Kennedy Asks Passage
Of Medical Insurance
Urgent New Appeal
To Include
Mansfield Optimistic
For Passage of Bill
WASHINGTON UP) - President
John F. Kennedy sent Congress
an urgent new appeal yesterday
for passage of his program of med-'
ical insurance for the aged, fi-
nanced by an increase in social
security taxes..
The President's renewed plea
for legislation to fill what he call-
ed "a gap in our self-financed,
contributory social insurance sys-
tem" topped a series of recom-
mendations for improving the na-
tion's health.
Other major points included
1) A nationwide vaccination
program to help stamp out polio,
diphtheria, whooping cough and
tetanus. The federal government
would pay the full cost of vaccines
for all children under 5 and help
state and local communities im-
munize adults.
2) A renewal of Kennedy's re-
quest for a 10-year program of
federal .aid for the construction
and expansion of medical and den-
tal colleges, and for scholarships
to help talented but needy stu-
3) Expanded federal outlays to-
taling $182 million for mental
health, control of air and water
pollution, medical research and
other health programs, including
$25 million for the immunization
4) Federal loans to help provide
centers for group practice by
physicians and dentists, especial-
ly in smaller communities.
Prospects for passage of Kenne-
dy's medical care program this
year were, termed "quite good" by
Senate Majority Leader Mike
Mansfield CD-Mont). Over the-
weekend Mansfield had been quot-
ed as saying the odds appeared to
be against passage of the plan.
The program faces some of its
stiffest opposition in the House
Ways and Means Committee.
President's Program:
Rough Road Ahead
Associated Press News Analyst
WASIINGTON--With Congress heading into its third month, the
prospects for action on some of the key proposals in President John
F. Kennedy's New Frontiers program appeared dim.
Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) said that,
while he is not giving up hope, the odds now seenr to be against
-AP Wirephoto
BURNING PALACE-Vietnamese traoops and tanks take defensive positions around the burning
presidential palace, bombed yesterday by rebel air force pilots. President Ngo Dinh Diem was unhurt
and continued his plans to tour the countryside.
Blame Rebel Pilots in Palace Attack
enactment of medical care, elementary education aid and standby
anti-recession programs.
Remains Confident
But Mansfield said he remains confident Congress will approve
new international trade, tax revision and foreign aid proposals.
Senate Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) indicated he
thinks Kennedy's recommendation to link medical care for the elderly
U.S. To Drill
For Mohole
Associated Press Feature Writer
States, flushed with a victory in
space, 'turned some attention yes-
terday to a project in the oppo-
site direction-drilling a six-mile
hole through the ocean and the
earth's crust.
The National Science Founda-
tion announced plans to negotiate
a contract to start final work on-
"Project Mohole.'
Mohole-hailed by foundation
director Alan T. Waterman as
"man's greatest single ,geological
project"-is an effort to drill
through the earth's crust to the
denser mantle below, to learn
more about properties of both.
The mantle, an estimated 1,800
miles thick, is made up of rock
heavier and harder than that in
the up to 15-mile thick crust.
A .foundation spokesman said it
will be at least a year before the
$35-to-$50 million project begins.
And it will take three to seven
years to lower a drill pipe through
water more than three miles deep
and penetrate possibly three miles
of crust rock.
The spokesman said a drilling
site has not been selected.
to the social security system will lion misfired despite expert mark-
be ignored. He said an over-all manship with fire bombs, rockets
education bill appears dead for and machine guns.
this session of Congress. One rebel pilot was shot down
Dirksen announced on a televi- and captured, the government an-
sinprogram taped with Sen. nounced. The other was arrested
Kenneth B. Keating (R-NY) he in neighboring Cambodia after a
is introducing a substitute trade crash landing in his bullet-riddled
bill. Under it, Congress would be plane.
given a veto on presidential nego- One wing of the palace was re-
tiations to lower tariffs. duced to flaming ruin, several
guards were wounded, and the sis-
Major Segments ter-in-law of the president was
If Kennedy can't get major seg- hurt slightly, but the president es-
ments of his program enacted, he caped.
obviously wants to put both houses Saigon pursued its normal night
on record on them forathe politi- life last night, without a sign that
cal effect this may have on the the attack had touched off any
congressional elections next fall. wider uprising such as the two-
That was his primary objective day rebellion 15 months ago by
in leadership maneuvering to ob- five paratroop battalions.
tain roll call votes in both houses Prayers of thanksgiving for the
on his reorganization order to set escape of Diem and members of
up a new Department of Urban his family, whose assassination
Affairs. obviously was intended, were said
But the solid licking the Presi-
dent took on that issue has made
Democratic leaders somewhat wary Calls for End
of future efforts to get Congress
on record in a roundabout way.
Senate Rider Of uteli Row
As matters stand, the President's
lieutenants have found no way to JOGJAKARTA mP) - Gen. Ab-
pry his medical care proposal out dul Haris Nasution said yesterday
of the House Ways and Means the West New Guinea dispute with
Committee. It could be offered in The Netherlands must be settled
the Senate as a rider on some this year "even if it means war
House-passed revenue measure. with all its consequences."
The Senate already has passed The national security minister
an omnibus education bill. But spoke at a meeting of his regional
leaders have been unable to nudge military commanders at a moun-
a similar measure out . of the tain resort near the West Java
House Rules Committee. city of Bogor. -
Glenn Gives Testimony
For House Committee
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