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January 30, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-01-30

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Se'nrty-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al, reprints.

Protester Explains Motives

Contemporary Festival
Has Good Beginning

T-37 Incident: U.S. Must Spy
But with Discretion

ON TUESDAY three Americans met viol-
ent deaths when a plane they were
flying from their military base in West
Germany was shot down by East Germans
over East German territory.
The Kremlin immediately sent a pro-
test to Washington, claiming that the
West German plane was given warnings
and did not heed them, and accusing the
United States of "deliberate military
provocation." Washington then dispatch-
ed a strong protest to the Russians, saying
that the plane was a defenseless T-37
jet trainer which got lost and accidental-
ly flew over foreign territory. It con-
demned the East Germans for their ac-
tions, and demanded the immediate re-
turn of the dead fliers' bodies.
Immediately the usual cries went up
in the United States condemning the
Communists for their disregard of the
inoffensive nature of the plane and lack
of a "sense of fair play" or "ethics."
This all is reminiscent of an incident
that occurred about three years ago. An
American plane was shot, down, not over
a country like East Germany, but over
Russia itself. The Russians immediately
protested. The State Department then
lied to the public in its first official dis-
patch, claiming the plane had gotten lost
and accidentally flew over foreign ter-
ritory. A clamor went up, asking for the
Russians' hides.I
Eventually the truth came out, that the
plane was on a spying mission. What
happened? Nothing. Most of those who
had been previously outraged at the Rus-
sians now shrugged their shoulders, their
attitude being everyone has spies and it's
all right as long as you don't get caught
at it. The fact that we did get caught
apparently didn't bother them.
WHEN THE T-37 flew over East Germany
the other day, it could have been,
for all the East Germans officially knew,
a spy plane. They say they warned it, but
received no reply. This may or may not be
true. The plane still was violating their
airspace, and American planes have been
known to violate Communist air space for
other than innocuous reasons. The Com-
munists could have given the plane the
benefit of the doubt, but then they could
have given the benefit of the doubt to

Francis Gary Powers. They could have
asked the State Department what the
plane was doing over East German ter-
ritory without shooting it down. But the
State Department has lied before.
But for a moment assume that the
State Department this time was telling
the truth and that this time the Com-
munists were lying. We still cannot deny
that the Communists had every right
under international law to shoot down
the plane--it was violating their air space.
Add to the Communists' undeniable le-
gal rights in the situation the fact that
the United States today flies U-2's over
Cuba, one of which was shot down last
year, and that the United States flew
spy planes over Russia for years, and
then lied about it when one was caught.
The horrible but starkly irrefutable
truth begins to emerge. It is this: United
States arguments concerning last Mon-
day's happenings, be they from a legal
or a moral standpoint, don't hold a drop
of water. Due to international law, care-
lessness and past deceptions, the United
States does not have a leg to stand on
in the eyes of the world.
O WHAT ARE WE TO DO about it? Bow
our heads in shame? Not at all. The
Cold War is a balance of terror. It is a
battle of knowledge and of power and is
not and never has been fought on what
are normally regarded as moral terms.
That we carelessly allowed one of our
planes to violate East German air space
was a terrible, regrettable mistake for
which we and we alone are to blame.
That three years ago we allowed one of
our spy planes to get caught and then
made the terrible tactical mistake of ly-
ing about it is also very unfortunate.
But we must not condemn the Russians,
or worse, ourselves. What we must do is
make a resolution that is quite undra-
matic but which will be very effective if
carried out. That is, first, to be extremely
careful not to violate openly, through
carelessness, the letter of international
law; second, if we must spy (and we
must), not to get caught at it; and
third, if we know we are caught at it and
guilty in the eyes of the world, not to
compound the situation and taint our
world image by lying about it.

To the Editor:
r HE FOLLOWING is part of the
statement which I read yester-
day at my trial to Municipal Judge
Francis O'Brien, explaining my
participation in the September sit-
ins at City Hall.
"There is no question in my
mind that discrimination accord-
ing to race exists in the sale and
rental of real estate in Ann Arbor
. that situation is intolerable ...
I believe that the history of vol-
untary integration clearly indi-
cates that legal pressures are
needed to force compliance with
the principles of the United States
Constitution and the moral basis
of a free and democratic society.
Therefore, I believe that a strong
fair housing ordinance is needed
in Ann Arbor.
I cannot accept the argument
that such an ordinance should be
opposed because it challenges
property rights . . . I believe that
our society is, and must be, prem-
Issed on the fundamental per-
sonal rights, liberty and equality
of all people, and that rights to
property are subsequent and sub-
ordinate to the equal human
rights of all.
One of these rights guarantees
the free choice of neighborhood,
house and apartment for every
person, limited only by financial
resources; I find all attempts to
justify limitation s on racial
grounds (to be) euphemistically
hidden with references to property
rights, wholly inimical to the hu-
man foundation of the United
States. I believe that property
rights must be set asidewhen they
come in conflict with any of the
broad and basic human rights
which must lie at the very root
of our society . .
I BELIEVE that the sit-in
is a generally recognized and un-
derstandable mode for the com-
munication of political ideas, non-
violent in nature, and therefore
allowable and protected under rea-
sonable interpretation of First
Amendment guarantees of free
speech and assembly . . . Civil dis-
obedience is to be undertaken only
after all reasonable means of ne-
gotiation, picketing and petition
have been unsuccessfully used. I
believe that the long history of
such relatively moderate measures
in Ann Arbor indicated that more
dramatic forms of expression were
called for. The sit-in was such a
means of expression to the Council
and to the public.
I come now to the justification
of civil disobedience in relation to
a law with which I have no moral
quarrel. I believe that the criterion
of moral repugnancy must be sup-
plemented by that of non-violence
as another criterion for assuming
responsibility for civil disobedience
. It is this criterion which I use
to defend my participation in this
sit-in . . .My action endangered no
one, threatened no one, damaged
nothing and was clear in its intent
as a means of political expression
defending basic liberties in this
I do not believe in indiscrimin-
ate violation of the law whenever
it is convenient and dramatic - I
am, however, willing to take re-
sponsibility for my action if this
court finds me guilty of loitering,
since that violation refers to an
action neither injurious to the
people, nor to their property, nor
to their liberties and fundamental
rights. Believing this, I am neither
embarrassed nor ashamed of what
I have done and consider myself
justly responsible for it."
-Michael Zweig, '64
Rights March...
To the Editor:
I WOULD greatly appreciate it if
The Daily would, since the Ann
Arbor News will not, make some
mention of the fact that last Mon-
day some 50 demonstrators
marched through the central busi-
ness district of Ann Arbor. The

News, in its article on the demon-
stration in Tuesday's paper, mere-
ly said that the marchers "picket-
ed City Hall, the County Jail and
a N. Main Street restaurant." No
mention was made that anybody
walked from Huron and Main
down Main to Williams across
Main to Ann and then to the jail.
Yet, some 50 sign-carrying dem-
onstrators made the walk.
I do not know why The News
1failed to report the facts in this
instance. However, I do know that
in an article of Aug. 6, 1963, The
News reported the route of anoth-
er civil rights march which passed
through Ann Arbor's Negro ghetto.
I do not know why The News sup-
presses facts concerning a march
through the central business dis-
trict but not those about a march
through the Negro ghetto. None-
theless, I would appreciate it if
The Daily, by means of this letter,
would bring The News' omissions
to the attention of at least a part
of Ann Arbor's public.
-J. Alan Winter, Grad
Staebler .
To the Editor:
N EIL STAEBLER'S candidacy
for governor propels us to write
this letter and to begin organizing
a campus Students For Staebler.

tious and, we believe, not for per-
sonal gain.
It was no wonder, in the light of
his integrity and his contributions,
that the University of Massachu-
setts made him a Visiting Profes-
sor of Practical Politics and that
this university gave him an hon-
orary Doctor of Laws degree.
AS Congressman - at - large,
Staebler has supported the Kenne-
dy proram of civil rights, econom-
ic progress, foreign assistance and
free trade. In addition, Staebler
was one of the 20 Conressmen to
vote against appropriations for the
House Un-American Activities
Students have a special interest
in seeing Staebler serve as govern-
or because he has that rare abil-
ity to combine an intellectual ap-
proach to the problems of govern-
ment with hard-nosed politics. He
is both high-minded and practical
as well as open-minded and liber-
tarian, objective and independent.
Students will have the oppor-
tunity to help get Staebler elected
as governor through working in
SFS. An organizational meeting of
a statewide SFS is set for 1:30
p.m. Saturday in the Multipurpose
Room of the Dearborn campus of
the University Students from any
campus may come and take part,
including independents and dis-
illusioned Republicans.
A University SFS is also being
established; join us in this effort.
-Robert Selwa, Grad
-Martin Baum, '64
GM Profits . .
To the Editor:
IN THE Jan. 28 Daily, Mr. Philip
Sutin contributed an editorial
labeled "Profit Tears." In speak-
ing of General Motors' record
profit, Sutin said that that profit
"is largely going into private
hands, doing little if anything
which is socially useful."
I was shocked to see a paper of
the intellectual - quality of The
Daily printing an editorial on
present-day economics indicating

such pervasive naivete of even the
very basic elements which go into
making up the American economic
* * *
IS PRIVATE profit socially use-
less? I think not. To begin with,
any private capitalist worthy of
the name is not going to let the
money he earns sit idly by. He is
going to re-invest it in other busi-
ness enterprises. These new enter-
prises will create new jobs for
America's unemployed, and better
jobs for those already working.
The private capitalist investor
will also buy public bonds in his
diversified investment program.
These bonds build schools, finance
facilities for the mentally retard-
ed and build roads to name just a
few things. The private investor
will buy private bonds which will
give other private businesses the
funds necessary to expand their
present facilities; this in turn will
create new and better jobs.
The private investor will invest
his profits in stock issues which
will give new businesses the op-
portunity to begin operation with
sufficient working capital. It can
be hoped that these new businesses
will make a large enough profit so
they can be taxed and add to the
income which the government
needs to carry on its many func-
IF NEW industry is going to be
formed, old industry must make a
profit. If we are going to tax in-
dustry for government projects,
industry must make a profit. (It is
interesting to note that these pri-
vate profits are taxed not once
but twice. First the corporation's
profits are taxed and then the
money which is afterward dis-
tributed to the stockholder is taxed
again as individual income.)
Perhaps G.M.'s profit is too
large. Perhaps workers are not
paid enough. But he who thinks
that private profit in private
hands does little, if anything, so-
cially useful is missing the point.
-Thomas H. Bissell, '65L

THE FOURTH Festival of Con-
temporary Music made an
encouraging beginning with its
first program, presented last eve-
ning. The items were generally
well-prepared and gave promise of
further satisfying programs for
the remainder of the series which
extends to the end of next week.
The University Choir under
Maynard Klein opened with two
motets by the Swedish composer
Sven-Erik Back, written in 1959
as part of a series for functional
use during the church year. Each
of the two works had a consistency
of style that was adequately
matched by aural perceptiveness
and clarity in performance, mar-
red only by a single instance of
faulty intonation in the basses
closing the second work.
STRAVINSKY'S "C a n t a t a,"
more familiar to most listeners,
was here given a thoroughly sai-
isfying performance. Soprano Let-
itia Garner's pleasant voice and
sound intonation could perhaps
have been heard to advantage with
4 more delicate accompaniment
in the first ricercar. Tenor Millard
Cates projected well in his solo
and then wisely cut back to blend
his voice sensitively in the love
duet with the soprano's. The Uni-
versity Women's Choir contributed
an accurate and well-balanced
texture in the dirge-like inter-
The chamber ensemble provided
a sensitive accompaniment with
only a few instances of uneven
balance (the English horn iow B
is problematic in this respect).
** *
"EVOCATION for Violin, Piano
and Percussion," written by the
American Ralph Shapey in 1957,
was more indicative of the experi-"
mental perogatives offered the
contemporary composer. H e r e
there was obvious intent to ex-
ploit the sound possibilities of thie
ensemble. The opening recitative
relied rather heavily on note pat-

terns and pedals for its contin-
uity and suffered from 1 lack of
sensitivity in the percussion writ-
ing However, the percussion did
become part of the ensemble in
the remaining movements.
The soft stick rolls in the third
section of the "Evocation" pro-
vided an interesting addition to
the sound spectrum of violin and
piano. The coda based-on opening
material was saved from direct
repetition by the injection of new
devices of pizzicato and sul pon-
ticello but the final pizzicato
statement of the subject was ob-
vious to say the least
-Barry Vercoe
BOUT "KANAL" there is really
very little to be said. This
Polish film, at the Cinema Guild'
tonight and tomorrow, is certainly
an honest view of war, but it re-
mains an easily forgettable film.
The credits and debits may be
summarized briefly. On the credit
side of the ledger is the uncom-
promising view of war as hell.
This is the story of the last 24
hours of the 1944 Warsaw Up-
rising in which the Polish patriots
were driven into the sewers and
slaughtered. Not only is there no
recruiting - poster heroism, but
there is also a refreshing absence
of sentimental mush about heroic
The patriots look each other in
the eye, tell themselves that this
is it and then go about their busi-
The patriots' business consists
of a retreat into the Warsaw sew-
ers, a move that is worse than
fatal-they would have died had
they stood and fought-for its
The final image is of a half-
crazed lieutenant lowering himself
grimly into a man-hole to rescue
his lost men. We know that their
doom has already been sealed.
This blind act, at once heroic and
futile, sums up the entire Warsaw
THE MAJOR fault of the film
is simply its unimaginative pres-
There is an attempt to create
unique andameaningful charac-
ters, but it is an attempt that
never really succeeds. The flight
through the sewers is an exercise
in unrealized artistic possibilities.
Tighter organization and a faster
pace were definitely called for.
A sense of futility is conveyed, but
it would have been far more poig-
nant had better characters and
suspense been created. The entire
episode is interesting only in a
disengaged sense-that is, when
we abstractly consider the idea of
sloshing about- in the Warsaw
It is interesting to speculate
upon the fact that this film was
produced in an Iron Curtain coun-
try, since responsibility for the
slaughter of the Warsaw patriots
must lie with the Soviet Union.
That a film with this subject-
though the responsibility of the
Soviet Union is never mentioned
explicitly-could be produced in
Poland is evidence of a good deal
of artistic freedom within that
-Sam Walker

Me-Tooism Brings GOP Split

Viet Nam: World's Hot Spot

AT THIS WRITING events in Viet Nam
are again in a state of flux. Another
coup has apparently overtaken Saigon,
almost three months to the day since Ngo
Dinh Diem was overthrown. A counter-
coup is reportedly in progress.
The Vietnamese army chiefs, who sup-
posedly needed only to get out from un-
der the Diem regime in order to demolish
the Viet Cong, are now hopelessly divided
against each other.
The ramifications of this situation ex-
tend far beyond the muddy peninsula
which most Americans could never find
on a map. Southeast Asia is rapidly be-
coming the prime' world hot spot. Con-
sider: French recognition of Red China
initiates a completely new framework of
international politics-the cliches of East-
West relations are turned on their head.
The Sino-French accord leaves allies
such as Japan confused and pressured.
A new dimension is added to the Laos

question, the Cambodia question - will
France and China work around the Unit-
ed States?
On the periphery of this problem area
are such issues as Malaysia and the in-
ternal and external dangers facing In-
States cannot afford to become bogged
down in the Vietnamese situation-events
are moving too fast. We cannot let past
commitments tie us to an effort to stab-
ilize an intrinsically unstable situation.
The mistakes (policies) of the past dec-
ade must not blind us to the realities of
the present.
There will never be an "anti-Commu-
nist bulwark" in South Viet Nam. The
goal is futile. We must look for some sort
of an accommodation with Ho Chi Minh,
who is no more a devil than Diem was a
saint. It is time to get gracefully out.

W HILE NO ONE can suppose
that the polls measuring Pres-
ident Johnson's popularity predict
exactly what is going to happen
next November, they do say that
as of now the Republican Party
is in very bad shape indeed.
When one remembers that a
candidate who gets 60 per cent
of the votes on election day wins
by a large landslide in the Elec-
toral College, these current fig-
ures rating President Johnson at
75 or even 80 per cent seem to
say there is some kind of convul-
sion within the Republican Party.
For while President Johnson will
almost certainly not get the votes
of all the people who are for him
now, I believe the polls are tell-
ing an important story.
It turns on the argument about
me-tooism among Republicans, as
illustrated by Goldwater and
Sen. Goldwater is saying that
the Republican Party can win only
if it offers the voters "a choice and
not an echo." His theory is that
the Republicans must differ rad-
ically from the Democrats.
Gov. Rockefeller, on the other
hand, not only agrees with the
main aims of the Democrats, but
knows that a large majority of the
people agree with them, also. So
he is driven to take the position
that the Republican Party with
him as leader would achieve the
common aims better that the Dem-
ocrats can achieve them. This is
what Sen. Goldwater calls me-too-
ism, in his mind a recipe for de-
IF WE TAKE a close look at
me-tooism, we have to ask our-
selves whether, in fact, the kind
of radically different alternative
exists which Sen. Goldwater talks
about. No Republican presiden-
tial candidate since the Roosevelt
landslide of the 1930's has thought
that there was such an alternative.
Willkie, Dewey, Eisenhower and
Nixon all practiced what Sen.
Goldwater calls me-tooism.
Why? Not because they did not
wish to win. Not because they did
not wish to offer the voters a
choice between themselves and the
Democratic candidates. They prac-
ticed me-tooism because in a na-
tionwide election there was no
The Democratic Party under
Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Stev-
enson and Kennedy has pre-empt-
ed and occupied all the central
positions in national and interna-
tional policy. There are no other
national positions to be occupied.
The fact that this is so is being
demonstrated by the complete fail-
ure of Sen. Goldwater himself to
produce any kind of coherent and
defensible program.
HISTORICALLY, the present
plight of the Republican Party
dates from the split in 1912 be-

Neither in the 1920's under
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, nor
in the 1950's under Eisenhower did
the Republican Party return to
power with a radically different
policy. Herbert Hoover, though he
chose to be a Republican, was in
international affairs a Wilsonian
Democrat. And Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, when he finally decided to
be a Republican, had nevertheless
made his career and acquired his
views of policy under Roosevelt
and Truman.
THE ME-TOOISM of the na-
tional Republicans is the conse-
quence. of the historic fact that
in the split of 1912 the Parochial
Stand-Patters ousted the Progres-
sive Nationalists from the control
of the party organization. This is
still the condition of the party.
That is why in Congress the
Republican Party based on local
organizations is predominantly
parochial and stand-pat and why,
when the national election comes
along, the candidate who expects
to win has no choice but some
kind of me-tooism. For when the
party split in 1912, it surrendered
to the Democrats the initiative
in the selection and formulation
of issues in domestic and interna-
tional affairs. By surrendering the

initiative, the party organization
surrendered the vital center of
American politics to the Demo-
* * *
30 yearsdhas seen all this from
the inside, is exploiting the fact
that all the central positions have
been surrendered to the Demo-
crats. That is why the Democrats,
who were the minority party in
the 19th century, have become
the majority party in this century.
They now have' the initiative as
the Republicans had it when they
were identified with great issues--
the Union, emancipation, the
opening of the West and the rec-
ognition, with the building of the
Panama Canal, of the coming role
of America as a world power.'
By an interesting and not mys-
terious turn of affairs, this tra-
dition of national leadership°pass-
ed from Theodore Roosevelt, after
his defeat in 1912, to his distant
cousin and disciple, Franklin
Until the Republicans recover
the national leadership, which they
might have done but did not do
under President Eisenhower, they
are not likely to have any alterna-
tive to me-tooism.
(c), 1964, The washington Post Co.

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Huntington Rebuilds IQC

the University's vast dormitory com-
plex, Inter-Quadrangle Council has at-
tempted this past year to be a more vital
Under the administration headed by
President Curtis Huntington and Vice-
President John Eadie, IQC has begun to
fulfill its role as the center of communi-
cation among male quadrangle residents.
In what must be termed a year of re-
building, Huntington -- who took over
from Kent Bourland in September-has
shown his ability as a master of achieving
large success from small building stones.
His approach, as implemented by Ead-
le, has been an elaborate and revitalized

ranges wholesale sporting goods purchases
for all house athletic teams, while the
academic committee has launched chess
The service chairman and his unit are
striving to make the dorm living condi-
tions more palatable while the Projects
Committee is at work notifying home-
town newspapers of the quadrangle ac-
tivities of their local favorites.
Huntington has also demonstrated a
novel and distinctive capacity for spur-
ring IQC to contemplate larger quad-
rangle issues. In participating in such
events as the Big Ten Residence Halls
Presidents Conference and the IQC-As-
sembly Association conclave, the organi-


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