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May 07, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-07

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy,
getting warmer

V, No. 169




Irk I I I I 1
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Franee To Propose
NATO Restructuring
Hopes for Action by 1969; Urges
National Forces, Equality with U.S.
PARIS (P) -France is urging reforms in the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and hoping for action in 1969, if not before, in-
formed French sources said yesterday.
The sources commented that French President Charles de Gaulle
wants to shake up the whole NATO political and military command
structure to put full emphasis on independent national forces with






ith Students Beginning in Fal

Soviet Aid
T oFlow
MOSCOW (A) - The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday announced a mas-
sive new aid program for Algeria
in what appeared its biggest effort
to influence that formerly French-'
ruled part of North Africa.
A long-term credit of 115 mil-
lion rubles ($126.5 million) and
other major assistance for Algeria
were announced as Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev sailed
for the United Arab Republic. He
will visit Algeria later.
Tass said Khrushchev and Al-
gerian President Ahmed Ben Bella
signed a communique at Yalta
Tuesday before Khrushchev left
that Black Sea port for Alexan-
dria, Egypt.
Imperialist Attempts
Ben Bella's return pledges seem-
ed limited to:,
-Support for Cuba against "im-
perialist" (United States) at-
tempts to violate her sovereignty."
-All-out support for Khrush-
chev's policies.
-"Fraternity and solidarity"
between the Soviet Communist
Party and Algeria's National Lib-
eration Front.
:The loan is in addition to $100
million granted last year, the com-
munique said.
U.S. aid to Algeria currently
runs about $20 million a year,
nearly all in surplus foods and
Besides the loan, the communi-
que said the Soviet Union would
deliver to Al'geria a complete steel
mill with an annual capacity of
300,000-350,000 tons of rolled metal
a year.
The communique also announc-
ed a Soviet gift of an oil and gas
technical school for 2000 students.
The 1963 loan will finance a
500-student school for technicians
in the textile industry and provide
scholarships for 65 Algerian stu-
dents to Soviet universities, the
communique added.
Farm Managers
The Soviet Union will also send
professors land technicians for the
schools and furnish managers for
farms and other enterprises.
Among the other points, the two
leaders agreed on non violence to
settle territorial disputes and on
the importance of creating "non-
nuclear zones." They condemned
both the "aggressive maneuvers"
of the British in Yemen and the
apartheid policy of South Africa.
China Admits
Role in Congo
TOYKO (M)-Red China yester-
day virtually acknowledged that
it is deeply involved in the ter-
rorism that has swept the Eastern
Congo and brought death to
A marin i a a md ,q frv. mi.c-

France playing a first rank role
alongside the United States and
The sources called the present
NATO organization outmoded,
though they said this does not
alter France's devotion to the alli-
ance as such.
Foreign Ministers' Meeting
Some of the French ideas may
be discussed at The Hague next
week at the NATO foreign min-
isters' annual spring meeting. But
the informants said French For-
eign Minister Maurice Couve de
Murville will not make any pre-
cise proposals at that time.
Paris officials at this point sim-
ply want the notion of NATO re-
form to circulate in advance of
1969 ,when any member can with-
draw from the alliance simply by
giving a year's notice. Otherwise,
the treaty continues in force in-
Thus suggested changes in 1969
can be coupled with an implied
threat to quit if changes are not
accepted. French ;officials, how-
ever, deny they intend this sort of
diplomatic pressure.
The sources pointed to an evo-
olutionary NATO, saying:
-West European nations have
recovered and developed their
own national strength. The situa-
tion in Eastern Europe has
changed greatly and the Soviet
bloc is not now the menace it once
was. Strategic and technical
changes have led to a nuclear
stalemate between the United
States and the Soviet Union.
Outmoded, Hypocritical
-NATO's military structure is
viewed as both outmoded and hy-
pocritical. The supreme command-
er in Europe has always been an
American even though, in theory,;
a more qualified officer might be
available in other allied nations.
The French sources said there
is a facade of false integration
while real authority rests in
American hands.
De Gaulle's own dissatisfaction
at the prospect of French soldiers
serving under a foreign command-a
er recently led to the withdrawal
of French ships from potential
allied wartime fleets and French1
naval officers from allied com-
mand Posts.-
Romney May1
Sign Pay Hike
Gov. George Romney has in hist
hands a Legislature-approved billj
that could make the state's law-
makers the highest paid in the1
The bill, passed yesterday by the
Senate and earlier by the House,1
calls for a $10,000 salary and $2500i
in expense money for all legisla-t
tors. The existing rates are $7000z
and $1250, respectively.1
If signed, the pay hike would got
into effect Jan. 1. The House re-
wrote an earlier version that wouldX
have made the pay hike effective2
during the next term for whicht
the legislators are elected.

'City Police
Charges of police brutality and
additional appeals for direct coun-
cil action to solve the local civil
rights situation were voiced at the
Ann Arbor City Council meeting
this year.
The meeting adopted a format
like a public hearing, with speak-
ers either lauding or condemning
recent city policies in the area of
civil rights.
Ezra Rowry, member of the
Congress on Racial Equality,
stated direct opposition to the
statements issued last week by
Police Chief Rolland J.- Gainsley
and Mayor Cecil O. Creal. The
statements had claimed that no
evidence of brutality in police ad-
ministration were existent.
Several Witnesses
Rowry said that there definite-
ly is evidence of police brutality
in Ann Arbor and that he has ac-
cumulated sufficient data to back
his supposition. "Besides the data,
I can get several witnesses who
will testify that they have ob-
served such brutality."
He related several incidents to
the council, stressing the incident
involving Leroy Juide, who was
shot by a member of the Ann
Arbor police department.
In addition, Rowry charged that-
six youths were stopped by the
local police on Feb. 16 and taken
to police headquarters. He said
that one boy was treated so rough-
ly that he had to be sent to St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital for treat-
Community Mores
Dr. Albert H. Wheeler of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People, be-
lieved that onlyby considering
the mores of a particular com-
munity can one determine in what
local brutality actually consists.
He did not charge the local police
with brutality.
Dr. Wheeler, however, charged
Mayor Creal with improper con-
duct in the handling of police-civil
rights affairs. "The mayor at-
tempted to solve the public issues
concerning police relations in pri-
vate meetings. Meetings concern-
ing public problems should be ex-
posed to the public media," he
In a letter to the council, the
Ann Arbor Civil Rights Coordinat-
ing Council proposed the forma-
tion of a fact-finding panel di-
rected toward solving the prob-
lems of police relations in the
community. The letter stated that
"We must attempt to improve
police procedures and to create
anew an atmosphere of trust in
the local police department on the
part of the people of Ann Arbor."


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Senate,
after 49 days of debate, yesterday
defeated two amendments to the
civil rights bill, both opposed by
the bill's sponsors.'
The first rejection was a change
proposed by Sen. Thruston B. Mor-
ton (R-Ky) that would have pro-
vided for jury trials in all con-
tempt of 'court cases arising out
of the bill.
The final vote defeating it was
46 to.45.
Only Two Sections
The second amendment defeat-
ed was offered by Sen. John
Cooper (R-Ky) who wanted to
require jury trials in criminal con-
tempt proceedings stemming only
from the public accommodations
and fair employment sections of
the bill.
That proposal was crushed 74
to 19.
Under Cooper's proposal, a jury
trial could be provided at the
discretion of a court hearing con-
tempt cases growing out of sec-
tions of the bill dealing with
voting rights and integration of
public schools and public facilities
such as parks and playgrounds.
The jury trial would not; however,
be mandatory.
Southern senators attacked
Cooper's amendment even though
they had supported Morton's.
They called the former discrimina-
tory in providing jury trials for
some but not for others.
Informal Agreement
The long freeze on action on the
amendment was cracked under an
informal agreement between the
Senate's leadership and Southern
foes of the measure. It pointed to
a realization of predictions by the
bill's sponsors that their own jury
trial proposal would eventually be
A vote on the leadership pro-
posal could be a long way off-or
soon-depending on how many
parliamentary roadblocks the
Southerners want to bring into
The defeated amendment would
merely have modifieda broader
proposal by Sen. Herman E. Tal-
madge (D-Ga).
Only Contempt Cases
Talmadge's proposal would re-
quire agjurystrial in any criminal
contempt of court charge except
for contempt committed in the
presence of a judge. Morton's pro-
posal would have made this apply
only in contempt cases growing
out of the pending civil rights
The amendment that the bill's
sponsors are pushing is one by
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana and Re-
publican, Leader Everett M. Dirk-
sen of Illinois. It would be guar-
antee trials only where the pen-

alty mightexceed 30 days in jail 1
or a $300 fine.
The series of votes saw the fol-
lowing events:
-The Senate first rejected Mor-
ton's amendment 45 to 45. South-
erners deianded a recapitulation
since a tie defeats any proposed
change. This recount confirmed
the 45-45 tally.1

S--Senate leaders then sought to
lock up their victory by moving to
reconsider and then kill recon-
sideration with a tabling motion,
but this motion lost 47 to 44.
-Then the Senate voted on re-
consideration itself and agreed 46
to 45 to reconsider.
-But the second vote on recon-
sideration produced a 46-45 tally
to defeat the amendment.

'Defeat Jury Measure


Advisory CoMittee
To Make Final Plans
Gatherings To Be First in 40 Years;
Smithson Lauds President's Intent
Acting Editor
University resident Harlan Hatcher announced plans
yesterday to hold regular student convocations beginning in
the fall. A student advisory' committee, yet to be named, will
set concrete plans for the assemblies, the first of their kind
here in-four decades, during the summer.
Student Government Council President Thomas Smith-
son, '65, immediately praised the President's intentions.
"The University, like the crowded and confused world
around us, is in rapid evolution," President Hatcher declared.
"Basic questions about direc-


Metzger Levels Charges,
Ag.ainst Varner Policies
Acting Managing Editor
Special To The Daily
ROCHESTER, Mich.-The recently fired editor, of the Oakland
University student newspaper yesterday levelled further charges at
the man who dismissed him.
Wolf Metzger, fired from his post Monday, asserted yesterday

BegnNwLiterary Magazine

A new campus student literary
magazine is being organized by
students and faculty with the co-
operation of the Honors Council.
Initiated by the Organization
for Faculty-Student Educational
Endeavor, a literary discussion
group, the magazine's main pur-
pose is "to fill some of the areas
which other campuspublications
leave open."

The subject matter of the new
magazine would be as broad as
possible, including the usual cre-
ative literary materials such as
fiction, drama, essay, poetry and
criticism written by students.
The publication would also
print essays concerning political,
economic and social themes and
articles by faculty members con-
cerning areas of study and inter-
est to the University community.

According to Prof. Marvin Fel-
heim of the English department,
faculty sponsor of the magazine,
and Michael Handelman, '66, stu-
dent chairman, the over-all pur-
pose will not be to compete with
Generation, the University inter-
arts magazine, but to add to it.
"If Generation is needed for a
campus of about 15,000, then.sure-
ly there is a need for a second
magazine for a university this
size," he said.
Felheim explained that Genera-
tion began as an inter-arts maga-
zine devoted to covering ,all the
arts. It has frequently, printed
musical scores, floor-plans, stage
designs and photography, and this
huge scope has placed much limi-
tations on the magazine's capacity.
Perhaps to relieve the load, the
proposed new magazine would be
concerned only with literary arts.

that Oakland Chancellor Durward<
B. Varner:
-Had successfully requested
that the Observer give its print-
ing business to a printing concern
partly owned by a trustee of Mich-
igan State University, Oakland's
parent institution, despite the fact
that this printer was more ex-
Based on Fear
-Was willing to take "any steps
necessary" to reverse Oakland's
declining enrollment, and that the
chancellor's dismissal action was
partly based on the fear that the
survey's publication would deter
potential students from enrolling
-Had "trumped up" enrollment
figures in making budget repre-
sentations to the state Legislature
by listing part-time night stu-
dents as full-time students.
-Had banned the fired editor
from using mimeographing facil-
ities generally open to students.
Metzger went off campus to pub-
lish an "open letter" protesting
the chancellor's action.
Never in Print
The controversy centers on two
Observer articles, the first of
which never saw print and the'
second of which led to the firing
of Metzger and the destruction of
the paper in which it was printed-
The first article is a survey of
sexual activities of Oakland stu-
dents, which Varner claims was
(1) not authorized for circulation
in the dorms, (2) of "highly ques-
tionable propriety," (3) answered
"as a joke" by Oakland students,
(4) inaccurate and (5) aimed sole-
ly at providing a "sensational
"There is a possibility that we
could have been taken into court
for this survey for damaging the
character of the girls at the uni-
versity," Varner said yesterday.
Qualifying Remarks
Metzger, admitting that he has
not had experience in poll-taking,
said that he had planned to make
,ian f'inrm ,.rm,. inr .itina nn

Celler offers
School Prayer
Amendm ent
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (P) - A possible
compromise on proposed constitu-
tional amendments to permit pray-
ers in the public schools was of-
fered yesterday by Rep. Emanuel
Celler (D-NY).
Celler, chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee which is
holding hearings on the proposed
amendments, suggested Congress
pass a resolution strongly affirm-
ing the right of schools to per-
mit voluntary prayers by students.
The resolution would have no
force, but Celler said it might in-.
fluence the Supreme Court to up-
hold the right of voluntary pray-
ers in a new case expected to
come before it.
Also at the hearings, two Epis-
copalian bishops said the Supreme
Court's ban on compulsory school
religious exercises has strengthen-
ed religion in the United States,
rather than harmed it.
The Rt. Rev. William F. Creigh-
ton, bishop of Washington, D.C.,
said tl'at "far from being hostile
toward religion, the court decisions
have encouraged the teaching in
our public schools of the place
of religion in our culture and his-
Negroes Win
In Tuskegee
TUSKEGEE, Ala. (i') - Negro
voters set their sights on the com-
ing city election in Tuskegee yes-
terday after nominating four
members of their race for county
o ffine

tion, personal values, social
upheavals, professions and
goals worthy of our commit-
ment are on our minds."
Particular Desire
The President, who has been
under criticism from a number of
quarters for not communicating
with students, emphasized a par-
ticular desire to direct the con-
vocations toward undergraduates.
"As the University has expanded
in the areas of research, graduate
and professional training, under-
graduate education has retreated
and its role has become unclear.
"I think this is an especially
good time to examine the Univer-
sity of the sixties, see where the
problems lie and then redefine the
relationshipebetween undergradu-
ktes and the rest of the intitu-
"President Hatcher's proposal to
hold convocations with students
should be welcomed as a pro-
gressive and friendly invitation,"
Smithson said. "It reassures us
that the University's size Is not
blinding it to significant educa-
tional problems.
Chance for Commitment
"More important,"he added, "it
extends to all students a chance
for commitment to improving their
The student committee will be
responsible for determining the
form of the convocations. They
will probably be held in Hill
Aud., and the President has set
a tentative target date of late
October for the first one. He ex-
pressed a willingness to hold as
many as his committee deems
feasible during the school year.
He added that he would like to
address himself to "two or three"
specific topics at each session;
he expects the committee to pro-
vide him with "input. on the
kinds of things students want to
talk about." A question and an-
swer session will probably follow
his remarks, but again, the de-
tails will be left to the committee.
Easier Elsewhere
"The tradition here has never
been for the President to address
his students," President Hatcher
commented. "I've always felt it
was easier to speak at other uni-
versities than to talk here." The
last University president to regu-
larly address the student body was
Marion LeRoy Burton (1920-25).
He held a gathering for the
University's 8000 students at the
beginning of each year and spoke
once or twice later in the term.
"It isn't just this campus, eith-
er." President Hatcher said. "With
the complex growth of college
campuses, there's very little con-
tact between presidents and their
student bodies at any of the
larger universities." It has been
suggested for some time that the
President was seeking to dispel
this "distance."
Freshman Welcome
Currently, the only formal ad-
dress the President makes to stu-
dents is a welcome to freshmen in
the fall. He last spoke to the stu-
dent body upon returning from .
world trip in 1962.
He. held two more general con-
vocations in the first years after
his 1951 inauguration. But these
were aimed at a different purpose

Delay Case
To Receive
ACLU! Brief
Municipal Court Judge Francis
L. O'Brien yesterday set the hear-
ing on the validity of the city's
Fair Housing Ordinance back to
May 20 in order to enable the
American Civil Liberties Union to
file a brief in the case.
O'Brien granted the delay after
City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner
Jr. and Thomas H. Green, at-
torney 'for the defendant Cutler
Rubble Co., agreed to the decision.
Contents' of the ACLU brief
were not disclosed. It was expected
to cover the case from a variety
of angles, however.
City or Defendant?
Fahrner said that he did not
know whether the brief was being
filed on behalf of the city or on
behalf of the defendant. He noted.
that he was glad the brief was
being filed, as it will probably
prove helpful to both the attorneys
and to the court.
Green's proceedure in the hear-
ing has been to request that dis-
crimination charges against the
management of the Hubble-owned
Arbordale Apartments be dismiss-
ed on the grounds that the city's
Fair Housing Ordinance is in-
valid under Michigan's new con-
His brief, filed with O'Brien
this morning, consists of State
Attorney General Frank J. Kelley's
opinion that local housing ordi-
nances have been invalid since
Jan. 1, the date the new con-
stitution took effect.
Powers of a City
Fahrner's brief stated that the
police powers of a city give it
the right to enact a housing ordi-
nance under existing conditions.


He said that the new constitu-
tion states that powers granted to
cities are to be liberally construed
in favor of the cities. Fahrner
has included records from meet-
ings of the Constitutional Con-
vention in his brief.
This case originated when a
Negro, Bunyan Bryant, charged

MOVERSEF-11, V :::

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