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April 30, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-30

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Seventy-Third Yea7
Truth willPrmIl"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al; reprints.


A Corporate University and the Student

Libraries Should Facilitate
The Saturday Night Student

HERE IS PROBABLY no better time to
examine the concept of academic free-
dom at this University than on a Sat-
urday night. On Saturday night (with
the exception of those Saturdays imme-
diately preceding exam period), academ-
ic freedom means you're free to try to
find a place to study anywhere you please
--so just go ahead and try.
The two main libraries-the UGLI and
General-are closed. The League Library
(for women only) has such extremely lim-
ited hours on week days that you can be
sure it won't be open at all on Saturdays.
Rackham has a marvelous library and
various quiet study rooms, but if you're
an undergraduate, you aren't wanted. If
you live in the residence halls or a fra-
ternity or sorority, chances are that noisy
parties or restless roommates prohibit
serious study;' besides, you didn't want
to work at home anyway. There's always
the good old Union MUG-if you can
stand the distractions of the Saturday
night crowd. Perhaps the boyfriend's
apartment-or do you know better by
now? You may as well face it: there's
no place to go.
S THE MORATORIUM on library facili-
ties on weekends (extending from 6
p.m. Saturday until 1 p.m. Sunday) a
gross oversight on the part of the Uni-
versity, or is it an overt attempt to
dictate a social life to its students?
If the latter alternative is the case and
if campus library policies do indeed rep-
resent the attitude of the University,
clearly this institution of higher educa-
tion does not want its students to study
on Saturday night-even if they would
like to. Such an attitude is hardly in
keeping with the educational goals of a
If keeping the libraries closed on Sat-

urday night is merely a gross oversight,
now is the time to correct this error.
THE LIBRARIES themselves are not to
be too harshly criticized. In addition
to comprising the fourth largest library
.system in the country, University li-
braries offer a wealth of services from
the General Library's open stacks to the
UGLI's audio room facilities.
In the past they have been more than
willing to help the student. Only this se-
mester, the General Library decided to
extend its evening hours until midnight,
instead of turning out students at 10
p.m., and to open its doors one hour
earlier on Sunday afternoon.
The library system's past congenial at-
titude toward change in itself speaks
much in its favor. Students have recog-
nized and appreciated this disposition.
It does not seem to be asking too much
now to petition the libraries to once again
face an existing problem with an attitude
amenable toward change.
ITS SOLUTION could be easily achieved.
Library administrators could open only
one facility to handle that group of stu-
dents which wishes to study on Saturday
evening. This could be done at a mini-
mum expense by operating with a skele-
ton staff and keeping the fringe services
closed. (Most Saturday night studiers
only want a clean, well-lighted place.)
This additional service would be a great
boost to these students. It would be an-
other demonstration of the liberal dispo-
sition of University libraries and would
prove that the University has not ordered
the study light out on a Saturday night.
Acting Assistant Editorial Director
in-charge-of the Magazine

That Old Tie Religion

National Concerns Editor
milestone. It is a time for re-
flection over four years of student
life as an undergraduate and four
years as a journalist covering the
campus scene.
It is a bittersweet milestone. The
four years have been interesting,
exciting-a time for personaland
intellectual growth. They have
taken me as high as I am going
to go in my journalistic career
for many years to come. Yet it
is a time to look forward rather
than back.
Thus, I would like to drop some
of the impersonal formality of my
past editorials to look at the Uni-
versity and the things which have
most concerned me.
x A.* *
rection in which the University
appears to be heading is toward a
mechanized, hurried, nonhumanis-
tic education.
The University is more a $125-
million education-research-public
service corporation than an insti-
tution of higher education. It
tends to slight education both in
favor of research, at the expense
of the quality and intensity of
effort placed at the undergraduate
level; and in favor of "efficiency,"
as a response to legislative and
applications pressure.
The corporate nature of the Uni-
versity - with its many di-
visions and highly specialized fis-
cal and public relations arms-is
unfortunately necessary if the
University is to function effectively
in the many diverse areas to
which it is committed. The very
size and scope of the University
necessitate a corporate structure.
not create a businessman's out-
look toward the activities of the
University. However, "efficiency"
is stressed. The University's use-
fulness to the state is often mar-
keted much like one of Detroit's
cars. Individuality and social re-
sponsibility sometimes get lost.
The trimester is a very effective
gimmick for educating more stu-
dents faster. It is probably a long
overdue reform in the University
calendar, as students are no longer
needed to help their parents tend
the fields and bring in the har-
vest. As this agricultural pattern
has long since vanished, summer
vacation seems like an anachron-
ism. A three-semesternyear with
one-third of the student body on
vacation each semester is a more
logical use of the University's fa-
This arrangement in itself does
not raise concern about an educa-
tional speed up. The other adjust-
ments in the calendar, particularly
the one-week, two-hour final
examination schedule and reduc-
tion of in-semester vacation time'
remove the last vestiges of a more
leisurely age. The new final period
is a particular burden, leaving less
time for meaningful study and
making finals less important as a
summing up of knowledge gained
in a course.
seems to get the short shift. The
dynamism, boldness and greatness
of the University is not found in
its literary college classrooms, but
in the Institute of Science and
Technology, the engineering col-
lege research laboratories, the
Conflict Resolution Center or the
Medical Center. Research is the
fastest growing part of the Uni-
Some work is being done on
undergraduate education, especial-
ly by the Center for Research in
Learning and Teaching and by the
literary college curriculum com-
mittee, which contiually re-eval-
uates the college's educational
program. But the spirit and drive
that enlivens the research effort
is missing here.

Further, thegUniversity's public
relations image centers on re-
search. The University's outside
image tends to become its self-
image. Research is as important a
criterion as teaching for advance-
ment. The worth of the Univer-
sity is defined to the public as the
immediately useful discoveries it
can make, not the minds it can
fashion or stimulate.
All this is compounded by an
imbalance of financial support.
State appropriations, which pay
for most teaching functions, have
not grown fast enough to meet the
University's very pressing needs.
Meanwhile, federal support has
risen quite rapidly, but almost all
of it goes to specific research proj-
ects. Graduate education is helped
as it is a function of research
efforts in many fields.
THERE IS also a trend toward
specialization, largely a function
of the increasing amount of
knowledge. Specialization is neces-
sary in a complex world, but pre-
sents a great danger to society.
Its future decision makers will
only be expert in one field, unable
to comprehend more than a few
related areas. But future presi-
dents, legislators, governors, busi-
ness and higher education execu-
tives will have to allocate social

lectual activities. But there is no
overall program for the student
interested in this sort of education,
the type the future decision maker
will need.
A true liberal education may be
impossible, for reasons outlined on
this page within the last week, but
some substitute will be necessary
to prevent gross distortions in fu-
ture resource allocations and
ghastly mistakes. Here, the Uni-
versity could provide a real ser-
vice to society.
RELATED to concern for liberal
education is the intellectual at-
mosphere of the University. It, too,
seems to be disappearing under
the stresses placed upon the Uni-
versity and the resulting pressure
placed upon its students.
Partial blame for intellectual
life's dull state at the University
must lie with the president. As
the head of a large institution, the
president sets its tone, both by
his actions and by the appoint-
ments of the personnel who run
its day-to-day operations. Even
if the president is necessarily re-
moved from the detailed workings
of the University, he still exercises
a profound influence over its spirit
and direction.
WHAT HAS President Hatcher
done to influencerthe intellectual
climate of the University? Very
little. Unlike the recent works of
Presidents Nathan Pusey of Har-
Daily Editor II. Neil .ierk-
son's column, "Each Time I
Chanced To See Franklin D.,"
has been discontinued until the
end of the semester. It will re-
sume regular bi-weekly publi-
cation in September.
vard and Clark Kerr of California,
President Hatcher's latest book is
not on the future and meaning of
higher education, but is a picture
album of the Great Lakes. His
State of the University addresses
have been. bland reports to the
faculty, often avoiding clearcut,
forthright stands on key Univer-
sity issues.
Two of the University's boldest
ventures towards strengthening
the University's intellectual en-
vironment-the residential college
and the Center for Research in
Learning and Teaching-are not
identified with President Hatcher.
Rather, they' have been pushed by
dower level University officials.
President Hatcher's most stun-
ning achievements seem to come
in the administrative and research
areas, not in education.
* * *
COMPARED to the record of
past University presidents, Presi-
dent Hatcher is aloof from the
student body. Its large size and
the complexity of the University
account for some of this aloof-
ness, but certainly the President
could take more opportunities
than his once-a-month teas to
both influence and be influenced
by the student body.
Although his record of com-
municating with students has im-
proved since last year's fair hous-
ing debacle, there is much more
he could do. He could regularly
address the student body on vital
educational and intellectual issues
of the times, attempting to inspire
students toward a more intel-
lectual and less functional outlook
toward their studies and to the
University. He could create greater
understanding of University goals
and problems and encourage
greater student interest in them
by meeting more often with key
student groups.
HOWEVER, greater presidential
leadership and involvement with
students is only one step in any
effort to improve the University's
intellectual atmosphere. One good
program calls for converting Eng-
lish 123 from merely a composition
tion course to an intellectual in-

troduction to the University.
Freshmen would meet in small
sections to hear lectures on the
aims of education and the goals
of the University. Using readings
and discussions, the student would

attempt to relate his stay at the
University to its goals, hopefully
creating greater awareness and
desire for intellectual achievement.
Another needed change is a re-
form of academic counseling. Cur-
rently, counseling is a low-status
assignment in most departments.
The professors involved are only
haphazardly trained or informed
about their vital task. Students
often receive conflicting, if not
unsound, academic advice, even
on as simple a factual matter as
the number of credit hours re-
quired to be a full-time student.
Both students and counselors
tend to see academic counseling
as merely a bookkeeping proce-
With the aid of the University's
professional personal counselors
and the Office of Academic Af-
fairs, academic counselors should
be aided in making counseling
more attractive and meaningful
for students. The counselors
should be given definitive informa-
tion on all University academic
However, the University should
not ram "intellectual atmosphere"
down its students' throats. Such
force feeding will produce not
intellectual appreciation but re-
bellion, either now or once the
students leave college. There seems
to be a tendency to force feed in
such projects as the Greene House
experiment or the residential col-
lege. The University must be care-
ful not to turn intellectual havens
into academic prisons where the
classroom becomes the all-per-
vasive part of the student's life.
The intellectual atmosphere should
be enticing, not enforced.
* * *
WHILE the University should
serve as a forum for the expres-
sion of all ideas, it should be
strictly a neutral force in society.
It should be a leader, encouraging
the free expression of all ideas by
all members of the University
community-be they students, fac-
ulty, researchers or administrators.
But the University, through the
mere existence of outside speaker
limitations, through its stress on
academics and through its propa-
ganda as a service institution
rather than a place of ideas, has
put a damper on its most impor-
tant social role.
These limitations not only con-
tradict one of the basic pusposes
of the University but also waste
brainpower, which becomes divert-
ed from social action td academic
be tolerant of all ideas, so should
it promote nondiscrimination in
the society at large. The Univer-
sity's record, unfortunately, is not
too good. On the civil rights issues
it has been neutral or weak-willed
at best. It has consistently block-
ed strong action against affiliate
membership selection bias. It tried
to avoid taking a strong stand on
a fair housing ordinance in Ann
Arbor and even now does not give
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis' amendment pro-
posals the strong backing they
ought to have.
Further, its money may be used
to. tacitly support discrimination.
The University urged no discrim-
ination at an apartment house in
which it invested $180,000 only
after the local CORE chapter dis-
covered the investment and de-
manded action. Even so, the Uni-
versity's letter merely informed
the owners of Regents' Bylaw 2.14.
The University should not finance
this sort of anti-social behavior.
Perhaps a nondiscrimination
clause in all real estate investment
contracts could correct the prob-
THE SOCIAL responsibility of
the student body also has de-
clined in the last four years. The
number of students who partici-
pated in the political life of the
University or were concerned with

the country's and world's major
social problems has always been
small. However, even this number
has declined.
Today a small group of students

is working on poverty and civil
rights in an exciting way through
Students for a Democratic So-
ciety's Economic Research and
Action Project and through the
local civil rights groups. But while
the University is a center of near
radical student leadership in the
country, these leaders are nearly
all graduate students and their
presence is hardly felt on cam-
* * *4
THERE IS NOW a major gap
in the University community's po-
litical structure. There is no stu-
dent o'ganization actively and
liberally critical of the University.
No student group outside of The
Daily, which by definition is not
a political action group, is actively
seeking to blunt the University's
trend toward dehumanizing edu-
cation. No group is taking advan-
tage of opportunities to partici-
pate in University decision mak-
ing. No group is actively challeng-
ing the University on such ques-
tions as "efficiency" or the rela-
tionship between education and
Voice once filled this role, but
since its heavy involvement with
SAS, it has become nationally-
oriented. Voice is fulfilling a ne-
cessary function as campus
spokesman for the nearly radical
left. Its education and action pro-
grams in that regard have been
good. But there is no one to speak
to the University.
This void did not always exist.
During the activist renaissance
which lasted from 1960 through
spring, 1963, a number of campus
groups were vigorously and effec-
tively challenging the University
and gaining some reforms, largely
in the student affairs area.
BUT THIS YEAR has been a
dull year. No major University
issues have been of campus con-
cern. Student campus political ac-
tivities have been moribund-even
absurd, as in the SGC election
contest between SGRU and
SURGe. The campus has returned
to the political desolation of the
late 1950's and seems destined to
stay there. Some doubts have even
been raised about the survival of
student organizations.
The upsurge of political activity
-vas pretty pervasive in its time.
It spread from the political clubs
and action groups to even such
usually inert organizations as In-
terquadrangle Council and Assem-
bly Association.
Students were articulately and
actively concerned with such di-
verse interests as civil rights, re-
form in the Office of Student Af-
fairs and the residence halls and
the end of affiliate membership
selection bias.
The articulate liberals who led
this student movement left a num-
ber of permanent monuments to
their efforts but, unfortunately,
not a continuing leadership.
the resignation of Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon and end of most
of the draconian practices, a re-
structuring of the OSA along
functional lines, judiciary system
reforms with added due process
safeguards, liberalized women's
regulations and better dormitory
living conditions.
In the civil rights field, some
progress was made toward regulat-
ing membership selection prac-
tices, but the gains have been
mired in a legal tangle. Student
pressure also forced a definitive
University stand on a fair hous-
ing ordinance.
Students also have gained a
greater say in University decision
making by participating as ob-
servers on some Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
subcommittees. But this is only a
tangential position and is not
being fully used by students.
* * *
WHY THE DECLINE in student

activism? The bogeymen of tri-
mester and academic pressures are
certainly serious, but are not the
entire answer. Students today in
this corporate, nonhumanistic
University are being encouraged to

produce in the classroom and no-
where else. The Honors Council,
whose students have provided
much of the past leadership, ac-
tively discourages students from
participating in activities. With
more students than ever seeking
a higher education, the academic-
grades rat-race begins in high
school and is never left to pursue
greater social values. The pressure
is constant from high school on.
The trimester calendar has a
more psychological than tangible
impact, although it will cause
grave dislocations in all student
activities-from those as frivolous
as Michigras to ones as important
as the political clubs. The slightly
shorter semester with its nearly
nonexistant vacations and short
final schedule symbolizes academic
pressure and performance. The
leisureliness of the old calendar,
signifying greater importance for
nonacademic life as well as giving
more actual time, is a thing of the
Finally, the gut issues of the
past-OSA reform, affiliate dis-
crimination, blatant local segrega-
tion-have either been settled or
placed in more complex and there-
fore less exciting terms. People are
no longer so attracted to these
causes, especially as academic
pressure increases.
LASTLY, I would like to speak
of The Daily. Unfortunately, the
campus does not understand this
newspaper. It is to be cherished
and defended, not scorned. It is
a paper freed from most of the
fetters of the commercial press.
The Daily, always concerned with
important issues over a broad in-
tellectual spectrum, rises above
the commercial press.
The Daily has changed much-
and not always for the better-
in the four years that I have
been on its staff. Yet it has always
striven to produce the best that
journalism hasto offer, and often
it has succeeded.
But The Daily, as it has turned
from the gut issues of the Hayden
era four years ago to close cover-
age of academics, research and
the upper administration, and, as
academic pressure closes in upon
its staff, has become a duller
newspaper. Some of the old excite-
ment that marked the 1960-62
Dailies has gone, perhaps never to
somewhat more important than
the gut issues, have been harder
to cover. They are more complex
and it takes more dogged work
and intellectual ability to handle
them. The rewards-like the two-
part series on the budget process
or the continuing coverage of the
residential college-are great to
both reporter and reader. All seg-
ments of the campus community
should encourage The Daily to
continue this work, to place great-
er effort in it.
The excitement is gone because
some of The Daily's most colorful
staff members-the brilliant, ir-
rascible personalities-have de-
parted and not been replaced. A
spirit of tolerance that once found
a place for them on the staff and
made them thrive, no matter how
unpleasant they may be to the
senior editors and some staffers,
has long since disappeared. This
has been The Daily's greatest loss
while I was on the staff. These
people have been replaced by com-
petent, but less exciting staff
* * *
YET THE DAILY has been the
best part of my experience at the
University and I will always look
fondly upon it. It has helped me
mature both professionally and
personally, and I have learned
much from staffers I have worked
with and from the stories I have
I cannot be as enthusiastic

about the rest of my University
career. There have been some
moments when I have become ex-
cited about my studies or what
the University was doing, but
these moments have been few and
far between.



IT CERTAINLY IS NICE to see that the
Episcopal Church is back at the home
stand these days-being narrow-minded
and generally meddlesome. For a while
there, one would have thought that per-
haps they were minding their own busi-
ness for a change.
The scene this time is Ionia, Michigan,
of all places, where the local high school
had the screaming audacity to produce
that lewd, salacious, immoral and ob-
scene musical, "Damn Yankees."
The problem is that one Rev. Raymond
Bierlein, an Episcopalian, attended this
immoral orgy. (Presumably he got his
ticket from some trouble-making Pres-
byterian.) And what the Rev. Bierlein
saw just defies description. It seems this
16-year-old, Kristi Honson, performed the
part of the temptress Lola, doing that aw-
ful dance! (Yes, Rev. Bierlien, it was a
strip-tease!) And she had the gall to go
into the audience and tweek the cheek
of several of the gentlemen. (One ques-
tions whether the good reverend got his
cheek pinched and didn't like it, or wheth-
er he didn't and was jealous.)
Rev. Bierlein, whose indignation
showed through, denounced the whole
pornographic affair. Miss Honson, whose
faith is undisclosed, but presumably she's
not an Episcopalian, retorted that she
didn't think her dance was so bad. Her
parents agreed, and so did Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Clore, in a letter to the Ionia
Unfortunately for the Clores however,
they happened to be members of Rev.
Bierlein's flock, and the good cleric
struck back by recommending they be
Acting Editorial Staff
H. NEIL BERKSON.....................Editor
KENNETH WINTER............anaging Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN.............Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ............... Personnel Director
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND......Assistant editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
Acting Sports Staff
13ML BULLARD ....................... sports Editor
TOM ROWLAND..............Associate Sports Editor
f'AR * TxIPTZ _ _ A .ei~f.P Snrts dito

So this is how things stand: The Clores
are on the way out; the cheek-pinching
(by order of the school board) is all the
way out; but the dance is still in.
The situation is ludicrous; it is some-
thing out of the Victorian era, which
would suggest that the Episcopal Church
has not progressed, in Ionia at least, into
the twentieth century.
that the Episcopal bishop for Western
Michigan, Bishop Charles Bennison of
Kalamazoo, agrees, with Rev. Bierlein and
believes the church "needs more clergy-
men like him." What's more, the good
bishop terms "Damn Yankees" "adult en-
tertainment" and believes "it was foolish
of a little high school to produce it."
Well, la-de-da, Bishop Bennison and
Rev. Bierlein and any of the rest of your
clan. Perhaps you should attend to reli-
gion and let speech people attend to
drama. If "Damn Yankees" is adult en-
tertainment, then many of the passages
in the Bible had better be struck from
the Sunday School reading list. Adam and
Eve did a lot worse than Lola.
It is hard to believe that modern day
busybodies like Rev. Bierlein exist in re-
ligious vestments. Supposedly our church-
es have advanced past their awe of girls'
jumpers and low-cut shoes, but Ionia 's
Episcopals haven't gotten the word.
The Clores should consider themselves
fortunate, for they could be booted out of
a sinking ship. While Rev. Bierlein was
abhorring "Damn Yankees," "The Tropic
of Cancer," "Lady Chatterly's Lover" and
"Fanny Hill" were probably on sale in the
drugstore a block from his church. One
can only imagine that he was glad when
the musical closed its run, so that he
could go back to policing "smutty" books.
(By the way, Rev. Bierlein objects to
"The Music Man," "The King and I," "Ok-
lahoma" and others of that ilk, too.)
ALL THIS HAS BEEN at Rev. Bierlein's
expense. Undoubtedly his cause is just.
Lewdness and salaciousness have no
place in clean living. But the good rev-
erend's problem is that he is unable to
tell what is lewd and salacious, and as a
result he falls into the same trap as the
Congregationalists who burned the Salem
witches or the Catholics in France who
persecuted the Huguenots: He knows not

Technical Difficulties Mar Production

NORMAN KRASNA'S PLAY "Sunday in New York" has all the ap-
purtenances of a witty, fast-moving bedroom comedy but it never
quite makes it. Instead we see a likeable, rather light and vaguely
amusing fairy-tale, as unrealistic as it is unsophisticated.
The plot revolves around the familiar plight: should a young
girl in these "modern times" remain a virgin? Eileen Taylor, played
by E. J. Peaker, has come to spend a Sunday in New York with her
Brother Adam Taylor, played by Tom Leith, has convinced her
that morality is still in style. And when she invites Mike Mitchell,
portrayed by Ty Hardin, an acquaintance from the Fifth Avenue
Bus, to her brother's apartment, all is upstanding, until she dis-
covers, via "lingerie" in the closet, that brother has been playing
around himself. Virtue goes to the wind, but Mike wants nothing to
do with a beginner.
All is well, that is until Eileen's fiance pops in finding them in
bathrobes. Further complications evolve and the rest of the plot tries
to unravel this "spicy" mess.
THERE WERE ONE OR TWO moments of bright dialogue, and
an interesting use of two players filling all the minor parts as well

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