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April 29, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-29

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French Leave NATO Navy

Johnson Plans To Send
AppalachianStates Aid

GM Finds Negro Shortage

PARIS A)-France ended all
naval participation in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization yes-
terday, withdrawing its officers
from the alliance's naval head-
quarters units.
French official sources declared
the order ends France's withdrawal
from the naval alliance, begun in
1959. At that time. French war-
ships ,in the Mediterranean were
pulled out from under NATO com-
Nevertheless, the French deci-
sion was further concrete evidence
of President Charles de Gaulle's
determination to make France in-
dependent of its allies.
Deplore Action
A state department spokesman
in Washington deplored the ac-
tion, which was seen as further
deterioration in the NATO or-
A United States official in Paris
said there had been no consulta-
tion with NATO on the new
French order. Official French
sources insisted the allies were
advised kell in advance and that
it could have come as a surprise
to none of them.
Only about 10 French officers
are effected by the order. 'Official
rench sources said 75,000 ground
troops and three air wings in Ger-
many assigned to NATO would
remain and its was unthinkable
that they would, be withdrawn.,
"We regard this as a logical ex-
tension of earlier steps in which
naval vessels earmarked for NATO
command were withdrawn," one
source said., "It yould be prepos-


terous to participate in naval
councils when we have no ships
directly concerned with NATO."
In the announcement of the
withdrawal, the French said they
would urge close liaison in case of
war. However, the French no
longer will sit in on NATO coun-
cils where naval planning is made.
Dke Gaulle's view is that French
ships should be commanded by
Frenchmen and directed by
France. He long has been strongly
opposed to any integrated com-
Remove All
After the naval withdrawal of
Mediterranean ships, Atlantic
units and finally ships in the
NATO channel command were re-

Greek Forces Make Assault
On Turkish-Held Territory

NICOSIA (4-A Greek offensive
on the Turkish-held crusader
castle of St. Hilarion brought ex-
pressions of rlarm and dismay
yesterday from the United Na-
tions commander seeking to re-
store peace on Cyprus. But he de-
ferred to UN headquarters in New
York on whiat decision may be
taken to end the fighting.
The "Greek Cypriot drive aim-
ing to sweep the Turks from the
Kyrenia mountain range and open
the main road to northern Cyprus
had "serious implications" on the,
role of the month-old UN force,
Indian Lt. Gen. Prem Singh Gy-
ani declared.
At the UN in New York, the
battle of the Kyrenia Pass was
viewed as having exposed a ma-

jor weakness of the UN force-
the detailed restrictions that tie
the hands of the conmmander. in
many cases. These stem largely
from demands by nations contrib-
uting troops ,that their men would
not needlessly be put into posi-
tions where they would be shoot-
ing at the Cypriots or being shot
at by them.
There have been no incidents
of actual confrontation of UN
troops and Cypriot fighters, but
UN troops have come unrjer fire
and one British UN soldier was
reported wounded last weekend.
As the St. Hilarion siege drew
increased attention abroad, the
Greek offense .alted yesterday for
what the Greek commander said
was consolidation of positions.

moved from NATO control.
There is one area where France
will continue to work closely with
its allies. This concerns French
submarines operating in the
North Atlantic. Collaboration there
seems to be largely one of assur-
ing safety for French undersea
boats in an area also prowled by
other allied submarines.
French sources stoutly denied
any contention that de Gaulle has
further plans for pulling France
farther away from the NATO al-
liance. On the other hand, France
has made no secret that it has
recommendations for revamping
the NATO structure.
Others Remain
As far as appearances go,
French naval oficers attached to
other activities in the Atlantic al-
liance will remain on duty. Only
those assigned directly to NATO
naval headquarters units are in-
There was no French concern
that withdrawal of the naval rep-
resentatives would prevent France
from being privy to decisions and
plans in the NATO - paval struc-
ture. ,
"After all when you plan for
war the plans are laid well in ad-
vance. We are familiar with what
has been carried on and these
things do not change greatly We
do not worry about this aspect"
World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON - United States-sup-
ported government troops press-
ed attacks on two sectors 400
miles apart yesterday against
Communist Viet Cong units that
took quick toll in casualties and
Targets were a Red training
and supply center in the moun-
tains near Do Xa, 300 miles north
of Saigon, and guerrilla concen-
trations around Kien Long, a
district center on the Ca Mau
peninsula southwest of this city.
Guerrillas guarding the Do Xa
Center downed two helicopters and
hit 13 others of a U.S.-Vietnamese
fleet of 40 that ferried troops into
the attrack in the north. They
killed 11 Vietnamese soldiers
while they were still airborne.
BOSTON-Atty. Gen. Edward
W. Brooke of Massachusetts, who
holds the highest-elective office of
any Negro in the nation, said
yesterday he plans to seek the
Republican nomination for gover-
"If I am to make the move, it
must be this year or never," the
43-year-old Brooke said.
SACRAMENTO--Sen. Clair En-
gle (D-Calf), choosing health over
career, threw California's Demo-
cratic race for his seat wide open
yesterday by giving up his fight
for re-election.
The 52-year-old senator, victim
of a brain ailment, didn't endorse
anyone for the party's nomination
in the' June 2 primary in a tele-
gram announcing his withdrawal
"with deep grief."
OTTAWA-A Russian newsman,
Vasily Tarasov, was ordered to
leave Canada immediately yester-
day for seeking secret informa-
tion about a Canadian industrial
process, Foreign Secretary Paul
Martin told the House of Com-
* *: *
NEW YORK-The stock market
staged a rebound yesterday after
two sessions of sharp decline, but
the volume was the smallest since
early March. The Dow Jones 65
stock average closed up 2.04, with
30 industrials up 4.83, 20 rails
up 2.18, and 15 utilities up .77.

Assistant to the Foreign News Editor
The New York Times
will speak on:
Friday, May 1 Rackham
at 3 p.m. Amphitheatre
The Public is Invited
(This advertisement paid for by the University Press Club of Michigan)

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson yesterday sent to
Congress a special $288 million
program for the 10-state Appala-

Leaders May
Invoke Cloture
WASHINGTON ()-Blunt no-
tice was served on Southern sen-
ators yesterday that a move will
be made to cut off debate on a
jury trial amendment to the clv-
li rights bill unless they agree to
vote on it by next Tuesday.
Minority leader Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen (R-Ill) said he and
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont),'
the majority leader, agreed on
this course.
Dirksen told newsmen he would
not be joining with Mansfield to
invoke the Senate's debate-limit-1
ing cloture rule unless he felt they
had the votes to put it over. 1
Two-Thirds Vote,
It takes a two-thirds majority of
senators voting, or 67 votes if all
100 senators vote, to choke off a
filibuster. Such a move has nev-
er been successful against civil
rights legislation.
Dirksen said the cloture peti-
tion, if filed, will be' directed
only to the jury trial amendment1
-not to the bill as a whole. 1
T h a t proposed amendment
would assure a jury trial to per-
sons charged with criminal con-i
tempt of court under injunctionI
provisions of the bill if the pro-l
posed penalty were more than 30
days in jail or a fine of more than
Substitute Amendment
Mansfield and Dirksen offered
the amendment last week as a
substitute for a Southern-spon-
sored proposal which would re-
quire a jury trial in all cases of
criminal contempt-not just in
civil rights cases--except when the
alleged contempt was committed
in court.
The leadership's amendment was
the focus of the debate on the
Senate floor, with Southerners
continuing to attack it. It was
the Senate's 42nd day of talking
about the bill.
Christian Science Organization, Tes-
timony meeting, April 30, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 528D, SAB.
Deutscher Verein, Concert, Secular
music of the European Renaissance:
Hassler, Lasso. Prietorius, Monteverdi,
vecchi, Morley and others; Ann Arbor
Renaissance Choir with members of
Ann Arbor Recorder Society, Wednes-
day, April 29. 8 p.m., Aud. A, Angell
Hall. Admission complimentary.
* *
La Sociedad Hispanica presents "La
Otra Orila," a play by Jose Lopez
Rubio in Spanish, 2:30 p.m., April 29,
Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. Tickets
available at door.
University Lutheran Chapel, Midweek
Devotion, conducted by Pastor Alfred
Schelps, April 29, 10 pm., 1511 Wash-
Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 30
Avril, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Young Democratic Club, Club elec-
tions, Wed., April 29, 7:30 p.m., Mich-
igan Union, 3RS. Speaker: Prof. James
Morgan of the Survey Research Center
and Professor of Economics. Elections
will follow Prof. Morgan's speech.
Baptist Student Union,'Sacred Music
program, Wed., April 29, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 528D, SAB.

chian region, which he said had
been bypassed by the "visible eco-
nomic progress of the nation."
This money would be in addition
to $34 million for the area includ-
ed in the anti-poverty bill now be-
fore the House Education and La-
bor Committee.'
Rep. Adam C. Powell, the com-
mittee's chairman, advised the
Johnson administration to expect
some changes in the bill as it
goes through Congress.
Aid Hike
The original $218 million total
for the special Appalachia program
was raised yesterday by $10 mil-
lion to take care of the special
needs of the coal mining industry,
and Ohio was added to the pro-
gram at the request of Gov. James
A. Rhodes.
The $10 million is in addition
to $3 million in the original plan
for research to find new markets
for coal.
The $228 million total for the
fiscal year starting July 1 will be-
gin a program expected to cost
ultimately between $3 'or 4 billion.
Powell, in discussing the ad-
ministration's anti-poverty bill
with reporters, did not say what
changes his committee might make
in it. But he showed small in-
terest in an alternative suggestion
by Rep. Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen
Frelinghuysen, at a news con-
ference held simultaneously with
the committee's hearings, unveiled
a three-year, $1.5 billion program
differing widely from the admin-
Instead of the youth training
camps, community action pro-
grams, aids'for the rural poor and
domestic service corps proposed by
the administration, Frelinghuysen
would allocate $500 million a year
to state agencies to carry out
state-drawn plans. He would also
require the states to match the
federal grant by one-third the
second year and by half in the
third year.
- Cooperation
Frelinghuysen said he had dis-
cussed his program with House
Republican leaders and other GOP
members of the committee and
hoped for some co-sponsors.
After Frelinghuysen's plan was
disclosed at the hearings, Rep.
William H. Ayres (R-Ohio) said
he was not taking any position on
either bill. He said he would wait
to see what the committee came
up with.

(Second in a series)
Sipeclai to the Daily
DETROIT-Who 'should find
Negroes for General Motors to
employ in locations where the
Negro population is small?
Arthur Johnson, executive sec-
retary of the Detroit branch Na-
tional Association of the Advance-
ment of Colored People, said that
it is GM's "duty" to find Negroes
to employ in all its plants.
He asked why some plants were
even built in .areas where no Ne-
groes lived.
No Find
But one high GM official con-
tended that in one area, company
officials searched for over six
months to find a Negro steno-
He said that it is sometimes very
difficult to find qualified Negroes
because of their scarcity.
- GM has called this a "broad
problem" that can be solved if
Negroes are motivated to get col-
lege educationis. One official said,
"if we inspire, them to continue
with education they will solve-the
Of the 32 Negro colleges under
the United Negro College Fund
which GM supports, only 119 Ne-
gro engineers graduated last year.
A Good Idea
The official said that one im-
portant way to solve the situation
on a long range, basis, is to provide
monies for the education of Ne-
General Motors reportedly pro-
vided $35,000 to the United Negro
College Fund and an additional
$400,000 for a building fund last
Johnson admitted that GM is
the largest contributer to the fund,
but he said that the amount GM
gives is "pitifully small" compared
to the amount it gives other char-
ities and organizations,
He said that GM has just re-
cently begun recruiting from Ne-
gro colleges.
Forget It Now
But Herbert Hill, labor secretary
of the NAACP, disagreed. He said
whether GM gives anything to the
colleges is not important-that the

; :xx-

3 $ v TV i

issue is "irrelevant." Hill said that
what "GM gives charities" does
not even concern what NAACP is
charging and should not be con-
sidered at this time.
The GM official added that the
company provides 1600 scholar-
ships for students at 220 colleges
each year. The student~s have been
selected without regard to race
since the program first began in
1955, he added.
There are .thirty such students
at the University.
They Have Them
A GM statement noted that
"Negroes are included among the
engineering students at General
Motors Institute, a fully accelerat-
ed engineering college at Flint,
Michigan, which is 'financed en-
tirely by General Motors."
The statement continues:
"Among the nonwhites now em-
ployed in skilled 'jobs and in super-
visory, engineering and other so-
called white collar jobs, there are
quite a number who have held
such positions for many years.
"Others have been promoted at
they acquire skills through train-
ing programs or qualified for bet-
ter positions on the basis of self-
improvement and spare - time
study under such programs as the
General Motors Tuition Refund
Pan-. ,
From Everywhere
"In addition General Motors
actively recruits for qualified non-
white engineering and other col-
lege graduates."
Johnson suggested that the is-
sue goes even farther than em-
ploying Negroes from colleges. He

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Prescription sunglasses
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said that General Motors shot
train more Negroes in skilled jo
But figures on the number
skilled Negro workers at GM a
Hill said that if GM does n
practice discrimination, then th
should release their figures regar
ing the number of Negroes empl(
ed in all levels of the company
He stressed that the NAACP 1
they have never been available
asked GM for these figures, b
the NAACP.
Hill noted that the many cor
plaints that have been filed
the NAACP have not produced I
desired results.
He said that in Boroville, Gec
gia, 'only 'after a complaint w
filed, were two or three Negrc
hired. Hill also cited a Chevro
plant in Atlanta where anoth
two or three Negroes were hir(
But Hill. charged that this w
not complying with the charges
General Motors has emphasiz
that it is one of the few plat
in the country where a man r
gardless of his race and with or
a grammar school education c
be earning three dollars an ho:
or $6000 a' year within 60 da
of his being hired.
Because of this General Mot
has beenable to provide jobs f
many people who would have h
trouble finding jobs elsewhe
While GM's total employment
the United' States has increas
4.1 per cent over 1963, their no
white employment has increas
13.2 per cent.
TOMORROW: Policies any
practices; are they are same?

Ill! a it 7P - 7 a-' a ""-6" -r a" r - ,.



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the past year.


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