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April 22, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-04-22

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Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

74I ait&r

Partly cloudy
with afternoon rain



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T o Deter
NEW YORK (AP)-Stern emer-
gency - measures were mounted
yesterday against possible racial
violence at today's opening of
the New York World's Fair,
Stockades, tear gas and nearly
3000 police awaited any disorder-
ly civil rights demonstrators.
The bishop of a Harlem church,
meanwhile, decried the planned
demonstrations as inviting a
"blood baptism."
Insurgent groups, led by the
suspended Brooklyn chapter of
the Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE), ignored disfavor from
racial associates and the threat
of court action by insisting they
will go ahead with a "stall-in"
on highways leading to the fair.
The plan was to put an esti-
mated 2000 cars on the highways
in the midst of what is expected
to be a heavy crush of traffic,
then have them run out of gas.
A state supreme court order has
placed such demonstrators in
peril of imprisonment for con-
In explaining the purpose of the
demonstration, Isiah Brunson, 22,
Negro chairman of Brooklyn
CORE, has said:
"We are having the 'stall-in' ...
because the city and state have
seen fit to spend millions and
millions to build the World's Fair,
but have not seen fit to eliminate
the problems of Negroes and
Puerto Ricans in New York City."
Peaceful Pickets
The stall-in plans have been
denounced by major Negro civil
rights groups and the national
CORE has suspended the Brook-
lyn chapter.
James Farmer, national direc-
tor of CORE, yesterday disclosed
that the organization will instead
carry on its own peaceful demon-
strations by picketing at the fair
-partly to counter the stall-in.
Regarding the demonstrations,
fair officials said in part in a,
"Equal rights are not advanced
by violating the law and incon-
veniencing one's fellow citizens...
'In the over-all public interest,
the fair's police force on opening
day will exert every effort to avoid
conflict with the demonstrators
so long as CORE adheres to its
representation that illegal demon-
strations will at least remain or-
derly and not interfere with the
fair's operation."
However, stockades able to
handle up to 3000 persons were in
readiness--should it be necessary
--at the fair to hold demonstra-
tors temporarily until they can
be turned over to city police.

Jpoint Judie Moves
Into Apartment Case
Pending before Joint Judiciary Council is a case involving
charges of gross misbehavior by four students in off-campus
housing. If JJC rules on the case it will extend its influence into
an area which it has never handled before to any extent.
The case involves alleged misconduct in an apartment
which has caused an unreasonable amount of noise and dam-
age. Other students living in the building have complained as
well as the landlords.
"Joint Judic will have to decide whether to merely make
the students pay damages-which they are willing to do-and
let them move into another 4
apartment where they might r' f }i.:
repeat the same offense, rec-
ommend suspension from the
University, or mete out some
other punishment," John Bing-
ley, director of student activi-
ties and organizations, explain- >
ed recently.
Transfer to OSA
In the past, most cases in-_r<MM|r
volving similar offenses have'
been turned over by JJC to the
Office of Student Affairs for
Reluctance on the part of
JJC to rule on cases of this
type stems from the fact that
they sometimes bring the con-
tract for the apartment into
the situation.
"When violation of a con- JOHN BINGLEY
tract occurs, we often have
had to seek legal aid. In the future, we can conceive of employ-
ing someone with legal training just to serve as an adviser on the
many complaints that come before us," Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie,
coordinator of associated and off-campus housing, said.
No Written Policy
This type of work involving contractual agreements "is so
complex that JJC feels that it does not have the knowledge or
the time to go into this field," Bingley added.
However there never has been a policy statement distin-
guishing between students who live in off-campus housing and
those who don't, Mrs. Leslie said. JJC has disciplinary authority
over a student regardless of where he may live.
The date for the hearing of the current case has not been
set yet. "As far as I know Judic won't handle the case while
I'm chairman," Jack Kauffman, '64, chairman of JJC, stated.
However, Kauffman will only hold office for two more
FPA Adopts Revised
Fall Rush Regulations


May Alter
Spring Fete
Spring Weekend may be one o
trimester's first casualities.
If the trimester calendar is pu
into operation, final exams will b
held in the middle of April. Ir
this case it will be quite difficult
to schedule Spring Weekend.
Suggestions for dealing with th
problem were discussed at th
League Council meeting yesterday
One of the primary solutions be-
ing considered is to replace Spring
Weekend with a Winter Carnival
either onthe order of Spring
Weekend or on a completely new
basis. It would be held sometime
in February, the date tentatively
being set for the weekend of Feb.
12 and 13.
Earlier Finish
Since the spring semester may
be pushed to end even earlier in
the 1965-66 academic year, the
idea of having a big weekend early
in the fall to supplant the- tra-
ditional Spring Weekend is also
being considered.
Other suggestions include mak-
ing Homecoming the major big
weekend of the year instead of
the spring activities or making
Michigras an annual event and
holding a smaller, less expensive
weekend in the fall.
No final decisions on any of
these proposals or on any other
ideas that may be suggested will
be made until the calendaring for
next year is finalized.
The decision on calendaring de-
pends on appropriations, which
are now being considered by the
state Legislature.
Room for Third Term
If the University receives enough
money, spring semester will be
pushed up in order to accommo-
date a full semester in the sum-
mer. This would place the semes-
ter's end- and the last-minute
academic rush which precedes it
-too early to insure good weather
for spring events. But the fall
semester, starting at the end of
August, would contain enough In-
dian Summer days to permit such
events then.
However, if the University's
operating appropriation were sub-
stantially cut in Lansing, a full-
fledged third term would be im-
possible. Consequently, the school-
year calendar would remain essen-
tially as it is-with the spring
term ending in May-for at least
another year.
SGC To Study
Rules Control
Student Government Council
tonight will consider the feasi-
bility of taking over the task of
regulating student conduct.
The motions to be discussed
concern both the specific areas
in which SGC wishes to have con-
trol and Council's proposed rule-
making procedure.
A motion to be presented by
Barry Bluestone, '66, advocates
Council control student conduct
in housing units, autombolies and
library regulations, and rules con-
cerning alcohol.
He will propose that SGC also
be responsible for regulations
concerning off-campus housing.
Council President T h o m a s
Smithson, '65, will introduce a
plan outlining a possible proced-
ure through which SGC may make
or change rules. His plan provides
for any rule change proposed sub-
mitted to Council to later be sub-
mitted to the student body at a
hearing where constituents would
have an opportunity to speak for
or against the change.

Britain Joins U.S., Soviets
in Slicing Nuclear Output

-Daily-Jeffrey Bates
LITERARY COLLEGE OBSOLETE? was the topic of discussion of a meeting last night of the
local chapter of the American Association of University Professors. Participating were, from left to
right, Prof. Oleg Grabar, chairman of the college's curriculum committee; Prof. Warner G. Rice,
chairman of the English department; Prof. Sheridan Baker of the English department (moderator)
and Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns.
Probe LSARoe, Structure

The Fraternity Presidents As-
sociation last night adopted a rush'
plan for next fall that significant-
ly changes both the current rushj
program and recommendations
made by the Inter-Fraternity
Council executive committee last
Ask Review of
Court Decision
WASHINGTON (M)-The Justice
Department asked the Supreme
Court yesterday to review a deci-
sion upsetting the Communist par-
ty's conviction on a charge of
failing to register as an agent of
the Soviet Union.
The party was convicted on Dec.
17, 1962 of violating the 1950
Subversives Activities Control Act
and given the maximum penalty of
$10,000 fine on each of 12 counts
in the indictment.
One year later the United States
Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia overturned the con-
viction on the ground the govern-
ment failed, to prove during the
trial that there was a volunteer
available who would step forward
and register for the party.

The fall program will require
fraternities to hold open houses
beginning on the first Sunday
after the first Tuesday of classes.
Open houses will be held that
Sunday between 2 and 5 p.m. and
7 and 10 p.m., and on the follow-
ing Monday and Tuesday between
7 and 9 p.m.
During the week after the last
day of open houses, fraternities
will be permitted to rush as they
please between 8 and 9 p.m., with
the exception that no women will
be allowed to assist in rush dur-
ing the first week. The remainder
of the semester will be an open
rush period.
Bidding will begin on the first
Thursday of rush, the same as
last year. The IFC executive com-
mittee had recommended that
Wednesday be the first day of
"The revisions adopted last
night reflect a continuing liberal-
ization of rush regulations at
University fraternities," Lawrence
Lossing, '65, IFC president, com-
The FPA also passed a resolu-
tion encouraging all campus fra-
ternities to raise the minimum
grade point average for initiation
above the 2.00 required for a stu-
dent to be in good standing at
the University.

A literary college committee
chairman, a department chairman
and a vice-president last night dis-
sected the purposes and functions
of the literary college, distribution
requirements, departmental orga-
nization and the concept of a lib-
eral education in general.
To Prof. Oleg Grabar of the
art history department, chairman
of the literary college curriculum
committee, the issue is not the
desirability or even the feasibil-
ity of a general liberal educa-
tion for the undergraduate, but
rather the means which the lit-
erary college makes available for'
fulfilling that aim.
To Prof. Warner G. Rice, chair-
man of the English department,
the issue is whether or not a gen-
eral education is at all possible to-
day-or even desirable in the first
place-since the scope of man's
activities and knowledge is ex-
panding at such a fantastic rate.
Fragmentation of Efforts
But Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns intimat-
ed that, while Prof. Rice might
seem almost to envision giving
up on general education-forget-
ting the "Renaissance man" who
has an understanding of and ca-
pacity in the whole range of hu-
man endeavor-the English pro-
fessor would be the last one to
advocate the individual embarking
on increased specialization and
fragmentation of his efforts.
As a possible solution to mak-
ing the general education more
attainable, Heyns proposed a sep-
aration of teaching functions, on
the undergraduate level at least,
from the many other activities of
college departments. His specific
proposal was a literary college of
faculty and students almost solely
occupied with teaching - leaving
the department units as "disci-
plinary headquarters" for the wide
range of activities which depart-
ments presently engage in.
Prof. Grabar, whose commit-
tee's proposals will be submitted
to the literary college in May,
stressed the great problems in-
volved in the implementation
through distribution requirements
of the general-education goal:

--Introductory courses often fail
to communicate the real nature
and appeal of the field of study.
"What the undergraduate in a
beginning course encounters is not
what makes the top men in the
Lfield stick," he said.
-There is often a good deal
of time wasted in fulfilling dis-
tribution requirements, especially
for students who already have
made some decision about their
--Faculty conceive of the real
rewards in teaching as getting out
of introductory courses-or at best
Group Plans
Study Tours
A faculty group will embark for
London next month to explore the
feasibility of arranging study tours
there for large numbers of educa-
tion school students.
The study tours were conceived
as a way of extending the existing
exchange program with the Uni-
versity of Sheffield which now ac-
commodates only 55 University
The Committee on International
Education, headed by Prof. Claude
A. Eggertsen of the education
school, decided that "all persons
who work for a certificate should
be informed about education and
society in at least one other na-
tion. Since this cannot be accom-
plished through courses alone, all
such persons should have the op-
portunity to study abroad."
It was recommended to the ex-
ecutive committee of the educa-
tion school that such a chance
be offered through study tours
conducted for credit in the first
part of the third term of the tri-
The tours would last only four,
to six weeks. "It would be impos-
sible to increase the exchange.
program to a semester or a year
abi'oad," Prof. Eggertsen com-
mented. "We'd have to use all the
universities in Britain."
Study Program
A participant in the program
would earn from four to six credits
in comparative education and in
his own field. He would study in-
tensively through observation of
British schools and meetings with+
various academic associations and'
If the group goes next spring it
will number 150 students and cost
about $500 per person. "Ultimately
it may be possible to take several1
groups abroad each year and even
extend the program to such cen-i
ters as Paris and Copenhagen,",
Prof. Eggertsen said.
Definite plans for the tour will1
be announced next fall after the
faculty group has returned from
its own London study tour, May
19-June 8.

as "pontificating on stage for an
hour and then disappearing.",
Function Conflict
-There is a conflict of func-
tions between the college and the
department. The latter actually
handles the teaching, but is often
unconcerned about broader educa-
tion, while the former has the
power-especially in its authority
to grant substitutions for stand-
ard distribution requirements -
over general education, but can-
not influence specific course con-
Prof. Grabar sees these prob-
lems requiring a clear-cut choice
of alternatives: either present dis-
tribution requirements must be
liberalized and requirements, bas-
ed on prerequisites for concen-
tration, must be handled by de-
partments; or by the present sys-
tem must be maintained but plac-
ed under the authority of a
strengthened college curriculum
committee which would have a say
in exactly how courses are taught.
To Prof. Rice, however, the
whole efficacy of a liberal educa-
tion is becoming questionable. His-
tory is-and can be-increasing-
ly disregarded as a foundation for
knowledge; more and more man
must base important decisions on
t r u s t e d specialized authorities,
since he simply cannot be like
the "complete" Renaissance man
who grasped everything.
Loss of the Humane
The individual must be in-
completembydnature;sthere are
fewer and fewer areas which are
peculiarly "human" in the sense
of the broad discipline of humani-
ties. We must accept this incom-
pleteness and look to teams of
specialists to accomplish the work
of the future, he said.
But others attending the meet-
ing of the American Association
of University Professors at which
Heyns and Professors Grabar and
Rice spoke were less willing to
abandon the benefits of the lib-
eral education.
Specifically, Dean William Ha-
ber of the literary college noted
that present trends simply mean
that liberal education must be un-
derwritten all the more strongly
and effectively.
. Heyns spoke out for one pos-
sibly more effective means of sav-
ing liberal education.
Loss of Contact
He argued that the present ple-
thora of functions which depart-
ments must carry out saps them
of identification with and ability
in undergraduate teaching. The
range of activities centering
around departments has expanded
most since the war, he said. To-
day it includes not only teaching
but departmental and institution-
al research, administration, service
and joint efforts with other de-
partments and/or other colleges.
What results is a kind of chaotic
headquarters for a discipline which
tends to have a "frivolous and ca-
pricious" attitude toward under-
graduate education.
If teachingcould be made the
activity solely of the college -

Slash Stocks
To 'inimal'
Wilson Hails Accord,
Denies It Represents
Step to Disarmament
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Britain yesterday
announced that it has joined the
United States-Soviet Union agree-
ment to cut back on the produc-
tion of fissionable materials for
use in nuclear weapons.
Prime Minister Alec Douglas-
Home told the House of Com-
mons that his nation's production
of military plutonium "is being
gradually terminated.'
He termed the U.S.-Russian pact
"very pertinent and significant,"
adding that Britain has adjusted
its supplies of fissionable material
"to the minimum necessary to
maintain our independent nuclear
deterrent and to meet all our de-
fense requirements for the fore-
seeable future."
Labor Approval
Harold Wilson, opposition Labor
Party leader, also expressed ap-
proval of the recent moves.
He noted that in view of .the
nuclear explosive power in the
hands of both the U.S. and Rus-
sia-estimated at 25 tons of TNT
per man, woman and child on
earth-the latest cutbacks could
hardly be considered an actual act
of disarmament.
"Most of us will feel that it is,
nevertheless, a welcome psycholog-
ical step on the roadto peace.
Enriched Uranium
President Lyndon B. Johnson
announced yesterday that the
U.S. will reduce production of en-
riched uranium by 40 per cent and
of plutonium by 20 per cent. At
the same time, Russia indicated
that its cutbacks would be com
The British prime minister's
announcement also noted that the
U.S. has agreed not to use any of
its plutonium which it currently
gets from Britain under existing
agreements for weapons produc-
France, on the other hand,
seemed to be little affected by the
agreements. Paris sources said
yesterday that the cutbacks had
little meaning except to show that
Washington and Moscow are talk-
ing with each other again.
Force de Frappe
This restrained reaction was in
keeping with French President
Charles de Gaulle's policy of stay-
ing aloof from big power nuclear
accords while developing an inde-
pendent "force de frappe" of his
French sources also said that
despite the agreements, the re-
spective weapons needs of the
U.S. and Russia will remain fully
covered. r
Little Support
To Goldwater
NEWARK WP)-Three pro-Gold-
water candidates fell out of the
running quickly and trailed far
behindgan uncommitted Republi-
can organization slate of National
Convention delegates in New
Jersey's listless primary election
Scattered returns showed the
three delegates supporting sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) getting
less than 10 per cent of the vote
and barely ahead of a splinter
slate running in an intra-party
dispute in Hudson County.-

William. L. Stubbs, a 46-year-
old automobile dealer from New-
ark, became the first Negro can-
lidate for Congress ever nominated
by a major party when he won the
primary election in the 11th dis-
The top man among the ad-
herents of Goldwater wasformer
congressman Fred A. Hartley, co-


Need a Socialevolution'
"America can no longer look on poverty and shrug its shoulders."
Irving Bluestone, administrative assistant to United Auto Workers
President Walter Reuther, thus expressed the overriding theme of a
panel discussion last night entitled: "The Peace, Civil Rights and
Labor Movement-Their Relevance to the War on Poverty.":
Richard Flacks of the conflict resolution center and Frank Joyce,
national chairman of the Northern Student Movement, used then
term "social revolution" to describe what would be needed to end
poverty in this country. The major problem, they seemed to agree,
was one of the nation's power structure which maintains these pockets
of poverty.

To Halt Poverty

he explained, would be to "transfer these irresponsible centers of
power to new centers of power and get poverty reforms."
In his discussion of poverty's relation to the labor movement,
Bluestone cited America's unemployment figure of 4.5 per cent-the
highest of all the industrial nations of the world. He added that the
U.S. economic growth rate of 1.5 per cent is substantially below that
of other industrial nations.
He claimed that "the money is lost because we have failed to
create it. We are not making use of our wealth." He, like Flacks, felt
that the transfer of funds from building weapons to public develop-
ments would boost the economy and thereby provide jobs.
He cited the National Citizen's Crusade which is being launched
by the TT A W After havino. raisd a millinn 1dlars this zrouin s

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