Kohlberg Views Sex Attitudes
By LEONARD PRATT :::...::.:::.. I
To Stage The Hollow Crown' Symposium Hears
Disarmament Views
A person's ability to accurately
conceive of the world around him
has an important relationship to
the correct development of his
sexual roles and attitudes, Prof.
Lawrence Kohlberg of the Univer-
sity of Chicago said yesterday.
He divided man's conception of
the world into two parts, physical
cognition or perception of physical
reality, and sex role attitudes or
an individual's correct under-
standing of his proper role as a
man or woman.
Prof. Kohlberg's conclusions
centered around his recent ex-
periments with children ranging
from four to ten years of age. The
children were given questions to
determine their sexual and physi-
cal awarenesses, and the results of
these questions were graphed
against their ages to provide Prof.
Kohlberg with his results.
World of Observation
Physically, the child's world
seems to be one of observation
coupled with explanations of his
observations which his limited
knowledge can accept. The trans-
formation of such beliefs "as the
actual shrinkage of airplanes as
they fly into the distance" into the
facts of adult reality is the pri-
mary problem of mental matura-
tion, Prof. Kohlberg said.
To accomplish this maturation
and to make his observations co-
incide with his logical world, each
child develops a mental structure
of beliefs and opinions which may
differ greatly from those of adults,
he added. The revision of the
child's mental structure into that
of an adult is a further definition
of mental maturation.
To provide a method of testing
the differences between an adult's
reality and a child's reality, Prof.
Kohlberg turned to opinions of
the two groups regarding the na-
ture of dreams. Whereas an adult
normally ignores the - nature of
a l ter. s
From 1 P.M.
jF i
-Orowiher. N V. Times
-Juith Cr1.1. Herald Tribuw
dreams altogether, a child very
often assigns both a physical na-
ture and origin to them, he said.
The speed and manner in which
the child comes to ignore the
physical aspects of dreams is a
measure of the changing structure
of his cognition.
Basic Stages
Prof. Kohlberg found that the
basic stages gone through in this
changing cognition are always the
same and are always arranged in
the same order, although the spee
of their passage may vary. Gener-
ally, the child's ability to accept
an accurate physical cognition in-
creases steadily with age, he said.
Sexual cognition, however, does
not follow this proportional in-
crease with age, Prof. Kohlberg
said. Initial survey results showed
that 79 per cent of the children
examined increased their sexual
cognition slowly, while in the oth-
er 21 per cent, cognition increased
rapidly. Averaging his results,
Prof. Kohlberg obtained graphic
representations of his experiments.
Males of above-average intelli-
gence have a relatively high de-
gree of sexual cognition when they
are four years old. This decreases
to a minimum at ages six to seven
and then increases to normal when
the child reaches ten years of age,
he said.
Cognition in Males
Average males, on the other
hand, begin at four years old with
quite a low sexual cognition which
rises to a maximum at seven years
old. This maximum then decreases
to the norm at age ten.
Girls of above-average intelli-
gence have an almost normal
sexual cognition when they are
four years old which decreases
only slightly up to age ten, he
found. Girls of more normal men-
tal capacity begin with a low cog-
nition at four yeas old and ar-
rive at their norm by the time
they reach ten years'of age. In
addition, the norm for mentally
average girls is appreciably high-
er than the norm for extremely
intelligent girls.
Accounts for Extremes
Discussing the results of his sur-
vey primarily in terms of males,
Prof. Kohlberg explained the fluc-
tuation extremes of sexual cogni-
tion in young boys.
Before the child is four years
old he is primarily under his
mother's influence, resulting in a
low sexual cognition, Prof. Kohl-
berg said.
Guilt feelings about this rela-
tionship, however, later draw the
boy closer to his father resulting
in a very high cognition. This later
declines to the norm when the boy
begins to leave the influence of the
Zurich Orchestra
To Hold Concert
The University Musical Society
will present the Zurich Chamber
Orchestra with Edmond De Stoutz
conducting at 8:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Aud. The program will
include works by Haydn, Purcell,
Geminiani and Muller-Zurich.
Various social, economic and
political aspects of the problem of
disarmament were the subject of
a series of papers presented to the
Second International Arms Con-
trol and Disarmament Symposium
recently conducted at the Univer-
The symposium, which began
Wednesday, held its final session
In a paper presented before the
group, Mrs. Donna Allen, an econ-
omist, explored the question of
economic advisability of a disarm-
ament program in the United
Good for Economy
"The best thing for the Ameri-
can economy is disarmament," be-
cause arms production limits this
country's ability to properly allo-
cate its resources, both material
For over eight centuries the
problem of establishing the rele-
vance of conflicting state laws
over a common problem has per-
plexed legal scholars, Prof. David
F. Cavers, Fessenden professor of
law at Harvard University, said
Speaking at the last in a series
of three Thomas M. Cooley Lec-
tures delivered this week by the
Harvard scholar, Prof. Cavers ex-
plained that when an event occurs
in more than one state, it is dif-
ficult to determine which state's
laws should apply.
LIVES, LOVERS AND LAPSES-The Professional Theatre Program will present the Royal Shakes-
peare Company of Stratford-on-Avon in "The Hollow Crown" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Aud. Ann
Firbank, Michael Gough, John Nettleton and John Warner, assisted by a group of singers and
musicians will present the "lives, loves and lapses" of England's Kings and Queens in excerpts
taken from court diaries, letters, chronicles and plays.
Cavers Discusses State Law Conflicts
In explaining his point Prof.
Cavers cited the example of a boy
who was sent to camp in New YorK
and was subsequently injured
while on a camp trip in Massachu-
setts. In filing a suit against the
camp the problem arises as to
which state's laws should pertain.
He maintained that there is a
need for principles of priority to
guide a court in reaching deci-
sions. This priority-termed a
''choice-of-law" doctrine-does not
involve a conflict of judicial and
legislative functions; Prof. Cavers
The lecture series, which will be
concluded Friday with a panel dis-
cussion, deals with the problems of
"Policy, Justice and Principle in
Choice-of-Law Processes."
Draft Changes
In Constitution
(Continued from Page 1)
Constitution. Handy noted that
this proposal would "protect edu-
cation. It would prevent future
Legislatures from taking advan-
tage of education if they weren't
sympathetic to its needs."
-Provide that the Legislature
shall have a 39-member Senate
and a 111-member House, to elim-
inate possibility of an even split.
The new Constitution calls for 38
senators and 110 House members.
-Abolish language of the new
Constitution conecrning a state
court of appeals and permit the
Legislature, instead, to create
court systems.
on the part of the United States
to disarm sginifcantly.
and human, she said. The inordin-
ate amount of money which has
been channeled into arms produc-
tion has created a situation in
which the industries need to draw
on personnel which might be bet-
ter employed in automating the
civilian sphere of the economy, she
Moreover, military automation,
which is uncontrolled by the re-
straints which the market econ-
omy places on civilian production,
is able to displace workers much
more quickly, Mrs. Allen said.
Thus, spending of this nature ac-
celerates the prool ms involved. in
technological ch,%nge.
Weakness Factors
Mrs. Allen cited several factors
--among them the high rate of
unemployment- -which evidence t
lack of strength in the American
She also expeessed optimisn
concerning the fAture of American
disarmament efforts in view ,f
vhat she conceived to be a chang-
ing political climate.
In any event, Mrs Allen said, if
America is to meet her economic
problems, she w ll be forced te
dr0w upon the resources she pres-
-rntly has tied up n the armaments
industry Con5iress will be forced
to trim the military budget in or ,
der to finance any rtajor efforts of
this sort, she added
Glick Paver
In another pape-, "The Feasibil-
ity of Disarmament and Arms
Control in Latih America," Ed-
ward B. Glick, a research and no-
litical scientists, said that dis-
armament in Latin America
might further complicate efforts
"If and when the countries of
Latin America feel that they can
and want to rely on United States
protection more completely than
ever before, only then would they
agree to an arms reduction," he
"Leaders of the Latin American
countries tend to regard arms con-
trol and disarmament a good
thing, until their own interests, as
they define them, are affected,
he added.
Denuclearization Possible
Glick maintained that "in view
of this, denuclearization seems to
be a relatively more feasible pos-
sibility than conventional disarm-
ament, in as much as the possibil-
ity that any Latin American state
would develop itshown nuclear
capabilities seems rather remote."
If denuclearization comes at all
it would probably affect only a
portion of the continent he con-
tinued. Such an agreement could
perhaps be developed for South
America, but the extension of it to
the Caribbean would seem un-
Judic Open
For Petitions
Petitioning for positions on
Joint Judiciary Council and its
Committee on Standards and Con-
duct is open through Monday, with
interviewing scheduled for Monday
There are five vacancies on the
council, a ten-member student dis-
ciplinary body.
The committee is a new body, to
be composed of two students and
three faculty members. It will be
the highest judiciary group deal-
ing with infractions of University
regulations, and is the only body
which may levy suspension as- a
disciplinary penalty.
It was set up last fall in keeping
with the Office of Student Affairs'
restructuring of the campus judi-
ciary system and replaces the Uni-
versity Senate subcommittee on
Petitions may be obtained from
the office of Director of Student
Activities and Organizations John
Bingley in the SAB.
r 1
Anthony Notes Success
Of New ELI Program
or at least no later than tonight-
get lined up to see:
"The 15 week intensive course in
English, added to our program last
September, is working out very
satisfactorily," Prof. Edward An-
thony, acting director of the Eng-
lish Language Institute, said re-
The new course is designed for
intermediate students who need
and have the time to take more
English language instruction than
the ELI's eight-week course offers.
Some beginning students are also
accepted in the new program.
Prof. Anthony emphasized that
the 15 week course will not re-
place the shorter program. "About
an equal number of students will
take each course during the spring
He expressed hope that regular
texts will be available for the 15
week program next fall. The
course is, presently being taught
from a syllabus which is constant-
ly being revised by the ELI staff.
There is some difference in the
teaching methods used in the two
courses. Although both give in-
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struction in the same areas; that
is, vocabulary, pronunciation,
grammar, pattern practice and
language laboratory work, the 15
week program integrates these ele-
ments more closely, he said.
The Daily Official Bulletin is
an official publication of the Uni-
versity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Build-
ing before 2 p.m. of the day pre-
cedingf publication, and bya2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
Day Cal endar
Swimming-U-M vs. Purdue: Matt
Mann Pool, 2:30 p.m.
Wres ling-U-M vs. Purdue: Intra-
mural Bidg., 4 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Vadim's "Les Liaisons
Dangereuses" plus short, "A Trip with
Currier and Ives": Architecture Aud.:
7 and 9 p.m.
Hockey-U-M vs. Mich. Tech.; Coli-
seum, 8 p.m.
Professional Theatre Program Play
of the Month Series-"The Hollow
Crown," with the Royal Shakespeare
Company of Stratford-on-Avon: Hill
Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Univ. Musical Society Chamber Arts
Series-Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Ed-
mond de Stoutz, conductor: Rackham
Aud., 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Student Government Approval of the
following student-sponsored activities
becomes effective 24 hours after the
publication of this notice. All publicity
for these events must be withheld un-
til the approval has become effective.
IQC-Assembly, Spring Show, Feb. I,
8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Le Cercle Francais, Movies, Jan. 2
and April '7, 8 p.m, Multipurpose Rm.,
India Students Assoc., movie, Jan.
24, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Voice, Membership meeting, Jan. 25,
1-5:30 p.m., KLMN, Union.
Interfraternity Council, Rush. Jan.
International Students Assoc., Full
Spring program of events.
World University Service, sale of
Campus Pacs, Feb. 24, 25, 26, 10 a.m. to
3 p.m., front of Union, Diag.
ROTC Units, Military Bal, March 6,
9 p.m., League Ballroom.
Joint Judiciary Council: Petitioning
& Interviewing forJJC and Committee
on Standards and Conduct, ePtitions
available in OSA, Dr. Bingley's office.
Interviewing Mon., Jan. 27.
Denver Research Institute, Univ. of
Denver, Colo.-PhD & MS degree pro-
grams under full-time residency con-
sisting of formal class work, study &
research. Applicants must hold a BS
in Engrg., Math or Phys. Sci. May
complete requirements for MS in 2
yrs. Appro. additional resident study
for PhD. MS & PhD may be earned in
CE, EE, Phys. Met., Chem. or Physics.
MS may be earned in CE or ME. Both
12-mo. & 9 mo. appointments. For 12-
mo. salary is MS-$3,800 & PhD-$4,640
plus tuition for both. Apply by April 1.
U.S. Coast Guard-Officer Candidate
Training Program-next class begins
on Feb. 9, 1964. For information con-
cerning the program, write to: Coast
Guard Officer Candidate, Main Post
Office Bldg., Cleveland 13, Ohio, 44113.
Company in Michigan-Seewing De-
signer-degree in Design-Art. Exper.
helpful. Individual with sincere crea-
tive flair-interest in church symbol-
isms & religious market to design
church furniture. Should have proven
ability & some knowledge of arch.
helpful. Will work in sales dv.-
product design-under the Church
Product Mgr.
Ford Div., Ford Motor Co., Lansing,
Mich.-Sales Trainee for Sales Man-
agement Program. BA degree (Bus. Ad.
with mktg. major or other). Exper, not
required-will consider men, with up to
2 yrs. exper. Will stay in Lansing
for several yrs.-later may be trans-
ferred to another territory or to main
office. Training is for management in
the sales organization.
Ingersoll Rand Co., Detroit, Mich.-
Seeking experienced men who want to
be recognized for creative efforts &
who are capable of an original ap-
proach in intricate mechanism design.
These Engineers must be willing to re-
locate to Athens, Pa. Design Dept. De-
gree with strong mech. design exper.
City of Troy, Mich.-Seeking Civil En-
gineers I & II.. For position level I
need some exper. & CE degree. For po-
sition II need CE degree & minimum
3 yrs. exper. in water, sewer, & street
Mutual Trust, Chicago, Ill.-Opening'
for person with a BA degree & Ac-
counting major (min. 30 hrs.). Exper.
0-3 yrs. Strong interest in auditing
without travel. Age 25-30 pref. Military
oblig. fulfilled or on reserve basis.
Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland,
Ohio-Employment opportunities for
Technicians, Research Assistants, Sec-
retaries, Typists, Clerical Workers, Lab.
Helpers & Lab Ass'ts. As an employe,
you may take a 3-hr. credit course
each semester. After 5 yrs. employment,
wife & children eligible for full tui-
tion grants at the Univ.
Roswell Park Memorial Institute,
Buffalo, N.Y.-Seeking a person inter-
ested & qualified in epidemiologic re-
search procedures. Must be familiar
with interviewing & supv. of statistical
analysis procedures. Minimum require-
ment is a BS, pref. in Sta ., Soc., or
experimental Psych., plus etther 1 yr.
of exper. or 30 hrs. grad. study.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
grad students, please contact Bus. Ad.
Placement at 254 Bus. Ad. for appoint-
ments with the following:
FRI., JAN. 31-
Oglivy, Benson & Mather, Inc., New
York City-This is an advertising agen-
cy. Seeking graduates with majors in
General Liberal Arts or Marketing. Po-
sitions in Advertising and Manage-
ment Training.
I -
Use of This Column for Announce-
inents is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations who are planning to be
active for the Spring Semester should
be registered by Feb. 7, 1964. Forms
available, 1011 Student Activities Bldg.
** *
Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church.
"Discussion on Humanism."
Voice Political Party, Get-Together
and Meeting, Jan. 25, 1-5 p.m., Un-
ion, Rms. K-L-M.
212 SAB-
TUES., JAN. 28--
Camp Con-es-toga, Mich.-Will inter-
view beginning at 10 a.m. Coed camp
with openings 'for cabin counselors,
sports, archery, riflery, small crafts,
waterskiing, swimming, riding, music &
dramatics. Registered nurse & a coach.
THURS., JAN. 30-.
Camp Douglas Smith, Mich. - Will
interview at 10 a.m. Coed camp with
positions for arts & crafts dir., admin.
ass't., senior counselors,head & ass't.
cooks, & ass't. canoeing dir.
FRI., JAN. 31-
Camp Libbey, Ohio-Will interview at
1:30. Girl Scout camp with positions
for: program or ass't. dir., CIT leader,
business mgr., dietitian, cooks, nurse,
waterfront dir. & ass't., unit leaders &
VIEWS, Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule posted at 128-H
West Engrg, for appointments with the
JAN. 28-
Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio-BS: ChE, EE, E Math,
IE & ME. May & Aug. grads. Des.,
Prod. & Sales.
Durametallic Corp., Kalamazoo, Mich,
-BS: ChE & Met. R. & D., Des. &
IBM World Trade Corp., IBM Labs &
Plants of foreign nationals home coun-
tries-All Degrees: EE, IE, ME & Met.
MS-PhD: All phases of Chem., Physics
& Math & Econ. majors. BS: E Math,
EM, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. Must con-
sider non-citizens for regular employ-
ment overseas. Particularly interested
in foreign nationals planning to re-
turn to home country. DP Sales & DP
Systems Engrg., Banking, Elec. Com-
puting, Economist, Labor Ec., Purchas-
ing, Retailing, Sales-(inside & ter-
ritory), Sales promotion, Stat.
Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich.
-BS-MS: eMt. BS: IE & ME. R. & D.,
Des., Prod., some Tech. Personnel may
transfer to Sales.
Systems Research . Labs., Inc., Day-
ton, Ohio-All Degrees: EE & Math.
MS: Commun. Sci., Instrumentation &
Physics. Dec. & May grads. R. & D.,
Sperry Rand Corp., Remington Rand
Univac, St. Paul, Minn.-All Degrees:
( EE. BS: E Math. Dec. & May grads. R.
& D., Des. & Computer programming.
Air Force Logistics Command Head-
quarters, Dayton, Ohio-BS-MS: IE. BS:
EE & ME. Plant Engrg.
U.S. Public Health Service-All De-
grees: ChE, CE. MS: Sanitary. May &
Aug. grads.
U.S. Coast Guard, Wash., D.C., Ports-
mouth, Va., Curtis Bay, Md., & other
Coast Guard installations-BS-MS: NA
& Marine & EE. BS: CE & ME. Design.
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