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May 01, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-05-01

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Seventy-Tbird Year
Tr~fth Winl Pevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily e ress the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors, this must be noted in a: reprints.
Efficiency at the University
Doesn't Come Cheapl
MEMO to the state Legislature. not available. To him, all the millions of
Dear Sirs: dollars expended on the library system
bought nothing. And given the diverse
In debating whether or not to give reference ne dg2,0 tudes
higher education the appropriation it. reference needs of 26,000 students, it
seeks, many of you have expressed con- happens pretty often if your libraries
cern that the state's money be used ef- aren't comprehensive. And comprehen-
ficiently. As the men responsible for sive libraries cost money.
spending the taxpayer's money, you cer- -They occur during the registration
tainly have a right-a responsibility, in process, when a student's whole college
facts-to demand assurances that this career may be distorted because he finds
mot isn't bemnd astedh the courses he needs are closed. Again, to
ney i being wast. him, all the money you spent to permit
Q PERHAPS you should know where the University to develop an almost-com-
the really gross inefficiencies occur plete selection of courses is lost. But
intoeaycllyegossanduiefiieso opening up new sections requires greater
in today's colleges and universities: expenditure of administrative and fac-
-They occur in the classroom, when ulty effort-which in turn requires more
an incompetent teacher not only puts his money.
students to sleep but actually leads them -They occur, as a result of these and
to hate the subject. Nothing of real value many other factors, at graduation, when
-no education, no intellectual stimula- the University presents its final "prod-
tion, nothing but empty credit-hours-is ucts" to the world. Far too many of them
produced in such a class. All the money represent wasted effort: they have been
you appropriated for that teacher's sal- here "X" years and have picked up every
ary, for that classroom and for all'the trapping of education except education
administration and other services neces- itself. The money you spent to change
sary to organize that course goes directly and improve them went for nothing.
down the drain. But we can't hire better
teachers-or keep the good ones we have SUPPOSE YOU WERE running a manu-
-without more money. facturing concern. And suppose you
-They occur in those moments when discovered that broken-down machinery
a good teacher manages to provoke a and incompetent workers on the final
student, motivating him to seek some real assembly line were wrecking a large pro-
education-but the good teacher is too portion of your final products. Certainly
overburdened to give the student any you'd be determined to spend enough
time. That fragile moment of enthusiasm money to get good men and machines at
flickers and dies quite easily in such a this critical phase of your operation. So
vacuum, and again, the money it took to as to eliminate the inefficiency.
ignite that spark is wasted. But to spread This, gentlemen, is the situation in
the faculty's burden thinner, the Univer- higher education. If you're really concern-
sity must hire more teachers-and that ed with eliminating waste, you'll have to
takes (you guessed it) more money. give the universities enough money to do
-They occur in the libraries, when a it.
student finds that the one book essen- -KENNETH WINTER
tial to his understanding of a subject is Acting Managing Editor
yThe V Wice President
by Walter Lippmnu

"See- Our Man Has An Anti-Poverty Campaign Too"
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Desecrating the Flag:
There Is Justification

To the Editor:
THE USE of a Japanese flag on
a Michigras float was, perhaps,
in poor taste (I did not see the
parade). It was not, as Messrs.
Kobayshi and Izumi asserted, an
insult to Japan.
The flag used was obviously a
war souvenir. It therefore rep-
resented a country whose ill-
advised, and to some shameful,
aggression led to its downfall.
All one now hears or reads
about present-day Japan leaves
one, or at least me, with the im-
pression that the Japan of today
is not merely the Japan of World
War II in a new guise. Rather, it
appears to be a new nation, with
very different ideals and goals,
and I can believe that this is so.
Thus, one can demand respect
for the flag -of this new Japan;
one need show no more respect
for the flag of the Japan of World
War II than one must for the em-
blem of their allies, the swastika.
-Peter C. McLean, Grad
Rustin : A Rare Man
To the Editor:
TONIGHTrthe University con-
munity will haveasrarecop-
portunity to hear one of the most
important figures of the "civil
rights revolution," Bayard Rustin,
deputy director of last summer's
massive March on Washington.
Mr. Rustin will speak on "The
Future of the Nonviolent Civil
Rights Movement" at 8 p.m. in
the Michigan Union Ballroom.
Mr. Rustin is not a newcomer
to social protest. His speech will
keynote a regional conference of
the Congress of Racial Equality,
an organization he helped to form
more than twenty years ago.
*' * *
FROM 1941 TO 1943, Mr. Rustin
served as Race Relations Secretary
of the Fellowship of Reconcilia-
tion. In 1942, he went to Califor-
nia to help protect the property of
Japanese-Americans who had been
placed in work camps. The follow-

ing year, Mr. Rustin was imprison-
ed in Lewis Penitentiary as a con-
scientious objector.
Upon his release in 1945, Mr.
Rustin became chairman of the
Free India Committee and was
frequently arrested for sitting in
at the British Embassy.
In 1947, Mr. Rustin participated,
in the first Freedom Ride-The
Journey of Reconciliation. In 1961,
Mr. Rustin went to West Africa
where he worked with Azikiwe and
Nkruma. With George Hauser he
had organized the Committee to
Support South African Resistance,
which in 1953 became the Ameri-
can Committee on Africa. Also,
during this time, he became direc-
tor of Mr. Randolph's Committee
Against Segregation in the Armed
Forces which secured President
Truman's executive order eliminat-
ing segregation in the armed
to Montgomery, Ala., at the in-
vitation of Martin Luther King to
assist in the organization of the
bus boycott. The following year he
drew up, at King's request, the
first plans for the founding of
the Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference. For seven years
Mr. Rustin served as special aassis-
tant to King.
Mr. Rustin went to England in
1957 where he helped mobilize the
first of the massive Alderrmasto i
peace marches, and in the came
year coordinated the 35,000 tronl
Prayer Pilgrimage to Washngton
for Civil Rights.
Mr. Rustin has been arrested
some 22 times in the struggle for
civil rights.
MR. RUSTIN is not just another
civil rights speaker. CORE, and
the co-sponsors of tonight's pro-
gram, the Michigan Union Special
Projects committee and the Hu-
man Relations Board of SGC ex-
tend to the community an inva-
tation to hear Mr. Rustin.
--David C. Aroner, 164
Ann Arbor CORE


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An end to 'U' Schizophrenia

THE NATION has come into a time of
trouble. We dare not let our affairs
become snarled up and unmanageable as
a result of an organized American so-
ciety which is impotent to act promptly
and firmly.
It is necessary to assert the paramount
authority of the government over all at-.
tempts to paralyze it or to intimidate it.
Our immediate need is an agreement
in the Senate on a reasonably amended
civil rights bill. The country cannot af-
ford a filibuster that lasts all summer; it
is essential to demonstrate that the gov-
ernment can govern and that, because it
can govern, it is entitled to the faith and
confidence of loyal men and women.
But even if this is done, it will not mean
that the Negro protest will subside when
the civil rights bill passes. The griev-
ances of the Negroes are not only the
denial of their civil rights, but the in-
equality of economic opportunity which
stands in the way of every Negro child.
To do something about this inequality will
require resolute action to carry out the
purposes which are outlined in the so-
called war against poverty.
.UT THAT IS NOT ALL. The internal
tranquility of the nation is seriously
disturbed, not only by racial, but also by
sectional and ideological conflict. The
true defense against division and disun-
ion, which have grown alarmingly in re-
cent years, would be an election-year
rally of the vast central majority of pru-
dent men and women in both our parties.
That such a rally is already going on is
shown by the phenomenal strength of
President Lyndon B. Johnson in all the
polls in all parts of the country. He is so
strong because he himself belongs to the
great prudent majority, and he has quite
deliberately and very skillfully raised a
standard to which the prudent majority
can repair.
There are those who are predicting
that the Democratic Party will, however,
do what it has done several times in the
past-it will "snatch defeat out of the
jaws of victory." They are predicting a
struggle at the Democratic convention
between the Johnsonians and the Kenne-
dy following. This could happen if there

dy faction in Atlantic City which wishes
to deny the President the right to choose
the man who may be his successor, who
may have to substitute for him if he is
taken ill and who, as the government
now operates, must be his deputy and
his intimate in the conduct of the ad-
THERE ARE CERTAIN considerations
which, when duly weighed, seem to be
decisive against the choice of the at-
torney general as a candidate for vice-
president this year.
One is that he and the President are
not close, but on the contrary are at
arm's length with each other. This was
tolerable in the days when the vice-
president was a Throttlebottom. But not
in these days, when the vice-president
must be the prime insider in the admin-
The second reason is that the vice-
president must be chosen with complete
awareness that at any time, beginning
with the day after inauguration, he may
suddenly become the President. It would,
I believe, be deeply disturbing to the peo-
ple of this country if President Kennedy's
brother got to the White House because
of a political maneuver in the Democrat-
ic convention. I think many would resent
it. The possibility that this could happen
would be a grave liability in the election.
done to the memory of John F. Ken-
nedy is to finish what he began. This
will assure him a high place in history.
To finish what he began, his succes-
sor must be given the means-an impres-
sive mandate from the country and the
united support of the party. No greater
disservice could be done than to feed the
suspicions of the many who admired
President Kennedy, but thought his
family was overactive.
Robert Kennedy is not ready to be
President of tpe United tSates. But at his
age and with his very remarkable politi-
cal gifts, he has every right and much
reason to aspire to be the President some
day. The only self-respecting way to go
about that is for him to earn his own

Associate City Editor, 1963-64
FOR ABOUT 1300 literary col-
lege students, undergraduate
education is nearly completed. We
will soon be "case-closed" in an
over-sized school with a split per-
After President Lyndon John-
son's speech, the inevitable disper-
sion will occur. Many literary col-
lege seniors will begin jobs, some
will enterrprofessional training, a
few unfortunate males will head
for boot camp and the rest of the
class will spend the summer
months contemplating future
The literary college :tried to
prepare these young people for the
goal they sought: general educa-
tion, preprofessional or pre-
vocational training. But the col-
lege cannot be all things to all
It cannot satisfy both the stu-
dent with a yearn to specialize
and the student who wants a tra-
ditional liberal education for at
least one important reason: the
specialist resents the diversity of
the distribution requirements and
the generalist resents the narrow-
ness of the requirements and the
major programs.
nizes this inevitable tug-of-war. A
few weeks ago a group of Univer-
sity professors tossed around the
proposition that the literary col-
lege is becoming obsolete. The
primary problem they discussed
was: are the objectives of the
literary college realistic? Faculty
men raised the question of wheth-
er it is possible to provide a liberal
education in an age of specializa-
tion and whether students want it
Yes, comingled with the majority
of students who are the slot fillers
of society, there is a cadre of
students who do want a liberal
education. A simple interest poll
taken among freshmen would show
the size of this group.
I believe many students recog-
nize the importance of being gen-
eralists in an age of specialists:
they realize that a political de-
mocracy depends on decision.
making by generalists. A core
of students do recognize a liberal
education as a tool for discovering
a true and aesthetic appreciation
of life. Many believe in the ad-
vantages that such an education
can offer in a society with an ever
increasing amount of leisure time.
As Dean William Haber said
two days ago, "The very nature
of the technological revolution,
bringing a high degree of speciali-
zation, puts a greater premium on
broad liberal education than ever
SO LONG as there are a few
students interested in a liberal
education, the college has a re-
sponsibility to offer such a pro-
Certainly it is possible to de-
velop and maintain a truly liberal
arts curriculum. Such a program
is impossible only under the pres-
ent structure of the literary col-
lege. The structure is getting too
big to manage its schizophrenic

student specialize in his field with
a minimum of supportive cog-
nates. The preprofessional school
would be excellent for the student
who knows what he wants and
wishes to do in-depth study in
limited areas.
ic Affairs Roger Heyns has offered
a tentative suggestion along these
lines: a restructuring of the de-
partment system in the literary
college. Department members in-
terested strictly in undergraduate
teaching would group together to
form an interdisciplinary college
department. Department members
whose main concerns are research
or graduate teaching would re-
main clustered around their par-
ticular field.
The residential college is an-
other form of this basic division.
Although the specialist or pre-
professional will be able to enter,
its main emphasis will be on un-
dergraduate liberal arts teaching.
These plans of division are
idealistic and should be an ulti-
mate objective of the present
literary college. However, it seems
unlikely, given the present finan-
cial picture at the University, that
the University will be able tonat-
tempt any such split in the next
few years.
As a stop-gap measure, the lit-
erary college should make drastic
revisions in the distribution con-
cept. By eliminating distribution
requirements and individualizing
education to a far greater extent,
the college can achieve basically
the same objective: providing a
superior education for the gen-
eralist and the specialist.
RIGHT NOW the academic
counselor is virtually unnecessary
as a curricular adviser. The col-
lege catalogue list of distribution
and major requirements and the

student's . native intelligence are
sufficient to map out a conven-
tional four-year course of study.
If distribution requirements were
eliminated and selecting a major
made optional, a student's educa-
tion could be more individualized.
The academic counselor would be-
come an instrumental part of a
student's education, actually help-
ing to guile the student, rather
thantreiterating the college cata-
logue. Also the student himself
would have to assume more re-
sponsibility for the quality of his
When this suggestion was made
to a group of faculty members, a
wistful "if we only had the coun-
selors to do it" sounded around
the room. I believe that the Uni-
versity does have a sufficient staff
to handle such a program.
By making the counselor's job
more important andmore integral
in the teaching process, more cap-
able faculty would venture into
the counseling office. A little extra
pay in their monthly check might
also serve as the needed incentive.
THE LITERARY college cur-
riculum committee has seriously
considered the elimination of the
distribution requirements. The col-
lege should adopt the suggestion.
The mere elimination of the re-
quirements will not eliminate the
concept of a liberal education. If
students want a broad background,
they will voluntarily elect a wide
variety of courses. If they do not,
no distribution requirement pro-
gram will force it upon them.
However, desire coupled with the
academic adviser's ability to sell
the concept of a liberal education
-designed to fit the particular
student's needs-will produce an
educational climate superior to
that which surrounded the 1300
seniors receiving their diplomas in
two weeks.

At Cinema Guild
chino Visconti's "Rocco and
his Brothers," the Parondi family
from Calabria (a widow and her
five sons) have come north to
Milan in search of work and a
less indigent existence. One son
marries a local girl, one becomes
a mechanic with Alfa Romeo, one
(Simone) takes up professional
boxing, and one (Rocco) moves ir-
resolutely between jobs until he
too settles on boxing. Simone falls
in love with a prostitute, Nadia,
who in time leaves him for Rocco.
Then one night, after a ring hu-
miliation, drunk and goaded by a
companionable lago, Simone
catches Rocco and Nadia together.
They are evidently deeply in love.
And in one of the most heart-
stopping scenes in cinema, Si-
mone's friends pinion Rocco while
Simone himself savagely but with
a kind of tortured love, rapes
Nadia before his brother's eyes.
In a sense, the drama can go
no farther than this. But Visconti
treats it as a catharsis; the cru-
cible shatters, and the latter part
of the film follows the diffusion
and decay of its contents. The
family breaks up, Simone even-
tually kills Nadia, and is taken
away by the police, Rocco con-
templates returning alone to Cala-
You don't have to be a purist
to exclude "Rocco and his Broth-
ers" from any pantheon of un-
doubted film masterpieces. Many
vital elements in this film are left
unresolved: One of these is Roc-
co's character (is he a saint? or
is he rather a saintly fool in the
Parsifal tradition?).
Another is the precise impact of
the city of Milan upon the peasant
immigrants-one is never certain
that the family might not have
met equal misfortune back in the
South. Even in the wider sense,
as "social commentary," the film
is insecure; one's sympathies are
Senlisted by individuals rather than
by their situations.
YET "ROCCO and his Brothers"
remains for me the most vivid,
human and deeply experienced
film I have ever seen. With the
possible exception of Visconti's "La
Terra Trema," which many critics
rate among the very greatest films,
(Rocco is its sequel), "Rocco" in-
volves the grandest and truest
pictorialization of human emotion
yet offered by the cinema.
Visconti is an arch-Romantic in
an age of technical sophisticates;
which is no more a regression
(necessarily) than were Mozart's
earlier symphonies from the for-

Similarly, "Rocco" 's most im-
pressive feature is its relentless,
organic growth, which derives
merely from a gathering interplay
of emotion and predicament. It
explodes into the rape (which
comes after about two-thirds of
the film's length) and then relaxes
and rebuilds to the final climax.
Or it should do. Unfortunately the
Cinema Guild copy has been dis-
gracefully censored by the dis-
tributor-it is nearly 30 minutes
short of the advertised time-and
the central balance of the film has
been grievously disturbed. The rape
is concertina-d into what now ap-
pears as a rather sexy kiss;, the
subsequent fight is desultory and
confusing; and it takes something
over 15 minutes before Visconti's
original pace can re-assert itself.
IF "ROCCO and his Brothers"
were merely (as has often been
implied) an opera set to words, it
would have very little to do with
the cinema. But it's a great deal
more than that. Only a camera
could give such a specific delinea-
tion of human emotion, or could
involve an audience so completely
in the Parondi family fortunes.
Visconti achieves this by the ut-
most simplicity of approach-pre-
dominately frontal, with the ab-
solute minimum of cuts (he pre-
fers to work in slow pans, except
in two-way conversations where
alternating medium close-ups are
employed). At the same time the
shots are often packed with the
kind of ambivalence that permits
different views of one subject
withoutuat any point confusing
the issue. For instance, Simone,
pursuing a rich middle-aged spin-
ster, allows his fingers to drift
indulgently across the fabric cov-
ering her breast-until they curl
about the jewelled brooch that
hangs there.
The fertility of invention in such
a long film is astonishing. The
action, however secondary or re-
mote from the camera, bustles
with busy intention. The sound-
track is endlessly subtle, and the
music is employed with marvellous
economy and effect-for once in
a film it takes an integral and
crucial part.
"Rocco" is so stamped with the
personality of its director that the
actors seem naturally to fall to the
end of a notice. Yet I have rarely
seen such a convincing portrayal
of physical decline as that of
Renato Salvatori as Simone; or
such vital, real characterizations
as those of Annie Girardot as the
prostitute (after this, "Irma la

Greatness of Film
Overcoming Flaws


Open Festival Concerts
A CAPACITY audience heard the Philadelphia Orchestra and a
program of Ludwig Beethoven and Joan Sutherland last night in
the opening concert of the 1964 May Festival.
Of the four overtures to Beethoven's only opera "Fidelio," "Leo-
nore No. 3" is perhaps the best known and most played.
Eugene Ormandy led a careful and well-calculated read through.
Tempo fluctuations abounded but did not succeed in destroying the
well-wrought shape of the work.
THREE STAPLES of the Italian bel canto repertory were sung
by soprano Joan Sutherland. "Ah, Fors' e lui" and "Sempre libera" are
from "La Traviata," the last opera in Verdi's famous and popular
trilogy of 1851-53. The "Mad Scene" from Donizetti's "Lucia di Lam-
mermoor" has been a concert favorite.
Though differing in dramatic situation and vocal style, all three
arias have one quality in common: they are difficult, requiring a vocal
technique of the first order.
Miss Sutherland fulfilled most of these technical demands- She
possesses a smooth tone, accurate technique and indulges in little slid-
ing up to high notes. Her trills are genuine.
* * *
CONCLUDING THE evening was another standard orchestral work,
Beethoven's Symphony No. 7. The A Major symphony possesses a
combination of melancholy grandeur and restrained friviolity which
gives it a character distinct from that of Beethoven's other symphonies.
Ormandy led a rather fast opening "Poco sostenuto." Although this
tmnn an he instifibA hv the harmnnic rhvthm. it r1ne nt no rmit



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