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April 28, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-28

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Sit ~igau

:4Iait I

Variable cloudiness with
scattered showers

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom


Tobacco Firms Establish Code
Plans To Restrict Advertising Aimed at Youth,

NEW YORK (MP-The nation's
cigarette makers said yesterday
they have agreed on an advertis-
ing code stating that ads will "not
represent that cigarette smoking
is essential to social prominence,
distinction, success or sexual at-
Banned by the code are testi-
monials from athletes, celebrities
or anyone "who might have spe-
cial appeal to persons under 21."
The code also ends the distri-
bution of free sample cigarettes
to anyone under 21 and promotion
of cigarette smoking on school or
college campuses, including ad-,
To Name Administrator
The companies, represented by.

the Tobacco Institute, said an ad-
ministrator to enforce the code
will be named soon. All advertis-
ing must be first submitted to
him for approval.
The code, which must be cleared
by the Department of Justice for
compliance with anti-trust laws
will apply to all cigarette adver-
tising, the announcement said.
Several provisions of the code
cover statements about the effect
of filter tips and the removal of
substances from cigarette smoke
as relates to the smoker's health.
Health Criteria
No statements can be made un-
less they are "significant in terms
of health and based on adequate,
relevant and valid scientific data,'
the code states.
The administrator may name
scientific advisory panels, if nes-
The code states that cigarette
advertising shall not appear on
television and radio programs or
in publications that are directed
prirxarily to persons under 21, or
in spot announcements during, or
immediately before or after such
programs. ;
Persons shown smoking in ads
shall be at. least 25, the code
states, and "shall not be dressed
or otherwise made to appear to
be less than 25 years of age." The
provisions applies also to draw-
The code bans pictures of per-
sons "smoking in an exaggerated
Selection i
The code does not spell out how
the administrator will be chosen
although it was expected the nine
companies of the Tobacco Insti-
tute would select him.
The code says he must not be
an employe of any tobacco manu-
facturer or have a financial in-
terest in any such firm. Fines for
violation of the code 'may reach
$1 0,000. The administrator is to
de ermine when violations occur
and the amount of the fine. Hear-
ings can be held for violators.
The code came 3/2, months after
the United States Surgeon Gen-
eral's report that smoking con-
stitutes a hazard to health.
Concerning the widespread use
of athletes to sell sigarettes, the
code states:'
Well Known
"Cigarette advertising shall not
depict as a smoker any person
well known as being, on having
been, an athlete.
"Cigarette smoking shall not
depict as a smoker any person
participating in, or obviously hav-
ing just participated in, physical
activity requiring stamina or ath-

- letic conditioning beyond that
e I normal recreation.


Two Housing
Two p r o p o s e d amendments
w h i c h w o u l d considerably
strengthen Ann Arbor's Fair Hous-
ing Ordinance were recommended
for adoption by the Human Re-
lations Commission in a meeting
last Sunday.
They will now go before the
City Council for final action. Hu-
man Relations Director David
Cowley said that Sunday's meet-
ing was too late to allow the
amendments to be put on last
night's council agenda. They will
be included in council business
next week, he noted.
Commercial Space
The first amendment has been
spoken of -as the "commercial
space" amendment. It would pro-
vide for equal consideration for
Negroes who wish to sell or rent
space for commercial purposes.
Mrs. Eunice Burns, Democratic
representative from Ann Arbor's
First Ward, is sponsoring the
The second, "boarding house"
amendment, would extend the au-
thority of the Fair Housing Ordi-
nance to cover more boarding
houses than are now under its
Initially, problems arose over
the desired definition of "boarding
house." Recommendations from
University law professors and City
Attorney Jacob Fahrner cleared;
the matter up, however.
University Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
originally requested action on the
second amendment. He has ex-
pressed action on the second
amendment. He has expressed con-
cern to Ann Arbor's City Coun-;
cil that Negro University students
were being discriminated against
in local apartments.
None of' the parties concerned
would make any predictions on
the probable fate of the amend-
ments once they are presented to
the City Council.

"Testimonials from athletes or
celebrities in the entertainment
world, or testimonials from other
persons who, in the judgment of
the administrator, would have spe-
cial appeal to the persons under
21 years of age, shall not be
used in cigarette advertising:"
Health Effect
It is left to the administrator to
determine whether references to
filters imply that they have an
effect on health. If he judges they
do, then he must rule on whether
the references are significant and
based on valid scientific data.
The code also states that ref-
erences to the removal of sub-
stances from cigarette smoke may
be made only if the administrator
determines that it is medically
significant and scientifically val-
id or that the ad disclaims that
the removal of the substances has
Pollster Sees
'Support for
Rights Bill
WASHINGTON (A'}-Nationwide
support for the, administration's
civil rights bill, has increased
steadily the past six months and
is 'now much more than 2 to 1,
pollster Lou Harris reported yes-
The Harris poll showed that 70
per cent of those questioned fav-
ored the Kennedy-Johnson civil
rights bill in April compared with
63'per cent last November and 68
per cent last February.
~At, the same, time support for
the bill's section that would pro-
hibit ,discrimination in public ac-
commodations was running 62 per
cent with 27 per cent opposed and
11 per cent undecided, the poll
Among white Southerners, it
was noted 24 per cent favored
the section, 69 per cent opposed it
and 7 )per cent were undecided.
But: on the question of limit-
ing the civil rights debate in the
Senate even white Southerners
were slightly in favor. Nationwide,
63 per, cent favored limiting de-
bate while 24 opposed it. The re-
mainder in both categories were
Asked to rate President Lyndon
B. Johnson's handling of the civil
rigl ts bill, 67 per cent nationwide
termed it positive, 33 per cent
negative. Among white Southern-
rs Johnson scored 61 per cent
positive, 39 per cent negative.
Among Negroes the rating was 77
per cent positive 23 per cent neg-
Johnson Turns
Down New Plan
WASHINGTON tom)-A Nothern
Republican's proposal that Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson meet
with congressional leaders and re-
vise the stalled civil rights bill
was dropped yesterday when it
ran into administration resistance.
The suggestion that Johnson
take a hand in trying to settle
the controversy came after South-
ern opponents of the measure
slammed the door on any early
Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt)
told the Senate that the bill, now
in its eighth week of debate, con-
tains some "outstanding weak-a
"President Johnson must know
that continued insistence on pass-
ing the bill identically as it came
from the House will likely result
in killing the legislation," he


Investigation of the disturbance
at the Michigras carnival Satur-
day is continuing both by the Ann
Arbor police and by the Univer-
However, neither have reached
final conclusions as to who was
responsible for the incident or
exactly what the circumstances
were surrounding it.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis stated his
office is gathering information on.
the incident but has reached no
conclusions yet.
Lewis said, however, that if Uni-
versity students were found to be
responsible for the disturbance,
they would be dealt with through
"ordinary channels."
Ann Arbor police have pressed
no charges as yet and are holding
no one in connection with the in-
According to police, the dis-
turbance stemmed from a Friday
incident in which a Negro Youth
drew a knife on a white youth
after being ejected from a party.
Meet Again
The pair met again Saturday at
the carnival, apparently by chance
according to police, and when the
white youth struck the Negro in
the face and a general melee en-,




RIghts Protests Dot Country


Arraign DAC
Pickets for
Four members of the Direct Ac-
tion Committee, charged with un-
lawfully obstructing an Ann Ar-
bor police officer, were arraigned
in circuit court yesterday.
The four, participants in a
picket demonstration several
weeks ago at Ann Arbor City Hall,
stood mute to the charges and
were freed individually on $100
David Barnard, Phyliss Erfurt,
Martha Mason and Judy Weiss-
man appeared before Judge, Wil-
liam F. Ager, Jr. and remained
silent, allowing their temporary
counsel, Eugene Smith of Detroit,
to carry on all the court inter-
Judge Ager set May 1 as the
date for the trial.
Members of DAC stated that
Milton Henry, a Pontiac lawyer,
will serve as their defense lawyer
at that time. Henry, who acted
in the defense of the other DAC
pickets tried last week, was un-
able to be present for the arraign-
ment yesterday due to previously
scheduled court engagements in
the 'Detroit area.'

Here are the awards for the
booths and floats at the Michi-
gras festivities-last weekends
Scott-Elliott took first place
in floats with "This is the
Year that Will Be," and Zeta
Beta Tau and Kappa Alpha
Theta teamed up to capture
the first place show booth tro-
phy with "That Was the World
That Was."
The skill booth trophy went
to Cooley and Newberry for
"Midnight Zone," while "Dino's
Den" took honors in the re-
freshment booth category for
Zeta Tal Alpha and Phi Kappa
Ticket sales trophies also
went to "That Was the World
That Was" and "Dino's Len,"
while Chi Psi and Alpha Chi
Omega took the trophy in this
skill booth category for "Gun-
In show booths, Sigma Alpha
Mu and Alpha Epsilon Phi took
second with "Mac the Knife"
and Tau Delta Phi-Phi Sigma
Sigma third with "Late Min-
Sigma Alpha Mu-Alpha Ep-
silon Phi took second in floats
with "Let Michivision Put You
in the Driver's Seat," and But-
ler-Van Tyne's "Slaves of the
Tube" took third. "Michi-
Mouse Club" from Delta Chi-
Stockwell was judged most orig-
Other skill booth awards
went to Pi Lambda Phi-Sigma
Kappa for "Everglades," which
was second, and Alpha Gamma
Delta-Theta Delta Chi took
third with "Riverboat Gamble."
Alpha Sigma Phi-Kappa Del-
ta's "Hawaiian Eye" took sec-
ond in refreshment booths and
Hunt-Taylor's "Hare House"
took third.
"The disturbance was in no
sense a race riot," the police
spokesman asserted.
Michigras general co-chairman
Rogert Rogers, '65, said that his
committee did not close the car-
nival early. "At the request of the'
police department, members of
our committee began asking peo-
ple to leave the area. However,
the rides and booths were about
to close anyway."

By The Associated Press
CHESTER, Pa.-The Pennsyl-
vania Human Relations Commis-
sion, with the approval of Gov.
William W. Scranton who inter-
vened personally in violence-
marked civil rights demonstra-
tions here, decided yesterday to
hold public hearings into alleged
de facto segregation in the city's
public schools. ,
After a five and one half hour
meeting in nearby Philadelphia,
Harry Boyer, chairman of the
commission announced that three
days of hearings will begin at 10
a.m. Wednesday at the Pennsyl-
vania Military College here.
Earlier yesterday, in an atmos-
phere of outward calm, Chester
High School and two vocational
schools were reopened. They and
the' city's 15 junior high and
grade schols were closed for two
days last week because of civil
rights demonstrations.
In Nashville, club-swinging po-
licemen broke up anti-segregation
demonstrations by Negro teen-
agers and arrested 10 students
About 150 students took part
in Nashville's first sizeable dem-
onstrations since May, 1963, at
which time most restaurants, ho-
tels, theaters and other public fa-
clities- were desegregated. The
Mayor's Council on Human Re-
lations met to consider the dem-
onstrators' complaints.
Lester McKinnie, chairman of
the Nashville Student Non-Vio-
lent Coordinating Committee said
the students were demonstrating
for more job.opportunities, a local
public accommodations ordinance
and complete desegregation of
Church Integration
The Southern Presbyterian
Church meeting in Montreat,
N.C., yesterday ordered integra-
tion of its still-segregated presby-
teries in seven states. It also voted
to stay with the National Coun-
cil of Churches.
There are 4000 Presbyterian
churches with 937,000 members in
16 Southeastern and Southwest-
ern states. Only 12 churches in
the area have white and Negro
members now, but many others
have an open policy of admitting
Negroes, should they apply for
The integration order connects
43 Negro churches with a mem-
bership of 2,560 with the all-white
presbyteries-or church courts-
in North Carolina, South Caro-
lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi and Louisiana.
The order does not necessarily
affect individual- , congregations
but it calls for administrative ab-
sorption of three all-Negro pres-
byteries by white presbyteries.
General Conference
In Pittsburgh a minister and
a lay leader called on the Meth-
odist Church yesterday to rid it-
self of racial .segregation as the
church began a general confer-
Of the 13 million Methodists,
about 375,000 are United States
Negroes who are under a separate
arm of the church called the Cen-
tral Jurisdiction.
The Puerto Rican 10-member
delegation joined forces yesterday
with New York in a walkout over
segregation at the annual conven-
tion in New Orleans of the Adju-
tants General Association of the
United States.'
The integration issue was in-
jected into the convention when

the New York delegation pulled
out two days ago because a Negro
member was refused a room at the
hotel convention site.
In Washington the Supreme
Court agreed to rule on the valid-
ity of Florida laws banning Negro
and white persons of the opposite
sex getting married or living to-
gether unmarried.
An appeal by Dewey McLaugh-
lin, described as a Negro, and
Connie Hoffman. a white woman,
said Alabama, Arkansas, Louisi-

ana, Nevada, North Dakota and
rennessee have similar laws for-
bidding interracial occupancy of
the same room.
The pair was arrested in Miami
Beach in February, 1962 and each
was sentenced to 30 days in jail
and $150 fine.
Forbid Marriage
Their appeal asked "whether a
state can forbid parties from con-
tracting a lawful marriage within
the state because of their race,
and then convict the same parties
for entering into 'unlawful' co-
The pair contended that Florida
punishes Negroes and whites who
engage in certain conduct togeth-
er but does not forbid such con-
duct by Negroes only or whites
only." Florida, the appeal said,
"punishes an activity only if and
because it is interracial."
The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple filed a brief on behalf of the

Hospital Disruption
What police described as a row-
dy crowd of Negroes disrupted ac-
tivities at Central Receiving Hos-
pital yesterday in Los Angeles aft-
', >uer assertedly following ambulances
from the scene of a traffic acci-
dent in which five persons were,
Thedfracas was the latest in
a series of recent flareups involv-
ing traffic officers and Negroes
in the city.
State YD's Oppose Seats
ForMississippi Dixert


h __ _ _ _

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Opposition to seat-
ing of the Mississippi Dixiecrat
delegation at the Democratic -Na-
tional Convention has developed
in Michigan.
The Michigan Young Democrats
at their annual convention last
weekend expressed this opposition
by passing by a 16-1 vote a reso-
lution on the matter.
The resolution urges that the'
Freedom Party delegation be
seated instead of the regular Dem-
ocratic Party delegation. The
Freedom Party is a civil rights or-
ganization that collected 80,000
unofficial votes in the 1963 gub-
ernatorial race in Mississippi..
Supporters of the resolution
noted that seating of the Free-
dom Party offers an opportunity
for re-alignment of the Demo-
cratic Party. They explained that
if civil rightists are seated instead
of Dixiecrats, the Democratic
Party could change its image in
the South.
Sheriff Nabs
111 from MSU
In Beer Raid
CORUNNA (P)-A total of 111
Michigan State University stu-
dents,' including both men and
women, were arrested at a beer
drinking party in a Shiawassee
County woods on the weekend.
Vowing he wouldn't stand for
such goings-on, Sheriff Clifford
Porter warned yesterday he would
conduct a raid "every night if
necessary" to stop a practice
which he said began two weeks
No Joke
"I'm not joking," Porter said.
The students, who were inclin-
ed to treat the incident lightly,
were rounded up by a force of
about 30 officers led 'by Porter
Saturday night.
Porter said he and his men
responded to a farmer's complaint
about the party.
The students had kegs of beer.j

The resolution's backers also
argued that the Dixiecrats should
not be seated because of their,
opposition to Demicratic Party;
candidates for President in 1948,
1956 and 1960.
That resolution and 13 others
passed by the MYD resolutions
committee, will go to the MYD
executive board for final action at
its next meeting. Four other reso-
lutions passed by the committee
reached the general assembly of
the MYD convention and were
Alaska Aid
These four supported aid to
Alaska, the tax cut and enactment
:f a comprehensive medicare pro-
gram, and voiced opposition to
state "right to work" laws.
David Vaughn, '66, was elected
MYD treasurer. Vaughn is a
former chairman of the Univer-
sity's Young Democrats.
Other officers elected -were:
president, Jordan Rossen; first
vice-chairman, Charles Rogers;
second vice - chairman, Stephan
Dobkowski; secretary, Susan Mon-
tecello; national committeewoman,
Janice Pettee; and Women's Fed-
eration representative, Lois St.
Aubin. Rossen was elected without
opposition for a second term.
Former Michigan Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams addressed the meet-
ing, warning the 200 delegates
that the United States can de-
stroy itself just as easily by racial
conflict as by nuclear war. "We
have to achieve good race rela-
tions both in the United States
and throughout the world," he de-
Meeting after Williams' speech,
the resolutions committee voted to
support the civil rights bill now
before Congress. The committee
defeated a resolution urging re-
vision of the bill so as to delete
provisions permitting discrimin-
ation against athiests and Com-
Sees Initiative
By Vietnamese
BAC LIEU, South Viet Nam (P)
--In what was shaping up as a
major test of strength, Vietnam-
ese soldiers inched forward under
Communist mnrtar fire on the Ca

party Ballot
Lesinski Plan Misses
Senate Liquor Group
In Sidetracking Move
LANSING - A bill to abolish
Michigan's familiar state party
ticket was shoved through the
House on its second try last night.
The hotly disputed proposal was
approved on a 57-46 vote as two
Republican lawmakers that help-
ed defeat it last Friday fell back
into line.
However, the so-called "Massa-
chusetts ballot" faces a hazy fu-
ture in the Senate today.
House Republican leaders said
they were hopeful the ballot bill
could be used as leverage to gain
Senate acceptance of congression-
al redistricting plan already ap-
proved by the House.
House Speaker Allison Green
(R-Kingston) and elections com-
mittee chairman Russell Strange
(R-Clare) said they frankly did
not know how much backing the
bill would have in the Senate.
In order to pass, the bill pre-
sumably would have to attract
from a coalition of 10 Democrats
and 10 Republicans. The coali-
tion succeeded last week in pass-
ing a congressional reapportion-
ment plan.
Revival of the measure in the
House sparked long-winded de-
bate which divided that chamber
along partisan lines and brought
Democratic charges that Green
was making the rules up as he
went along.
Supports Higgins
Meanwhile, in the Senate, Lt.
Gov. T. John Lesinski came with-
in a few votes of sending the
House-approved congressional dis-
tricting bill -to the Senate Com-
mittee on Liquor Control.


Woodcock Calls for Increase in Public Spending

"The American people m u st
overcome their prejudice against
untraditional public investment in
such things as schools and slum
improvements," Leonard Wood-
cock, vice-president of United

reason, support by the federal
government will be needed, he
Popular Notion
Woodcock deplored the popular
notion that everyone must attend'
college. saving that those who are

need for organization of these
employes, Woodcock said.'
Until now, they have profited
from the benefits won by the blue
collar unions, but', with the de-
creasing strength of blue collar
workers, white collar workers must

A vote of..28-24 kept the1
out of the. liquor control comm
tee - which is made up of se
tors who passed the Democr
plan in a dramatic post-midni
coup last week.
Sen. Haskell Nichols (R-Ja
son) objected when he -heard
unusual committee assignment
Lesinski, who is president of
A more traditional commit

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