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April 29, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-29

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Seet-Tida ar
ere Optnions Are rr"eSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ArBOR, Micm., PHONE No 2-32413
rrth Will Prevail'
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual cpinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints.

Michigras Repercussions: Float Insults Japanese

Y, APRIL 29, 1964


Acelerated Professionalism
Hinders. Liberal Eduacation

TUDENTS ARE NO LONGER beginning the fringe benefits of a college education,,
their careers in the big wide world .like extra-curricular activities, useless'
fter graduation, as commencement courses and just plain time enough to do
peakers are wont to say, but are doing some extra reading. A history major is
> within their undergraduate years, told that what he learns outside of class
Today, professors advise students who is not going to help him if his scholastic
re majoring in their particular field record (meaning grade point average) is
aat they had better start to get all the no good: "They won't look at anything
asics of their major now if they don't else when they see your grades."
ant to fall behind all the other stu-
ents who are similarly being counseled IT'S A RAT RACE, and the graduate
o get started early. This situation holds schools are holding the stopwatches.
rue especially for students who are plan- There wouldn't be such competition in the
ing to go to graduate .school. At the undergraduate years if graduate schools
niversity, students are coerced into tak- didn't feel they had to rely so heavily on
g. as mTany courses as possible in their past academic achievement to determine
ajor and are encouraged to take as who gets in their limited openings.
iany at the graduate level as they can The problem is especially serious at the
t in. University, because faculty members are,
It's frightening to think that these first and foremost, professors of psychol-
udents are being pushed into the same ogy, physics and English and only second-
ork routine that will face them until ly liberal arts counselors. The University
etirement. They will never have a chance and the literary college faculty. have a
o feel the detachment and perspective graduate and professional orient1ation--
hich a liberal arts education is supposed ergo undergraduate education does too.
o bring.
HAT EAC Sw t get be an end in itself and not a stepping
out of his undergraduate years is a stone to graduate school if liberal educa-
ery personal thing-it varies wildly. But tion is to be retained. Graduate schools
t most colleges-and especially at the must develop standards for admittance
niversity-there are a lot of distorting which do not depend on the showing a
ements thrown in to make a student student makes in his undergraduate
ant to begin his career while still In years, and the literary college faculty--
is und* rgraduate years. now compoted of professors in individual
A student in math is told that he must departments-must consist of a teaching
chieve a certain background if he is to faculty that Is more concerned with all
e prepared for graduae school-there the facets of education rather than with'
no mention of preparation for any-prearation in one specific field.
iIng beyond one's profession. A Istudentp tinAe spcic
1 chemistry is informed that he must
ve his chemistry studies priority over Acting Associate Managing Editor
Need or Russian Reforms

To the Editor:
last Friday, I watched a mag-
nificent parade. All the decorated
floats and brassbands were en-
joyable and delightful-except one
which was really humiliating to
the Japanese. The float, decorated
as a battleship, was hoisting the
sun flag, the Japanese flag, torn
in half and looking very miserable.
I doubt the common sense of
those who decided to make use
of the half-torn national flag for
fun. If Americans see the half-
torn Stars and Stripes used in
that way for such a purpose, do
they feel amused or insulted? If
Friday's treatment of the Japan-
ese flag displayed a sense of .hu-
mor, my understanding of a sense
of humor is entirely different from
that of Americans.
It seemed that the Japanese
flag disgraced i the parade
had actuallybeen used in World
War II, because it had the sig-
natures of Japanese soldiers on it.
If the bereaved families had seen
that flag in the parade, they would
have been deeply and adversely,
affected. I myself absolutely felt.
and still feel contemptuous of
those who employed that miser-
able-looking Japanese flag to make
the on-lookers laugh.
* * *
ALTHOUGH I am a foreigner
here, I am willing to salute the
Stars and Stripes and to sing the
American anthem with Americans
whenever they do. It is the most.
fundamental etiquette to do hom-
age to my host when I am a guest.
At the same time, I think that it
is also basic etiquette on the
Americans' part not to disgrace
their guests.
A national flag is a symbol of
its country and must be handled
with respect and great care at any
time and any place. All the Japan-
ese I have seen since Friday feel
that our national flag was used

in a humiliating way in the Michi-
gras parade.
I ask those who were responsible
for that decorated float and the
organization which was in charge
of Michigras to publish an official
apologetic statement in The Daily.
I do not think that I am asking
too much in view of such an un-
happy incident.
-Masaji Kobayashi, Grjd
Poor Etiquette
To the Editor:
SAW the Michigras parade Fri-
day afternoon and enjoyed it
fairly well. However, I was greatly
embarrassed and surprised to see
that one group was using an ac-
tual Japanese national flag just
for a joke. I would like to protest
this action and ask the opinion of
American students about it.
That old half-torn (or tattered)
flag was a real Japanese flag
containing some signatures sup-
posedly written by Japanese sol-
diers at the battlefields or before
they had left their motherland.
DON'T KNOW how that old
flag came to the United States,
but I do know that the American
people seem to- love and respect
their own country and pay high
respect to its national flag. I
would like to think that American
people are familiar with the laws
of etiquette toot The point I want
to make here is that another na-
tion's national flag should not be
used just for fun. It is against
etiquette. University students, es-,
pecially who are supposed to be
very intelligent and have high-
level common sense, should not
have done such an indiscreet
thing. It was really insulting to
the Japanese.
I won't say anything about Fri-
day's action if it was an attempt
to criticize or satirize present
Japan or Japanese political af-

fairs, but I don't think in Friday's
parade that that was the case.
-Chikako Wumi
Critic's Critique
To the Editor:
WAS NOT AWARE that the
Russian Club was showing "The
Childhood of Maxim Gorky" to-
night and I am grateful to Sam
Walker's "review" of the film for
informing me of this fact. But I
am grateful for little else that he
had to say, and am frankly quite
puzzled-was Mr. Walker's space
filler intended as a joke, or as
sabotage? Probably not - Mr.
Walker's other writing seems sober
and sincei-e, and often perceptive.'
I write not so much because I
disagree with Mr. Walker's asser-
tion that the film has little ar-
tistic merit and is restricted in in-
terest to a limited academic sphere
(although. I most,' emphatically
do disagree), but because I fear
that his comments may dissuade
people who would enjoy the film
from going to see it.,
* * *
I SAW the film last year, at
another campus. The audience was
large and enthusiastic, and ap-
plauded the film when it was over.
I consider it one of the most beau-
tiful and moving films I have
ever seen-quite an accomplish-
ment, as it was made in the Soviet
Union in 1938.
Through a wealth of interesting
incident and detail, a fascinating
variety of characters and pictorial
images of astonishing beauty, it
achieves a remarkable evocation
of a vanished society and way of
life, as seen through the eyes of
a child. It contains the finest and
most natural acting by children I
have ever seen on the screen--
the film would be worth seeing
for that alone. If such things have
become relegated to a' limited

area of academia, then I weep
for our generation.
Mr. Walker is certainly entitld
to his own opinion, but I think it
is somewhat irresponsible for him
to maintain that he ,need not
"pontificate at great length upon
the film's artistic short comings."
to at great length perhaps-but
why at all? In view of the high
regard in which this film is gen-
erally held, I think some justifica-
tion for his dissenting view is cer-
tainly called for. Otherwise, his
writing .takes on the appearance
of attempted sabotage.
-John Remmers, Grad
Packing Em In
To the Editor:
I THINK there were too many
people in Yost Field House last
Saturday night. Many University
students put a lot of time and
effort into cleverly designed
booths and skits. It seems as
though more should have had an
opportunity to enjoy them.
The field house was so packed
with a crowd representing other
universities, high school students
and even Ann Arbor townspeople
that it was impossible to spend
money fpr charity even if one
wanted to. I realize that attend-,
ance is the key to success for
something like Michigras and it
is wonderful that we attract the
attention of these other groups.
However, I feel that some people
(us) aren't getting a fair chance
to see what is there, A lot of
University students who have been
there once will conclude that it is
not 'worth being pushed through
a crowd just to see the outside of
the booths.r
* * *
WE HAVE a kiddies day at
Michigras. How about a Univer-
sity day? At least inside the field
house. The rides can be found at
any carnival. University ingenuity
-Tom Tielking, Grad
University Jazz
To the Editor:
"Commercialism on the Make"
deserves comment because it is a
fine exposition of the commercial
abuses so often associated with
so-called "jass events" (usually
meaning jazz musicians invading
alien territory, Oberlin College,
New Port, etc.), and partly because
this kind of commercialism was
utterly lacking at the Sunday
night conert given in the Michi-
gan Union by the same musicians
(Mr. Aptekar among them) who
participated in the Notre Dame
contest on the two preceding
The music, for once, had a
chance to come through to the
audience without the distractions
of malfunctioning microphones,
fumbling technicians or masters
of ceremonies who know nothing
about jazz.
Commercialism has been held

to the Editor:
LAST WEEK I had a rare -op-
portunity to look over the Ann
Arbor scene, talk with a few
people, and see, in general, what
had happened since 1961. I must
conclude that things are .mainly
changing for the better, except
for a few curious details.
Back in 1956-60, my main con-
cerns (as expressed in misplaced
comments in Daily reviews and
editorials, SGC resolutions, and
writing on vari-ous walls) were
'Union food, Health Service and
student housing. Until 1960, you
could walk into Health Service
with an arrow through your liver,
coming out the other - side and
maybe after an hour some doctor-
type would ask you where it hurt.
and Union food was unbelievable.
Now things look better.
be loosening up. Also what hap-
pens in student housing is loosen-
ing up. My friend Gail or Gayle
or Gael (or however she spells it
this year) Greene is apparently
cashing in on her observations
here. She always did have this fa-
cility, and one can only hope that
her inventions aren't confused
with facts. The housing scene does,
though, seem headed in a direc-
tion allowing more freedom than
we would have dreamed possible
a few years back.
The only really grim scene is -
the student government picture.
The current SGC was evolved
after a great deal of considera-
tion and discussion by a skilled
collection ofpeople, and it bothers
me to .see the' current collection
attempting to change everything.
Somehow, people who run' out of
ideas for using student govern-
ment finally, in desperation, turn'
to changing things. This' is es-
pecially ridiculous, since the
changes can never be effected
within one's time at the Univer-
sity, so the new SGC people, in
their turn, decide to change every-
thing still more. The present ar-
rangement will really work well if
filled with good people, and if
the good people don't turn up, you
could have the president elected
by the College of Cardinals, and
members chosen by the Wizard of
Oz and it wouldn't help.
* '* *
SOME OF the administration.
people told me that th'e students
were becoming more conservative
and had lost the ability to consider
broad concepts while learning to
be specialists. If true, this is really
a pity because there are too many
experts around already, but you
can hardly find anyone who can
tell you what it all means, any-
-David Kessel, '60


in check so far here at the Uni-
versity. The only thing that is
lacking now is a little more en-
thusiasm from the students and
the assurance that commercialism
and enthusiasm are still separable.
-William Pratt, Grad

go some major changes if it hopes to
sper. Since the record production per-
between 1950 and 1958, Soviet agri-
ture has remained stagnant or has
,llned. A vast increase in demand, es-
-ially for meat and milk last year, has
t nearly been met.
t is no wonder that Soviet Premier
.ita S. Khrushchev declared that So-
t agriculture "is seriously lagging." And
far this year production of meat and
k is even lower than that of the same
-iod last year. The shortage is due to a
lespread slaughter of farm animals
t fall, which in turn was partially due
a grain shortage.
managers of collective and state farms,
ing that they often know nothing
iut farring. And such inefficiencies
not restricted solely to the agricul-
al scene; they also exist in the fac-
ies. As a resuflt, much Soviet produc-
n capacity is merely potential energy.
L better economy could evolve through
omnplete reformation of the princi-
s (barely) supporting the present So-
t system. Human and material re-
rees could be reallocated to maxi-
ze output and consequently satisfy
ulation needs. But this can take place
,y after the appointment. of qualified
llocators through a reformed econo n-
Chrushchev has recommended bring-
into the Soviet economy "all progres-
e things which have been done in
italistic countries" to increase food
duction. The government newspaper
Acting Editorial Staff
VEIL BERKSON ........................Editor.
rNETH WINTER..............Managing Editor
YARD HERSTEIN.............Editoril Director
IGWIRTZMAN........Pers*.nnel Director
HAEL SATTINR .. Assocate Managing Editor
N KENNY,...........Assistant Managing Editor
ORAH BEATTIE.......Associate Editorial Director
ISE LIND........ Assistant Zditnral. Director in
Charge of the ,Magazine
Acting Sports Stafft
SBULLARD .. .................... Sports Editor
I ROWLAND............Associate' sports Editor
Y WINER«......Associate Sports Editor
RLES TOWLE.......Contributing Sports Editor
Acting Business Staff
,..ts~r v sn rrr? RifnP ao fnnoer

Izvestia reported that the General Com-
mittee of the Communist Party instruct-
ed party and government organizations
to make "a thorough study of the possi-
bilities offered by every farm and every
production area" for increasing output.
,ONCE THE FINDINGS of this research
have been compared with "all pro-
gressive things" of capitalistic economies,
the Communist Party will have the re-
, quired tools to overhaul its economy. But
will it?
Most likely not. It will probably con-
tinue to revamp the economy with ex-
ternal variations--with no intentions of
actually reforming the basic economic
This external manipulation of problem-
solving devices has traditionally been di-
rected at gaining more control over work-
ers through use of force. Now, however,
Khrushchev -reports the Soviets are try-
ing to find "a method of paying for la-
bor which would encourage growth of
The replacement of force with a sys-
tem. of incentives is not entirely new,
however. After heavy agricultural losses
in 1961, the Soviet government raised
meat prices 30 per cent and dairy prices
25 per cent.
THIS AND VARIOUS other programs
such as practicing crop rotation,
raising peasant incomes and increasing
the amount and use of fertilizers are all
worthwhile propositions. But they have
not been carried out well; Soviet plan-
ners have to swim through too much "Red
t'ape." Under ,the present economic sys-
tem, they must keep their improvement
plans outside the realmi of basic policy
changes. Planners may only introduce
gimmicks to solve production failures as
they threaten, instead of concentrating
on l'ong-range programs for the future
well-being of the Soviet people.
Until the Communist Party reforms its
economic policy, output will probably con-
tinue to fall short of its goa'ls.
Who Will Buy?
"... MR. SORENSON recently announced
his resignation from the White
House staff to write a book about Mr.

\ 1
-L M
"" 1 4
... E LV E ME} E oV S MENoT..5

CruCcial Issues Spar
Fall Elections in Britain

oad for vil Rihts


worry about what may be de-
veloping in the relations between'
whites and Negroes. There are
strong indications of desperation
and extremism among the Negroes,
as in the proposal to stall the
traffic at the World's Fair and to
increase the New York water
shortage by turning on the faucets
to waste water.
There are manifestations of ir-
reconcilability: by the whites of
a refusal to redress the grievances
of Negroes by legislation and by
the Negroes of a desperation that
is politically suicidal.
IT IS CLEAR that the internal
peace of the nation is threatened
and that the fearful possibility of
race riots (cannot be ignored. What
+'- io 1 . r-%+ - .lre

of right and wrong, of what is
permissible and what is not. To
advocate closing the door is to
be for anarchy.
Surely it is the paramount duty
of civilized Americans to make
order prevail in the racial conflict,
by establishing the supremacy of
law. It is true that harmony can-
not be established by laws alone.
But it is irrelevant. Peace can be
made to prevail by faith in the
guarantees of the Constitution
and of the laws made under the
order through . the due processes
of law is the course we must take,
then we have to consider the
filibuster in the Senate. This is an
effort to prevent the federal gov-
ernment from reducing the racial
ronflrt b the 1p4.l r.. of

cannot be justified morally as a
device for preventing a majority
from attempting to redress griev-
ances which have been outlawed,
under the Constitution for nearly
100 years. Such a filibuster is not
obedience to the Constitution and
the laws. It is nullification.
have is a beginning in the lawful
redress of the ancient grievances
of Negroes. The essential thing is
to make a serious beginning even
if' the legislation is not perfect,.
even if-as is certain-it will need
a lot of perfecting as it is tried
out in practice.
A filibuster which delays legis-
lation for months to come, or even'
stops it entirely, will not only
subvert faith in the supremacy ofI
law, but will most surely lead

Daily Corresposdent
HOLLAND-1964 is a year of
elections-or at least it could
prove to become one. A most cru-
cial election will be fought in
Great Britain before next October
with the socialist Labor Party
hoping to' beat the incumbent
The campaign is vigorously un-
der way in England. Emphasis is
being put on issues, rather than
on, personality. This stems from
the fact that both main candi-
dates, Harold Wilson (Labor) and
Alec Douglas-Home, Conservative
Prime Minister, shrug back from
an extreme, personality confron-
Sir Alec wants no "American
campaign," following' the scheme
of the Kennedy-Nixon television
debates. On the other hand, Wil-
son would be anxious to appear on
TV, but he would hesitate to put
his "shadow ministers" on the air.
(The Labor Party maintains a
"shadow: cabinet" with, ministers
equaling the actual government
ISSUES ARE truly crucial in
the coming election. As the picture
looks now, Britain's very role as
a world power seems at stake. .
Both main issues, monopolization
of basic industries and continua-
tion of nuclear build-up, are close-
ly linked to this central question.
For some time the steel industry
has featured half- or quarter-
page inforination articles in many'
English papers. The most impor-
tant steel companies emphasize
their fine showing in international
competition, compared to the only
state-owned steel company which
s +1itil in omnetnition with nrivate}

ization. Labor leader Wilson just
recently declared that Labor would
scrap the Nassau agreement with
the United States under which
Britain's present nuclear force is
being built. up. The submarine-
Polaris rocket program depends
on the good faith of both partners,
and it appears that it can be car-
ried through only under a Conser-
vative government.
IF BRITAIN gives up her nu-
clear armament now, she could
suddenly find herself at the other
end of her'. once gleaming im-
perialtst status. She could find out
that she wouldn't have the neces-
sary' deterrent at a time when
France and possibly China are go-
ing ahead with their private nu-
clear armaments. Giving up her
status as member of the exclusive
nuclear club would no doubt mean
also giving up her military world
But even now, Britain is no
longer able to keep her military
commitments around the world.
In Eastern Africa and in Malaysia
she hopes 'for U.S. military help.
There is doubt that she will be
able to police the Middle East,
and apparently her military power
was not sufficient to. keep Turks
and Greeks. off each other's
throats in Cyprus. Part of this in-
ability stems from having ended
the draft in 1957. Since then, the
British armed forces have not been
able to attract enough people to
fill the ranks.
HOWEVER, the Conservarives
would try to keep Britain's corn-
mitmentg as long as possible to
assure smooth "take over" by
NATO or by the U.S. whcr' it
is necessary. But with a Labor



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