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March 03, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-03-03

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Seventy-Second Year

"They're Not Reacting The Way They Used To",

Physical Education
Slur Has-No Basis

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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3AY, MARCH 3, 1962


Student Affairs Report Muddles
Major Residence Halls Problems

HE HOISING SECTION of the niversi-
ty's .newest 'Master Plan' features incon-
sistencies and pussyfooting, along with some
rood' proposals. In what the Office of Student
haff airs Study Committee report did not say
re the most fundamental problems facing
Asidence halls.
the report provides for a Director of Hous-
ng, who wil supervise "the administration of
'olcies and general life'" in the halls. This au-
Ghority presumably includes overseeing the
raditionally stubborn Business Office. Better
ret, 'the housing director is to be specifically
hosen for his "outstanding academic orien-
ation and experience and demonstrated qual-
ties of leadership."
Residence halls administration has needed
o be centered in a functional unit of struc-
ure for a long time. The new Director of Hous-
ng should be .a big improvement over the old
en's-women's housing split.
U FORT NATELY, the OSA committee then
saw fit to replace the present Residence
laf s Board of Governors with an Advisory
3oard, containing a 4-4-4 divisidn among stu-
tents, faculty and adiinistrators, to assist the
iousing director in formulating policy.'
he report never states what the relation-
hip is between the administrator and the
oard. Subsequent interpretations by commit-
ee memnbers indicate that the diretor could
.o whatever he would please (subject to his
iperor, the Vice-President for Student Af-
firs), although he would be "morally obli-
ated" to obey the wish of the Advisory Board.
If so, then the board is. useless. Since the
tudents on the body would be the presidents
f Inter-Quadrangle Council and Assembly
zsociaton, plus ftwo more students to be
pponted by those organizations; they would
nly be reflecting- and conveying the opinions
r student government. Wherefore, the same
pe of advisory ~communication would flow
l the channel were'placed from the govern-
,ents directly to the Director of Housing. By-
Eassing the middle-men on the board would
timinate red-tape and needless extra time
nd effort.
The housing director would have little use
r the faculty and administrative representa-
yes op the board. Being very educationally-
lriented,.the director supposedly would already
ave the academic interests of residence halls
t heart. Since he is an administrator, he
ould have the administrative viewpoint well
In addition, if any contrary administrative
r faculty views would exist, they would be
red just as well by faculty imembers and
dministrators sitting on the Executive Coun-
1, a body which would advise the Vice-Presi-
Mt for Student Affairs. Since this council is
npowered to discuss residence halls policy,
id then make recommendations on it, there
ems to be little reason for duplicating this
intion at a lower echelon.
ESIDES the Advisory Board red herring,
there is another questionable series of
atements dealing with the relative position of
en and women. The report seems to feel that
ieir status, needs and interests in relation to
sidence halls living are different.
'he housing recommendations provide that
e Dean of Students and the Associate Dean
Students (who must be of the opposite sex)
on the Advisory Board. They provide that
C and Assembly be kept separate. They pro-
de that women must have parental perinis-
n to live out of the dorms after the fresh-
an year, but there is no parallel requirement
r men.
Whether this is what the committee really
lieves, or whether these provisions were more
less pressured on it, the maintenance of the
otus quo attitude regarding the sexes is in-
fensible. The only time when it becomes ne-
ssary to take the male-female disparity into
count is in planning for new construction.
Otherwise, there is no reason to differentiate
tween the sexes. There is no sociological evi-
ncq to prove that psychological coupselling
ould remain within one's own sex. There is
evidence to show that women need or ex-

pointed 174 persons to. Federal judgeships
ring his two terms. Of these, 165 were,
President John F. Kennedy has appointed 85
rsons to Federal judgeships so far. Of these,
are Democrats, including seven considered
be unqualified by the American Bar Asso-
Through the years, America has gradually
mninated partisanship in civil service. Par-'
anship belongs even less in .the courts. Ob-
usly, membership in a party determines
[ther a man's knowledge of the law nort
ability to decide cases.
Knowing that the appointments he makes
L be for life and that judicial decisions
1 h inivAiiczl s . annmihi1M.i +h h Pr..

pect different things from residence halls tha
do men. There is no need for sexual differ-
ences-in athletics, social activities and aca,
demic interests, for example-to be reflected
in lines and units of authority. These differen-
ces can be handled by an administrator of ei-
the sex.'
If the University chooses to retain sexua.
differentiation in units of authority over hous-
ing, such an attitude would belie the stud3
committee's thesis that men and women are
"students seeking to learn, seeking to develor
not in isolation as men or women but togethel
as equals and colloborators." Noble words in.
deed, and it is too bd the committee did not
choose to put this philosophy into the resi-
deruce halls structure.
THESE ARE the major faults in what the re-
port did say. But what it did not get into
was the 'foremost problem of housing: person-
nel. Committee members say that during their
discussions they concentrated on structure and
ideas and did not touch on personalities.
Yet it was surely a matter of personnel and
not structure when an administrative promise
to take- action on complaints voiced in the
Scheub report was never kept. It was the fault
of personnel when the committee sees the need
for the 21-year-old Michigan House Plan to be
reinstated, thus implying that administrators
have been ignoring it. It is the fault of admin-
istrative personnel when one seat on the Board
of Governors lies vacant for a whole year, with
no plans for filling it.
The blame for these evils must lie on Vice-
President James A. Lewis. He is the adminis-
trator ultimately responsible for housing prob-
lem, and the faults the report lists-and the
ones it avoids-should be traced directly to
And it looks like things may revert to their
old state again. Lewis, who is in no way bound
by, the OSA report, says he has objections to
some of its recommendations, although he re-
fuses to say which ones.
IT WOULD BE too bad if he did sabotage the
report. The document, if adopted, would at
least improve residence hall life. Students,
whose only power at present is setting dress
standards, would have an increased, if only
advisory, voice, in policy formulation. Admin-
istrators might be shaken up into acting more
prudently and responsibly.
Yet the committee's step forward is a meek
and reluctant one. The report mixes in a Uto-
pian recommendation for permeation of "edu-
cational" means into the halls, to which no
one will object, with avoidance of many issues,
as In asking for "re-evaluation" of freshman
residence without taking a stand. It sidesteps
other policies with which the University's resi-
dence halls are polluted: women's hours, pink
slips, inadequate physical facilities, lack of
privacy. And students' sense of responsibility
for the rules under which they live remains
at zero.
I Committee members limited themselves to
groveling for improvements, rather than pre-
senting a bold and decisive blueprint to bring
residence halls all the way into University
ideals. It is our tragedy as well as theirs.
Song and Dance
E EAST QUADRANGLE Judiciary, which
fined Strauss - House $100 for a "party"
which conflicted with East Quad's Christmas
dance, was dancing between two dangerous ex-
To back the quad council all the way could
create a situation where It has the authority
to tell residents, "if you're going to have fun
In the quad tonight, you're going to do it at
our dance." On the other hand, if Strauss were
let off the hook completely, houses and house
members would be free to plan "spontaneous"
parties by the dozens-which would effective-
ly capsize many a quad function.
UNFORTUNATELY, the testimony and ver-
dict in the Strauss case left some pertinent
questions unanswered.
What determines the difference between a
few couples in the lounge, a "spontaneous
party," and a "social event" for which the

house council is responsible? Is it the coun-
cil's role in planning the gathering? In fi-
nancing it? Is it the presence or absence
of refreshments? Decorations? Entertainment?
Paid entertainment?' A certain number of
At what point does the house council be-
come responsible for seeing that the party
breaks no University relations? How does the
council enforce them during the party? Is it re-
sponsible for the staff's duties and conduct?
And, finally, just how far can the quadrangle
go in regulating social activities within the
THE 8TRAUSS CASE brought up these ques-
tions. It failed to answer them because the
testimony and verdict did not cnncisivpee

To the Editor:
IN REPLY to an editorial writ-
ten by H. Neil Berkson that ap-
peared in the Michigan Daily on
February 22, 1962 regarding a
"coddled minority"- in Phi Delta
Theta social fraternity, I would
like to makre the following state-
1) Since-I joined the faculty of
The University of Michigan in
1956, I have been very impressed
with the quality of the Michigan
2) Furthermore, I believe very
strongly that a newspaper has a
responsibility in our society to
print the truth as it is seen by
those reporting for the publica-
3) In connection with the above
statement, a matter of good taste
is involved. "All the news that is
fit to print" appears to be a good
slogan for any newspaper in a
democratic society.
4) The last thing I would wish
to see is a curbing of "the free-
dom of the press."
5) With freedom of press, how-
ever, goes grave responsibilities.
The rights of individuals must be
preserved. Individuals are at times
almost defenseless in the face of
the "power of the press."
6) Retraction of an erroneous
statement that may have been
actuilly libelous and slanderous is
very rarely seen by all those who
may have read the, original edi-
torial and formed attitudes be-
cause of such material.
7) Initially, the basic premise
of Mr. Berkson's editorial appears
to be wrong-that a coddled mi-
riority of athletes who major in
physical education reside in Phi
Delta Theta. The facts show that
no more than four of more than
70 living there are physical edu--,
cation majors!
8) Second, Mr. Berkson has
seemingly intentionally held the
instructors of the courses which
he listed up to ridicule, and he
has raised serious doubts about
their honesty and integrity.
9) Third, the preliminary inves-
tigation made in preparation to
writing this editorial appears to
have-been very slight. One of the
three courses mentioned is not a

required course in the physical ed-
ucation curriculum. The second
is a course in children's rhythms
taken only by young ladies; it
would be shunned like the plague.
The third course listed is a grad-
uate course taught by this writer,
and no undergraduates are per-
mitted to register for it.
10) In the face of the above
statements, it seems only reason-
able and logical to ask Mr. Berk-
son to retract any erroneous state-
ments which he has made. He
should carefully investigate all the
facts of a story he writes in the
future. If he is a gentleman, he
will apologize to those who have
been unjustly maligned.
-Prof. Earle F. Zeigler,
Dept. of Physical Educ.
Light .. .
To the Editor:
before entering the University
of Michigan, I was urged by the
Admissions Office to visit the Law
Quadrangle and its surrounding
buildings. Here, I was told, was
one of themost beautiful spots
on the Michigan campus. And,
indeed, I believe this is true. Not
only is the physical plant of the
Law School outstanding, but its
academic status is of equal re-
Within the hallowed walls of
Hutchins Hall hundreds of law
students busily apply themselves
to cases on contracts, property,
evidence and the like. Within the
Legal Research.' Building, so vital
to the superior quality of the Law
School, it is often difficult to see
half way across the room. Law
students, whose eyes are no doubt
already strained by long hours
of hard study, are subject to in-
creased strain because of In-
adequate lighting within library.
The facilities to provide the
proper lighting are available in the
presence of twenty four chande-
liers equipped with bulbs. The li-
brarians,thowever, have been for-
bidden to use these lights. it
seems hardly fair to introduce
such austerity at the expense of
the students of one of our finest
graduate schools.
--Susan Lemel Powar, '6t

t6 ' E L ,~ cs' ~

Adequacy Problem-Thin Ice

Daily staff writer
STUDENT Government Council
tried to thaw some of the icy
feelings and then. put sand on
the slippery problems surround-
ing the membership statement is-
sue this week.
The Council unanimously pass-
ed a procedure which it hopes
will get complete membership
statements from sororities and
fraternities on campus. The Pres-
ident will inspect all statements,
decide if they are "adequate" in
terms of the Regulation, and no-
tify groups of any deficiencies.
The groups will have 60 days in
which to submit a complete
statement and failure to do so
could result in disciplinary action.
The actual procedure is short,
simple and a step in the right
direction. However, it also points
up some old problems and cre-
ates some new ones.
THERE IS NO deadline for
groups to be notified of inade-
quacies in their statements. This
was done purposely as a protec-
tion to the Council. In the event
that the SGC President was un-
able to accomplish his task by an
arbitrary deadline set by the
Council, groups could assume
'they were not'in violation.
As it now stands, sororities and
fraternieies will have to wait
with baited breath for the let-
ter, and whispers between groups
will carry the news of whom has
received notification and who has
What if a group's statement is
complete? Will it receive notifi-
cation of this fact? Under the
formal provisions of the motion,
they would not. Out of fairness
to them, the Council should have
provided for, positive notification
as well as negative, and since the
Council failed to do this, it is up
to the President of the Council
to go beyond his specifi man-
date and reassure groups who
have complied in full.
If he does not do this, the
Council should notify Interfra-
ternity Council and Panhellenic
Association or make a public
statement as soon as all letters
have been sent.
THE VIEWING of statements
by the Council President has been
construed by some as a breach of
trust. In a letter sent to all sor-
rorities and fraternities on Jan-
uary 17, 1961 states, "SGC only
may use (the statements) when
the Committee on Membership in
Student Organizations presents
evidence showing confidential ex-
amination is necessary."
In the same letter it was stated,
"Absence of complete statements
will leave the group open to pos-
sible disciplinary action." This
makes invalid the argument that
the Council originally assumed all
statements would be complete
and thus saw no need to set up a
procedure for handling inadequa-
The Council foresaw the prob-
lem. It failed to act on it. The

procedure for handling inade-
quacy should have been set when
when the Council first passed
legislation on membership state-
ments, placing responsibility 'on
either the Council or the Com-
mittee on Membership. The Coun-
cil has now tried to pick up the
loose ends as best it can, and com-
plaints against the methods it has
chosen are appropriate.
The SGC President will have to
view the statements twice: once
as the basis for sending the letter
and the second time to decide if
the groups have corrected their
* * *
new Council will .be elected this
month and, soon after, a new
Council President who will have
to decide if the corrected state-
ments are complete. Two differ-
ent people with two different in-
terpretations of "adequacy" could,
create havoc. Thus, Richard Nohl,
the present president, will have to
work closely with this person and
his letters to the various groups
must be very exacting.
If the resubmitted statements
are judged incomplete, what will
happen? The group can argue
that the letter was not clear.
They can fall back on the whole
muddle created around the issue
of statements. They can claim
the Council president has no right
to view their statements.
* * *
THE COUNCIL can counter
that it has done its best to end
the mess. They can argue that if
some groups are able to under-
stand and comply with the regu-
lation as it was first stated, others
shouldbe able to do likewise. And
the whole thing can turn into
another prolonged free-for-all.
The 60 day deadline will prob-
ably fall near the end of the se-
mester for most groups. It is pos-
sible that an interim Committee
on Membership will be function-

ing during the summer although
the Council will be dormant. Sor-
orities and fraternities will be
holding conventions during the
summer and may change some of
)of their regulations. This should
not allow them an excuse for hold-
ing up submission of. the rulings
under which they now operate,
but what if a group does submit
a complete statement after the
deadline? What action will the
Council take?
WHEN THE Council meets in
September cases such as this may
be brought' before it. It would be
unfair to groups who have sub-
mitted their corrected statements
during the alloted time, not to im-
pose some penalty on groups in
violation. Yet, what will this pen-
alty be? And what will the penal-
ty be for groups who have correct-
ed their statements but whose
statements are still "inadequate"
in the opinion of the Council
Such a violation could result in
disciplinary actioni such as harsh
as withdrawal or recognition, or
as slight as a verbal tongue lash-
ing. A monetary fine could be cov-
ered by the national and wouldn't
necessarily constitute a punish-
ment at all. Withdrawal of rush-
ing privilege, as was once suggest-
ed, would not be equitable be-
cause sororities would be hurt
more than fraternities. Perhaps
groups could be put on social pro-
bation. And perhaps the Council
will adopt a policy of leniency to
salve their own consciences for
the mess that it has 'caused.
* * *
WHATEVER the future difficul-
ties, the Council has taken a step
in the right direction.
But by July it will be a year
and a half since University Regu-
lation of December 13, 1960 was
passed. So far Council members
have acted slowly and tread light-,
ly. And they are still walking on
thin ice.'

Insidethe Two Alliances

FOR THE time being the pend-,
ing negotiations on Berlin, a
nuclear test ban, and disarma-
ment, are stalled. Thete is little
immediate prospect of a useful,
result. Almost certainly this is due
to the fact that there exists a nu-
clear'stalemate and that within
that stalemate neither of the two
great alliances has been able to
agree within itself on a negotia-
ting position. Both . alliances are
stalled by their internal conflicts,
and controversies.
It may well be that Mr. Khrush-
chev's insistence on meeting Mr.
Kennedy face to face derives from
the wishful idea that if the two'
chiefs of the two superpowers
could talk to each other, they
could make a deal which would
submerge the discords in their al-
liances. Such a deal is, of course,
out of the question. For- while Mrl,
Khrushchevu might Fconceivably
override his Chinese ally, Mr.
Kennedy will not and cannot pro-
ceed without the advice and con-
sent of his allies. Mr. Kennedy As
in some respects the leader but in
no respect is he the master of the
Western world.
* * *
THERE MUST BE no illusions
about this. It is for us a fixed
point of vital interest and of hon-
or. But it follows that we shall
be living in a time of pause, when
the problems within each alli-
ance will come ahead of the in-
ternational policy of the alliance.
Experienced observers, who
watch these things closely, are
agreed that hesitation and uncer-
tainty pervade Soviet foreign pol-
icy at the moment, and that Mos-
cow does not know how far it
dares to go forward toward agree-
ments with the West, and how far
it must go back into a rough ri-
It may be, as Mr. Alsop has
been suggesting, that the Com-
munist world is on the eve of a
showdown. In the next few days
there will be Communist meetings
in. Moscow and in Peiping, and
there are indeed many signs that
they will be concerned with the
high policy of the Communist'
* * *
THERE IS nothing we can do
about this internal Communist
controversy except to keep our eyes
and ears open and our mouths
shut. In the meantime we need
to address ourselves to the prob-
lems of the Western alliance.
In view of what is possible, in-.
deed within our reach, the pros-
pects of the West are extremely
-rnnAr iW n.m .. a An 4,'in h -.;A.-

BUT WE cannot be sure that
the great project will be carried
out. For the leading West Euro-
pean powers, France and the
German Federal Republic, and in
a measure also Great Britain, are
each, for different reasons, near-
ing the end of a regime and in-
deed a political era. There are as
yet no clear signs of what is to
If all goes as well as it can go,
the Algerian war will be formally
terminated. Presumably, the
French government will be so firm
that the settlement agreed to will
be accepted by the European col-
ony in Algeria without a major
But after that or indeed along
with it there will arise the exceed-
ingly difficult problem of restor-
ing some kind of parliamentary
government :to replace the per-
sonal authoritarianismeof Gen. de
Gaulle. Many combinations are
donceivable and many are rumor-
ed. We shallrsee anxious days in
France, and our alliance with her
may remain for some time to come
in its present state of uncomfort-
able uncommunicativeness.
,* * *
GREAT CHANGES are impend-
ing in West Germany. The old
Chancellor is not growing strong-
er or younger and with his powers
failing, if a successor were clear-
ly in sight, the change would not
be long in coming. As it is, it will
not be easy to govern Germany
with so much uncertainty about
the future.
Great Britain is moving to-
wards a general election, and in
foreign policy no country, as we
ourselves know only too well, is
at its best and strongest and
clearest in an election year. Great
Britain, moreover, is in the last
and most difficult stage of the li-
quidation of empire.
This is the stage, which France
is passing through in Algeria,
where there is a substantial colo-
nial settlement of Europeans who
are faced with the prospect of be-
ing ruled by an overwhelming na-
tive majority. Until the British
find a solution in ;the Central Af-
rican Federation, 'they will not be
able to play the part the world
needs to have them play in the
underdeveloped territories.
* * -*
ALGERIA and the British set-
tlements in central Africa are the
two most important remnants of
empire held by any Western great
power. There are, of course, An-
gola and Ruanda-Urundi but nei-
ther, Portugal nor Belgiumh is a
great power.
nif. h .e rrel a 'i ia ifin tf



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Applications for the Selective Service
college qualification test are now being
distributed at the Ann Arbor Selective
Service Board, 103 East Liberty. Appli-
cations must be in by March 27, 1962.
Martha Cook Building applications for
residence are due no later than March
8. First appointments will be made
through March 6.
Events Monday
Engineering Mechanics and Metal-
lurgicalEngineering Seminar: Mon.,
March 5, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 311
West Engineering Bldg. Dr. J. A. Her-
zog, Advanced Metallurgical Studies
Branch, Wright Patterson Air Force

- Aeronautical Chart & Information
Center, U.S. Air Force, St. Louis, Mo-
Cartographer - Positions available
throughGU.S. Civil Service Exam at
-grades 68-5, 7, & 9. BA degree re-
quired with major study in cartography,
geodesy, engrg., math, photogrammetry
or physics, or a combination of 18
semester hrs. in related fields pius 6
hrs. of math. Higher positions require
additional exper. No closing date.
Bankers Life Co., Des Moines, Iowa-
Openig for Lawyer in the 30-35 age
bracket who has had some exper. Should
be interested in office work. Exper. In
corporate finance, drafting & corpor-
ate taxation would be helpful, but not
Hotpoint, Div. of G.E., Chicago, -Ill.
-Computer Programmer-Math bkgd. &
aptitude forcomputer work. Exper. un-
necessary. Buyer-College grad with some
exper. in inveptory control, value
analysis, expediting or shop operations.
Also openings for Project Engnr., Sys-
tems Engnr., Mfg. Engnr., & recent
grads in Marketing.
County of Santa Clara, Calif-Librar-
ion-Degree from Library School & 1
yr. professional library exper., includ-
nrg some supervisory exper.' or train-
ing. Regional Librarian-Degree from
Library Sch. & 2 yrs, exper., one of
which must have been in a supervisory

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