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May 05, 1964 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-05

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Curriculum Report Excerpts,

Faculty Opens Dialogue
On Distribution System

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The followingv
are excerpts from a. report by the
literary college'scurriculum cr-
nittee on distribution require-
ments The report was released at
the college's faculty meeting yes-
This year's curriculum commit-
tee was confronted with a series
of questions highly relevant to a
revie' of the distribution system.
Our present intention is simply
o make the faculty aware of these
problems and to explore faculty
opinion to guide the committee.
First, the chairmen of three
science departments have pointed
out that their concentrators find
it difficult to fit a demanding
eries of prerequisites into a
schedule crowded with distribu-
tion requirements in the first two
Second, we discovered that
about one quarter of the students
submit petitions for changes in
their ' distribution pattern. The
petitions suggest the existence of
a de facto curriculum alongside
a de juro one. Finally, both stu-
dents and departments have ex-
pressed a certain dissatisfaction
with various requirements, par-
icularly in the area of the non-
aboratory science courses.
Many discern an inconsistency
n our curricular arrangements.
On the one hand, there is an
avowed aim to create "liberally"
educated graduates 'who have
some experience in the three ma-
or subdivisions of knowledge. On
the other hand, effective curri-
cula belongs almost exclusively
to departments, which tend to be
rofessionally oriented. The vast
majority of courses open for dis-
tribution are also meant to be
introductions to disciplines and
re often taught primarily as such.
Furthermore, interdisciplinary
courses-which in theory at least
ell serve the airm of distribution
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A noted publisher in Chicago
reports there is a simple tech.
nique of rapid reading which
should enable you to double
your reading speed and yet re-
.tain much more. Most people
do not realize how much they
could increase their pleasure,
success and income by reading
faster and more accurately.
According to this publisher,
anyone, regardless of his pres-
ent reading skill, can use this
simple technique to improve
his reading ability to a remark-
able degree. Whether reading
stories, books, technical ulatter,
it becomes possible to read sen-
tences at a glance and entire
pages in seconds with this
method. .
Tornin t thA rP+i dA.of

(Continued from Page 1)

-are usually difficult to put to-I
gether and ten to lose effective-i
ness as their initiators return to
normal departmental work.
Finally, it is apparent that ad-
ministrative concern in depart-
ments and in the college is direct-
ed toward staff problems and
graduate students far more than
toward college curricular prob-
lems, except !in the very large de-1
A second inconsistency is that1
students are clearly divided into
one group which seeks a fairly
traditional liberal education andl
another which is essentially pre-
professional. The first group is
often neither intellectually nor
emotionally prepared for the dis-
ciplinary character of most dis-
tribution courses. The second
group becomes impatient with
what it; considers to be a waste
of time away from their main
Two Ways
This analysis opens two major
ways of establishing a curriculum1
in the college:
I. Greater departmental auto-/
nomy: Since the department ap-.
pears to be the main teaching
unit in the college, it should be
primarily responsible for the edu-
cation of the student.
Since a student may not know
in what fields he wants to spe-I
cialize and is not aware of many;
areas of learning, the freshman
year could be devoted to English
composition, foreign languages
and one or two introductory
courses in the Yarea of the stu-
dent's primary interest.'
Then he would join a depart-
ment which would develop his
curriculum according to require-
ments established internally. It
would be assumed that depart-
ments in related areas will work
together and that they will de-
velop . programs which would be
neither too narrow nor too cum-
bersome. While this system might
conceivably lead to abandonment
of the 120 hours rule (for gradu-
ation) and to the establishment
of a final comprehensive examin-
ation instead, the immediate re-
quirement for its implementation
would be legislation authorizing
each department; to decide the
maximum number of hours per-
mitted in its own subject and all
other distribution details.
Second Alternative
II. A college-oriented distribu-
tion system: Essentially, this

would mean preservation of the
idea behind the present arrange-
ment, with several choices open:
1) Maintain the present system
of 12 hours each in humanities
and natural sciences and 14 in
social sciences;
2) Simplify the present system
into one basic sequence of eight
hours in every major area to be
taken in the first two years and
then either require nothing fur-
ther or require each student to
take any two courses in an area
other than his own sometime in
his last two years;
3) Require a specified number
of hours or courses in the three
main areas of learning, but leave
the student free to choose what-
ever interests him.
If any arrangement under al-
ternative II is to work better than
our present system, two conditions
seem to many of us to be neces-
sary prerequisites:
1) A clear acknowledgment that
the central principle of distribu-
tion is the introduction of the
student to many different forms
of human learning but not the
expectation of his professional in-
2) A greater certainty that the
courses open for distribution meet
the aims of the distributional sys-
tem. This could be insured either
by creating more courses which
are specifically designed for that
purpose or by having instructors
chosen, perhaps even hired, by
some agency of the college, since
these are college and not depart-
mental courses.

committee's report : proposes two
alternative distribution systems:
1) Greater departmental auto-
nomy, essentially allowing depart-
ments to establish their own re-
quirements for a liberal education
along with specific concentration
2) A college-oriented system.
Under this alternative several
other choices remain open.
Free Choice
Present requirements could be
maintained or simplified into one
basic sequence of eight hours in
each of the three major divisions:
humanities, social science and
natural science. This system might
also permit the student to choose
whatever courses he wishes to ful-
fill the general requirement.
The report stated, however, that
any plan under the second alter-
native should include a clear ac-
knowledgment that the central
aim of the distribution system is
breadth and not the expectation
of "professional involvement."
Furthermore, it recommended
that the college might be author-
ized to choose and even hire teach-
ers for the distribution courses-
and conceivably even control
course content-in order to ensure
that the courses meet the aim ofx
a liberal education.
But according to Dean Haber,
some faculty members felt that
additional alternatives also ought
to be considered, and here is
where the "dialogue" began.
Maximum of 20
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psy-
cology department proposed al-

lowing students considerable free-j
dom in choosing courses but re-{
stricting them to no more than
20 hours in any one field.
Others, like Prof. Philip J. Elv-
ing of the chemistry department,
wanted to see abandonment of all
Prof. Grabar voiced personal
preference for the first alternative
of his committee's report, saying
that it was "better suited" to the
University. Specifically, he hoped
that such a system would prompt
various departments - such as
zoology and botany or sociology
and psychology-to join together
and avoid repetition of material
He also commented that he felt
Prof. Elving's suggestion "makes
very good sense, since it allows
the student freedom and puts the
burden of interesting and mean-
ingful teaching on the depart-
Not Valuable
And Prof. John Mersereau,
chairman of the Slavic languages
department, n o t e d particular
problems in the language, require-
ments. Either it should be done
away with, he said, since it may
be a waste of time and not suf-
ficiently valuable to many, or else
it should be strengthened so that
the student acquires a meaning-,
ful and adequate proficiency in
both the language and the culture
of other countries.
Such proficiency might best be
demonstrated being able to pass
a humanities - oriented c o u r s e
given in the language, he said.

(Continued from Page 2)
Dept. of English Lecture - Harold
Orton, Prof. of English, Leeds Univ.,
editor of Linguistic Atlas of England,
"English Dialemts": Aud. A, Angell
Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Center for Near Eastern Studies and
Lept. of Near Eastern Languages Lec-
ture-Jacob M. Landau, Professor, He-
brew Univ., Jerusalem, 'CSome Aspects
of Modern Arabic Literature": Aud B,
Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. ,
schools Spring Music Festival Night-
Hill Aud., 7:30 p.m.
school of Music and Dept. of Speech
Opera -- Tchaikovsky's "Queen of
Spades" (Pique-Dame), Josef Blatt, mu-
sic director and conductor; Ralph Her-
bert, stage director: Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8 p.m.:
School of Music Degree Recital-Mari-
anne Woodson, pianist: Lane Hall Aud.,
8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Applications for Fulbright Awards for
Grad Study during the 1965-66 academic
year are now available. Countries in
which study grants are offered are Ar-
gentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium-
Luxembourg, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Re-
public of China, Colombia, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ice-
land, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ja-
pan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal,
Spain. Sweden, Turkey, United Arab
Republic, Lnited Kingdom and ITru-
guay. Grants arranged jointly with
the U.S. government and the follow-
ing countries are'also available: Bo-
livia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, 'Ro-
mania and venezuela. The grants are
made for one academic year and in-
clude round-trip transportation, tui-
tion, a living allowance and a small
stipend for books and equipment. All
grants are made in foreifn currencies.

Interested students who are U.S. citi- accepted a position in order that
zens and hold an A.B degree, or who your records may be kept up to date.
will receive such a degree by June, If you are still available, let us
1964, and who are presently enrolled in know where you can be reached after
the University of Michigan, should re- Commencement, so we can notify you
quest application forms for a Fuibright of alumni positions.
award at the Grad Fellowship Office. Invitation to Au;. Grads: seniors
Room 110 Rackham Bldg. The closing graduating in Aug. are welcome to
date for receipt of applications is Oct. visit offices of Bureau of Appointments,
19, 1964.'_ 3200 SAB, weekdays to look over cur-
Persons not enrolled in a college or rent position openings in a variety of
university should direct inquiries and fields, & browse through directories
requests for applications to the Insti- of schools, employers, government &
tute of International Education. U.S company literature. All graduates with
Student Program, 809 United Nations minimum of 12-15 semester hours at
Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017. The last the U. of M. are eligible to register
date on which applications will be is- for placement services. Hours: 8:30-12
sued by the Institute is Oct. 15. °1964. and 1:30-4:30 p.m.

of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for appoint-
ments with the following:
Mademoiselle Magazine-Attn.: Fresh-
men, Soph., & Junior Women, Call for
appt. if interested in part-time job
for next yr. as a Panel Member of Mad.
Mag., Campus Marketing Program. The
girl selected as panel member will be
sent portfolio containing 3-6 assign-
ments to complete-distributing samples
or conducting surveys-No selling. Use-

212 SAB-
Ho Jack Corp, Rochester, N.Y. - Ice
cream vendors for summer work in
Rochester. Must be 21.
National Music Camp,dInterlochen,
Mich. -- Opening' for radio engineer.
Technical training & exper. required.
Salary plus room & board. For appli-
cations write to: National Music Camp,
Interlochen, Mich.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign inte'rview schedules posted at 128-H
West Engrg. for appointments with the

fechndsig training for fashioning, marketing, MAY 6
merchandising, soc., careers.mAppgca- Smith-Hinchman & Grylls, Detroit,
tions available at Bureau of Appoint- Mich.-BS-MS: CE, EE, & ME, May &
ments. Aug. grads. Both men & women. Work:
TUES. & WED., MAY 7 & 8- Des. & Structural Arch. Engrg. for CE,
Heating, Vent. & Air Conditioning' for
U.S. Coast Guard Washington, D.C.- ME; Bldg. Structures EE.
Men, U.S, citizens only. Men who are
interested in Officer Candidate Sch.
Degree in any major field of study.:___
Students may apply during sr. year.
will train for general duty officers. You ORGANIZ TI N
are invited to call for an appt. should
you be interested.
Attn.: May Grads: All May graduates -
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, both General and Education Dil-i Baptist Student Union, Farewell so-
visions, are requested to notify the' cial, Wed., May 6, 7:30 p.m., Michi-
Bureau as to whether or not you have gan Union, Room 3B.

"'I mported jewelry from ma~ny countries
Chinese Jade, Japanese pearls
Thailand silver, India filigree,
Formosa Mother-of-Pearl.
330 Maynard-across from Arcade
-O O=( ____OOO< 0=O <

}.: ...... ..:".. . .1. :}..r M "h.. " J h ". A. . ,\'..





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A SUMMER" CLASS in ACCELERATED READING will be held in Ann Arbor near the
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Be our guest at a 30-minute public demonstration of the ACCELERATED TREADING
method on WEDNESDAY, May 6 at 7:30 P.M.
Demonstrations will be held at the MICHIGAN STUDENT UNION. (Check bulletin
board for room location.)

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New York 17, N.Y.

WE READ A STATEMENT in the Press made by'
one of the young defendants after the court
case involving alleged damages at a debutante
party in Southampton, Long Island ."Every-
one knows there is too much drinking in this
country, but what can you do about it? Every-
body knows the morals of this country are
going down the drain."
WE THE UNDERSIGNED believe we have the
answer to the young man's question.
We believe it is time our generation stopped
self-righteously deploring this state of the
nation or irresponsibly contributing to it. The
time has come to change it.
WE REPRESENT hundreds of young Americans
across the nation who have committed their
lives to create a new society in America and
the world with the global program of Moral
WE ARE IN REVOLT against a society which cre-
ates the climate of immaturity and lawless-
ness that leads to such a debacle and to such a
cynical statement. We have got to stop it.
AWE ARE IN REVOLT against the gutlessness of
"good" Americans who lack the courage to
explode the corruption existing in all levels of
our society, who sit silently while one woman
forces God out of our schools, who permit men
committed to atheism and anti-God to proceed
unchecked, who proclaim one set of standards
and live another.
WE ARE IN REVOLT against the line of the "new
morality" which is forced down our throats
by books, magazines, television, films, profes-
sors and some churchmen. Sex, violence, lust
and godlessness are taking over the nation.
When venereal disease among young Ameri-
cans rises 130% between the years 1956 and
1961, when 13,000,000 children come from
broken homes-who is responsible? We are.
will pay the price in their own lives to stand
up for what is right in the country? Where
are the fighting Americans who will cure the
hatred, bitterness, impurity and selfishness


which divide families,
youth, split nations?

destroy races, deaden

THE FREE WORLD looks to us for leadership.
The captive world looks to us to make freedom
a reality again. We know that if America fails
the world fails.
lies teach mankind how to live together, where
industry-management and labor-teach the
whole world how to work together, where all
races, colors and classes learn together with
all nations how to lead the whole world for-
ward. We are out to create, a force of young
Americans-more dedicated to building a-world
that works than any Communist or material-
ist. We will create an America to whom the
whole world will turn and say, "That is the
way men are meant to live."
lieve she will rise to the challenge of the times.
We believe she will demonstrate the great re-
ality that free men will accept of their own
accord the discipline to be governed by God,
so that millions on the earth will never be
ruled by tyrants.
THE CHALLENGE facing the American youth is
not to go backward to the decadence that de-
stroyed the Roman Empire, but to go forward
to the.revolution of Moral Re-Armament.
us go forward to absolute moral standards for
all men everywhere: absolute honesty, purity,
unselfishness and love, not as an end in them-
selves, but as a means for giving us the en-
ergy, the maturity, the responsibility, the
clarity that will take humanity forward to the
next stage in human evolution.
THREE THOUSAND OF US are meeting this sum-
mer in a Conference for Tomorrow's America
at the Moral Re-Armament Center, Mackinac
Island, Michigan, to shoulder that task to-
gether. We invite every young American who
has the courage and spirit to care for his na-
tion and the future of mankind to join us.

4 4
4 ~ (

If you NEED cash...
we HAVE cash
That's our business
-lending money.
And--we'd like to
do business with
you. Come in for
your loan.,

WILLIAM WISHARD, Williams College'64
MARY GALLWEY, Manhattanville College'66
S. DOUGLAS CORNELL, St. Albans School'64
STEPHEN RICKERT, Princeton University'65
SUSAN CORNELL, Radcliffe College'63

r r rrnr

For further information on the Conference for
Tomorrow's America
fill ot nnnn and mail to:

Please send me the brochure of the summer conference sessions:
June 25-July 20 and July 23-August 17.


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