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May 08, 1964 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-08

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Literary College
Freshman Honors Students

(Continued from Page 2)
Nancy Ruth Grossman
Arthur Welz Gulick
Pamela Elaine Gutin
Michael William Handelman
Richard Michael Hantula
Jo Ellen Marie Havis
Susan Kaye Hecht
Janet Lynn Heim
Barbara Hered
Susan Hershman
Robert Harold Hildreth
Stephanie Eleanor Hooker
Charlene Hosticka
Jean Elizabeth Houvener
Paul Franklin Hultin
Susan Nancy Hyman
Susan Elaine Jeremy
Louise Roberta Kahan
Stephen William Kalkstein
Jonathan David Katz
Martin Lewis Katz
Richard Katzman
Roberta Inez Katzman
James Samuel Kaufman
Algis Julius Kaupas
Jerold Lee Kellman
Mark Robert Killingsworth
Jay Harvey Kleiman
Joel Andrew Klein
Robert Dennis Kraff
Eunice Joy Kraus
David Jeremy Lane
Miriam Ann Lang
Suzanne Kay Lester
ail Ayn Levin
Joan Edna Levy
Wendy Sue Lichtnan
Daniel Touro Linger
Joseph Alan Litven
Steven Howard Loewenthal

Marie Mei-Chu Louis
Frederic Newman Lyon
Sylvia Ruth Maskin
Barbara Bell Maxson
Patricia Ann McCarty
Gary Bernard McCombs
Mark William McGuire
Susan Elizabeth McWhirter
Douglas James Miller
Margery Ann Minkin
Joan Ann Mitchell
George William Moore
Joel Morganroth
Ramelle Ann Myers
Marcella Elaine Neal
Kurt Harrison Neumann
Janice Elaine Nicodemus
Bruce Clayton Nordstrom
Linda Rae Nozik
Jane Robin Nydorf
Constance Adele Olson
Ellen Cyrille Panush
Timothy William Pasich
Katherine Lucille Paup.
Denise Christine Pavis
Meril Ruth Penn
Elizabeth Ann Perkett
Steven James Perlmutter
Benjamin Allan Perry
Don Irwin Phillips
James Stewart Pickett
Susan Pikelny
Cheryl Mae Planck
Ted Allen Poulton
Michael William Pratt
Gilbert James Premo
Margaret Ann Richek
Susan Elizabeth Riebel
Dorothy Elizabeth Robling
Melvyn Meyer Rom
Vincent Paul Rossi

Louise Marie Saaranen
Paul Lincoln Sawyer,
Stephen Roy Saxton
Mark Steven Schiffer
Barbara Ann Schwartz
Ronna Segal
Jack Eldon Seigel
Daniel Steven Selinger
Patricia Ann Shannon
Inette Francine Shubert
Lynne Silverstine
Mark Irwin Singer
Emanuel Jay Skolnick
Laura Susan Slaughter
Marc Hugh Slutsky
Elnore Harriet Smith
Steven James Smith
Janice Rae Snyder
Karen Louise Snyder
William Talbot Sparrow
Judith Ann Spector
Nancy Lynn Stagman
Alan David Stern
Nancy Lee Stickle
Leanna Stiefel
Sally Jo Stillwell
David Robert Stutz
Sharon Elaine Swanson
Richard David Swartz
Deborah Page Sweet
Carolyn Dorothea Teich
Kathy Jane Te Strake
Nancy Elizabeth Thomas
David Eugene Thompson
Terry Martin Trojan
Helen Virginia Tunison
William Walter Updegrove
Roger Benjamin Vanko
Laura Ruth Van Vlack
William Francis Van Wert
Penelope Varney

Elaina Walchak
Carol Eleonora Walton.
Sharon Washtien
Harvey Franklin Wasserman
George Andrgw Weis II
Raymond Jay Weitzman
Merle Weston
Ervin Sidney Wheeler
David Alan White
Merrill Jay Whitman
Thomas Richard Wilcox
Jay Douglas Wiley
Clayton- Edward Wilhite
John Burton Williams
Leon Oscar Winstrom
Sheldon Jay Wolberg
Leslie Catherine Woodcock
Alice Isabelle Youmans
Steven Howard Zarit

Thua To
Give College
(Continued from Page 1)
open the benefits of a large uni-
versity to the small college's stu-
dents. The University's large li-
braries, major cultural and intel-
lectual events and student activi-
ties would be among these attrac-
The residential college could
also afford to risk making a few
mistakes while in search of better
educational planning because it
will be part of the University and
already have accreditation and a
competent, faculty from the lit-
erary college..
During a year-long debate with-
in the literary college, the resi-
dential college concept was not
without its critics. One professor
asserted the college would sim-
ply be "a continuation of high
school," and he envisioned a hot-
house environment there which
would impede, not facilitate, stu-
dents' personal development.
Many more literary college fac-
ulty members simply manifested
apathy toward the idea. Most of
the unenthusiastic traced their
feelings to doubts that structural
innovations could jmprove edu-
cation... ..
And, as plenty of its opponents
have pointed out, the college faces
many practical problems: will fac-
ulty want. to .teach there? will
students be interested? can it just-
ify its probably higher per-student
cost? will administrative work pro-
liferate beyond acceptable bounds?
Named to answer such questions
and to become the founding fath-
ers of the residential college, is a'
faculty group headed by Associate
Dean Burton D. Thuma of the
literary college.
For better or for worse, the birth
of the residential college is virtu-
ally a sure thing, now that it has
received the Regents' enthusiastic
backing. If it works out as its ad-
vocates hope, it may become the
prototype for University expan-
sion, with the University setting
up new residential colleges to
dandle increased enrollments in-
stead of further swelling existing
schools and colleges,

in the Western Collegiate Hockey
Assn. playoffs. The title game
climaxed the winningest hockey
season ever with a 24-4-1 overall
In addition to the NCAA crown,
individual honors were bestowed
upon sophomore defenseman Tom'
Polonic, a first team All-Ameri-
can; senior goalie Bob Gray, the
tournament's most valuable play-
er; and captain Gordie Wilkie, al-
so an all-tournament selection
and All-American;
Basketball Rebirth
The great basketball renais-
sance brought to the University
by coaches Dave Strack, Tom Jor-

'M' Teams Win Five Titles

Pershing Rifles

Olympics at Tokyo. Coach Don
Canham's crew, paced by five in-
dividual champions, walked to an
easy triumph in the Big Ten in-
door meet, and current outdoor
performances insure spots on
Olympic teams from Trinidad to
Des Ryan, in the mile, Roger
Schmitt in the shot put, Al Am-
merman in the high jump, Kent
Bernard in the 600 and Ted Kelly
in the 880 all won individual titles
in the Wolverines' fifth first-place
indoor track finish in the past six
The wrestlers, despite an injury
to Big Ten champion Rick Bay,
won the Big Ten crown withytwo
titlists and went on to give a per-
formance at the national tourna-
ment good enough for a sixth-
place berth. The individual Big
Ten crowns were picked up by
featherweight Ralph Bahna and
141-pounder Lee Dietrick.
Cliff Keen's matmen, despite
injuries, placed senior Gary Wil-
cox in the finals.
Gymnasts' Conference
The gymnastics team wasn't
able to repeats its national cham-
pionship season, but won the Big
Ten meet with individual winners
captain Arno Lascari and Mike
Henderson. Trampolinists Gary
Erwin and Johnny Hamilton also
tied for the top spot in the Big
Ten meet.
The third-place finish in the
NCAA gymnastics meet was spiced
by an unprecedented sweep in the
trampoline competition, as Erwin,
Hamilton and Fred Sanders fin-
ished one-two-three in the na-
tion. Unfortunately, there is no
Olympic trampoline competition.
The swimming team was unable
to dethrone Indiana in the Big
Ten meet, and wound up fourth in
the country. Individual Big Ten
championship trophies were col-
lected by sophomores Rich Walls
and Bill Farley, while a spot in
the Olympic trials has already
been assured to freshmen Carl
Robie, Russ Kingery and Paul
Scheerer, as well as Walls and.
junior captain-elect Ed Bartsch.
The honors heaped on Michigan
athletes weren't limited to athletic
accomplishments. In the annual

awards to the athletes who
achieve high scholastic recogni-
tion as well as high standards of
moral character, 27 varsity com-
petitors, including the captains of
all but two of the teams, were
awarded the Fielding H. Yost
awards at the banquet April 15.
In addition, one Michigan ath-
lete, Gordie Wilkie, was selected
for the Big Ten Conference Medal
of Honor for proficiency in both
athletics and scholarship,
Romney Plan
Provides More
Funds for T'
(Continued from Page 1)
books and library staff and third
term operations.
Besides $44 million from state
tax coffers the University expects
$14 million from student tuition
and fees and revenue and about
$1 millionaindtransfers from other
funds to round out the general
funds budget.
The fees and state funds -
placed in the general fund-pro-
vide for faculty salaries, libraries,
organized research, student aid,
and operation and maintenance.
Another money pool, the "re-
stricted funds" budget derives the
bulk of its revenue from the fed-
eral government and private gifts
and grants. Totaling $44.9 million
last year, it is earmarked for re-
search projects..
Lansing sources have observed
that this year's fiscal surplus al-
lowed the Senate to maintain the
governor's recommendation. Rom-
ney cut the University's $47.5 mil-
lion request in January to $44
Since 1956 the University's op-
erating budget outlay has increas-
ed by only $8 million from $30
million in 1956 to $38 million this
year. The span includes the state's
"payless paydays" when state of-
ficials and university and college
faculty failed to receive merit pay

Military Honorary

The lists of initiates for
other honorary societies
on Pages 4 and 6.


William B. Campbell, NROTC
Arthur O. Cravets, NROTC
Paul T. Davis, NROTC
Jon C. Ferguson, NROTC
Richard C. Field, AROTC
Richard J. Haney, AROTC
Jerry T.Hewitt, NROTC,
Frank W. Sherman, AROTC
WilliamR. Wheeler, NROTC
Alfred L. Kresse, AROTC
Kenneth W. Locke, AROTC
Raymond F. Beker, NROTC
Donald R. Bishop, NROTC
Joseph A. Bonus, AROTC
James A. Copony, AROTC
Charles R. Cornell, NROTC
Thomas W. Fant, NROTC
Edward J. Gulda, NROTC
Charles R. Harley, NROTC
Roger A. Johnson, NROTC
Harold D. Kadolph, NROTC
Douglas A. Remley, AROTC
Charles R. Schrimper, AROTC
William M. Timmer, AROTC
Morris M. Wells, NROTC


gensen and Jim Skala was capped
in Kansas City where the Wolver-
ines finished third in the country,
winding up with a 23-5 record, the
best ever by any Michigan team.
Led by sophomore All-American
Cazzie Russell and junior Bill
Buntin, the team ousted the de-
fending national champion, Loy-
ola of Chicago, then went on to
beat Ohio University in Minne-
apolis for the championship of the
Mideast region of the NCAA.
The track team, meanwhile, is,
assured representation at the 1964

Literary College Sophomores-

(Continued from Page 2)
Betty Ann Martenson
Suzanne McClure
David Allen Mead
Barbara Christiane Meihoefer
George David Mendenhall
Thomas Joseph Messenger
David Lachlan Meyer
William Howard Michaels
Richard Arthur Nagler
Courtney Cardell Neff
Joseph Robert Olson
Jennifer Sue Oren
Robert George Pachella
David Wilcox Palmer
Naomi Sharon Panush
Sharon Jean Perszyk

Marvin Preston IV
Alexander Bradfield Reisman
Patricia Ann Relich
Judith Anne Rogers
Zosia Eve Rosa
Judith Norma Rote
Lester Louis Sackett
Lorraine Ann Saginaw
Michael Jack Sattinger*
Ronald Charles Serlin
Linda Joy Silberman
Donald Dee Smith
Sandra Ladd Snyder
CarolEvelyn Soffer
Terry Lou Stagman
Charlyn Joy Stockero
Barbara Ann Strauss
Alan Sugar
Joel Sugar

Stephen Jeffery Sweet
Elaine Chiyo Takemoto
Ruth Ann VanAken
Mary Frances Voce
Robert Kenyon Walker
William Aron Walker
John Windiate Warren
Elizabeth Laura Weiss
Carol Jean Weller
Christine Ann Wendt
Karen Elizabeth Whitbeck
Carl Webster Wickstrom
Barbara Ann Wilson
Joan Evelyn Wolfsheimer
Eugene Yuen Ten Won
Frederick Massey Woodruff, Jr.
Jane Gay Worman
Judy Linette Zolotar.



Honors Students

(Continued from Page 2)
Dearborn Campus
Robert William Bruce
Thomas Lowell Carpenter, B.S.E.-
(Elec.Eng.) ,B.S.E. (Eng.Math.)
Anthony Eugene D'Amore,
B.S.E.(Elec. Eng.)
Robert George Fahselt,
B.S.E.(Mech. Eng.)
Philip John Guichelaar,
B.S.E.(Mech. Eng.)
Ralph Bradley Johnson
Robert Leonard Judd
Dennis Michael Kramer
Gary Dale Langolf
Joseph Canfield Marsh IV
Brian Stephen Repa
Carl Thomas Smith
James Dudley Stevens
Keith Barend Termaat,
B.S.E.(Mech. Eng.)
Arnold Van Zanten
Convocation an
Old Tradition'
(Continued from Page 1)
program for the convocation used
to include the receipents of fel-
lowships and scholarships for
which students could compete in
all departments,' Walter said.
r'The program became too large,
so in 1953 the committee appoint-
ed Walter to investigate other
methods of handling the situation.
It was thus decided to eliminate

Ronald Anthony Fryzel
Glenn Anthony Harnden
Hiroshi Morihara
George Dee Parrish
Michael John Stolnicki
Clifford William Wurst
Literary College
Sarah Annis M. Buckley
Eleanor Hutchins Nothstine, A.B.
David Eldon Palm; A.B.
Frank Paul Pearsall, A.B.
Thomas Gene Powell, A.B.
Alberta Ann Akowitz Keena
Business Administration
James Harper Andrews, B.B.A.
Louise Martha Briggs
Raymond Stewart Camilli, B.B.A.
Richard Lee Nellans, B.B.A.
Howell Hopson Ridley, Jr., B.B.A.
Don F. Zimmerman, B.B.A.
Music School
John Edward Anderson
Martin David Bushouse
Nancy Jean Campbell
Susan Jane Cowden
John Arnold Farrer HII
Evan Paul Ferber
Carroll Lawrence Hart
Alma Jean Henderson
Anita Jackson
Margaret Anne Kautz
Richard August Kruse
Gary James Olmstead,
B.Mus. (Mus.Ed.)
Grace Louise Saefke

Barton Kendrick Bartle
Jerome Preston Hartweg
Paul Emerson King
David Dudley Mairs
Susan Carr Martin
John Gerhardt Schaeffer
Jerri Jennifer Smart
Joy Anne Cumming Smelser
Barbara Kay Walz
David Edwin Cooper
Doris Jeanne Dorn
Martha Lynn Eckman
Anne Ly Niitme .
Robert John Streckfuss
James LeRoy Berge
Mary Robin Guern
Dorothy Ann Hall
Claudia Lee Kesler
Paul Howard Kirby
Nancy Lynne Martens
Russell James Peck
John David Peterson
Joan Carol Ramee
Marcia Claire Roeber
Flint College
Lawrence Frank Beauchamp
Rachel Ann Brown
Norman Dennis Chasteen
John Charles Fain
Jeanne Elizabeth Farrish
Helen Lucille Harrington
Ilse Hayes
Leatha Ellen Huskey
Douglas William Jenkins
Clara Katherine Fischer Klonoski,

Stewart Thau
African Students Union
George B. Cooper
Alpha Omega Fellowship
Thomas Correll
Alpha Phi Omega (Gamma Pi)
David Hartman.
American Chemical Society
Donald J. Ray
American Inst. of Aeronautics
and Astronautics
James Wagner
American lust, of hemical
W. Nicholas Delgass
American Inst. of Industrial
Kenneth Jordan
American Nuclear Society
Jon D. Erickson
American Pharmaceutical
Larry Burnstein
American Society of Civil
Richard L. Smit
American Society Mechanical
Kenneth Buell
Anthropology Club
Thomas F. Nemec
Arab Club
Izzideen Essaid
Assembly Association
Charlene Hager
Bacteriology Club
Joseph Silvernale
Baha'i Student Group
Sandra Peterson
Baptist Student Union
Donald Williams
Campus Chapel
David Huisman
Cercle Francais, Le,
John Pearce
Cervantes Club
Maria Del Car Rocha

it Organizations Liven Campus Life

Chi Alpha
Edwin J. Snook
Chinese Students' Club
Yee Ching Chen
Christian Medical Society
Gordon Briggs
Christian Science Org.
Perry Anderson
Collegiate Club of the
University Reformed Church
Arthur Funkhouser
Committee to Defend the
Bloomington Students
Howard Salita
Congregationsald -isciles, E&R,
EUB Student'-Guild
Robert Anthony
Council of Student Religious
Ronald R. Glancz
Culture Club (Tutorial
Judy Weissman
Deutscher Verein
Linda Malila
Eastern Orthodox Student
Barbara Bashara
Episcopal Student Foundation
Mary Conger
Engineering Council
Richard Munt
Engineering Honor Council
Lauren Bowler
Folklore Society
Peter Tourin
Foresters' Club
Joe Bell
Gamma Delta
Kenneth Dunker
Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Curtis Blanding.
Graduate History Club
John White
Graduate Outing Club
Kathy Sears
Greek Students Association
Kostas Mihalopoulos

Hillel Foundation
Bruce Chudacoff
Indian Chemical &
Metallurgical Engineers Assoc.
N. C. Kothary
India Students' Assoc.
Rama S. Sharma
Indonesian Students Assoc.
D. Harsokoesoemo
Institute of Electrical &
Electronics Engineers
James A. Sprowl
Inter Co-operative Council
Mahyar Anklesaria
Brandeis Co-op Housie
William A. Cox
Harold Osterweil
Carol Alterman
John Nakamura Co-op
Theodore Brott
Lester Co-op
Sheila Bonnell
Mark VIII Co-op
Rosemary Rice
Michigan Co-op
Joseph P. Pearl
Dawn Bernhardt
Stevens Co-op
Barbara Otto
Inter-Fraternity Council
Cliff Taylor
International Students' Assoc.
Isaac Adalemo
Inter-Quadrangle Council
John Eadie
Iranian Students' Assoc.
Ahmad Rafieyan
Israeli Students' Club
Herzl Lavon
Japanese Club
Koji Izumi
Joint Judiciary Council
Jack Kauffman
Junior Panhellenic
Jan Fasbender
Kappa Phi Club
Marilyn Beebe
Korean Club
Yong Wook Kim

La Sociedad Hispanica
David Higbie
Latvian Students' Club
Gundega Saulitis
Les Voyageurs
Dave Carte
Lithuanian Student Assoc.
Saulius Vydas
Lutheran Student Center
and Chapel
Eldon D. Enger
Marketing Club
Michael Townsend:
Men's Glee Club
Hal C. Raz som
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Brian lMwhinney.
Ronald L. Kramer
Michigan Flyers' Inc.
Stephen Reading
Michigan League
Gretchen Groth
Michigan Metallurgical Societies
Eugene W. Kelley
Michigan Sailing Club
Fred Krauss
Michigan Technic
Dennis N. Hanink
Michigan Union
Raymond L. Rusnak
Muslim Students Assoc.
Kamal A. El-Sheikh
Near East Club
David Churchman
Pakistan Students' Assoc.
Badaruddjn Kadri
Pat Elkins
Phileutherian Society
Arthur Collingsworth
Philippine-Michigan Club
Manuel Estrella
Russian Circle
Stanton E. Samenow
Senior Board
Lauren Bowler
Seventh Day Adventist
Student Association
Ernest J. Plata

Society of Automotive
Jack Benson
Student Council, School
of Education
Dawn Ledinsky
Student Council, School
'of Nursing
Susan Oppel
Student Government Council
Russell L. Epker
Com. on Membership
William Burns
Com. on Human Relations
David Aroner
Com. on Student Activities
Evan Wilner
Com. on USNSA
Mary Beth Norton
Public Relations Board
Don Filip
Student Government
Reform Union
Carl J. Cohen
Student National Education
James Rettig
Students United for Responsible
Government (SURGe)
Fred Rhines
Turkish Students Assoc.
Erhan Cinlar
Ukrainian American
Students' Club
Wolodymyr Madych
ULLR Ski Club
Fred Moore
Unitarian Student Group
Ronald Brender
Amateur Radio Club
William Michals
American Society for
Public Administration
Charles Chomet
Economics Society
John Burton
Forsenic Guild
Charles Adamek
Friends of the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating
David Strauss
Jazz Band
Bruce Fisher
Marching Band
Physical Therapy Club
Beverly Balfour
Rifle Club
J. Win. Shields
Symphony Band
University Lutheran Chapel
Joseph McMahon
University Symphony
Voice Political Party
Richard Magidoff
Wesleyan Guild
Norman Kohns
Wisconsin Synod Lutheran


C holars

Christopher Francis Ake
James Michael Amend
Kent Philip Anderson
Patty Katherine Ardis
Nanci Blythe Arnold
Joel Michael Bernstein
Thomas George Betz3
Thomas Robert Bierma
Gerald Michael Browne
Susan Gail Cohn

George William Gatecliff
Michael Joseph Gelfand
Steven Sherwin Gilson
Thomas Richard Herzog
Christine Grace Heustis
John William Heyt, B.S.E.(M.E.)
Martha Sifers Hiestand
Diane Fern Hoffenberg
John William Holmes

Penny Gail Lozoff
Susan Louise Mann
Jon Griffith March
Ruth Geraldine Matalavy
Suzanne McClure
Barbara Christiane Meihoefer
Thomas Joseph Messenger
Jeffrey George Meyer
Sherry Ann Miller

Jonathan Conrad Pumplin
Jacquelyn Marie Reinertson, A.B.
Arnold Revzin
James Eugene Rice
Alan Dean Robinson
Mark Paul Rossow
Sharon Lee Rubert
Lorraine Ann Saginaw
Phillip James Salsbury
Naomi Ruth Saslaw

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