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February 23, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-23

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Lwis lTol
The man who will synthesize the Office of Student Affairs Study
Committee report, reactions to it and his own thoughts into a single'
recommendation to the Regents pledged himself yesterday to com-
pletion of the task "at the earliest possible date."
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis has already
distributed copies of the report to Student Government Council, the
University Senate's Student Relations Committee, Alumni Association,
Alumnae Council, Residence Halls Board of Governors and other
interested parties. "I've asked them to put their reactions in writing.
and send them back to me," he explained, "and I'll be analyzing them
as carefully as I can."
The analysis won't be done alone, however, as Lewis has promised
to include the Senate committee and the OSA study group in his
Agrees With Plan
Lewis agrees generally with the study committee's "master plan"
for the OSA as attested by his signature at the end of the report. He
does not, however, agree with everything in it, but refused to pin-
point areas with which he differed.





"My disagreement was with the matter of degree of several pro-
posals rather than a basic difference in opinion. No member of the
committee agrees with everything in the report since compromise was
necessary to get anything written down at all."
Lewis did say that every member of the committee would be free
to express his personal opinions on any or all issues covered in the
report. He did reveal that he was the single committee member who
wanted to require freshmen and sophomores to live in University
residence halls.
Adjustment Period
"I think there ought to be a two year period of adjustment to the
campus, community under better counseling and supervision before
we let the students on their own."
The committee deadlocked on the question of obligatory residence
in University owned living units. Half the group wanted freshmen
free to choose their own place of residence and the other half (minus
Lewis) thought it was better to compel all freshmen to live in super-
vised housing.
Lewis said the final report incorporated ideas and suggestions

from the individual committee members' working drafts. Each mem-
ber was to submit a report stating his philosophy of student affairs
and recommending structure and policy changes to carry it out.
Good Statement
Lewis said that his own report was "vitally concerned" with
developing a clear statement of goals and objectives for the OSA and,
to a lesser extent, with structural revisions.
"No one's report was accepted entirely, however, as we changed
the proposals during our discussions."
The proposed creation of a student-faculty-administration Execu-
tive Council to advise the Vice-President drew an enthusiastic re-
sponse from Lewis. "I have long felt the need for the benefits which
come from discussion with faculty and students before decisions are
reached. One of our main weaknesses has been this lack of prior
No Power
Lewis made it clear, however, that the proposed executive council
would have no decision making power and was "absolutely only a
consultative board." The report suggests that the vice-president be
given clear and full responsibility for the OSA, he said.

The OSA report expresses a hope that the vice-president will
some day turn over to a student group the responsibility for making
rules governing student extra-curricular life. Lewis, however, would
not speculate just when this would be feasible. "It will be relatively
considerably in the future; I don't know now just how far. It is a
question which must be analyzed and evaluated continually."
He did see the need for a new agency to handle rule making if
the vice-president turns over the authority to students. He believes
Student Government Council is already overburdened with duties.
The Vice-President also declined to comment on possible person-
nel shakeups in the OSA. "With a new structure, of course, present
personnel will have to be reassigned. There will be at least the same
number of jobs and probably more will be created as our scope in-
Little thinking has been done yet on who would fill the specific
roles of Dean of Students and Associate Dean, as outlined in the re-
port, Lewis said. "There is no reason to believe that the structure out-
lined in the report is final and even if it is, there are a thousand and
one details that have to be developed from that basic structure."

See Page 4

f:Yl r e

Sir i an
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Snow likely by afternoon,
changing to flurries Satutday

VOL. LXXH, No. 100




Green Releases
Legislative Audit
Special To The Daily
LANSING - House Majority
Floor Leader Allison Green (R-
Kingston) attempted to allay fears
yesterday on the subjects of limit-
ing out-of-state students and rais-
ing faculty salaries at the state's
colleges and universities.
Explaining the two-part report
of the Legislative Audit Commis-
sion which covered both topics,
Green, chairman of, the group.
said that the lawmakers had tried
to make an objective study of the
two issues.
"From a legislative point of view,
you've got to take all things into
consideration," he said. "Up to
now, we've only had the schools'
figures to rely upon in both cases.
This report will give us a wider
High Number
The report lists the University'
as having the highest number of
out-of-state students, both per-
centage wise and by actual count.
with 7,966 or 31.3 per cent. Break-
ing the total down, the report lists
the University as having 32.9 per
cent freshman - sophomores, 27.4
per cent Juniors-seniors, and 36
per cent graduate - professional
students, from out-of-state.
The average out-of-state per-
centage for Michigan's nine
schools was cited as 15.3 per cent.
Green has, in the past, suggested
a level of 20-25 per cent out-of-
state students for the University.
"I realize the prestige of the Uni-
versity and its fame and respect
throughout the world make a
higher percentage of out-of-state
students a necessity which doesn't
exist for other schools," he said.
"But I still fail to see any rhyme
or reason for Michigan taxpayers
to pick up the tab for giving New
York and New Jersey students a
quality education when our own
children are being turned away."
Explain Position
He indicated that the legislators
would be more than willing to re-
ceive an invitation from the Uni-
versity "to explain our position on
this issue and hear theirs. I feel
confident we can find a satisfac-
tory solution.
"Somehow we've got to keep this
from coming up year after year.
It's bad publicity."
He said that he actually was
planning to meet with at least one
of the schools "very soon," and
that he wold try to have out-of-
state students figures from other
states for comparison at that time.
With regard to the faculty sal-
aries issue, Green said, "Merritt
Chambers (executive secretary to
the Council of State College Presi-
dents) triggered this investigation.
Salary Rise
"According to Chambers' figures,
faculty salaries across the nation
have gone up on an average of
34 per, cent since 1954.
"The audit report on this matter
indicates that, in the last 10 years,
' the lowest increase in salaries at
any of our schools was 54 per cent
(Wayne State University) and the
highest was 87 per cent (Michigan
College of Mining and Technology
at Houghton.)"

Rice Announces
No Action Now
Phi Delts Discipline Members;
Create Alumni Advisory Group
Lou Rice, assistant dean of men for fraternities, announced yes-
terday that "the University will not be taking any more action in the
Phi Delta Theta case at this particular time," due to the fact that
"the chapter has taken adequate action on its own."
Rice noted that a small group of chapter alumni met with a
number of chapter actives last night and came up with a plan for
close advisory direction which will involve prominent Phi Delt alumni
who have remained on campus or in the Ann Arbor area.
"This, along with the disciplinary action the chapter has already
taken against some of its members, is definitely the kind of thing we

Inonu Government Hold






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Nestingen Views u Edcto

... demobilization

Green Hits
special To The Daily
LANSING - Majority Floor
Leader Allison Green (R-Kings-
ton) yesterday virtually accused
Detroit Democrats of election
fraud in a personal rebuttal on the
floor of the House.
Replying to remarks made Wed-
nesday by Minority Leader Joseph
J. Kowalski (D-Detroit), Green
called upon the Democrats for a
"truly bi-partisan effort for the
people of this state.
"We all have to run for re-elec-
tion on the record of this session.
And speaking of elections, we have
some fair elections practices legis-
lation introduced too-to prevent
any more of this type of thing."
Election Picture
He waved a photograph of a
UAW hall in Detroit that was used
for a polling place in the recent
special congressional election in
which then Sen. Joseph R. Ryan
(D-Detroit) defeated State Rep.
Robert Waldron (R-Grosse Pointe),
by 767 votes.
The picture, taken on election
day, depicted a huge billboard
atop the one-story structure that
read "Vote for Ryan."
Speaker of the House Don R.
Pears (R-Buchanan) deplored the
evidence, saying it is common
knowledge that electioneering of
all sorts must be kept 100 feet from
the polls. "And that includes 10,0
feet up in the air too," he added.
The whole argument started
Wednesday when Kowalski be-
rated the Republican membership
for allegedly scuttling the Gover-
nor's program, especially the pro-
visions for mental health.
Fund Mismanagement
Green accused the Democratic
administration of mismanaging
mental health funds. He cited Gov.
John B. Swainson's regular lament
about inadequate facilities at the
Lapeer State Home.
Green inquired, "if things are so
tight around Lapeer, why did they
turn back $62,000 in capital out-
lay funds unspent to the state last
year. Surely they can build some-
thing with $62,000.
"I suggest the trouble with men-
tal health is inept management,
a Democratic trait, not lack of
Con-Con Stops
lRomney .Plan
A coalition of Democrats and
outside Republicans defeated a
proposal that the governor sit as
a.mm. r +- +ha tamte .a a

4were looking for," Rice said. "If
the chapter gets into any more
trouble the Zeta Psi raid may have
to be reconsidered, but as of now,
the matter is closed."
Bliss Bowman, '46, president of
Phi Delt's alumni board, said, "Our
basic plan is to give more guidance
to the chapter through closer su-
pervision of its various activities."
B o w m a n mentioned finances,
maintenance of the house, and
rushing as three possible areas in
which alumni can be of help to
the house.
He said that specific plans will
be formulated shortly "to bring
Phi Delta Theta back to the high
place it held on campus for many
years but has not held for the last
four or five years."
Phi Delt president Bruce Board-
man, '62BAd, said that he expects
chapter alumni to be instrumen-
tal in speeding up a rebuilding
process which had already begun
before the Zeta Psi incident.
Boardman said he appreciates
the fact that both the national
and the University have left mat-
ters up to the house. "We realize
the burden is on our shoulders.
We either have to go up or get
off. As far as I'm concerned, we're
going straight up."
Charge Strauss
Broke Rulings
Strauss House was charged last
night with five violations of Uni-
versity regulations arising from
an alleged "closed social event"
held by the house December 9.
East Quadrangle Judiciary,
which heard the case, is expected
to announce its verdict today.'
Prosecuting in behalf of East
Quadrangle' Council, Stan Lubin,
'63E,;testified that the gathering,
which occurred in Strauss on the
same night as East Quadrangle's
Christmas dance, was in violation
of an EQC ruling prohibiting other
parties after 9 p.m. that night.
The house was also charged with
failure to secure proper calendar-
ing, approval and chaperoning for
the event and with entertaining
women guests at a time when
they were not supposed to be in
the house.
The defense, handled for Strauss
by Thomas Butch, '64, said that
the party had not been sponsored
by the house, but had developed
spontaneously from an open-open
house which ended at 9 p.m., that
it was not restricted to house
members and therefore was nota
"closed social event" which re-
quired approval and calendaring,
and did not violate the EQC rul-

French Plan
Troop Ct
ALGIERS (M' - French Head-
quarters for Algeria announced
yesterday plans to demobilize 140,-
000 Algerian Moslems wearing the
French uniform.
The supreme commander in Al-
geria, Gen. Charles Ailleret, vow-
ed that "legitimate interests" of
Moslems who have served France
will be guaranteed. Bonuses, high
retirement pensions, the possibil-
ity of re-enlistment in the French
army, and resettlement in France
to those who want it were promis-
The dramatic announcement, a
clear hint that a cease-fire with
the nationalist rebels is approach-
ing, was read to reporters by a
tense army officer in the barri-
caded c e n t r a l administration
building. At the same time, in
Tripoli, Libya, the Algerian Reb-
el National Council began debate
on an agreement with France to
end the 71/2 years of war in Al-
geria. The French cabinet ap-
proved the accord Wednesday.
In the administration building
here several- hundred French of-
ficers from disbanded special ad-
ministrative centers waited to re-
ceive new assignments.
All were grim-faced, and many
were saying "they have cheated
us again; we have wasted seven
A Moslem officer shouted, "you
Frenchmen are paying us off with
money for our loyalty.",
Replied a French officer: "It is
you who wanted independence, not
The French army in Algeria
seemed possibly to be facing an-
other internal crisis.

Undersecretary of Health,
Education and Welfare Ivan A.
Nestingen is not worried about
the aid to higher education bill.
"I am fairly optimistic for
some chance of success," he said
of the bill which rests in confer-
ence between the two houses of
In aninterview in his Wash-
ington office, Undersecretary
Nestingen spoke quickly and
forcefully on the problems that
face education in the near and
distant future. The most im-
mediate problem that faces edu-
catioin is the House and Senate
disagreement over the content
of the aid to higher education
bill, he said. ,
Grant Passes
Last month the House passed
a $1.5 billion grant and loan aid
bill for colleges. The Senate in-
creased the bill to $2.6 billion
and added a scholarship provi-
sion. House Republicans, against
the scholarship provision, will
attempt to defeat the bill if
scholarship provisions remain.
Nestingen is not sure that the
scholarship provision added by
the Senate will survive; but any
type of controversy "will not
stop the grant and loan pro-
Aid to elementary and sec-
ondary education however, faces
tough sledding, if it passes, it
will be a close vote." Nestingen
explained that the two bills face
different controversy. Most of
the country has concluded that
the cost of higher education is
too high for local communities
to bear. This conclusion is not
so secure for the lower grades
as many feel that state and
local governments can finance
The. religious factor is also
not as strong in higher educa-
tion as it is with lower grades.
Nestingen, a native of Wis-
consin and former mayor of
Madison, smiled easily when he
declined to name the swing-

votes for the education bill in
congress. "Every man likes to
feel that his vote is important,"
he said.
Prospects for the aid to edu-
cation of professional health
personnel looks optimistic also,
he reports. The -bill offers
matching grants for construe-

-The undersecretary is a strong
proponent of the grant, loan
and scholarship program for
colleges. He strongly advocates
aid for construction and teach-
er's salaries at the elementary
and secondary school level.
Above all, he believes that there
should be a, prohibition on
federal direction on any aid
from Washington.
Local Direction
"Curriculum planning, direc--
tion, and control should come
from the state and local gov-
ernments," he emphasized. Nes-
tingen rejects the thesis that
federal aid means federal con-
trol. He points out that ,the
government has been directly
and indirectly aiding education
since the Survey Ordinance of
1785, which set aside the 16th
lot in every township for public
educational purposes.
"If federal aid to education
somehow automatically means
federal control then that fact
would have long since come out
in the long history of federal
aid," Nestingen said.
He denied that emphasis on
support of certain disciplines,
such as the National Defense
Education Act concentration on
science, languages and math, is
a form of control. "The admin-
istration would be derelict if it
did not recognize shortages," he
Limited Aid
"A more legitimate concern is
whether federal aid is too lim-
ited, he said. For instance,
Nestingen wishes to see engi-
neers receive a broader educa-
tion than their present diet of
math and physical science
courses offers. He has a strong
view of the administrative role.
The administration should
recognize the broader and ur-
gent needs of education and
attempt to answer them. It
should not blandly ignore any
problem. "We should have con-
victions and act upon them," he

... education
tion of new medical and dental
schools and provides for four
year scholarships for one-fourth
of the students entering these
schools. As with the higher edu-
cation bill, Nestingen sees more
hope for the matching grants
than the scholarships.
If all pending education bills
pass this year, the question of
quality in education still has to
be answered, he said.
A bill favoring the financing
of teacher education would be
advisable. Attention to the liter-
acy problems of the United
States should be met with adult
education legislation, he con-
tinued. As to, whether legisla-
tion for community colleges will
be needed, "It's too early to'
tell," he said.

Sunay Firm
In Approv1m
(old Coalitioi
Mutinous Troops
Demanding New
Reform Action
ANKARA, Turkey (A-Prem
Ismet Inonu announced early 1
day that his government had "t
situation under control" after
uprising by mutinous army uni
Reliable army sources said i
revolt had been crushed and t
ringleaders seized.
Rebellious troops, led by you
officers disgruntled over the sl
progress of the government in c
rying out reform legislation, h
seized strategic buildings in A
kara last night.
The 78-year-old premier in
broadcast to the nation gave s
surances his government was
command, declaring loyal arni
forces "are on duty and have t
situation under control."
"Their prime duty is to proti
and defend the constitution a
the entity of the motherland, a
they will fulfill their duty,"
Civil War
The collapse of the mutiny ca
after the country appeared
teeter for hours on the brink
civil war.
Turkish armed forces chi
stood behind the elderly prem
and rejected demands of yu
officers that he be kicked out
Gen. Cevdet Sunay, chief
the general staff, led the suppi
for Inonu's three-month coaliti
government. The air force, na
and loyal army units also lined
behind Inonu. .
Firm Decision
In a brief radio address Sun
warned that the general staff w
"firm in the decision to preve
any kind of negative actions."
Sunay's statement did not de
nitely claim that the governm
was in control of thechaotic g
uation in Ankara that develo
in the wake of the mutiny.
Sunay described the mutin
forces as "some units of the A
kara garrison, including co
manders of the war acadei
(Turkey's West Point), thege
darmerie officers' school, a ta
battalion school and some sig
Outside Scope
The general said "they h
taken on themselves to embs
on some measures which are 01
side the scope of their orders.
Opposing elements of the ar
ed forces were poised in an a
parent standoff and there were
reports of clashes or casualties
Petitions Set
For Students
Petitions ,for Student Gove
ment Council, Board in Control
Student Publications, Michig
T~nnr e-,a - n Cninr 2r

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Needler Views Latin American Stability




Latin American countries in
general are in a transitional period
in the development of political
stability, Martin C. Needler said
last night.
An instructor in the political
science department and author
of a forthcoming book on Latin
American politics, Needler describ-
ed the development of stability at
a round table. Needler, Prof. Sam-
uel Barnes and Prof. Richard Park
of the department were panelists.
After Latin American countries
became independent, the institu-
tions of the colonial period no

graft, and politics is the rule of
selfishness and violence."
The military is the key institu-
tion in this stage because force
is the only arbiter and because the
military is always the last in-.
stitution to crumble, Needler ex-
Maintain Military
"The military has the best abil-
ity to maintain itself when other
institutions are crumbling." For
most developing countries, he said,
the military fills the gap created
by the lack of legitimacy.
Breaking through to political
stability involves securing the al-

party is containing the major
political groups and keeping them
together by reconciling their con-
flicting interests, he explained.
Mexico did this by setting up in
the late 1920's a coalition of the
army, the labor unions and the
organized peasants, he said.
"The party that was formed suc-
ceeded in keeping these groups tb-
gether, with the president of Mexi-
co doing a balancing act between
Expanding Economy
He said that an expanding econ-
omy is probably necessary to keep
such divergent groups together.

ed Brazil's transition as gentle
and still continuing and Cuba's
as unfulfilled.
Cuba is still in the position of
a legitimacy vacuum, he said. It
attempted in the 1930s to make
the transition to a modern state
but failed, reverting to a stage of
control by violence.
Needler's book, "The Politics of
Latin American Republics," will
be published later this year, he
expects. He is also editing another
book on Latin American politics.
Prof. Park, director of the Cen-
ter for Southern Asian Studies,
discussed the stability of Pakistan.

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