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March 08, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-08

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lecommend Mediatory Action

Towering Moonlight

., - ,

(Continued from Page 1)
Then President Hatcher ap-
)inted Radock's predecessor, Lyle
elson, "the official representative
E my office on the sub-commit-
e." The sub-committee had two
presentatives from the Alumni
ssociation and two from the De-
lopment Council, in addition to
With renewed effort, the five-
an group drafted a plan for re-
lving the dispute. On June 15,
61, the Alumni Association
oard of Directors accepted the
an. Now needed was approval
r the Development Council.
Discusses Report
At its June 16 meeting, the De-
lopment Council Board of Di-
ctors discussed the report, but
ecided to postpone action until a
>ecial meeting Oct. 13.
But between June 16 and Oct.
3 the question was raised by the
evelopment Council of whether
ie report actually had the back-
trauss To Lead
Rolitical Forum
Prof. Leo Strauss of the Univer-
ty of Chicago will talk at a Poli-
cal Science Roundtable on "Po-
tical Theory Today" at 8 p.m.
day in Rackham Assembly Hall.

ing of the University administra-
tion, as had been assumed be-
cause of Nelson's presence on the
sub-committee that drafted the
Wanting to get the administra-
tion's official opinion before act-
ing on the joint sub-committee's
recommendations, the Develop-
ment Council removed the report
from its Oct. 13 agenda.
Appoint Committee
It was after this meeting that
President Hatcher appointed the
administration committee whose
recommendations were released
this week.
Among these recommendations
1) That the Development Coun-
cil Board of Directors should in-
clude greater representation from
the Alumni Association (which
now has three seats on the 37-
man board). Also that the chair-
man of vice-chairman of the De-
velopment Council become an ex-
officio member of the Alumni As-
sociation Budget and Finance
2) That responsibility for all
fund-raising activities be centered
in the Development Council, with
the Council's Board of Directors
approving all appeals and setting
priorities in consultation with the
University administration.

3) That all fund raising which
is directed by alumni should be
coordinated with the Alumni As-
sociation and should utilize its fa-
Steber Fills
Moffo date
Eleanor Steber, well - known
Metropolitan Opera soprano, will
fill the recital date originally
scheduled by Anna Moffo for 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Aud.
Miss Moffo, who had originally
replaced Leontyne Price when the,
latter contracted a throat ailment,
has been obliged to cancel her en-
gagement here for the same rea-
Miss Steber's program will in-
clude vocal selections by Mozart,
Berg, Verdi, Debussy, and the con-
temporary American composers
Hageman, Bacon, Carpenter, Mon-
taine and Dougherty.
Tickets held for Miss Price and
dated March 12 will be honored
for Miss Steber's concert. Limited
tickets are still available at Bur-
ton Tower.

-Daily-Bruce Taylor
LATE-NIGHT LUNAR LIGHT-Moonlight beams down on the
dusky hands of campus landmark Burton Tower, as it prepares to
toll out another 60 minutes from students' lives.

Local Group
Farm Policy
Federal agricultural aid pro-
grams in this area are administer-
ed by the Agricultural Stabiliza-
tion Committee for Washtenaw
Consisting of three farmers, who
are elected by farmers, the board
carries out policy set by the Agri-
culture Department and the state
agricultural committees in the
feed grain, wheat, wool and agri-
cultural conservation programs.
The wheat and feed grain pro-
grams have as their object the
avoidance of surpluses in wheat,
corn and barley. Federal law re-
stricts the amount -of wheat a
farmer may plant, but there are
no restrictions on corn and barley.
Pay Cash
As a further measure to avoid
surplus the A.S.C. offers the farm-
ers a cash payment to plant none
or less than they are allowed to
of the surplus grains.
The object of the wool program
is just the opposite. Under this
program, sheep-raisers are offer-
ed an incentive to produce more
The low price that the wool
presently brings in the market is
augumented with A.S..C. funds to
bring the farmer's income per
pound of wool up to a fixed stand-
Conserve Soil
The Agricultural Conservation
Program offers farmers financial
aid for improvements and precau-
tionary measures on their farms,
and assists them in tilling and
ditching fields.
Each year, a referendum is held
in which the farmers vote whether
to continue the programs or not.
The projects have in the past re-
ceived strong backing: last year,
for example, 100 per cent of wool
farmers participated in the wool
Campus Community
Each Thursday 12:10-12:40 P.M.
(William St. near State St.)
Sponsored and led by the
Campus Ministers of the
Guild House and Presbyterian
Campus Center.

Discuss Factors in Location

SHOWS AT 1:00 - 2:40
DIL4:45 -6:50 and 9:00
NO 2-6264 FEATURES at 1:15 -3:15
5:20 - 7:25 and 9:30
Ajoe t Dolores Carolyn. Frankie ' e

f l /

The role which a United Nations
University would be asked to play,
and the suitability of its cultural
and climatic environment, might
well be the factors of primary in-
terest in determining its location.
This was the consensus of a
seminar conducted by the Associ-
ation for Commitment to World
Responsibility Tuesday, w h e n
Prof. Peter Newman of the eco-
nomics department and Richard
D. Ahern, a member of the City
Planning Commission of Detroit,
discussed the importance of pur-
pose and environment in locating
an institution of learning.



"One has to think very serious-
ly as to what is needed when a
location for a university is to be
considered," Prof. Newman said.
"You can locate a university only
according to the purpose it is to
Two Roles
"For example, if one considers
the role of a university to be a'
classical one-that of a communi-
ty of scholars-or if he thinks of
it is as being an active agent
working towards peace, he must
consider these aims and choose an
area in which these roles are pos-
sible," Prof. Newman said.
Ahern, on the other hand,
stressed the physical aspect. "Cer-
tain factors would definitely lim-
it the location of a university in
some areas." As an example, he
cited the presence of uncontrol-
lable malarial mosquitoes as one
negative factor.
Continuing, Ahern mentioned
the uniqueness of the university.
"We must think seriously in terms
of a university that has never
been developed before."
Different Dormitories
"It may even include facilities
for whole families-an idea unlike
our present concept of a dormi-



C "
with Greta Garbo, John Gilbert,
Lewis Stone,
SHORT: Sha dowon the Prairie
.(Royal Winnipeg Ballet)

tory. In doing this, we must plan
for the present and as much of
the foreseeable future as possible,"
Ahern said.
Prof. Newman, continuing, said
that "one cannot overemphasize
the desirability of having the uni-
versity in neutral ground, without
creating the ivory tower - in the
worst sense of that word."
In the selection of a site, Ahern
suggested that the possibility of
the use of atomic energy for the
creation of a land mass is an ex-
citing one.
Suggests Turkish Site
He mentioned that, in terms of
a natural location, the peninsula
in Thrace in Turkey might very
well be ideal.
"In doing this, however, the life
of the university as a cultural in-
stitution should be considered. It
must be in an area in which a
certain amount of intellectual
stimulation can be found."
Ahern further asserted that fac-
tors such as accessibility, avail-
ability of non-university research
facilities and the possibility of
aesthetic inspiration should play
an important role.
Insulation Necessary
Both speakers emphasized the
need for some degree of separa-
tion from local and international
politics. However, it was pointed
out that the changing conditions
in the world might effect a shift
in almost any climate inasmuch
as the approximate date of insti-
tution of a United Nations univer-
sity is, as yet, uncertain and, pos-
sibly, far in the future.





George Stevens' SHANE
Alan Ladd, Jena Arthur, Van Heflin,
Brandon De Wilde, Jack Palance

Queen Christina of Sweden,
one of the most colorful mon-
archs of modern history, was
only six years old when her
father, Gustaphus -Adolphus,
leader of the Protestant forces
in the Thirty Years War, per-
ished on the field of battle.
Proving the futility of good in-
tentions, he left very specific
directions for the upbringing
'of his heir; for these instruc-
tions, followed to the letter,
achieved the complete oppo-
site of his hopes. The very mas-
culine training inspired Chris-
tina with a contempt of her
sex and an insuperable aversion
to marriage, and while she
sometimes evinced an amiable
weakness for feeble women, she
had nothing but contempt for
men who could not equal, her
prowess at philosophy, lan-
guages, and bear-hunting. De-
clared ruler at 18, she embarked
on a policy of peace that re-
sulted in the Treaty of West-
phalia and the frustration of
the hopes of her father's ad-
visors. Her ambition was to
have the most brilliant intel-'
lectual court in Europe; Des-
cartes (who died of philosophy
colloquies at 5:30 a.m.) and
Grotius were among those who
accepted her invitations. Chris-
tina's wilfulness and extrava-
gance and, most shocking of
all, predilection for the Roman
Catholic rite, led to more fric-
tion than even she had a mind
for. While her first attempt at
abdication in 1651 was resisted,

appointed, for Christina's life
in Rome, marked by scandal
and intrigue, did not elevate
the moral tone of the Eternal
City, and she was no more
tractable to the popes than she
had been to the Swedish no-
bility. She is said to havebrok-
en a bone in the. hand of Alex-
ander VII by an over-hearty
handshake. From another pope
she -accepted a beautiful rosary
with the dismaying observation
that she was "not a rosary
Catholic." A munificent and
discriminatinig patron of the
arts, she did much for the con-
temporary culture of Rome;
and her library was a substan-
tial addition to the Vatical col-
MGM's 1934 release of Queen
Christina would have done bet-
ter to follow more closely the
biography of the legendary
monarch. While N. S. Behrman
contributed some s u p e r i o r
screen dialogue and Rouben
Mamoultan directed sensitively,
the story is essentially a Grau-
starkian romance for which
there is little basis in Chris-
tina's history. In its own terms
the film is a fine production,
and Garbo's portrayal of Chris-
tina has a grandeur that
matches its subject and an in-
stinctive feeling for the capri-
ciousness of the bored queen.
Unless some enterprising pro-
ducer would investigate the
Strindberg play, we are not
likely to have a better portray-
al of this enigmatic autocrat.





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