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May 03, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-03

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r Adidl r at DBaily
Se eely-Third Year
x ruth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in ar reprints.
The State Senate Should Pass
thne Massachusetts Ballot
STRANGELY, IT TAKES the Republi- ed to vote for 110 state representatives,
cans a long time to wake up when 38 state senators and 19 congressmen.
something is being put over on them, With this many openings the election
but now and again their awakening comes commission will have to dig up a bedsheet
in a burst of brilliance. for a ballot, and Democrats will undoubt-
In Michigan, the Democrats are lead- edly be hard-pressed to find voters who
ing the Republicans a merry chase over will wade through the many names on
the problem of congressional and legisia the ballot hunting for the ones they've
tive reapportionment, with the obvious been told to vote for.
hope that they can confuse matters long Republicans outstate find a different
enough so the whole state's Washington situation. In many cases, there is no
and Lansing delegations will have to be Democrat opposition and in still more,
elected at-large. Democrats favor this the Republican is quite well-known
eventuality in the hope that, with hun- among the voters. Clearly, the Massachu-
dreds of names on the ballot, the tradi- setts ballot would put the Democrats at
tional straight party voting in Detroit a disadvantage.
will carry the day and sweep tons of
Democrats into office. SO IF THE MASSACHUSETTS Plan is
simply a ruse to boost GOP chances,
OR MONTHS, the GOP let their Demo- why then should it be supported? The
crat counterparts get things further reasons are two: First, the Massachusetts
and further entangled without retaliat- ballot upholds the American ideal of
ing, but last week the state House of Rep- electing the best man to an office and
resentatives struck back. In a straight makes the perpetuation of a machine,
party line vote, the House passed a bill dominated by one faction, more difficult.
changing Michigan's ballot from straight It also requires that the voter be a gen-
party tickets to the so-called Massachu- erally aware, discerning and intelligent
setts Plan. (On the Massachusetts ballot, person, and it will undoubtedly encour-
candidates are not listed by party, and it age the electorate to become more in-
is not possible to vote a straight party formed with regard to their elected offi-
ticket.) The bill now awaits action in cials.
the Senate. Butsecond, and more important, it will
This action, if enacted, will be quite reprimand quite effectively, those who
a blow to controlled voting. Up to now, it tried to take Michigan's government and
hasn't taken a whole lot of intelligence turn it into chaos for their own political
to vote. One simply was told to step into gain.
the booth and pull the upper left hand
lever, resulting in another straight vote TRUE, APPORTIONMENT in Michigan
for the Democrats. Under the Massachu- is a problem-and a serious one. But
setts Plan, however, it will be necessary nothing is solved by creating a situation
for the voter to vote for each office and in which the voter and his interests are
each candidate individually and by name. sacrificed to a three-ring circus. And an
This certainly makes it much harder to at-large election couldn't possibly be any-
get a straight-line party vote. thing more than a giant farce.
Before he stepped down from the Unit-
HE EFFECT on Michigan politics ed States Supreme Court, Justice Felix
should be obvious. True, there are just Frankfurter opposed any judicial med-
as many straight party votes outstate dling in the problems of apportionment,
for the Republicans as there are in De- which he described as a "political thick-
troit for the Democrats, but. only the
least informed person would contend that It can only be that he had Michigan's
the similarity goes any further. By and Democrats in mind, for they have turned
large, the solid Republicans outstate representative government in Michigan
would be able to identify their candidates into a game of musical chairs.
on the ballot, whereas the solid Demo-
crats in Detroit might well have trouble THE MASSACHUSETTS PLAN in Mich-
picking the men they're supposed to vote igan will do something useful; it will
for out of the hat. untangle some of the brambles in the
And the Massachusetts Plan will be thicket. Let us only hope the Senate will
especially effective should there be an have sense enough to pass it.
at-large election, for a voter will be ask- -MICHAEL HARRAH
SLodge: Silent in Saigon
by Walter Lippmann


'U' Changes and an 'Outdated' Senior

Personnel Director, 1963-64
ONE OF the strange things
about the University is that
one can see rapid and far-
reaching future changes in it,
even while still a part of it. By
this I mean that as a senior I
am already outdated by the
brighter freshman classes, and I
can see things like the residential
college, a largor University and
new teaching methods on the
Nevertheless, there are a num-
ber of problems that I believe
may cause harm, or at least
greatly alter the basis of the
steady crush of new students who
are now pushing and will con-
tinue to push into college for the
next 20 years. Some older profes-
sors feel that once the University
reached and survived the massive
size of 26,000 students it could
survive anything quantitatively
and qualitatively. But, in my own
mind, the projected forecast for
After the
At Cinema Guild
ently showing three early
talkies" - two from Hollywood
and one from Paris. And the or-
der in which they are presented
tends to go from good to bad.
The Buster Keaton comedy,
"She's Oil Mine" is the best thing
on the program because it utilizes
so much of the silent screen com-
edy technique a la Max Sennet.
It is pure cornball slapstick per-
petrated by a master of the com-
edic trade. And yet there is always
an hilarious comment on contem-
porary mores.
However, do not let ideas both-
er you and interfere with the fun
of watching fun.
Laurel and Hardy were never too
popular with the critics. That is
understandable because they were
more pathetic and sad by them-
selves than as a symbol of the
star-crossed "everyman" trying
to live in a hostile world. They
wereiphysically funny very often,
as evidenced here in "Laughing
Gravy," (and that is always a
treat), but I feel as if they were
two sisters who enjoyed sobbing
on my shoulder.
RENE CLAIR'S "Under the
Roofs of Paris" Is, in 1964, a
twitching bore. It seems to be the
Paris version of some American
musical I have seen many times
and, at the same time, a piece of
cinematic atmosphere and musical
interlude designed to be refresh-
ingly entertaining. Rene Clair
wrote a solid script and the pro-
duction is intelligent and enter-
taining. Half the time, though,
the actors mouth their lines un-
der some delightful Parisian music
and the other half they play with
lines they are not sure how to
deliver (the result of inexperience
in the "talkie" form). Yet, the act-
ing is generally good and the laps-
es are brief. The subtitles are con-
fusingly incomplete, while some
twists and turns in the plot and
unresolved gestures by the actors
leave the audience with the desire
to hope the movie will soon end.
It is unfortunate that the talent
in this film is weighed down by
an incomplete knowledge of the
new genre-the "talkie."
-Michael Juliar

triple 26,000 students ten years
from now is apalling.
While the new residential col-
lege may be a feasible solution to
meeting this growth while main-
taining a small college atmos-
phere, there is always the ques-
tion whether its progress and
funds will move fast enough.
Somehow a mammoth Univer-
sity with even less personal con-
tact that it has presently would
be a far less satisfying institution,
and it might possibly just become
an educational assembly line
merely replacing and revamping
society's needs.
THE LARGE lecture situation
is one manifestation of the grow-
ing University, and in many ways
it has injured the educational
process. I am aware that in many
basic courses there is no solution
to having a maximally sized class,
but it is disillusioning to find
massive classes in the upper levels
of one's major. In such classes
one finds that students furiously
take down notes and feel little ob-
ligation to read the assigned ma-
terial on which the lectures are
based until the end of the semes-
More important than this is
that when a professor asks a
question of the class, he is met
by bovine-like stares. Students are
often afraid to respond because
they are afraid of giving an in-
correct answer. The student feels
deep inside that he will make a
fool of himself if he is wrong.
Sometimes students do not re-
spond because they do not wish
to exert the effort, and I have
sat in courses where students do
not answer any questions at all.
some professors are pedantic and
voice controversial opinions or
interpretations, and all these are
taken down with the lecture note
"facts" and never challenged. One
tool to eliminate this situation,
the recitation section, is poten-
tially good and presently badly
used. If recitation leaders, at least
have some status within the
department and could stimulate
debate and questioning of the ma-
terial, there might be some de-
crease in a lecture group's apathy.
Related to this could also go a
better use of the professor's of-
fice hours. One thing that has
always amazed me about the Uni-
versity -is that most professors are
accessible through their office
hours. But rarely, if ever, do
studentsruse these hours, and the
professors either sit in their of-
fices in relative peace and quiet
or just stop ooming.
There is no absolute rule that
says that one must have a specif-
ic gripe or question to ask before
he gains access. In fact, profes-
sors are perfectly willing to dis-
cuss other issues with students,
and both parties benefit from this
more personal exchange. Since
office hours are being unused by
undergraduate students, eventual-
ly they might disappear entirely.
Without use of such opportunities
education will shift and possibly
already has shifted to a passive
process which lulls one's mind
into absolute laziness.
another area that sorely needs to
be investigated. Unlike some, I do
not criticize its method of selec-
tion as much as what it does with
students after choosing them. In
some departments no careful
planning or creative thinking has
gone into the program, and those
participating do not find it a
worthwhile experience. The pro-
gram needs a good survey of par-
ticipating students as well as
those who have dropped out to
find out just what it lacks, what

its orientation should be and how
it can be improved.
The honors program should also
do its best not to foster elitism
and pedantic thinking among its
ness and isolation from the main-
stream of the University Oo not
always indicate flexible and think-
ing minds.
I ALSO BELIEVE that student
activities and the honors program
Some departments refuse to have
are some what mutually exclusive.
a student activities person in
their program, but much of this
is due to the likelihood he can-
not do both sufficiently well. But
the active and, what I consider
to be, more well-rounded person
deserves the chance to try both
and, if necessary, to choose be-
tween them. There is nothing
spurious about activities, and they
are not anti-intellectual, as I was
once told.
The honors program has become
in some departments a highly
concentrated academic experience
in that particular field, but for
students who do not plan to
enter the discipline, it is perhaps
too concentrated. In devoting
one's self so deeply to the
academic world, a student can
miss another dimension of his
* *
ANOTHER interesting phenom-
enon about the University is the
amazing conservatism of its fac-
ulty members. Many students
come to the University thinking
of professors in terms of activa-
tors and stimulators of change, if
not in society, at least within the
But instead faculty members
are usually overly deliberate in
their decisions and lock up pro-
posals for change in one of a
myriad of faculty committees.
Often, surprisingly enough, fac-
ulty men are more anti-student
and against greater student free-

doms than the administration. It
becomes difficult to find any real
leaders and innovators within the
University, since students are too
transcient, faculty often shirk in-
volvement and administrators are
out of touch with the real situa-
IN THE REALM of student ac-
tivities a shift is also occurring
and, as academics and the tri-
mester take over, student activi-
ties people are beginning to van-
ish. Consequently there is evolv-
ing what I would call the "self-
ish" personality. A student no
longer extends himself outside
his safe, little world and under-
goes the element of strain involv-
ed in participating in extra-
curricular activities. Confront a
student wrapped up in the library
world, and he defends himself by
saying that he uses his spare time
for outside reading, concerts and
a social life. While the latter may
be overly fulfilled, somehow the
individual cultural program never
gets off the ground, and the spare
time just wastes away.
I have come to believe that this
"selfish" personality is the pre-
dominant form in undergraduate
life. Apathy, student disinterest
and a growing avoidance of ac-
tivities indicate that the average
collegian wants to be left alone
and to remain society's adoles-
cent, taking from the University,
but failing to give anything back.
The value of community service
is one that I believe in, and one
which sadly has begun to disap-
IN THE REALM of affiliate life
I now see that while the tri-
mester and freer apartment per-
missions might injure the system,
it will manage to survive. Un-
fortunately the sorority-fraternity
mentality is very much a part of
twentieth century American life.
We all want to be accepted and

participants. Intellectual snobish-
have some feeling of identity, and
sororities, fraternities, country
clubs and exclusive neighborhoods
are all manifestations of this
need. Each year University women
flee the anonymity of dorm life
and run like leemings into rush,
and each year the secure, accept-
ed sister make value judgments
about other people's personalities.
It's a very cruel system, which
does not seem to justify the hell
everyone goes through to get in,
but it offers such a basic need
and feeling of acceptance that it
will last.
The University also has done a
fairly good job in liberalizing
rules for women. Although the
Office of Student Affairs is often
slow and balky on changes, we
are far better off than many
other institutions. Apartment per-
missions will probably be shoved
down the line to junior and per-
haps even sophomore women, but
it will only be done by the con-
tinuous, organized and active push
of women students in efforts
similar to the Women's Confer-
ence Committee and the active
Woman's Judic of two years ago.
THE PROCESS of viewing Uni-
versity problems in any editorial
is very much a part of one's value
system, and those I have selected
are the ones that bother me a
great deal. The Daily gave me the
chance to speak about these prob-
lems and to learn about and, in
some sense, give to the University.
It also helped to give me a feel-
ing of identity, which I would not
have had in a purely academic
About two years ago an honors
professor told me that I would be
missing the academic experience
of a lifetime if I stayed on The
Daily, which he described as an
institution of 'all tinsel and no
He was very wrong.





A Melting Pot of Emotion

At the Michigan Theatre
most perplexing motion pic-
ture. It is compelling and yet un-
even, containing moments of real
cinematic brilliance along with
some that are dramatically mono-
Theplot is basically concerned
with the life of a young Greek
(Stathis Giallelis) who becomes.
possessed with a dream of Ameri-
ca. The boy leaves home to go to
Constahtinople. He is tricked and
robbed by a'sly Turk and arrives
at the shop of his uncle pen-
niless. He then attempts to earn
the ship fare for transportation
to America only to have seven
months wages stolen from him by
a prostitute.'Next he courts the
homely daughter of the town's
wealthiest merchant in an at-
tempt to secure her dowry, but
before the wedding he is seduced
by the wife of a rich American
who thus pays for his passage.
x . *
THERE ARE plots and subplots
woven in and about the general
story line and except for a very
trite and messy introductory 15
minutes, Kazan handles the
threads with both skill and
beauty. Character is adeptly fash-
ioned through position and
speech (e.g. the traveling beggar)
Kazan's main concern, however
is with the development of Stathis.
His character is never sacrificed
in order to present a clever, or
eccentric part.
The character of Stathis there-

fore is vital to the success of the
movie and it is here that the con-
fusion first sets in. The boy is
often rather poorly portrayed with
glowering eyebrows and a turned
head often substituting for his-
tronic ability. However when Sta-
this is courting the merchant's
daughter (Linda Marsh), Giallelis
manages to be not only convincing
but also compelling. The interlude
of the family dinner is a brilliant
cinematic moment. Yet Kazan
loses this and resorts to the in-
effectual and poorly developed se-
duction sequence.
AND SO GOES the whole film.
Kazan creates within the two and
one half hours sequences of re-
markable clarity and depth (such
as the family awaiting word from
Stathis, the burning of the /Ar-
menian church and the aformen-
tioned dinner.) Yet he seems in-
capable of sustaining this clarity
and maintaining a high esthetic
level. Often Kazan seems to lose
his hold on the dignity of his
purpose and presents standard
viginettes or low comedy.
Much of the success of the film
belongs to Haskell Wexler, the
head of photography. "America,
America" has some of the finest
black and white photography of
any recent American picture. Wex-
ler approaches the lyrical beauty
and meaning of India's Ray in his
handling and fusing of scenery
with plot development: the soft
muted greys of the countryside,
the finely etched lines of the city,

the dark brooding atmosphere on
board the ship, the strict starkness
of the merchant's home. Wexler
makes his camera do more than
record; it also interprets.
* ,, *
for his open and searching pre-
sentation of the everyday torment
and terror that consumed the
peoples that swarmed to America
in search of that nebulous identity
"freedom." Kazan never winces in
presenting the issues of morality
and choice, that become sublimat-
ed to the overwhelming goal of
reaching America. Stathis repeats
the prophetic words of his father
"My honor is safe ... inside me"
to explain that the shame and de-
gradation was both expected and
But the real issue for Kazan is
that concerning the import of the
magical word "America" to the
homeless, hungry and subjugated
peoples of Europe. Just as Stathis
looks to America for a cleansing
of his soul, so the people saw hope
for all men in the young nation.
And the corrupt and unfeeling
Americans that Stathis does en-
counter cannot destroy the dream'
for dreams aren't measurable as
people are.
* *
honest though erratic film. It is
much to long but still very moving.
As a unity it fails, but what an
intriguing, magnificent failure.
-Hugh Holland



bassador Henry Cabot Lodge's in-
creasing strength among Republican vot-
ers, he is not open to criticism on the
ground that he is playing politics from an
embassy abroad.
When he asked President Kennedy for
a diplomatic post, he must have been as
certain as was everyone else that he had
retired permanently from active politics.
He could not conceivably have had it in
mind to run as the Republican candidate
against John F. Kennedy, to whom he
had lost two elections.
Ambassador to South Viet Nam was just
about the meanest and most difficult
diplomatic post that could have been of-
fered to anyone, and when he accepted it
he proved beyond all cavil his stoutheart-
edness and the sincerity of his public
NO DOUBT, some of the political
strength he showed in New Hampshire,
and seems now to be showing again in
Oregon and California, is based on the
fact that he is a patriotic public servant
and that the people realize it. But that
cannot be the whole source of his sup-
port, and we may be certain that some
very considerable part of it is due to
public weariness with Goldwater, Rocke-
feller and Nixon.
Undoubtedly, Republicans in search of
a candidate are ascribing to him virtues
and abilities which they wish the Re-
publican nominee to have. The more
Lodge does not speak, the more Gold-

and did begin to make campaign speech-
es, he would have to take a position on
the controversial issues which divide the
Republican Party as they divide the
He would have to speak out about the
civil rights bill, about the campaign
against poverty, about education, about
medical care for the aged, about urban
renewal-and about Cuba and Viet Nam.
With Sen. Goldwater controlling a large
block of Republican delegates to the San
Francisco convention, it would become
more and more difficult for Mr. Lodge to
be nominated if Mr. Lodge said what it is
reasonable to assume that he believes.
But, of course, on the one subject he
knows most about, Viet Nam, it is entire-
ly impossible for him to make a partisan
issue. The Johnson-McNamara policy in
South Viet Nam is inseparably the Lodge
policy as well.
His best course, it seems to me, is to
stay at his post in Saigon unless and un-
til he is drafted by the Republican con-
vention. There is no point of honor
which requires him to resign before that.
And there is every practical political rea-
son for supposing that he is more likely
to be drafted if he is not an active can-
didate than if he is.
PRESIDENT KENNEDY was, we may be
sure, quite well aware of the political
uses of appointing such a prominent Re-
pubiican as Henry Cabot Lodge to soutn
Viet Nam. It was in line with his regular
practice, to neutralize public issues by
looking for a Republican whom he could

Fine Renderings Enhance Afternoon, Evening Fare

THE THIRD MAY FESTIVAL concert proved to be a pleasant after-
noon in spite of the flimsy quality of the music.
Philippe Entremont set the character of the concert by making a
fine piece of music out of the Concerto No. 2 in G minor for Piano
and Orchestra by Saint-Saens. Entremont commands a flawless tech-
nique. But he prefers to make light of all difficulties and to conceal
the effort of his playing in an appearance of complete relaxation.
His approach brought out all the sparkle and fire of the music and
suppressed bombast and vulgarity which lurks beneath the surface.
It is hardly fair for me to review Entremont's performance, since
I was sitting in the Choral Union bleachers and couldn't hear him
as well as I should have. At least half the fun in a concerto, however,
is the accompaniment. Some conductors can accompany, others can't.
William Smith, assistant conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, is
among those who can, as I had a particularly fine opportunity to
observe. There was one flaw, a momentary lack of coordination at the
end of the first movement, which only called attention more strongly
to the perfect ensemble which prevailed everywhere else.
* * * *
THE REST of the concert proved stimulating in one way or
another. The restrained and sensitive performance of the first of
the Nocturnes by Debussy, the long, slow, "Nuages," seemed to me
very impressive. I enjoyed the irony of the contrast between the
opulent orchestration of Satie's "Trois Gymnopedies" and the sparsity
of the music itself. (Debussy orchestrated the first and third, William
Smith the second.) And speaking of orchestration, I found Tom-
masini's settings of Scarlatti sonatas in the ballet suite "The Good-
Humored Ladies" oite disannointing. Tommasini's orchestration simnly

EUGENE ORMANDY and the Philadelphia Orchestra, in their all-
Strauss May Festival concert last night, presented various levels
of Strauss' development as a composer, and a high level of their
own as musicians.
The program started with "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks."
The strings, -and, indeed, the whole orchestra, had fine dynamic
range and superb ensemble. With striking clarity of detail, the
brasses-so solid and un-"brassy"-the flutes, shrilling out of the rest
of the tumult, and the singing violins led up to Till's march to the
scaffold. The orchestra throbbed out the awesome cadence, while
Till, a delightfully screeching clarinet, snickered his defiance, un-
fortunately covered somewhat by the orchestra.
"Ein Heldenleben," one of Strauss' most mature works, followed.
Slight tempo uncertainties marred the first section, where nothing was
covered or missed. The violin soloist, Anshel Brunislow, and his section,
with their flawless change from the carping "Critics" to the romantic,
singing "Hero's Helpmate," were memorable, though some of the
solo passages-fingering and bowing are almost impossible here-were
not completely under control. The winds, after the impressive but too
offstage fanfare by the offstage trumpets, tended to drown the
strings, who fiddled away madly, making one regret being unable
to hear this fine section.
MASON JONES then played the Horn Concerto No. 1, one of
Strauss' earliest works. Mr. Jones' First is rather slow and restrained
-almost subdued and, like the horn in "Till," lacking conviction-
at times, strange in view of the bubbling cadences in the orchestra.
He had very clear and firm tone, which made for a very tranquil
and effective second movement. The finale was again restrained in
tempo and style, but gained real passion in the end, with the cadenza.
"Der Rosenkavalier" Suite ended the program. Though a lesser

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