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March 04, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-04

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"You Sure You Won't Let Me Fall?"


Seventy-Second Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Joist Judiciary:
Peers or Mimics?

MARCH 4,1962


Kennedy's 1Deeisior:
The Saddest Words

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PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy's announce-
ment that the United States will resume
mospheric testing is disastrous In itself,
t the greatest immediate tragedy for Ameri-
ns is that we could hardly have expected.
.ything else.
If we want to win the peoples of the world
democracy; we must first insure that those
ople will exist in a cohesive, society. If the
ms race continues, we can be fairly sure
at. they will not. As one of the signs in the
:ket line of the Washington Project marchers '
Ld, "Peace in 1970, with or without people."
is- is the essence of the choice we face, and
esident Kennedy's answer is one more impe=-
s to the latter alternative, the peace of radio-
tive ash.
The United States has just muffed another of
many chances to take a real initiative to-
tds peace and human welfare in the eyes of
e whole world.-The Russian series of atomic
Its breaking the moratorium placed the bur-
n of blame on their shoulders. By sheer con-
ast, an announcement that the United.States
uld not follow suit would have given us the
opaganda advantage which we have not had
a long, long time; an advantage towards the
nning of a living world.
'HE ARMS RACE only perpetuates the image
of a United States pitted against the Soviet
ion to the exclusion of all other ideas. If we
d not resumed nuclear testing, and if we had
stead increased foreign aid, that image would
ve been changed.'We would' no longer have
en involved in an essentially negative struggle
ainst the Soviet Union, but rather in a posi-
e struggle for the economic and social de-
lopment of the whole world. As long as Rus-
is our enemy, we have nothing to win. Only
ien poverty, disease, and tyranny wherever
appears become our enemies will there be
y morality or hope in our battle.
Kennedy left one tifny ray of hope in his
itement that we will not resume testing if'
e Russians sign a disarmament agreement..

But, knowing ,the general trend of disarma-,
ment conferences, it all seems rather futile
now. To the hundreds of thousands of Ameri-
cans who have utilized every right given to
them by democracy to protest the insanity of
the arms race, it all seems very futile indeed. To
all those who know that rational, civilized man
is the prerequisite to all ideals, the very faith in
rational civilization has been shaken.
ANYONE WHO SAW President Kennedy on
television last night must have wondered if
this was the face of a man announcing a de-
cision that he really believed to be right. Ken-
nedy's face recalls the Adlai Stevenson now
working in the United Nations-a man rapidly
Sbecoming a ghost. We wonder what happens to
men in our government; we wonder who makes
the decision andwhy; we wonder in what dusty
and forgotten cabinet are filed the basic prem-
ises.of America and of the human race.
The United States, and the world, belong to
.people. The race to annihilate these people is
the greatest act of tyranny the earth has ever
known. And it is to this that John Kennedy,
elected President of the United States of
America, has given his approval.
PRESIDENT KENNEDY might have told the
world that the United States, dedicated as it
is, to the dignity of man, repudiates forever the.
arms race that would reduce man to a cinder.
He might have said that our ideals are the
ideals of living, and that therefore we will not
be partisan to universal death. He might have
said that our faith is in the human being func-
tioning in a creative society, not in a blind
missile of destruction.
President Kennedy might have made a speech
Friday night that would have changed the
course of history on this planet, but that speech
got lost somewhere; somewhere in some elusive
.limbo that contains the spirit of man and the
impetus of life.

Investigating telU

To the Editor: F
TOHN ROBERTS' recent editorial
J observations on the procedures
of Joint Judiciary Council were
not only incorrect in many im-
portant specifics, but misleading
in their general tone. I fear that
Roberts has distorted the truth
to justify his preformed opinions
of how a student judiciary should
operate, rather than given an ac-
curate account of Joint Judic'.
actual procedure and general phi-
He was most "alarmed" at what
he termed the Council's "hypo-
crisy." In my opinion, Roberts
seems incapable of recognizing
the unique position of Joint Judic.
As students, Judic members are
aware of, sympathize with and
usually share personally the com-
monly accepted mores of campus
culture. We derive our authority
as a group, however, from the
faculties of the several schools
and colleges of the University, and
as such, must alsotacknowledge
the existence of state and local
laws, and regulations of the Re-
gents and Administration.
* * *
NO INSTITUTION can survive
without rules of some sort; the
University has those which it im-
poses upon its students. I feel that
if we are to play the game it
imposes upon its students, we
must play it by the rules. If those
rules are unfair or out of line
with the times, as often they are,
we must do all we can, as re-
sponsible members of the Uni-
versity community, to see that
those rules are changed.
I do not see how we can con
done evasions of state laws. There
are several laws of this state re-
garding the purchase and con-
sumption of liquor by minors. Mr.
Roberts strongly implied that be-
cause "these are things which al-
most all students do constantly;
. even SGC holds unchaperoned
parties at times," Joint Judic
should ignore student drinking as
if it didn't exist, and should not
punish violators.
In the first place, it seems a bit
presumptuous for him to suggest
that Joint Judic overrule the
Michigan Legislature, in effect
finding their legislation unconsti-
tutional and invalid. Secondly, if
the law is unacceptable to us, it
seems that rather than to ignore
it; the proper thing to do as re-
sponsible citizens would be to
organize a student lobby at the
Michigan Constitutional Conven-
tion and at the Legislature to
pressure for the adoption of our
progressive point of view. I sug-
gest this as Mr. Roberts' next pro-
BECAUSE of lack of space, I
have confined my discussion to
Roberts' misunderstanding of this
general principle, which he sees
as "hypocrisy." However, in his
specific references to Judic pro-
cedures, a subrantia: portion of
his editorial comments were either
distorted or completely untruth-
For example, his contention that
Dean Bingley is "constantly inter-
jecting facts, opinions and ex-
hortations" is very misleading.
The dean sometimes comments on
our actions, but only after our
deliberation is finished and our
decision reached and announced.
Thus, he may voice his pique or
approval, but only as "the voice of
experience," and after our decision
is rendered.
However, I would not have it
seem that Joint Judic is compla-
cent in its approach to these prob-
lems. On the contrary, we are
constantly debating them and
struggling to formulate a better
system, procedure and general ap-
proach. To illustrate, within the
next few days we shall present to
Vice-President Lewis our recom-
mendations for reforms in the
student judiciary system, based on

the OSA Study Committee report.
This is not an isolated incident,
nor merely a reaction to the Com-
mittee's findings, but a consistent
and regular part of the Joint Judic
program. This sort of reappraisal
on our part takes place each
semester, and is part of our con-
ception of playing the game by
the rules.
-Robert Berger,1'63
Chairman, Joint Judiciary
To the Editor:
THE STUDENTS on Joint Judic
are mimicing the administra-
tion. But, Mr. Roberts, what else
can they do? They are a carefully
chosen group who have passed an
intensive screening process to
make sure that their decisions will
coincide with the point of view of
past members who have them-
selves just finished mimicing the
administration for the past year.
Only those with the potential of
becoming well coordinated "pup-
pets" are chosen. The new coun-
cil seemed an improvement to Mr.
Roberts, but give them time. This
was only their first meeting.
Pavlov didn't train his dog over-
Having been a member of the
South Quad Judiciary I am aware
of how "peer" decisions are shap-
ed by the administration. In the
quad there is .little question, of
guilt, for who can question a
member of the staff? The decision
reached as to punishment comes
after a member of the adminis-
tration gives his views on the
case. If he were not trying to
influence the decisions' why say
diciary council if it only hands
down the administration's dic-
tate? Students on the judic realize
the outdated rules are being bro-
ken everyday even by their own
members. They should show more
insight than taking two hours to
say "$10." But what else can they
do as the setup now stands?
The problem is wider in scope
than judic. Student government in
the quadrangles is likewise sty-
mied. The house council passes a
motion but if the advisor says
no then it fails. Petitions by resi-
dents go unrecognized if the ad-
ministration does not agree.
What true function 'do these
"student" run groups perform?
If they are to serve their true
purpose, then the administration
had better face reality and allow
some changes.
-Michaei Levitt, '62
To the Editor:
editorial on Joint J u d I c
(March 2, 1962) I felt 'again that
The Daily does indeed perform a
real service to the University stu-
When people fall in love with the
legal or judicial process, the basic
principles which called them into
being are lost sight of. When part
of the judicial procedures are fol-
lowed and others completely ig-
nored, those principles 'behind
their establishment are easily be-
trayed. If Editor Roberts' facts are
as accurate as the Judic members
think their charges are, this seems
to be in part what has happened
to our Joint Judic.
Could it be that the venerable
members of Joint Judic are frus-
trated individuals who seek a kind
of vengeance on students by wear-
ing the mask of peers, when in
reality they are "yes-men" who
obediently follow the guiding
opinions of their administrative
-Jack Maier.'62

In the Hope...
By PAT GOLDEN, Associate City Editor


THE mounting controversy about
the UN, though it turns on the
proposed purchase of $100 million
worth of UN bonds, is plainly not
a money question. By comparison
with our expenditures for defense,
or for agriculture, or even for .for-
eign aid, the sums involved are
very small. The total-budget of the
UN for last year was $231.7 million
and our share of that was $102.1
million. This is one-third of 1 per
cent of what we are spending for
defense. Our share of the proposed
bond issue is to be $100 million and
if these bonds were never repaid,
this would be a minute sum in our
public expenditures.
The fact is that if the UN serves
a good purpose in the pacification
of the world, it is fabulously cheap
at the price..
The real'question at the root of
the controversy and in the country
is whether the UN today, in this
year 1962, serves a purpose which
the United States has good reason
to support and promote, or whe-
ther the UN is out of hand and
should be cut down or even broken
up. The movement to cut down the
UN, if not to dissolve it, is led by
two great powers, the Soviet Union
and France.
The Soviet Union has the sup-
port of the countries of the Com-
munist bloc and on the other side
along with France are Portugal
and until recently Belgium. The
United States is the great power
which most actively supports the

UN. Recently it has had qualified
and reluctant support from Great
OUR RATHER lonesome emi-
nence among the great powers has
aroused, naturally and properly
enough, much uneasiness and
questioning even among the old
friends of the UN in this country.
All this cannot and should not be
hushed up. On the contrary, the
activities of the UN and our own
part in them should be investi-
gated thoroughly and publicly, and
the question of the kind and de-
gree of our reliance on the UN
should be thoroughly discussed.
What is called for is in effect a
vote of confidence by Congress to
determine what we should do and
what we should not do in the UN
as it now exists. Such a review and
vote is in fact overdue. For the
UN today is a very different organ-,
ization from the one which the
Senate, with only two dissenting
votes, voted to join in 1945.
The UN today is the creation, in
which, we played the leading part,
of those who in 1949 were carried
through amendments to make the
General Assembly, where a two-
thirds vote prevails, the dominant
organ over the Security Council
where the great powers have a
veto. From that amendment, spon-
sored by the United States, have
developed the anxieties which now
disturb European and American
With ,the admission of the ex-

' WAS SHORTLY AFTER 8 a.m., August 6.3
The sky over Hiroshima was clear blue, and
band was playing in the park. At exactly
13 the band stopped playing, and all of us
opped talking.
There was 'silence for a moment, and then
great fluttering of wings as a hundred white'
>ves of peace rose above the crowd gathered
, commemorate the sixteenth anniversary of
e first atomic tragedy.
After the doves came the words. Speakers
uched on the past, and moved quickly to
.e hope of the future. They quoted the in-
ription on the peace memorial behind them
:b the hope that this may never happen
The people around me stood quietly, remem-
ring a greater horror than I could compre-
.nd. Together we watched the doves circling;
gether we applauded the words "peace,"
.isarmament," unity."
Then I saw a black-eyed baby staring at
y light hair and strange shaped eyes. Sud-
nly I was an outsider, an American, a cause
the horror. When I was the age of that
wring- child my country dropped an atomic
mb on Hiroshima. Sixteen years later I share
e guilt.
LL DAY I wandered through the Peace Park
with the crowds, performing little rituals
at somehow soften the guilt and soothe the
Lef. I bought bundles of incense and bou-
ets of wilting garden flowers to pile before
e memorials. The doves still circled over-
gad, but it was harder to see them through
e smokey clouds of incense.
Burning incense before the mound of earth
at covers the names and remanents of all
e people who died in the bombing will not
ng them back to life; nor will it prevent
e deaths that may be caused by America's
cision to resume nuclear tests in the atmos-
ere. The symbolic, personal gestures toward
ace, unfortunately, stands outside the cold
:ts of the arms race.
An urn of coffee was President Kennedy's
rsonal response to student peace picketers
the White House two weeks ago. But facts
d figures held sway in his public decision
resume atmospheric testing. Even the politi-5
.ly-designed confrontation of students and
:islators failed to blur the logic of statistics.
.e confrontation got lumped together with
e beautiful but futile gestures of burning
:ense and marching eight thousand strong
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The dead of Hiroshima were ninety thousand

ICTURES of their agony and, charred bits
of their possessions fill a museum now. I
walked through it numbly, with the wierd
music from "Hiroshima, Mon Amour" jangling
in my mind. There is a diagram in the museum
showing the degree of destruction in con-
centric circles spreading out from the park. I
wondered how the circles would, fit on a map,
of Ann Arbor.
"Within a radius of .5 kilometers, roof tiles
melted," said the map. At my feet were
twisted hunks of brown tile. There was nothing
left of the wooden houses they had covered.
Hiroshima today is made 'of concrete block. I
It may not be fallout-proof, but it won't burn.
There are few scars left in the bustling,
modern city. Seven story office buildings almost
hide the gaunt skeleton of the exhibit hall
dome. Grass grows in the park, where some
said it might never grow again. But there are
no old trees in Hiroshima.


colonial nations to the General
Assembly a majority is able to
exert strong pressure on the West
European countries - "Britain,
France, Belgium, in a measure the
Netherlands, and above all Portu-
gal-which have not yet completed
the solution of the problems of
We cannot take the view that
our allies in NATO have a blank
check which requires us to support
all their foreign policies, even
those on which we are not con-
sulted and over which we have no
Wha't needs most to be investi-
gated, exposed, explained, and de-
bated is the Congo affair. The UN
intervention there has been a big
and dangerous experiment, and
whether it succeeds-as i now
conceivable-or whether it fails,
which is always possible, the na-
tion must face the question of
whether there was any alternative
which would not have been infi-
nitely more dangerous.
* *
IN ENTERING upon this debate
about the UN, it is useful to re-
mind ourselves of what Sen. Van-
denberg and John Foster Dulles
said about the Charter when it was
before the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee.
Mr. Dulles said:
"Now, of course, I recognize that
this. Charter does not do what
many people would like-to guar-
antee at a single step perpetual
peace ... but the world does not
move at a single step from a condi-
tion of virtual anarchy to a con-
dition of well-rounded political
order. Those steps are made falter-
"There are missteps; there have
been missteps. This, for all I know,
may 'again turn out to be a mis-
step. But when (a previous wit-
ness) said . . . that he did not him-
self know what to do, I say that
here is, at least, a step which pre-
sents itself to us, which may be, or
which has a good chance to be, a
step forward, onto new, firm, and
higher ground." That is the langu-
age of an experienced and reason-
able man.
This is what Sen. Vandenberg
said to the Senate about ratifica-
tion :
"You may tell me that I have
but to scan the present world with
realistic eyes in order to see these
fine phrases often contemptuously
reduced to a contemporary sham-
bles, . . . that some of the signa-
tories to this Charter practice the
precise opposite of what they
preach even as they sign, .. . that
the aftermath of this war seems to
threaten the utter disintegration
of these ideals at the very moment
they are born.
"I reply that the nearer right
you may be in any such gloomy
indictment, the greater is the need
for the new pattern which prom-
ises at least to try to stem these
evil tides, . . . if the effort fails,
we can at least face the conse-
quence with clean hands."
(c) 1962, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
° Cycle
UR OWN PLANET, in which
philosophers are apt to take
a parochial and excessive interest,
wa10, f a + fln + +n t ,,nr 4.l I

T HE TREES DIED all at once, sixteen years
ago. The people are dying still. Every week
they straggle up the hill overlooking the city
to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Center, a joint
Japanese-American effort that both treats
and studies bomb casualties. They come now
with ugly scar tissue growths called keloids,
with blood diseases, with blinded eyes, and
sometimes with the strange set of symptoms
called "radiation sickness."
The Center has reams of data on radiation-.
caused diseases, which are, of course, available"
in the event of emergency..In the next nuclear
bombing perhaps Hiroshima will be spared, and
then Center can come to America and care
for us-returning the favor.
A bombed America won't be as lucky as
Japan was. Hiroshima was a horror that no
nation deserves, but it becomes a toy beside
the holocausts conjured up by nuclear testing
in the sixties. There will be no benevolent con-
queror to pick up the pieces of New York,
City; there will be no conqueror at all. The
black holes of Moscow and Chicago will look
alikce. There will be no white doves to circle
either crater.
. J
WHITE DOVES are the pointless, defenseless
offering of men with the "hope that this
will never happen.again." The offering and the
men have little to do with the inexorable pro-
cess of defense and counterdefense, missile
and anti-missile missile, Russian test and
American test. But the farther a man gets
from the real decisions, the more he needs
a dove.
Hiroshima understands about doves, and
cold facts, and the men who die. At nightfall
on August 6 I walked with the Hiroshimans'
from the Peace Park to the river bank, to join
in an o-a..nl d rmnnv fo the soni nf an.

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official publication of The Univer-
sity of. Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
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before 2 p.m., two days preceding
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Martha Cook Building applications
for residence are date no later than
March 8. First Appointments will be
made through March 6.
German Make-up Examinations will
be held Thurs., March 8, 7:30-9 p.m.
in Rooms 1088, 1092, and 1096 Frieze
Bldg. Please register in GermanaDe-
partment Office by Tues, noon, March.
Events Monday
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: L. R. Herche
speaking on "I.P.L. V-List Manipula-
tion Language" at 4:00 p.m., Mon.,
March 5,.in the Computing Center Sem-
inar Room.
Math. Colloquium: Prof. R. G. Swan,
of the University of Chicago, will speak
on "Projective Modules over Group
Rings and Maximal Orders" on ,Mon.,
March 5, at 4 p.m. in Room 3209,
Angell Hall.
Refreshments will be served at 3:30
in 3212 Angelli Hall.
Southern Asian Colloquium and As-
sociates: Lecture' by Morris D. Morris
on "Some Aspects of Indian Economic
Development," Mon., March 5, in Rack-
ham Assembly Room, 8:00 p.m.
Events Tuesday
University Lecture in Journalism: Fe-

New York State Professional Career
Test will be held Saturday: Date: March
10, Time: 8:45 a.m., Place: Room 3529
SAB. (Note: This notice concerns only
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& made prior arrangements to take this
March 10 Exam in Ann Arbor, thru
the Bureau of Appts.)
Appointments Seniors and graduate
students, please call Ext. 3544 for inter-
view appointments with the following:
MARCH 5-7-
U.S. Navy-Naval Officers Procure-
ment Team from Detroit & Naviator
Team from " Naval Air Station, Grosse
Ile, Mich., will interview potential of-
ficer candidates Mon. through Wed. on
the ground floor of the Mich. Union.
Will furnish material on 'all Naval Of-
ficer programs. No appointment neces-
American National Bank & Trust Co.
of Chicago, I. - Feb., June & Aug.
grads. Men with degree in Liberal Arts,
or Bus. Ad. for Banking & Accounting
International Paper Co, New York,
N.Y.-Feb., June & Aug. grads for 'lo-
cations throughout U.S. Men with de-
gree in any field for job opportunities
In Production, Market Research & Sales.
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Chicago, Il1-Feb.,
June & Aug. grads for locations
throughout U.S. Men with degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Book Rep-
resentatives. These reps. will call on
college professors to sell books for
classroom use, & to negotiate with them
regarding publishing of their manu-
scripts. Opportunities for promotion in
both domestic & foreign areas. Some
sales territories 'require no travel &
some only limited amount of travel by
Continental Casualty Co., Chicago, Ill.
-Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men &
WOMEN with degree in Liberal Arts or
Bus. Ad. for Underwriting Dept.; Claim
Dept.; Actuarial Dept.; Promotion
Dept., including Adveritsing; Agency

.Duke Still Swing
,THE MASTER of the Big Band was here last night. The show ended
with a string of Duke Ellington hits that no-one else can match,
and it featured the variety in sound and conception which decades
of other groups have found so useful.
Even though this band has recorded some pretty far-out sounds,
the program stayed on the straight and narrow. The arrangements
\are nowhere near as difficult as those featured on Maynard Ferguson
tours, and a lot of excitement (Will they be able to play it or not?) is
lost. It is 'to Ellington's credit that he can still field an entertaining
show in his traditional style and compete with the pyrotechnics of
the relative newcomers.
NOT THAT THERE wasn't some fire last night. Stocky Cat
Anderson's trumpet let loose a blistering Summertime, and tenorman
Paul Gonsalves revived the good old days at Newport by wringing
about 20 choruses of Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue from his
s(ax). But the opener set the general tone for the concert. Instead
of a potboiler to warm the audience up quick, the band played a
couple slow ones which showed how purely the blues feeling can
translate to the band idiom.
The Ellington style has a lot of variety. While Stan Kenton seems
content with two hours of fortissimo these days. Ellington can afford
to put those famous mutes in his brass soloists or barely whisper a
melody from the ensemble. Not content with the stock tone color
of the dance band, he brought in some clarinet sound here and
S* * * *

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