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May 08, 1964 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-08

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1 11 1111 IM III


Award Scholarships, Prizes to Students

RegentsAlumni Scholarships


A. 1B9rnstelner
#k T. Berhenke
lG. Hildreth
D. Johns5on
W. mok

iel Amy
d Beardi

as Vasil Cahill
es L. Causey
"d M. Holpuch
Alice Lacey
L.A. Mackenzie
ne McClure'
nuise Mierau
as K. Smith
rJohn Tipton


D. Eminer
[as M. Foley
sR. Ma~ll
es R. Hampton
H. Hanselnan
Yrn A. Kibbie
1W. kosyK
A. Lohla
A. Martem~on
8 . Mattson



olm. Jr.


Mary Lucile Abel
Cary MichaelAlsworth
BryJy ArsScottt Kimlin Arnold
Albertak'GJ Jine Auringer
David Lee"Austin
Mara Auzins
Dona Jean Barcy
Rfechard James Barendsen
Bonnie Rose 'Ahgrm
William Davia Beck
John Mancell Briggs II
Thomas Frank $astow
Brenda April e cks
Furdon Edward :Bensonh
Shirley Eileen Burgess
Karen Si a Bergemann
Dpaid Conrad irchi
Janet Louise Boltn
Adela Buczynkf
Mary Co.Jeen Burns
Edwin Owynne A-urrow
Thomas Le utch
Thomnas Keith Buterfied
Marilyn Ann ampbell
Carol Jean Catrain
clryark _JohpCharn tski
Ter Lynn Cerne
Gerald Sanford Cook
Helene Mirc1i, Cooran
Andriana Clrstina
Mary 14)tIlsCok
David Alvi Doty
Robert Franis Forche
tobert Joseph Cottei
'Thomas William Craig
Jay Wheeler Cranston
Michael*Anthony t77uctt
Dale Michael Cunlnghanht
Jgoph "Paul Caka, r
Kaxen Kay DeBoer
Cynthia Anne De~olt
Constance J. DeAile
Diana Lee Derby
iJerome Juius De~nyder
Sandra Kay eJong
Betsy JeanDckinson
Ro~et Lange Ditz
Kay Ann IDnahue
Beverly Lynn Drouillard
Charles Paul Dyak
Joseph George Ecker
Rose Susan Ehrinpreis
Kathleen ee Eisele.
Robert Matthew Enszer
Stephen Charles Fairbanks
Dbennis Alton Faust
Sandra Grace FVinley
Alice Waltz Fischer
Bernard" Wolf PFogel
Saul Zundel'Forian.
Stephen Harold Frankel
Nanicy Lucille Gale
Francis Edward'Gllagher
Diane Rose Gary
Sha~ron Kay Gardner
Sharolyn Anne Gerznis
Judith Ann (rzesiek
Peter Wells Gay
Charlene Ekay aer
David Hamilton h hrsin il otm
Judith J n ebhardt r.
Judith Ann Gerson
Carolyn Lue Gobble
Charley .ery Godman
Janet MaeQpdrlchZ
Sharon JYoy Gordon
~Barry IDaid Gaff'
"Mary Evelyn randell
Vtaldjs ,G rant
Alan' 3.3 qWs
Mar£ Greenbain
Deborah Naomi Gussir
Edward Allen Hansen
Will1 D avis Hall
Kneth lena >o .i.,
Caro Ev yi hi r&s
Thomas Rcfha iero
James AlatI Hinz
Ralph ' , riser
Mauric'A P
Carol Ani! btoo
Xathryn Anie Joh ii
i~tohald ILee 3olrnso
Ale; Elsie ~t S#3n
Jane Bota, Jo} nson (ars.
Rlichard logy Jons
}itoo dharles Kellogg
Judith A2Anart r
RlaniaWestern onilg (cis.)
Brian Clare ennsd
Mary Ellen Kncltt

Jurgen K aijseinburger
Joyce Tgbey Knoppow
John Michael Koly
John Reed K~oa
Apn Harriet Lain
Susan Allfson E tchaw'
Susan DiryLpther
Ric, ajvd Joel Lech
Judith Sandra Jepf skv
Robert fD. isgr~
Nppnan AMap, Lurie
Kurt Mte} , JJ
Robert Harris T,,j4le
Douglas Sidney McU~well
Robert Bruno Maekli4
Patrii ;Anin Lutes
Brian John N'ettleman
Sharon Gail McKenna
Ruth Geraldine Mat4avaT
Helen Mary, Molin
Gabor Victor Molnar
Drogo K. Montagu~e
Fra kJbhn Morrey
Andrew Craig Morrison
Mary Ann Moss
$arry Wayne Mullinix
Joel Alan Mowrey
Phyllis Jgan 0rt1lner
Toxnas Rebane
~hella Xtenqre Murphy
Wayne Lawrence ?4yerp,
Diane Eileen Nadell
Julie Claire Nagler
Saly Jo Niles.

L. Scott Randall
Janet Sue R asey
Brenda Lee Riahardson
Rita Carolyn Shields
Richey (Mrs.)
Jahn Mathew Rintamaki
Harvey David Robb
Donna Elaine Robinson
Kathryn Roberta Roth
Roger Kenneth Route
Stuart Ronald Ruben's
Marlene Louise Rose
Irving T. Salmeen
William Robert Schnel
Elyse Barbara Salinger
Monty Flynn, Salisbury
Phillip James Salsbury
Charles Joseph Sanner
Susan Kaye Scheffel
Denah Eileeni Sch uman
4ohi' Adamns Scochin
Terrence Murray Scott
Helene Hindi Seeder
James Allan Seydel
Kenneth Oliver Shaw
Bonnie Dawn Sh eren
IDavid Carl Sheridan'
James Alan Smith
Wayne Hery Smith
Susan Jean Siegel
Baiba Skfrvelis
Diane Kay Slinker
James Albert Smith
Boxnieindla Snepp
Leonard Dale Spicer
Carl Thomas Smith
MVlrgaret Ann Strachan
Stephen Staich.
David 'Victor Sandberg
Katherine Kenstler Surh (Mr.)
Rgndall Qemrner Stehie
Leila May Stewart
.John -Richard Stindt
Philip Colman Sutin
John Tfoxvald Svendsen
Elton 8&hul '
Clifford Wood worth Taylor
Melvyn ThomsenE
Rocger Terry Thomas
nobsr Albert Valentine
feva Vitins'
Lila Ann Walker
Robert Dean Wallin
Robert Stuart Warshawsky
Mary Lou Agnes Brezina
Waterbury (Mrs.)
Fiances Ann Wingle
Harvey Alan Wartosky
Lynette Kay Wells
Sharon Lee' Weremiuk
Patricia Grace Wilson
Kathleen Anne Yagelo
Kathryn Grace Yakes
Thomas Peter Yasin
Francis John Tockey
Bonnie Lou Young
Jeraid Allan Young
Louise Muriel Zandberg
Loren Andrew. Zaremba
FDavid Louis Zellmer
Join Edward ZMine

Gomberg Scholarship in Chemistry
Michael Joseph Block
Paul Edwin Blower, Jr.
John Bernard Delos
Thomas Rayen Derleth
Barbara Franie
Benette Getz
rChristine Ann Mann
Carol Therese Nora
John Douglas Overmars
James E. Patton"'
Naomi Judith Rapport
Melisa Margaret Reading
Paul Mitchell Redstone
Helene Hinda Seeder'
Leonard Dale Spicer
David Louis Zelimer
Annabel Adams
Elna Marie Jameson
Sally Jean Shannon
George David Mendenhall
Thioas Joseph Messenger
Coiberg Fellowship in Chemistry
and No4 Saer Minns Prize
Marcia Ann Ilton
DuPont Post-Graduate Teching
Asst. Aard and Dept. of
Chemixstry Summer ellowship
J. Ivan Legg
Allied Chemical Corp. Fellowship1
and Dept. of Chemistry Sumet
Richard R. Doyle
Edgar C. pritton Fellowship ii
Qrgnic Chemistry (by Dow
Chemical Co.) and Union Carbide
Summne ellowsip
Fredeick F. Garrusso
Esso Research and Enineering
Richard F. Smith
Minnesota Mining and Mlanufac-
turing Co. Fellowship and Koppers
Foundation Summer Fellowship
Charles M. Wynn
Procter and Gamble Company
Fellowshiip and Union Carbide
Corp. Sum mer Feloship
Philip F. Jacisch
Stauffer Chemical Company.
William Van Doorne
Rohm and Haas Company
Lee Traynor
Kellogg company Summer
Melvyn Feinberg
Union Carbide Corp. Summer
Julianna . Chow
Ralph W. Rudolph
Jesse W. Schilling
Dept. of Chemstry Summer
IDavid E. Ebert
Albert M. 'T. Finch, Jr.
Roland F. Hirsch
Edward B. Sanders
}Richrd A. Pacer
Howard H. Uni
Dow-Corning Summer Fellowship
in Chemistry
Philip I. Pavlk
National Science Foundation
Coopertiv Fellowship
Ronald Caple
Dean L. Griffith
John M. King
Joseph G. Morse
Jeanette Posler
National Science Foundation
Summer Fellowship
Roger C. Kierstead
Peter C. Mcaan
Lotta B. Backus-Edward Ht. Jewett
Predoctral Fellowship and
Union Carbide Corp. Smmer
John C. Falk
Henry E. Riggs Fellowship
Donald R. Simonson
Heather McLaughlin Simonson
National Aeronautics & Space
Administration FlliwshWh
John W. Gee~
National Aernautis 4 Spac
Admnistraiu Train~sbjit
Leo Jers nMlaloe
Phei o l n iuclear
Stanley G. Prusi
Kelsey ayes Company Award
Fred ralKust'

"Marksmanip Medal
Roy Thoms Churckb
Chsarles Edwar ci Wolfe, J'r
Michigan Aerospace Folndlatjp
Paniel McFedries Pence
Chicago :1b Saver Medal
Terry Alan I. ola
JoelI46effrey ,Hoffman
$ea~a wO'aud Blade A Wa r4
Jeffrey NWYay A andall
Di trolt Free Fei 'a
Qsca Ow ney Tuirner, ,
Cica; go Tribun~e Qgl4 1,I o
;paf'ry''Eugene 5apujWon
William Martin :ri&dskn
Sons of Am4c j J$vglx Qu
" pneth Mark Qladstone
servo OfficerS Aspociation of
V..§. Marlne Corps _ sof'iatfon
Jerry Thelen Hewitt
Detroit News Medal
lob~e tAllen §ielski
# orowit~t Ayvrq
G 'eneral Pyn~uaie Ayvr
po~ Campb~jj Wptters
Ford 1M[tor Cojpapy $TwaF4
Kenneth boar Qnl WQQOwE
N avy I gue SwordI
rthur #Olaij Oravet
John Tyler Drew
University Vvesldellt'4 Awar
tobe James Zimmer

George G. Allen Scholars
Raymond K. Bussler
Shirley A. Cimie
Frederick Roy Green
Henry. .Hefner
Carol Joy Mitoma
Linda J. Preston.
Phyllis A. baby
Donald F. Richards
Gary E. Robinson
William C. Shedd
Joseph Dale Skrnica
Edgar H. Tomei
Flint Boi ng Assciation Scholar
Arlene R.Thomnson
General Flint College Scholars
Kenneth L. Gibson
Stanley J. Gorzinski
]Richard C. Green.
Denis J Makuch
Tibor Slomo Rodin'
Milagros X. Ruiz
Alumni Club of Flint Scholar,
Lawrence F.Beauchamp
Richard C. Green
Peter Charles Isaac
Flint Zonta Club Scholar
Diane Ilene Easter
Nter A. Koerts II Kiwanis Scholar
Mary Burnice Burch
Harold U. TUtley Memorial Scholar
Jack R. Cilders
Kenneth'L. Gibson
General Motors Corporation
'College Schlars
Bento P.aonte
"Timothy D' Herrick.
Ann Z: Therrien
Dean's Scholar
Joyce Eline Evans
Public Junior College Scholars
Chery Suellen 4vitts
Martha Jo Blackmon
Rachel Ann rown}
Gail PatrciaChialtraw
Eunice Jean Chiavey
Rosemary Therese Doyle
Thomas Nelson Elmer
Francis John Hearsch
'Leatha Ellen 1fuskey
Arlene G. kerbr
'Kenneth Carl Kreger
Reuel Shannon Long'
Georgeana Rae Nowoc
Beverly J," Porter
Carolyn R. Ursha
Saginaw Valley Chapter Naioal
Association of Accontat Award
John Charles Fain
Wall Street Journal Aard
Robert Louis Anthony
Margaret Mann Scholarship
Elaine Ruth Trost'
William Albert Dodd
Joseph Raymond O'Donnell
Robert Wayne Sparkman
Robert William Ti mberlake
Phillip "Lee Bolton,
Michael Lorenza Henderson
Arno Tristan Lascari'
Paul Allen 'Levy
Albert Jay Ammerman
Theodore Edward Kelly, Jr.
Roger Harold Schmitt
George Arthur Wade, Jr.
James Michael Bobel
David Wilson Campbell
Ronald Clifton Tate
Robert John Cantrell
Douglas Jay Greenwold
Douglas Arthur Berner
Edward Haley otna
Thomas D , ud e
Jeffrey Br}}son Moo
Richax I Michrael day
Gary Gene Wic4
Ronad Mre~
Gordon JameW4 lke
Henry Edmund Fauquier
James L. Babcock Scholarship
in 1Mutsic
Nanci Blythe .A~nold
John Arnold Frrer II
Anita Jackson --

Joseph Brinknial Mcir
Scholarship in Music
Patricia-Alice Parkert
Albert Lockwood Memorial
Scholarship in Music
Evan Paul Ferrer
Earl V. Moore' Scholarship
in Music
Richard August ^kruse
Nu Phi Epsilop
usScholarship in M14si9
San flaywa'rg Burgess
~Kappa Lambda
Scholarship in Music
Peter John Clements
Mary Benedict Cooper
Theodore Presser Musical
Scholarship in Music
Eis Joie vahder Sechalie,
Gary James'Olnistead
Larry Jazmes Livingston
Carroll Lawrence Hart
Sigma Alpha Iota
Son~cholarship in Music
Don Ann Vail
Elsa Gardner Stanley
Scholarship in''Mu sic
Carolyn Tolson
Constance Triarntafillou
Kenneth Vander Hleuvel
5 ~9ar§ship in siq
Kobert C.PrI)4asco
First Baptjst Cjtrchi John IKeeq
Award in Music
Peter John Clemnents
Sigma Alpha lot,-
Crtificate of H~onor iii V!Msk


Architecture and esign
Joan M. Ater
Rob l4. Bider
William . Foulks
Tom M. Ittner
Jerry A. ohla
Janet M. Pinsky
Ilene B. Silverman
Susan B. Trowbridge
Susan L. Brainard
Marc F. Delzer
Robert L: Fers'
Kenne W. Fenton.
Penelope J. Gach
Gordon, R. Harvey
Natural Resources
Robert 1. anna
Literature, 80kice and the Arts
"Edward R. Alef
Harlan . 'Alprn
Gary L. Andersen
Wed Aniscbietz:.
Jennifer Baon
Laura V. Bates
Laura. B. Berke
CArolzJ. fesad
Marguerite Bisele
Fred toolksem'n
Rebecca 'A: Brogan
ArlinE. B'>ron
Charles R. Brown.
James' E Brown
JohnW. urch
Christopher Burditt
James . Cahalan
Diann eL. alah
Joan LD ia~an
Side&,y I. Cassell
Samuel. Chafetz
Judcith L. Chaniot
Donald '4. Child'
William . Chila
John :P. Clark.,
Carolyn J.'dle >
Richard B'. ook
George cooper
Clifforxd '. Cox
Robert 1. Cushin
Peter 4A.'Danielson
Patricia A. anto
Inge Dietrich"
Russell N. eJong
Neil W iDidrksn
Katherine . omto
Martin J.'Dubowysy
Jon ,Craig TDwyer,
Gordon R. Farnumi
Jai Lee Fausbender
Jill L.F saobndev
Harriet Fendeman
Alice Fial 1-
San adraL. Feing
Douglas M. Foley
Roderick K. lox
Roberti l. Francis
Judith C. Fritz,
Richard arikov
Robert 'A. Garwood
David F. Gassman
Eleen B. ershi
Louis J. eyerr
Karen J. Goldberg'
Stephen Goldberg
Robert E. Golden
Richard T. omberg
Judith E. Goodladt
Judith Gorelck"
Bonnie G. grieff
Nancy R. Grossman
Arthur W.OpGulc''
Pamela E. Gutin
Richiard T. a~tul1a
Jo Ellen Havis
Susan K. Hecht
Janet L. Kein
Barbara tiered
Chart p fostica
Jean . Huivnr
Paul ra okin ultn
Susan la. Hyan
Susan j
Louise I. je~i
JonaS T
M1arin " t
Richard R~i
Roberta;1 ', W T}m
Jame§ aug~
Algis . " up
Jerold L. )eIma
Mark ling4w4?j
Jay . Kle~man
Joel A.4-1#41

Robert D,. Kraft
Eunice JOY Kraus 1
David J? 1ne'
s 4anne 1K.Lester.
Joseph A.Litven
Marie l. Louis
Fred W. Lyon
Sylvia R. askiit
Patricia A. McCarthy
Marls W. Mcfluir
Susan . MoWhirter
Dou~ias J. Biller
Maxgery A; Minkin
Joan A. Mitoll
deorge W. Moge
Joel' o gnrotlh
Raxuelle A. Myiers
Marcells . .Neal
Kur#t H.Newnan
Janice 'E. Nicodemns
Brie "Nodsto.
Linda &t. Nozili
Jane R. Ndorf
!Constance .A. Pls
Ellen .:nush
Kathei e L. 'Paup
Denise 0. Davis
Meil ,.en
-S e e ".'B ~n u~renjamin A. Pewr
Cheryl ' . Planck
Te~ ti. Piton

Branstrom Prizes

Daniel S. Seliner
Ronalc} C.Perlin,
Patricia i" nnOR
Inette F. Shubert.
Mark I. Singer~ane line
Laura S. laughtter
Steven J. Sxtl'11
Janice fi. Snyder
Xarn L. Snyder
William sparrow
Nancy L. tagman'
Alan D. Stern
LeannaStief el
Sally J. Stlweoll
Sharon E. 4wanson{
Richard D. Swartz
Carolyn D. Teich
Kathy TeStrake
Da&vid E. Thompison
Terry M. Trojan
William W. Updegrove
Roger B. Vanko
Laura, R. Van Vlack
Penelope Varney
Mlaina Walchak"
Carol e. Waltoni
Sharon Washtien
George' A.46Weis
Raymond J. Weitzman
E rvin0S.Wheeler
David A. Whte
Th'lomas R. Wilcox
Clayton E. Wilhiite
John B. Williams
Leon 0. Winstrom
Alice Youinaihs
Steven Zarit
James L. Berge
Mary, R.6Guer
Dorothy A. fall
ldi . Kesler
Paul H. Kirby"
Nancy L. Martens
John D. Peterson[
.Joan C. Rtamree,
Marcia C. Roeber
Joan C. Bauer,
Lynda U. Brojkema
Pamela Butterliaugh
Suizanne L. Craig"
Cynthia M. Cravens
Sandra S. Erlichi
Margie L. Rawley
Susan L. HoroWitz
Kathryn .Karber
Miriam A Lang
Kathleen A. Messer
Helen V. 'Moylan"
#abara B. Rent.
IMiriamn D. Schuiette
isoji Smalley'
Sanidra Telford
Ruth 'Upson '
William A. Otewel11
Walter J7. Zemkle
. Dental Hygieij
Nan cy J. Crowley
. Arthur Birchenoigh
Jeffrey !. Blutleatu-l
Robert E. Bodin
Eric Ff. bolt
Alan C. 3omberger"
Jon 1. Brown
Cyharlea J. Cannon:
Pete #I. Ceperley
Hagor Daktessiani
Homser 1. Davidson
Robert i delnin
Albert Filipn"
Robert A. Gaskins
Michaael 'R."'allman
Jaines lH.Holderness
Kenneth E:I;X a~r'
Jan..es 4'r PgV ud
ru e'R, H ie ,
Peter F. tailieck
Hoatard L ;,rdsmltu
Rodney "~~p
Robert . .. .a
Wilia l ain
John N. MPeak
Ira J. liller
Jamres ? . Milner
Michael Micer
W1filli ' 14P. COs xe
Danie l . inklert
Rlihard p.Pomp
Wayne '.oYer

John J. Rehr
William D. Saneiak
Willm ia .Seipp'
Arthur G. .Sheman
John G. Shermnan
jo~hn C. Shoemaker
Roger N. Turner'
lhristian J. Vlanden week
Daniel J. Warden
k~obert E. Winkel
Roert J. Winter
L,,ence l. Woods
Michael Iy Wyman
Carl E, Z'winck
Iarold . 9 te ' 'i rin
Orla B. Taylor Fellowshii n
l cano~ai "
1.. ,: harfman"Fellowpidp Il
JRobert H. Ras~he
Uiversity Fellowship
Wiliam F. McFarlahd
Center for searelQty Ecoppmic
1QoYelQ 1e FF 14wsbip
Richard E. Bilsbmtr'w
;Albert E. De~rince, ..
J14dith DtukleF
4airiet T. Ruben

Engine ering
Aluminum Company of America
Paul . Riewald
Thomas R. Bwra
Ashkns Fund Award
IRobert C. Abbott
Charles G. ,tanich" .
David H. chrn
David As lu~Awlr
Thomas A. W estawag
'Charles IF. Aqino!
David J. Gannon
Rober1t 4."Gly e
Peter A. Levine
David D. 4t
Charles D. Poole
Daryl Alofs
Kenneth v ,.ike,,
William A. Clams ..
Richard A. Eberhar
Stephen D. Fll
Charles H.feh r
Robert L. Moe
Henry E. Norlin, Jr..
S tephen C. SmeSn .
Richard Ib- Wane
Robert H. Weissman
William L. Nocrin
Lee Albert Feldkm
Harvey Kenneth Dohn
Robert Bradley Qlt
William Auj Q ken
Richard George. ldet
Peter Alan Levino
Thomnas Franldin Liberty
*Elliott Waf Len Lumn?
Richard Hamniett Mrshalll, .
Odd Harald Normes
Brian Main Decker
'Paul E tt 0st .
Harold W. letv
Edward F.:Rowzee
Larry P. Flower:"
Charles H; Gaffn. I
Douglas P.Kutiak
George H. Benzenbrg Award
Amon K. Chaddha"
Harry dross'
Jades E. Murray
Robert W." Anthlony.
Stephen C. Porteri'
Michael F. Carte r
Dutncan iughes
Daniel, Brdrs
Edward F:.'Weller
Frederick H. Whte
James H. olderniqss
Joseph Boyer Scholarship
Marsden W. Longcden, Jr.
Elton D. ;elllngear .
Valdis Grants°'x
Robert.P. Kruimpen, Jr.
James E. Rice
Frank R. Jarc
Dwight J. MathqTs
'Alexander J. Mautner:
Tracy N. Tinsman
Joseph A. BursleyfMeeh nc~I
Charles Aquino,
Chemstrand Co p r tio
William N. Delgass '
Consumers P wer Com a,
Engineering e~as~
David P.:Baka
'George J.;Dzaeguze
J. S. aiid Mar. "Lpaip
Odd Harold ~re
David Dapprich
Edward Gelb
Douglas Piper
Clifford W. G reve
A.'1Michael 'Nill
Franik Transue
Cornielius and liar erg Dnqn'
"Andrrejs Crau) ,
Hillyarid H. Harp
Noriman A. -Lurie
Jghb L.,Miller
te Z~ eiaioeres
A ? asl W. tiscomn, Jr.
roger L
Kenneth ,. SCh4
Ronald'V. ' ,
Donald'F. hIP
William C. Tra~
"DaviJ. Abiu '
Gerald W. Boom~
Andrew 1DahgavttJ

Timothy. V.Vx
Jay A., Herbst
Thomas L. Hulet
MVark .K. lKr-aw
Bary F. Kramer
Hobert HI. Lurie
Dale V. Mctvor
Quarles H. Barton
Willim E. Berg
IHilard R. llartson
Gerald 14. Lazardl
Todd4 H. Pierce
Peter H. Risser
Steve 14. Semanderes
Thomas A. Slade'k"
Gary Lee g; rader
Barry E . SaMmlons
Lawrence F. Alrd, Jr.
#1v4h p. and Salome K. Freeick
Arun V. Hefmadi
Yatish T. Shahl
T4r westlie , -
Jer Tsang' Yu
Stephen M. Carpman
john-C. Sheoppar4
John 1M. Deutsch
William S. '~usch
Paul W. Dluemier
Johi? D. Qverznars
Daniel R. Ruk
Rc4ert Macklin
Jatn C. Sheppard
Rbt ainpbellGrommel
Memorial Scholarship
Douglas2.. Koorn .yI
Bar ry E. Stare
Albert H. Fillion
Gann tScolwarship for
David C, Norton

bune Gold Medal its

n Stiebohr
Award iROTC
~mry Award In

of Air Science-.
Advanced Cadet

sca ti'

arcq' Assoetatiqn Award
is Oh 7l0§ Roach,
iversity of michigan!
d tita Award APaR#Y4
Ronald Rubps
Vnc~ Th 6dhAczka
ral Dymp s &wr .In
tk Frank Vaki
tanding Rasic Ca4ef in.
OtelphmBarke I
bard and Slade Awardi
ni Donald Nichoals
Tribuu~e ilver Medail in

i Major Awards
Milan William Stitt
Herbert PropPer
Donald Daniel Rowe, Jr.
Thomas Willard Clark'
William Theodore Sickrey
Charles Gideon Stewart, Jr.
Jean 1M Rae Ross
Sue Louise Pohl
Chang SikYtin
Th onas Vincent LoCicero, Jr..
Thomas Wllpmk Clam
Patricia Ann flooper
Jeanne Penelope Sch~oot Kranmdr
Rosemarie Sebalc W aldro
Mti ! 4 wards
Betty Jean Isaacson
Mariaret Ann Klee.
Aa O rW T4
Richard Alan Koeigsberg
Lee il U-V tl&
James Frankim goats
Charles Arthur Hix
Sharon Marie Oell
Max Isaac Apple
Pretchien Downing Settle
Elaine Margaret Bla line
Silas 'trim Bissell
Alvin Ernest Fritz
Summer Awards
Thomas Johnston
Johnn Peter Fox
Joseph D3aniel Feldman
Sister Janice barie s~uer rat
Julia Dalrymple Otlder
Nancy Jean Keefer
Marjorie Sue Rapaport
l reshrtlp A 'ay4
Janice Blar4y Harvey
Allen Miark Eisaubar#
David Jeremy Lane
Albert KOahnFellowship in
'Architeehir e 1 &3"B64
Floyd George Bre~avar
Piaveriman Award In Arcra±tture
A vyerinos Andonyadis
CampbelI-~wald TM~ul
Fellowship in Advertising Design
Vicki QLouse Larson
Maxine Jane Bobman Snider
Herifando AMantilla
Zktings Alumn}i Scholar 2063-4
Richard Jerrde FMtt

4~ James Coffey
ft Free Pmos Award in
Nell Azmai
4f AmoeroainRevoluiton
Web Guliek
aygs Award in AFROTC
Masaskci KoMa
ld Air Society AwardO
rc King
SWad *euorlIAward
ie Trask Bona Awar>
I D. Dluke


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