
Adopted: That the Committee of the min. Survey Detachment, Ft. Holabird,N reques
to Say NOTICE: All announcements con- Whole rise and report that it will con- Md.-Locations throughout U.S. & over- i
cerning teaching Interviews will be tinue Its consideration of the Office seas. Men for positions In Intelligence FREDILY MAY 2
announced in the D.O.B. on Wednesday of Student Affairs Study Committee & counterintelligence functions. BA & EL M
and Friday. This is now in effect. report at the next regular Council proficiency in one or more foreign lang. P20
For additional information, conc meeting. Must be veteran. THERE IS AN UNTRUTH floating
the . Bureau of Appointments,, 3200 FR.,MACH16__arunt
ice which S.AB., 663-1511, Ext. 3547R, MARCH 16 around that a counterfeiter is afoot
C.B - , . 3 .Kappa Kappa Gamma Graduate Fel- Singer Mfg. Co, N.Y., N.Y.-(p.m. in the vicinity of the Student Publi-
Philosophy 414 make-up examination lowship in Rehabilitation, 1962-63: only)-Men, June grads; degree any field cations Building and that a certain4D
will be given on Fri., March 9 in 2208 Available to any woman student not of Liberal Arts for Mgmt. Trng. in one photographer is in league with him.
Angell Hall from 2-5 p.m. over 30 years of age who will have a of several co. divs. Location: Company- It is the opinion of most of us that
Bachelor's degree prior to July 1, 1962. wide, they are victims of unfortunate cir-
Biological Station: Applications for Apply for application forms at the Of- NY en; A oFod orp, White Plains cumstances ch 22 F u v e
admission to the 1962 session (June 25- flee of the Dean of.Women. Y-enBAoMAiLbraAts__________________
August18)shulbe mad2sessoo (Ju 2Dn tomn.(esp. Econ.) or Bus. Ad. for positions LOAFERS & gymshoes soggy because Call Classified between 1:0
August 18) should bemade soon to In-in the fields of Mktg. or Sales: Loca- of the big thaw? Come in and dry
sure full consideration. An announce- tions throughout U.S. your feet while we put you to work
ment, describing courses and oppor- tE>ent Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y., on the Michigan Daily Business staff. Phone NC
tunities for aid and part-time jobs, and vS eMnN.Ya-Men; degree in Liberal Arts or tUsins F23
application forms can be secured at Mathematical Statistics Seminar: Bus. Ad. for Mgmt. Trng. Prog.
2129 Nat. St. Bldg. A. H. Stockard, Prof. L. J. Savage will speak on "Half- Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. THE CONDOR will be here in 8 days.
Director solved Problems in Bayesian Statistics" -Men & Women degree in any field F21 ~~
on Thurs., March 8, at 4 p.m. in 3201 of Liberal Arts for positions in Mkt.
U-M Players: Graham Greene's out- Angell Hall. Research, Personnel, Prod., Sales & Sales LEAGUE PETITIONING NOW OPEN! M SC LM S-
Sstanding play, "The Living Room," will raffic & Trans. Locations Hurryl Pick up your petition in the
be presented Wed. through Sat., March Eeague Underprndooffice.-PhrugREPUA.LIgRSUdegrd___c___
21-24, 8:00 pIm. Lydia Mendelssohn Eleanor Steber, Soprano of the Metro- throughout U.S.
pltnOpera Company, will appear
Theatre. Wed. and Thurs. performances FriMarch 9 at 8:30 In Hill Aud. in Nearly every firm recruiting in this RIDE WANTED for 4 FRIENDLY girls
$1.50 1.00; Fri. and Sat performances the final concert of the Extra Series. office sends cp. literature in advance to Boston or New England area for
$Tes.7, I.r. B9x. 20;p10- Mn21. Tickets held for Leontyne Price (can- wh ch must beread by each student be- spring vacation. Will share expensesFC
&elled)-dated Mrch 12, will be hon- fore his interview appointment, and driving. Call 3-1561, Ext. 918 o
24. Tickets also available for "The edfrhearerdtony92.F
ordfrteearlier date only._____ 923. F
Merry Wives of Windsor," Thurs. tteo- 0 .TAE
Tcesmay be purchased at the of- 0 .TAE
through Mon, (except Sun.), -April 26- DIAMONDS- WHOLESALE308.TAE
May 1, 8:00 xp.m.Lydia Mendelssohn he Univer Musical Society alttS tude ces ACROSS FROM HILL AUDITORIUM
Theatre, at $2.00, 1.50 for Fri. & Sat., __BrtnToe.Robert Haack Diamond Importers
$1.75, 1.25 for all other performances; Colloquium- Dr. Williamu First National Bldg., Suite 504
and for "Henry IV, Part Two," Mon' Pchology CUniversitywill seak EBy appointment only, NO 3-0653 Service and repairs by
through Sat., May 7-12, 8:00 p.m. True- d"McGillrColumbiasr31
blood Aud., Frieze Bldg., at $1.75, 1.25 on "Loudness, Latest Mo The followng part-time jobs are __rdF__ckM.A.E._.
for Fri. & Sat., $1.50, 1.00 for all other March 9 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee available. Applications for-these jobs Fred FBackES SEV.CE
performances, in the Mason Hal Lounge, Ri. 3417, can be made In the Part-time Place- BUSINESS SERVICESFrd lakMAES
M ail orders m ay be addressed to Uni- at 3:45 p.m. e Office, 2200 Stude nt Activities ____nng________yur___ter___thALE TN O
versity Players, Mendelssohn Theatre, BulIng, uring the following hours: Finding holes In your winter cloth- B LR O
with checks payable to UniversityPlay-Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon Ing? Find that the wind whistles BE
ver aePsel-addressed, stamped en -andEmployer desirous of hiring students down your spine? Then send them FOR OUR ANNUAL
velope. PLACEMENT INTERVIEW, Bureau of or part-time or full-time temporary to ARCH OF PROGRESS
Appointments- Seniors and graduate work, should call Bob Hodges at NO WEAVE-BAC SHOP
Rtudents, please call Ext. 3544 for inter- 3-1511 ext. 3553. 224 Arcade NO 2-4647
vtew apnointments with the following: Students desiring miscellaneous odd "We'll reweave them to look like new"
WED., MARCH 14-- sSA LEcnul h ulei oadJ2
Daily Classifieds J. Walter Thompson-WOMEN only. jobs should consult the bulletin boardJ
Degree in Math.. Econ., Engl., Journal- S WABEN INN-The Place where the al e t ts
is or related field for various phases ML CWBN N-h lc hr h
ofsadv. work,.includ. public rels Typ- 1-Russian Voicer. Must be able to cool crowd congregates to indulge inieprtmens
LOOK SHARP for Fall! ing & related, skils helpful. translate English Into Russian. Pre- witty conversation, good food, & beer.
LO KS A PfrFi! Wayne county Bureau of Social Aid, fer graduate student. 215 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor z z J26 a
Try ourr Detroit, Mich.-Men & Women. Liberal 1-Student Bacteriological background. H-F. PHONO T. and radio repar GN E L
Arts candidates for positions as Social '1 time position, the hours areflex- Clip th ad for free piT.kup and de-GRIN N ELLS
Cre. .EMAL-E livery. Campus Radio and TV, 325 E.
egre FEMALE Hoover. NO 5-6644. J24
THURS., MARCH 15- 1-Russian Voicer. Must be able toNO2-5667
*SUAVE , SMART 0 SMOOTH Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.-Men; translate English into Russian. Pre- BEFORE you buy a class ring, took at
degree in Pie-Med Pre-Dent., Biology, fer graduate student. 'the official Michigan ring Burr-Pat- Panasonic AM & FM
ten hair cutters Chem., Pharm., Bacti., Biochem., or Lib- 1-Student, Bacteriological background. terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uli-Radios on,$3995
eral Arts with Sci. bkgd. for positions 1% time position, the hours are flex- versity, NO 8-8887 JRl
The Dascola Barbers as Pharmaceutical Sales Reps. ibe._GrnnelPhonographs
Near the Michigan Theatre The Kroger Co.-Men; degree in any 1-Baby-sitter.Full-time, 5 days per GUITAR INSTRUCTION
field of Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for '.ek . Beginner and advanced. Individ- 4-Speed, Automatic
---1 atress to work from 11:00 a.m.- ual and small workshop groups.
00 p.m., Monday-Friday, and all Classical, folk, popular. Call 663-
day Saturday and Sunday. 6942. J20 Grinnell Fu tereo
A- New and Used Instruments controls, only $39.95

Christian Science Organization, Tes-
timony meeting, New meeting Room,
Mar. 8, 7:30 p.m., 528 D SAB.
* * *
Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-
dent Guild, Worship Service, Mar. 8,
12:10-12:40 p.m., Douglas Chapel, 1st
Congregational Church.
* * *'
Wesley Guild, Wesley Grads fellow-
ship supper, call 8-6881 for reservations,
Mar. 9, 5:30 p.m., Pine Room, Methodist

- nylon chiffon floats
to the shore in
Blue A poised, timeless

a, - or aperea; -inarrow U 3 -or

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